mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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Even Creepier!!!! If you relate Saturn, Mars and Venus with the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit... it makes lots of sense...
YOU ARE NUTS. I think tht you yourself agreed tht the trinity was human invented. and besides -> chill out, why the stress.

I agree that the Trinity is invented by humans... what I'm saying here is that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit seems to be related to Mars (actually Jupiter, not Mars...), Venus and Saturn. And many other relations...

A simple example of relations:

Greek...|Roman.|Sign.......|Symbolical Meaning.|Actual Meaning

WHAT GIBBERISH! I can even relate the three trees by my house as god,son,spirit. And I can relate the ninth wave of the sea as the Pluto. I can relate everything to almost everything.
Avatar... this is simbolic interpretations... like dreams. It's like saying "Hi" to a person who speaks English and "Oi" to one who speaks Portuguese. Look:

Hi!.......|Oi!............|Salut!...|Hola!.....|Ciao!...|Ni hao!

They all have the same meaning even though the words are different. :)

okok, but why do you relate your god, your son and your spirit:D to the alligment of planets. they could be any other three things tht have smth in common.
People are too attached to words...
Instead of paying attention to their meanings, they pay attention to the words... that's tiring... :bugeye:

The, the little test proves once again that our society is Compulsive Obscessive Rationalist... :eek:

Test how rational you are:

Say the color of the words instead of reading the words:


  • If you had difficulty, you are very rational.
  • If you you did it easily, you are intuitive and have more contact with your left brain.

esspesjallie for u :TimeForFlying !!!

Here you'll find something to enoy yourself and I suggest you take it up with them,...

I had no probs. I could say the colors right:) but what does it have to do with rationalism.
I can very well adopt to new situations and I understood you wanted me to say colors instead of letters, so I did. What was unrational about tht?
I'm first of all logical.
and for you Avatar and Truthseeker:

english dutch german
sports sport sport
swim zwem swimm
pee pis pinkeln
fuck neuk fick

want more?:D

okok, but why do you relate your god, your son and your spirit to the alligment of planets. they could be any other three things tht have smth in common.

Yes. But this might be a possibility... ;)


Holy Spirit..|Saturn...|Neutral...|Peace

It's complex... you have to know very well those things in order to relate them to other sciences, philosophies, religions, etc...


I had no probs. I could say the colors right but what does it have to do with rationalism.
I can very well adopt to new situations and I understood you wanted me to say colors instead of letters, so I did. What was unrational about tht?
I'm first of all logical.

No... you couldn't say that easily. I've seen many people trying and for most of rational people was hard. For more intuitive people was easier. Here's the explanation:

What happens in the above test is that it creates a conflict between the right and left sides of your brain. The right side tries to read the letters while the left side read the colors, the meanings.

To learn languages is the best way to train your brain to exchange information between the two sides. It increases the number of dreams, you get more intuitive, you are more able to listen to God...


Right side..|Left Side

well maybe then It can switch my sides.
I have an advantage in this. I'm a webdesigner. It is quite an intuitive profession and at the same time very rational. I can't simply draw. I envolve actionscripting, html. I have deep interest in physics and at the same time sing folk songs. I have a dual mind;) AND I STILL WANT TO HEAR NOTHING FROM YOUR GOD. I don't want to listen to your god, for him to take control over me. I'm a free person and hope to remain like tht nomatter what earthly or unearthly powers want it. and if they want to take over me, then I won't give up without a fight.

Fukushi ,
sop fuckin and aet up thine tongue.
thou art an unfrandly fella
thou cann understand mine anywhay

I'm no english and Seeker probably is not also (who are you by the way TS?). we converse in english because it's the omly way we can express ideas and if you have smth against it, then it's your problem. capish?
it's just games with words. and almost every culture has an -end-day-myth- as well as the -first-creation-myth-
n-thing new in tht.
about that day,...

there is deffinately going to be an end to it,...could you two take your qwarral outside and start another thread on it? because it has nothing to do with it. Thank you,....

Maby you could call it: a dialogue between two universes,...or
the collision of the faint-hearted,...or maby,...:
ah,'ll find one for yourselfves,...

we're having a discussion...and it has to do with it. maybe we'll end our "qwarral ", but not likely. Seekers ideas are quite mad:D

That day is not as far as some people might tink,...unfortunatly,...
There is always a struggle to keep that day as far as possible,...
But nowadays: the people of this world are up against windmills,...

Yeah... the day is not far away. It might be this year or next year. I don't believe it will be after the next year. Earth is already "shaking"...

People always associate the "end of the days" with the destruction of the planet. It is not. The "end of the days" is actually a transformation. Speaking more precisely, it's a transformation by fire. Fire is associated with Love. It will be a "sacrificae by fire" to be more precise. The last "sacrifice" that happened was a loooooong time ago and it was a "sacrifice by water". Do you know Atlantis? That's when it happened.

The "fire" and "water" in those "sacrifices" are not actually fire and water in the common sense. They are simbols of transformation. The same to "sacrifice". It's not sacrifice in the sense people understand. "Sacrifice" here means transformation (and in Mithology and Religion too).

People is always mistaking the symbol of transformation by Death. The 13th Tarot card, for example, is Death. Everyone thinks that it means Death. No. It means transformation. Same to the planet Pluto and the constelation Scorpius. They all mean transformation but are usually mistaken by death.

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