mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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May I kindly direct you to the World Events and Politics Forum. Have a look at the thread: Bush is Big Brother!

Furthermore, you seem to have missed the point. If there is an "Anti-Christ", it will be in the Middle-East. The Winner, on the contrary, will come from the West.

It is a Nostradamus prediction, which we interpreted as it came in.

As far as it goes, it may point to Saddam Hoessein (for instance) as being Mabus and your beloved bush as the Winner of the West.

After visiting the World Events and Politics Forum I have serious doubts...

BTW, welcome to Sciforums Lowefly. :) May you post long and happy here. Though I can imagine it doesn't sound that way, I sincerely mean it...:)
Thanks for you reply to my post Banshee but I read a post from a contributor that was from europe and had the attitude that America was the cause of all the worlds problems. I probably should have directed my post to her.:)
Banshee going back and reading your posts on the first page of this thread my comment were directed at your remarks. You certainly sounded very anti- American. You painted a picture of America as an evil empire(esp. Bush).:)
Bla bla bla,...

I haven't read all the nonsense
No need to say more,....if that's your stand then your place isn't in this thread. Simple as that.

Yes Lowefly, you are correct. I do not have a very high opinion about the bush adminstration. I think, in general, that the US citizens should stand up more against this idiotic, poor excuse of a man who makes such a bad representative for the US.

If you did read all the posts, than surely you must've seen the posts I put in there coming from some US citizens who highly disagree with the ongoing politics in the US.

It is not so much that the whole US is an evil empire. It is the bush administration.

As you can see in WE&P, it only gets worse here in the US.

The bush administration certainly will be a main reason that it is going to escalate...
Banshee I'd say Osama had a pretty big role in it.

Fukusi or whatever your name is I don't need to read page after page of lame garbage to know that your position is nonsense. Hey I get the point though this is a bash Bush party and those who disagree with the fun need not post. Too bad . I'm not known to always be a conformist.:D

You reaaally want to take this personel do you,....well: do feel sorry,..but not for me but for yourself.

I never intended to insult, but you do. Grow up is all I say: if you can't admid that there are people around that are NOT american,...then I suppose you must be a faschist then,...

but I'm not hailing you, wish!

This is not a personal attack thread. Quit with it please. I do not wish to edit any of your posts.

Be kind to eachother...:)
WW3? You mean Iraq against the world. No other country would ever side with Iraq against the west
You think so? What about the craze, Khadaffi and associates?

You think Saddam has really no-one who will help him out? Then think again. It is most likely that Iraq has weapons which are hidden. It could very well be that Iraq and some others have the means for a biological attack, if it is not even worse.

I think Fukushi has a good point here. It is like the whole damn world has to join in the war on terrorism and no weapon is left out in this. It can turn out to be so ugly that all those war-makers pull the trigger of a final weapon, may it be nuclear or otherwise. Look at how many troops are standing ready to take off to Iraq. My goodness! And it is not only the UK and the US. Others will join in. To destroy a big part of the Earth in the process. Don't you see?

The dangers are many in this. I don't like it at all. And that is an understatement...
Banshee I'll put money on nobody of any true value signing up with Iraq. Here, in no specific order, are the nations with armies that would be necessary (a majority of them at least) to even challenge America....


None of these will side with Iraq. If at any point it looks like America might come close to being at all hurt, all of these nations if they have not already will step into Iraq and do their duty.
Once again Banshee you are right. It is always a horrible, horrible thing when a nation is freed from a horrible dicatorship and a bloodshed-loving man with tons of nukes at his disposal is removed from a position of huge power. We sure were bastards to help out those Kurds. We're fucking assholes, always wanting to free people under opression.
Once again Tyler, there are a lot of innocent people involved in such freedom missions.

Who says it will be Saddam who is going to use nukes? I have to say, the arrogance and eager to go to war from the US and associates is stunning!

Is that all there is in this world? Power and violence? I do not agree with Saddam Hoessein and you know it! That is not what I mean, I am talking innocent people, which always, somehow, seem to be overlooked, or what is more correct, seen as casualties of war.

It is pathetic. Somewhere in this great power game there must be some people who can get to Saddam without taking down all those innocent lives. They have the best means in the great power nations, don't they?

What about Earth? So, in the name of power it is a good thing to go kill and nuke left and right?

The mistakes made by the great power nations are not important. It are only human lives. It are only a lot of innocent citizens. It is only Earth which is ravaged. What does it matter anyhow?

Power to the new worldorder. Death and destruction rode out together...
Don't walk outside Banshee - you might step on an ant!

I thank god almighty that a person like you is not in power in a powerful nation. Hell, innocent deaths were NECESSARY in order to defeat the Nazis. So should we not have gone into that war? Millions of Jews will die but hey, we shouldn't do anything, we might kill civilians!

It's a matter of weighing your options Banshee. Option A has an entire nation of people freed and the rest of teh world near this nation slightly safer with a large number of civilian casualities. Option B has no freedom for the people and a madman with biological weapons in power and an entire nation of people forever living under opression.

I'm willing to accept the casualities of my own men (possibly myself one day) and civilians in order to free a nation from a life-long dictatorship. You are not. If you were in power during the 30s, this may be called
That is very low Tyler. Because I am not willing to be a world leader, makes me a Nazi? Why are you taking this so personal? I am not attacking you.

You first claim I am not willing to kill and than you compare me with Hitler. Of any person, with Hitler? I am not the one who wants a super race or super power to gain world domination. I simply observe and write what I think. I mean, isn't it a better solution to just locate Saddam and kill only him and his right hand men? And replace the current policy?

I shall mention immediately that it was due to the interference of the great (but not so arrogant) US and UK that Hitler's Reich came to an end. So you don't have the urge to correct me in this.

This is not WE&P though. It started out with a prediction by Nostradamus. You can go on from that perspective or open another thread in WE&P.

To gather up the "story" for you: After Mabus (which very well may be Saddam Hoessein) falls, the Winner will come from the West.

This does not say that the Winner, actually wins what he is after. Pick it up from here please.

No need to get all mixed up in personal attacks whatsoever...
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