Maker of religiously critical film shot dead

surenderer said:
Fadeaway wanna blame this one on Muslims also?]

What the fuck is your point? That the acolytes of another cult can be as deranged as the ones of yours? If so, agreed. You can pat yourself on the back now.
Repo Man said:
Hey Bruce Wayne, ISLAM SUCKS! Come and get me. You know, I think I'll get a T shirt made that says just that. I suppose you felt Salman Rushdie's death sentence was justified? Thank you for revealing the "religion of peace" as a hopelessly backwards bundle of superstitious nonsense that is fundamentally incompatible with the civilized world.

You make it sound like this guy's death has anything to do with you opinion on religion. I am not Islam, In fact the messenger of God -peace be upon him- faced worse and yet didn't do stuff like this.

But I disliked the guy enough not to be in need of moarning (sp?) his death. Can't live with that? That's your problem.

Bruce Wayne said:
It is. Although the murder is wrong. I don't feel any sadness for his departure.


Oh, that's cool. I wouldn't feel any sadness for your departure either.
path said:
Yes this cost was paid for in blood throughout european history it is not the individual who decides what limits are put on freedoms or rights that people have. That is why we have governments and laws Does this really need to be explained to you?

So what has happened is that someone didn't care for the punishement the government has put and iced him. That's were you make higher punishements.

path said:
I seriously doubt it for him probably ANY criticism of islam would have been justification.

You are making it sound as if he is the first to dare and criticise Islam. While what he commited was abuse of the first degree.

path said:
Wrong christianity, judaism etc have adjusted themselves to be able to tolerate criticism grudgingly or not. There are protests articles editorials etc that come from christians and jews to make it known when they are offended that is the way it is supposed to work. We are not talking about a theocracy here everneo.

Muslims have objected in paper, on many occasions. The fact that the guy was only encouraged to further his assault on Muslims didn't help the situation. All that was needed was one guy to give you an excuse. I was deeply hurt by the guy, like many others, yet I haven't killed him.

To you this is the thing you have waited for, even wished for secretly, so you could point the finger. The hippocrite pretence. Don't you feel shame at using his death like this.

path said:
Apoligetics are worthless. Tolerate the crime and you encourage more of the same.

Yes, time for the endlosüng, eh? Ihre brauchen Liebensraum, eh mein fuhrer?

path said:
The really tragic thing for muslims is that they cannot make the connection between this kind of social tyranny and the flourishing despots in their own lands.

The only tragic thing for your likes, is that you cannot see the self-fulfilling prophecy you live.

path said:
When is it back to normal in the NL....when people aren't killed for expressing an opinion, read the quotes from dutch politicians I posted above. No matter what the climate you can try all you like to justify murder it doesn't change the fact that it is murder and indefensible.

Who is trying to? Bottom line, you have two problems. Not the Murderer, but all Muslims should be found guilty, according to you. And you want to make a point of the antipathy towards van Gogh. Well, only one guy killed him. And two, I don't like the guy and I don't apologize for it.

path said:
What has been offended? a book? Allah? Muslims? What about them has been offended?

All of the above. If you would had thought about it you would understand that it is not an attack on the shell of a person, as would the attack on his mother or his childeren be, the attack is upon that which is tied to the very purpose of the existence of an individual. That hurts.

Off course, If the killer was wise, her would have seen it in a wider perspective than his person. Nontheless, van Gogh, was dancing with devil. And all he had to back him up, was his arrogance (his own words.)

Jan Ardena said:
fadeaway humper,

So if he had killed him because he insulted his wife, would his wife be at fault?

Jan Ardena.

Dafeaway, had a signature saying "Dhimmi power". He's blaming Islam without there being a delict. Let alone if a crime did happen.

Jan Ardena said:
fadeaway humper,

So if he had killed him because he insulted his wife, would his wife be at fault?

Jan Ardena.

Gee, I don't know. Did his wife urge him to kill the guy?
path said:
That is your opinion as a muslim undoubtedly many christians feel similarly about muslims look at DeeCees post in the "bloodthirsty" thread
he goes out drinking with muslims. That isn't too serious is it? I will tell you how I felt about insults to god and christianity back when I was a believer. The mere idea of a mortal man insulting his creator who has his very soul in the palm of his hand was just something to laugh at. How in the world can a speck of dust insult the creator of the universe?
Your analogy doesn't work, islam is not your child, you are the child of islam and as a child you know that your almighty father should have the situation well in hand. ;)

This point of you is worth an entire thread. (I wish you said this elsewhere.) You tell us this analogy (as if it is relevant) and still you complain about there being a hell. The speck of dust, gets to be as arrogant as it wants until it goes back to reality and there it shall find the "Creator of the universe" waiting. You ger the pic...;)

path said:
PS do you think the number of books or films critical of islam is going to go up or down now? Do you think more or fewer people are going to view Submission now? Van Gogh's murder has given him more credit not less and you can't blame it on non-muslims.

That is one of the reasons why I opposed the notion of killing him. I knew that he would get promoted from joker to joker of jokers.

Bruce Wayne said:
I really don't care that you exist let alone what you do.


That's the spirit! Now if you only could convince your muslim brethren to do exactly the same, everything would be just peachy.
fadeaway humper said:
That's the spirit! Now if you only could convince your muslim brethren to do exactly the same, everything would be just peachy.

I would do that if I cared about your existence... Oh wait.

Bruce Wayne said:
No it is called a very grave insult to the core of a believe of some individuals that take their religion very very seriously.

I suppose then by what YOU seem to suggest that, if a person sees Jesus as the SON OF GOD and another (say YOU) say otherwise - well well that is called a very grave insult to the core of a believe of some individuals that take their religion very very seriously. and so what?

They get shot?
