mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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Avatar, I am talking Europe here! I read the newspapers every day and see it happen in France, with Le Penn, in The Netherlands with a man called Pim Fortuyn who wants all foreigners out of the country. There are elections in The Netherlands in a few weeks and he is way ahead from the others. In Germany, some idiots have been shooting at a school and it's a big, big mess everywhere in Europe. I suggest that you read a few papers or so if you really want to know what's happening.

People are behaving like racists everywhere, in many countries in Europe, in Belgium , too. Christ, do i have to mention every country with all their mess?

Take a look at the newspapers yourself please. I can't send you mine, for they are in Dutch. Mayhaps yopu can find a good (neutral) paper from England.

And then I am not even talking about the mess in Israel and Palestina. Won't even go there. Neither do I go into the U$ politics now, I get a major headache from all of this...

Talk to you later.
Banshee, I am well aware of all what you said and I'm good informed on these happenings, I was talking only about the U$ media. What I think tht with all this globalization and unification people have felt tht they are losing their identity. They are afraid to lose it, I'm afraid to lose it. Did you know tht almost half of the inhabitants in my country are imigrants, russans- with different culture and traditions. People feel they have a right for their identity and although I do not excuse the ways they want to keep it (terror and killings in most countries) - I respect their and my rights to a cultural identity. We are going a major change in our society either we unite now or war in different sides again for a cuple of decades, 100 of years even maybe.... But I feel tht time is not right for unification now. Sure we- europeans can be tolerant and whatever but if you feel tht you in your native country need to talk in Turkish (France) - then excuse me.....There must be a thing tht unites all cultures- either it will be spacetravel or smth else....

in conclusion- All I know is tht my national, cultural identity is a part of me and if losing it I would feel "empty"... so if it takes to not to allow some more fortune hunters to enter our country-> by all means why not, but if it takes to first kill those fortune hunters- then it isn't acceptable to me, but there must be an alternative solution.

In the Netherlands, the situation is created by the Dutch themselves to begin with. The Maroccan and Turkish people were "invited" to the Netherlands in the '60's to do the dirty work, so to say. The kind of jobs the Dutch people refused to do, because they thought themselves to good for this jobs. So the Maroccans and Turkish people came in, like a flooding river. Well, after a little while in the Netherlands, they became legal citizens, and let their families come over to the Netherlands. Now do these people have the habit to "breed like rabbits" (wrong word choice) and so there were a whole lot of Maroccans and Turkish people in the Netherlands after a few years. (this population is still growing!)

Then there are the people from Suriname(?) and the Dutch Antills(?). They are legal Dutch, for the queen reigns there, too. Now-a-days, Suriname is a free country, for years already, the inhabitants still come to the Netherlands to study and so on and to live. Then the Netherlands want to show what a generous and free thinking country it is, so they let everybody in. People from all over the world, you can't think of them, they are present in the Netherlands. Now there is a big, big problem with the new generation of these legal citizens, asylum seekers, and so on, and they want to solve it, by sending every foreigner out of the country. Don't allow new foreigners to wait for citizenship anymore. They cannot do so however, because there is a policy. Now, a candidate for government has stood up and most of the Dutch are going to vote for him in May. I leave it with this for now, otherwise I get all fucked up again. I'll give you this instead:

Dogs of war and men of hate
With no cause, we don't discriminate
Discovery is to be disowned
Our currency is flesh and bone
Hell opened up and put on sale
Gather 'round and haggle
For hard cash, we will lie and deceive
Even our masters don't know the web we weave

One world, it's a battleground
One world, and we will smash it down
One world ... One world

Invisible transfers, long distance calls,
Hollow laughter in marble halls
Steps have been taken, a silent uproar
Has unleashed the dogs of war
You can't stop what has begun
Signed, sealed, they deliver oblivion
We all have a dark side, to say the least
And dealing in death is the nature of the beast

One world, it's a battleground
One world, and we will smash it down
One world ... One world

The dogs of war don't negotiate
The dogs of war won't capitulate,
They will take and you will give,
And you must die so that they may live
You can knock at any door,
But wherever you go, you know they've been there before
Well winners can lose and things can get strained
But whatever you change, you know the dogs remain.

One world, it's a battleground
One world, and we will smash it down
One world ... One world

- Quote by Pink Floyd[/b]

This reply didn't come out quite well, what the hell anyway!
Talk to you later. :(
Yes, the same thing is happening in Sweden. They want all the immigrants out and blame everyhting on them, frightening. Racists they are and they are gaining power among the "common people".
But what did you mean by "Reptilian", Banshee?
The Swedish government wants foreigners out? How will they feel about me studying there I wonder?
They will say:


Sorry. I have no idea where that came from.

P.S: Say, what is it with you crystel-swingers and 'U$'? It's rather rude, you know.

Oh yeah, and 'reptilian' is probably a reference to this guy

These reptilian-human hybrid lines became the political and economic rulers of these lands occupied by the European empires and they continue to rule these countries to this day. The United States of America has been home to hundreds of millions of people since 1776. What's more, these people came from an amazingly diverse genetic pool. And yet, wait for this, the 42 who have become Presidents of the United States are all related!!! Thirty-Three of them alone go back to Charlemagne, one of the most famous monarchs of what we call France. He just happens to be a major figure in the story of these bloodlines and their expansion out of Britain, France, Germany, and elsewhere.

He's quite mental, accusing Dubaya Bush of human sacrifice.....
I hardly think I will be seducing anyone. Remember my complete lack of good looks, style, charm, and so on?

Anyway, I may be continuing my computer engineering degree in Sweden, at Lulea university. Especially if I transfer into space systems engineering, but I'm not sure about that yet. You really have to get over to Europe to do good space stuff.
I hardly think I will be seducing anyone. Remember my complete lack of good looks, style, charm, and so on?


In any case, it had to be said.....for some reason or another....

*Xev wanders off aimlessly*
Good grief Charlie Brown, I just looked at David Icke's website.

"Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground."
He's half right.

The Illuminati have been working to a long planned and coordinated agenda to create a world government, central bank, army, and a micro-chipped population linked to a global computer.
Originally posted by Xev

In any case, it had to be said.....for some reason or another....
*Xev wanders off aimlessly*
Remember, I am a complete retard at this people stuff, and I have no idea what that means.
Screw the Illuminati, everybody knows that it's the Cthulhu cult that has the real power. :p

Remember, I am a complete retard at this people stuff, and I have no idea what that means.

It means that Xev has slept for 20 hours, is slightly buzzed, and has nothing better to do than tease Adamski!
Well, I can´t recall having heard anybody badmouth australians so far. Quite the contrary, the country is looked upon in envy, the warm weather, the beaches, the surfers, the alligators...:D
It seems like they mostly dislike refugees from wars, like the ones from Bosnia and the middle east.

Thanks for the link oh custard, I will look into that later. :)

We don't dislike refugees here. I like people from everywhere. There is a minority in Australian politics who don't like foreigners, and they get in the news a lot, so everyone is talking about it.
But it´s not the government that is hostile against immigrants, not yet( it´s election year this year), it´s the people that don´t know any better than to blame everything on whatever is not themselves.

Well custard, since I have already eaten you there is nothing left, or is there?

We will have stop this, Adam is already fetching the video camera again....:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Bebelina

Well custard, since I have already eaten you there is nothing left, or is there?
Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!
That was pretty disturbing to read, the David Icke site.
Because I have been known to shape shift into a lizard like creature, and is also called Lizard Woman, jokingly of course. Does this mean that I´m mean?
I don´t think so. We all have reptilian genes in us, and maybe some people can make those parts of themselves become more visible at times.
When I´m " lizard woman" ( go ahead, laugh, mock, do what you do! ) I feel it very clearly, like a predator, I have the instinct to kill. But I can control it, I just let it pass and see it as merely an fun thing, a spectacular diversity in my personality that I´m proud of. Although I have never mentioned this to anyone before. Because it seems so...insane, I know.
But now, I wonder...if I must become the Word Dominator after all!!!! :D


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