Man Beheads Wife in 'Honor' Killing

Doubt he was religious. Why do people automatically assume if you're attached to your cultural norms, you must be religious? Thats like saying all Americans who invade and occupy are Crusaders.
No, but Zia-ul-Haq instituted Hudud laws in the seventies, where he included the pardon/compensation/punishment clauses.

Which, given that the perpetrators of honor killing are almost always members of the victim's families, amounts to the decriminalization of honor killing.

But I am not aware of current legal statutes.

Musharraf signed a new law in 2005 that made honor killing a crime of its own, punishable by death. Coincidentally, 2005 was a big year for honor killing in Pakistan, with over 10,000 such murders being carried out that year alone.

Not that the legal status of honor killing in Pakistan has much bearing on what actually happens on the ground. The fact is that the authorities are loathe to pursue it, and so simply report the deaths as suicides or accidents (when they aren't actively involved in perpetrating the crimes themselves, that is). And so, honor killings in Pakistan have continued unabated, totalling thousands of women and girls per year (and countless others abused and tortured). Meanwhile, there are Pakistani parlaimentarians that openly defend the practice and push for its explicit legalization.
Doubt he was religious.

Regardless of how religious he may have been in his personal life, he made a career out of representing Muslims in America, and working to shape their perception. There is no question he self-identified as "Muslim." There are no assumptions required to regard this guy as representing his religion, as that is what he explicitly dedicated his career to.
so the state will get to pick up the bill for his incarceration. No doubt high profile case he'll get a cell of his own.

Or they can put him in with the general population, which will give him one week to live tops
SAM said:
How does the domestic violence in the US compare to other countries?

Depends on how you keep the stats. By US standards, the rate in of wife abuse in Saudi Arabia approaches 100% - not letting them out of the house without a guard, hiring guys to hang around with sticks and beat them for petty violations of arbitrary rules, etc. Genital mutilation in many Islamic countries would also count as serious domestic abuse in the US.

In fact, the normal society in many of those countries would be classified as organized terrorism comparable to the KKK in the US, directed at women.

On the other hand, according to the Saudis and other Islamic states in the region, and I'm sure you can verify this via Diamondheart, there is very little domestic abuse in truly Islamic countries. There is also very little homosexuality, or other aberrant behaviors. The high rates of all this stuff observed in the US among immigrant populations from these countries are due to flaws in US culture and customs, we are told.

And the US does record, carefully in studies and official procedures, plenty of domestic abuse.
SAM said:
Why do people automatically assume if you're attached to your cultural norms, you must be religious?
If being religious is among the cultural norms, and nthe guy is attached to them, it seems the way to bet.
The so-called Penal Code which was linked was from 1860, i.e. when Pakistan did not exist and the British were forcefully occupying South Asia. Did you even bother to open the link, Q?

Other than this, I see a lot of rhetoric and ethnic hatred from Westerners directed against Muslim culture. It seems Westerners are defining Islamic culture, not by the prevalent norms of societies, but of the one or two exceptions they read online or were told by their conservative talk show hosts.

Westerners tend to think of issues as an 'our' civilization versus 'their' civilization, where 'our' civilization is superior in every way to 'theirs' so it is incumbent on the white man to civilize these heathens. Unfortunately, the colonial and imperialistic outlook among some Westerners has never died down, it was simply well hidden and now emerges against foreign cultures who they have a vested interest in gaining dominance over. When Westerners talk about the evil customs in other cultures (usually blowing it vastly out of proportion) and make it seem as if it applies to every person of that race of civilization, it justifies the occupation, murder, and oppression of these people. This same practice was used against Native Americans and Africans who were brought by white Americans as slaves to work their land. It is again being used now against Muslims.

A husband killing a wife is a crime in any society, and Islamic society in particular. Islamic law states that if a man murders his wife, the punishment is execution. There is no other way around it. You can read the books of Fiqh of all Mazhahib regarding these matters, they are clear. If you want to prove Islamic law supports or encourages this, you have to provide sources, otherwise your statements will be perceived as merely prejudice and false rhetoric.

Now I find it very intellectually dishonesty that these posters are trying to connect the murder of one man of his wife to an entire religious group consisting of more than 1.7 billion individuals. Has such an injustice and lie ever been perpetuated against any other group? This about it, if we try to say this about Spanish, Black, or Jews, it would be wrong and racist. However, Muslims are an exception because they are scum who should be killed and cannot be trusted, and according to Q are all liars. This rhetoric would remind anyone of Nazi Germany. If these individuals had been born in that era, I'm sure they would be in first to support the pogroms against undesirable minorities.

The last point I would like to make an observation. No Muslim on this forum has yet stated they support this crime, indeed all of condemned it. Therefore, what gives these posters the right to appropriate blame to innocent people who have nothing to do with this case. I was reading in the news, one thousand innocent civilians (mostly women and children) were murdered by the Israeli bombardment of civilian neighborhoods in Gaza, and look how silent these self-styled 'champions of liberty' are. This month alone, more than 100 school children were killed by a missile deployed by a US drone in Northern Pakistan. Where is the cry for these victims?

The sad truth is that these self-righteous 'champions of liberty' will ignore all deaths caused by them and the complicity of their military institutions against innocent Muslim civilians, but will gladly take the case of one victim in a murder to condemn all the rest of the Muslims, almost all of which abhor these acts.

Hypocrisy, deceit, and lies. Muslims are savages and they must be made to feel inferior to Western civilization. Any story which achieves this purpose is welcome in this 'free society' which lives on the skulls and bones of little Muslim children. What right have you to talk of liberty and justice, your country is the champion of enslaving others and oppressing them.
All well and fine, perhaps if he was running the Muslim TV network in the US it would be another story.

But a lot of us self righteous champions of liberty are just as harsh on criminal here also.

If you don't think that a good deal of people over here aren't angry about the senseless killings that came about due to George Bush's illegal war then you are sadly mistaken.

If Pakistan would be willing to take the bastard back and chop his head off it would be fine with me, so far I have seen no offer from them to do so. Have you??
I just read a news article in which a Muslim man from Pakistan, currently living and making a living in America, brutally beheaded his wife at their place of work, claiming it was an 'honor' killing. His reason for this 'honor' killing: She served him divorce papers.

His current defense, the media says, is that because 'honor' killing is a cultural belief and practice he should not be charged with murder.

What do people think of this? Please discuss respectfully as possible and attempt to not be racist.

Links to article:

The law of the U.S. always takes precedence so he'll be charged, convicted, and punished accordingly.
Diamond is right:

The murder of one woman, whose murderer will be prosecuted, is blown all out of proportion but the continuing murder of hundreds of thousands maybe even millions (we don't do body counts) are just by the by.
Oh, continue your unending (and quite unedifying) diatriabe against religion in general and Islam in particular. It doesn't alter the fact that the behaviour (and for that matter the religion) are artifacts of human instinctual presdispositions, not the other way round. However, I have come to accept that you often have things the wrong way round - which is probably why you usually talk shit.:)

You should try reading up on the subject before talking shit, O. Then, you can explain why the Pakistani court systems ascribe Islam to support these killings.
The so-called Penal Code which was linked was from 1860, i.e. when Pakistan did not exist and the British were forcefully occupying South Asia. Did you even bother to open the link, Q?

Yes, and I read it too. Did you notice where it said:

"Pakistan Penal Code Act (PPC) Updated 2008"

You should read it too.
Diamond is right:

The murder of one woman, whose murderer will be prosecuted, is blown all out of proportion but the continuing murder of hundreds of thousands maybe even millions (we don't do body counts) are just by the by.

Perhaps if terrorists and muslim militants didn't hide amongst civilians, women and children, these casualties would be greatly reduced. ;)
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It seems Westerners are defining Islamic culture, not by the prevalent norms of societies, but of the one or two exceptions they read online or were told by their conservative talk show hosts.

That is a lie. There are a multitude of sources both Muslims and non-Muslims use. For example, I lived in Muslim countries with Muslim families. I can relate my experiences with online sources.

Westerners tend to think of issues as an 'our' civilization versus 'their' civilization, where 'our' civilization is superior in every way to 'theirs' so it is incumbent on the white man to civilize these heathens.

Another lie. It is the Islamic state that has made the decision to separate themselves from the rest of the world.

This same practice was used against Native Americans and Africans who were brought by white Americans as slaves to work their land. It is again being used now against Muslims.

More lies. You're clearly ignorant of the subject matter to make such comments.

Islamic law states that if a man murders his wife, the punishment is execution. There is no other way around it.

Islamic law? What is that exactly? The Quran? The Hadith? Please explain.

If you want to prove Islamic law supports or encourages this, you have to provide sources, otherwise your statements will be perceived as merely prejudice and false rhetoric.

The link is above to one set of penal code. Read it.

However, Muslims are an exception because they are scum who should be killed and cannot be trusted, and according to Q are all liars.

Not all, just the ones that have been shown to be lying, like you and Sam.

This rhetoric would remind anyone of Nazi Germany. If these individuals had been born in that era, I'm sure they would be in first to support the pogroms against undesirable minorities.

That's too funny, considering the Islamic state is as close to Nazism as an ideology can get.
its too ridiculous to create a phony link between any religion or race and between individualism mistakes !

while if we look deeply we will find that crimes is unjustifiable in all ideologies, maybe with little difference between any nation and other, resulting from different criterions but the problem is when some one/people have a superficiality view to the life, focusing on phenomenons not on facts ....

like honor killing, or even murders which done by muslims, they don't say that's wrong no one should do that, but they say: islam is hoax, islam justified every thing bad, or even this crime have a root in islam .........they said

but if we look deeply, what we will see, that crimes don't know what realign mean, what charity or friendship mean, what islam christianity mean .......crime also don't know what borders mean, its not something jews have without the muslims or christians !!!!

in islam you can't kill any one with such reasons, we have very resolute juridical system, even if it was about "honor" ....because its "too hard" judge any woman and man by ADULTERY, u should have 4 witness saw this occurrence without any doubt, and if someone hesitate, the judge will punish him ...

in islam history we read two stories about man and woman FORNICATED, the man was his name" maaez" confess to the prophet, so as the woman, while its too shame to do that, but the prophet was sp wisdom, he didn't asked him/ and her about this offense in the beginning, he hope that he didn't told him, cus he knew that he will turn to God in repentance ....
he either didn't asked their about the partners, because the prophet knew that the penalty legislated to prevent the spread the adultery .... the islamic penalty distinguish between the married and signal, as confession, that the signal maybe accuse a mistake because his financial situation or even socialite situation, while the married have no excuse to do that while he comply with "needs" .
in islam we don't see any difference between men and women, if the man do a mistake he will punish in the same punishment which women will punish by it ....

at last i think that read some statistics will help some people to realize that crimes don't know what religion or race mean !!!!

-some statics about crime in usa from 2004- 2004
Violent crime

- in 2007 more than 90,427 rape state, 16,929 murders, 1,408,337 violence

In the year 2000 United States had an estimated population of 626,932 which ranked the state as having the 48th in population. For that year the State of United States had a total Crime Index of 4,249.4 reported incidents per 100,000 people. This ranked the state as having the 22nd highest total Crime Index. For Violent Crime United States had a reported incident rate of 566.9 per 100,000 people. This ranked the state as having the 10th highest occurrence for Violent Crime among the states. For crimes against Property, the state had a reported incident rate of 3,682.5 per 100,000 people, which ranked as the state 23rd highest. Also in the year 2000 United States had 4.3 Murders per 100,000 people, ranking the state as having the 26th highest rate for Murder. United States’s 70.3 reported Forced Rapes per 100,000 people, ranked the state 1st highest. For Robbery, per 100,000 people, United States’s rate was 78.2 which ranked the state as having the 33rd highest for Robbery. The state also had 405.1 Aggravated Assaults for every 100,000 people, which indexed the state as having the 10th highest position for this crime among the states. For every 100,000 people there were 621.9 Burglaries, which ranks United States as having the 31st highest standing among the states. Larceny - Theft were reported 2,685.8 times per hundred thousand people in United States which standing is the 22nd highest among the states. Vehicle Theft occurred 374.8 times per 100,000 people, which fixed the state as having the 24th highest for vehicle theft among the states.

- what you you don't know about rape in USA:

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I'm only reiterating the American notion of what constitutes justice. Are you saying Americans who do not want to be subject to universal justice, lack a backbone? :confused:
the question here is "whose justice"? i certainly do not want to be tried in some system that allows hearsay evidence.

"justice" is not only about convicting the guilty, it also involves "what is fair" to both parties involved. in this regard some cultures have no concept of fair play.