mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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Ug. I can't do this. It's not your fault but you don't know English well enough.

I didn't compare you to hitler. I stated that if you were in power of England or US at the time of World War II Hitler would have won the war because you would not be willing to interfere soon enough to save freedom because it would kill civilians. I said it in the most basic English I know, too.

"I simply observe and write what I think. I mean, isn't it a better solution to just locate Saddam and kill only him and his right hand men? And replace the current policy?"

I take it you don't read the newspaper? That is exactly what America wants to do. Bush stated I believe it was no more than a week ago that the US was launching an attempt to assassinate Sadam.

"think about where the U$A and russia wiould stand without the nazi scientists!!!"

What about it? The States made some very immoral choices in taking in a couple guys who made crimes against humanity. The rest of the scientists they took in were just innocent German scientists who chose to continue in science over dieing at the hand of Nazi's when the Nazi regime took over. However, the US knew full well that the scientists would not commit any crimes against humanity in teh States. They took a risk that they were right. And won on that risk. So, what was the relevance of posting that quote??
No, I do not follow all the newspapers at the moment. I do not have television and follow most of the news by digital newspapers. Which I read for the last time a little while back.

Sometimes I do not want to know it Tyler. I will catch up and do some reading. It is about time. I see that I miss out news that I should know. I am sorry.

Not all of the German scientists were so innocent. It is mostly posted to show that your precious defended US does the most immoral things. It is much more worse in this war on terrorism, though.

I see your point in what you're saying about war and how it's been fought. And I know you say it very right. It is how it is yes.

That does not mean I have to agree with it does it? And I still have to see whether the US really is only after Saddam's head or more. Once power is gained, it is hard to see when it is enough. It happened before that people were blinded by it.

You think anything can justify Hirosjima? Anyways, it is old history.

The weapons nowadays are a lot worse than in WWII, too...
"No, I do not follow all the newspapers at the moment. I do not have television and follow most of the news by digital newspapers. Which I read for the last time a little while back"

Then you can't expect to have an up-to-date opinion on world events. Plain and simple. It'd be like me debating Japanese art.

"Not all of the German scientists were so innocent. It is mostly posted to show that your precious defended US does the most immoral things. It is much more worse in this war on terrorism, though."

Immoral to you. Morals are subjective, remember. I really could care less for morals, logic should always be the control. The Americans lied at international court to get the Germans out of being killed; I don't care that this is immoral, it is illegal and should not have been allowed. However, I fail to see in slightest how this is one of the most immoral acts in history. Are you saying it's in the realm of the horrible dictatorships we've seen? Hitler? Stalin?

"That does not mean I have to agree with it does it? And I still have to see whether the US really is only after Saddam's head or more. Once power is gained, it is hard to see when it is enough. It happened before that people were blinded by it."

They're after a democratic government. More importantly, they are also after oil. A democratic government that was put in place because of US efforts will surely be an oil partner.

"You think anything can justify Hirosjima? Anyways, it is old history"

Choice A is many more Americans and Japanese die and the war drags on. Choice B is we kill tons of innocent Japanese and the war ends. I choose B.
However, I fail to see in slightest how this is one of the most immoral acts in history.

Did I say it was one of the most immoral acts in history? Where? Show me.

I am talking this war Tyler, not WWII.

You think it is normal to want to have control over the entire world? Because that is where it comes down to.

I do not care about oil and the worshipping of it. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, they lick it up right from the well.

It is the way how they want to gain control over it that matters...
"It is mostly posted to show that your precious defended US does the most immoral things."

Right there.

"You think it is normal to want to have control over the entire world? Because that is where it comes down to."

Yes Banshee. Wanting to take out Sadam is all about world domination. You obviously don't have the slightest grasp over what the war on Iraq is. And I've said it before, it's a blessing that you (and this is not to say I support Bush) will never be president. I'm sure the Kurds, Jews, Latvians and assorted formerly Soviet nations, Germans, Slavs and others will all agree with me. After all, we dare not make war. Even if a people are being ruthlessly ruled by a dictator who quite enjoys death.

The war on Iraq is about two things; freeing the people thus restoring another Democracy and oil. Neither has to do with controlling the world unless you think getting rid of an authoritarian government placing more control on people. In which case I suggest you consult a therapist.
Come on Tyler, I am not talking only about Saddam Hoessein here and you very well know that. As you take my words out of context again too. I did never ever state that it was the most immoral act in history.

Maybe you just understand what you prefer and what you are willing to see.

It is not only about Iraq, this war on terrorism. Iraq is included in the war on terrorism.

Saddam has to go, that is for sure. It can go eitherway though. And I am not going to explain myself any longer, because you seem to make of it whatever pleases you best. You are very well aware of what I mean.

Then, this thread is about a prediction. If you want to know what this prediction is exactly, I suggest you read the thread.

Saddam Hoessein is (probably) only one aspect of it. It is about the whole prediction which includes damage to Earth.

Take a look please and return.

Here's a *link* posted by Fukushi somewhere in the first 3 pages of this thread. Click on Continue, on the opening page and read...
Wow, what a surprise. Even on a list such as this, a list that is supposed to be full of skeptics, cynics, and atheist, I am surprised to see how prevalent the Dispensationalist Eschatology is.

Let me tell you all something. I know you do not care about what the Bible says, but let me make sure you do not have a false understanding of what the bible says.

I know mabus is the third anti-christ according to Nostradamus. But remember he was a Jew living in France, prophecying according to the ancient Hebrew tradition. The concept of an anti-Christ is Christian and biblical, although not strictly called that. The idea of a series of anti-christs spread out over centuries is purely Nostradamagogery. The rest of the stuff on this spread, the ultimate destruction from WW3. the tribulation, is all fallacious Dispensationalism.

The Bible does not predict a future destruction of the planet. There is nothing in the Bible that says we are in the end times. All of the rightings in the New Testament pointed to a significant event that would come soon, (meaning soon to the authors, and their audience,). Christ claimed that the end times would be within a generation.

The last times are not now. The tribulation was 63-70AD. The anti_Christ of the bible was Nero. The "second coming" was a spiritual one that coincided with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

(I am not surprised this thread was started in the year 2000, millenium fever!)
What the hell are you talking about??? I quoted you and replied to the words you said. We were discussing Sadam Hussein and the possible (or, probable) war on him. Then you said 'it's about world domination'. And I explained why that was total bullsmack.
Then I offer you my humble apologies. I seem side trackted today. It was surely not my intention to tick you off anyhow.

On the other hand, this thread is about a prediction by Nostradamus. We go way off topic and take it all the way down to WE&P.

The war on Iraq is about two things; freeing the people thus restoring another Democracy and oil. Neither has to do with controlling the world unless you think getting rid of an authoritarian government placing more control on people. In which case I suggest you consult a therapist.

Then why, if they only want to replace Saddam, have they so many, many troops waiting?

I do not need a therapist, thank you. I see very clearly what is happening...
1) They are attempting to assassinate him first
2) If that does not work, a war is necessary. A war means innocents will die, but so will (hopefully) the vast majority of the Iraqi army. I almost prefer this. Just killing Sadam means tons of his leaders who believe in his side (and would likely want to be dictator themselves) still have a large army and mass weapons at their disposal. A war means the enemy is removed.
Then they better start this war right from the start because everybody knows from the plans to try to kill Saddam. Including Saddam himself.

Count on it that there are already people in Saddam's surrounding who are lined up, with bio-weapons, nukes, or whatever. Anyway, it doesn't leave much to the imagination here...

When i look at Bush i see nothing no soul no faith just a empty shell that has some one behind him deciding what will happen next.
Banshee: Tyler wasn't saying you were like hitler he said that if we didn't engage in WWII because of the fear of killing civillians then hitler would have been successful. Banshee the point is sometimes killing is needed in order for the greater benifit.

Try not to read personal slams into everything, esp. where none are intended.:bugeye:
Lowefly, Tyler can point out very well what he means himself though.

Given the fact that I am not retarded or plagued by a mental illness, I do not need your "translations" about a day late (give or take a few hours), after the original posting...
From above website
Q. Is there to be no Antichrist with a blue turban, then, calling down nuclear missiles on New York, as in the film?

A. Not if Nostradamus himself is to be believed. For him, the target of the Antichrist was always going to be *Europe* -- and, moreover, he would eventually be defeated.

Yes and what do you want to point out with this dkb218?

All options are open at the moment about who this Mabus or, if you prefer, this Anti-Christ may be. Did you even bother to read the whole thread?

This is not new what you post. We are not talking the fake prediction which came to the surface after the attacks from 9/11.

Should you have bothered to read the thread, than you should know this...
Yes and what do you want to point out with this dkb218?

All options are open at the moment about who this Mabus or, if you prefer, this Anti-Christ may be. Did you even bother to read the whole thread?

This is not new what you post. We are not talking the fake prediction which came to the surface after the attacks from 9/11.

Should you have bothered to read the thread, than you should know this...

Touchy, aren't we? :D I did read the whole thread thank-you-very-much. Seems to me this Mabus is not the anti-christ or what have you. Not the one who will cause death and destruction. Seems to me he is/will be from an Arab country or have Arab name {M. ABU S}. Seems to me his death will be what starts the death and destruction. Also seems that this thread has gone off course a bit.
Yep, that was the main point of the the whole Mabus issue. Mabus should come from the Middle East or so and the Winner, will come from the west. Soon after Mabus has fallen, death and destruction will ravage the Earth.

Something like that anyway....:)
heyya all :)

this mabus "being" ????


the last to hold the fort???
im confused and i have not got the time to read the entire post
sorry fukushi....banshee... others :( i mean no disrespect :)

should we try and find this mabus person???
is it safe to look?

just remeber ... you are what you eat!!!
you are what you watch (on tv)

the drug of choice is ignorance...
induced by painkillers and Desensitization from eccesive violence on TV....
now people just walk past people being robbed and killed
and the last big one is rape!!!!
that is why we have soo much pornography to sway the balance of karma to allow for the persicution of 50% of the world population!
all that last bastion of strength in anger is used to make women hate and fear all men!
it is working well!!!
turning them into men
turning men into women
turning children into adults through abuse and sexual disfunction.
it is soo very big and soo very deep!
it infects all of us!
we need to take time to wash our souls!!!
that is why all the holiday resorts are run by slaves!!!
it makes sure you never gain back any ground!!!

who is mabus?
good or bad ???

g W bush is a clone!!!
he is controlled by other forces!
he has no free will!
he has no love in his heart!

and still the U$A people and other countrys say
"he cant be that bad" " i mean its not like anyone would just kill someone for no reason"
yee gadds.. folks!
get a grip!

its all slipping
every day
in every way
in the hearts and minds
of all who play
the game of life
called money!

soo stay happy and educate yourself!
and try to do atleast one thing a week to help someone you dont know, .. even if it is just a small thing!
it doesnt have to be giving all your possesions away!!!
just a small thing
once and again

groove on all :)

peace and light
truth and love
in light of truth we seek peace to gain love.
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