Man Beheads Wife in 'Honor' Killing

geoff said:
The term is unimportant. Foreign policy is dictated by all nations to the extent they're able.
The IMF and World Bank are not exsactly representing the interests of nations, per se.
leopold said:
frankly i find it hard to believe that the US government would intentionally bankrupt a nation for no reason.
Well they must have a reason then, eh?
leopold said:
there is a piece of the puzzle we are missing here sam because the US is not some kind of evil empire.
Such sentiments would be more reassuring coming from people who know what "structural adjustiment" and the like are. The people who do know don't speak with the same confidence when they say such things. You get more along the lines of "The US has a lot of virtues, but - - - - "
diamond said:
If these people truly desired to give these regions self-determination, they could have easily done it. Look how easily they supported the independence of East Timor.
They did what? Not on my planet.
diamond said:
This has always been their game, and at this age it is centered around subjugating the Muslim world. There main goal is to wipe our culture of the map and make us their cultural slaves.
No it isn't. The supremicist types are perfectly happy to let you keep your culture, and they have no real idea there even is a Muslim world. They certainly aren't staying up late at night trying to think of ways to subjugate all the Muslims.

They want oil and stuff like that. Your culture is only noticed to the extent it becomes an obstacle or a threat. You could be Zoroastrians, it wouldn't matter.
Some people have stated that the Mughal empire was not as advanced nor economically sound as the European countries in its history.

I don't think anyone has stated that. Anyway, for me the acid test is the effect on the countries they were involved with. None of the countries along the Silk Road became poor, marginalised or bankrupt. No farmers starved because of pseudo-free trade.

Thats what I call a developed society. Converting all others into the Third World, using cheap labour, indentured workers, debt and starvation. Thats what I call exploitation.
Thats what I call a developed society. Converting all others into the Third World, using cheap labour, indentured workers, debt and starvation. Thats what I call exploitation.

yes but your view is hampered by bias and tunnel vision.
Converting all others into the Third World, using cheap labour, indentured workers, debt and starvation. Thats what I call exploitation.

Did anyone force any of those people to accept that "exploitation"? Did they sell their goods and services willingly at an agreed-upon price?

Baron Max
I don't think anyone has stated that. Anyway, for me the acid test is the effect on the countries they were involved with. None of the countries along the Silk Road became poor, marginalised or bankrupt. No farmers starved because of pseudo-free trade.

Thats what I call a developed society. Converting all others into the Third World, using cheap labour, indentured workers, debt and starvation. Thats what I call exploitation.

S.A.M., are you implying that all the problems of the third world are due to the first world?
Geez you really are behind, aren't you? Try to keep up, deah.

I believe the term is puppy.

How does that change your anti-English postings in this thread and many before it? Oh and FYI, George Bush is no longer President and Tony Blair has been replaced by Gordon Brown. Geez, you really are behind, aren't you?
It's interesting to see how quickly the white supremacists come to support their own. To them their culture is still the light to guide the uneducated colored heathen people of the world. Yet they preach to us that it is we who think this way. This has always been their game, and at this age it is centered around subjugating the Muslim world. There main goal is to wipe our culture of the map and make us their cultural slaves. Unfortunately for them, Muslims don't cave that easily to foreign pressure.

Some people have stated that the Mughal empire was not as advanced nor economically sound as the European countries in its history. This distorted view completely ignores the constant interference of the British, Portuguese, and Dutch. There was a time when the Europeans would willfully attack and pillage pilgrim ships going to the Holy city of Makkah from Mughal lands. The disintegration of Mughal rule in India took hundreds of years, and was started much earlier than Europeans today would like to admit. The principle supporters of the Maratha and Sikh rebels were the British Europeans. The Portuguese sacked the the lands of Goa, killed their men, and raped the Mughal women of Goa thus giving rise to the Christian and mixed Indian-European community in Goa. The massacred thousands of unarmed pilgrims and travelers on the way to the Middle East. All of this took place more than a hundred years before the actual British occupation of India. The biggest mistake of the Mughal Empire was trusting the Europeans words that they came only to trade. As the other lands such as China, Japan, Middle East, and Africa, the Europeans constantly interfered with the economies of these lands to destabilize their host countries and pave the way for eventual European domination.

100% true SAM. The Europeans puppets are stilling running around in our lands. They are still being propped up by these foreign powers, and dissent is being silenced with an iron fist, while the occupiers of Muslim lands continue unabated to persecution our people (Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc). If these people truly desired to give these regions self-determination, they could have easily done it. Look how easily they supported the independence of East Timor. The fact is they have a vested interest in keeping us oppressed. They profit from our deaths.

Britain gave up her empire over 90 years ago and it is obvious to anyone living here that my country has no imperialist ideals. Quite the opposite - my parents have watched us become weaker abroad and more and more 'multicultural' at home. For example, we have thousands of mosques in Britain, how many churches does Afghanistan have? Yet we, apparently, are the ones subjugating your religion.

All you have are old stereotypes, misinformed but self-righteous opinions and straw man arguments. Instead why don't you return to the point in hand instead of dragging up the old S.A.M.-esque debates at the slightest opportunity.
Do you condone 'honour-killings'?
General Sir Charles James Napier...

Two hundred years ago, the British in India were faced with the practice of Sati—the tradition of burning widows on the funeral pyres of their husband. Sir Charles responded, "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
Britain gave up her empire over 90 years ago and it is obvious to anyone living here that my country has no imperialist ideals. Quite the opposite - my parents have watched us become weaker abroad and more and more 'multicultural' at home. For example, we have thousands of mosques in Britain, how many churches does Afghanistan have? Yet we, apparently, are the ones subjugating your religion.

All you have are old stereotypes, misinformed but self-righteous opinions and straw man arguments. Instead why don't you return to the point in hand instead of dragging up the old S.A.M.-esque debates at the slightest opportunity.
Do you condone 'honour-killings'?

How many troops did Britain send to Iraq? Afghanistan?

The Daily Mirror has published photographs which show British Army Troops viciously beating, torturing, humiliating and possibly killing an Iraqi that they suspected of mere theft. The photos only add weight to previous claims that British Troops have been involved in actions which bring shame to the entire Armed Forces. The Army itself had doubted the authenticity of these photos, but there can be little doubt that British Soldiers have a track record of strained relationships with the locals, we only need look at Ireland. Invade someone's country and act like you own it, the odds are that your going to be in deep trouble sooner or later.
TV boss Muzzammil Hassan found guilty of beheading wife

They finally found that sick bastard Muzzammil Hassan guilty of beheading his innocent wife
A New York television executive has been convicted of stabbing his wife to death and beheading her. A jury found Pakistan-born Muzzammil Hassan guilty of second-degree murder in the 2009 death of Aasiya Hassan six days after she filed for divorce.
Ironically, Hassan founded Bridges TV in 2004 in an effort to counter negative portrayals of Muslims following the 9/11 terror attacks.