mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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No television here Ripleofdeath. :) Only digital newspapers.:) Which can be no good either.

Yep, this Mabus can be considered very bad. He is not the last to hold the fort though. It is said that soon after Mabus dies, the Earth will have to deal with not only the plague, the human race is nowadays, but with natural devastations as well. If this will be triggered through human interferences or not, remains the question.

It's all in the hearts of the people. Whether they choose to go the right or the wrong way. Most of the times they follow the money way. Greed and power is what they are after.

The US is in the news again. The US army has violated human rights by their "mistake" at the Afghani wedding a little while ago. Remember there was a shoot out at a wedding in Afghanistan? Well, the US soldiers behaved themselves like real hero's!

They bound the hands from women behind their backs and did rather ugly things to them. I will keep it nice and friendly, however, and not rage against the US again.

It is rather peculiar though that the US government don't want to give any comment on this.

Why should this be..?
There is only one mention of Mabus in the Quatrains. How does one make this Mabus good or evil? Maybe just a sign. When Mabus dies, this will happen.


The Punic faith broken in the East,
Ganges, Jordan, and Rhone, Loire, and Tagus will change:
When the hunger of the will be satiated,
fleet sprinkles, blood and bodies will swim.


Bravo, ye of Tamins, Gironde and La Rochelle:
O Trojan blood! Mars at the port of the arrow
behind the river the ladder put to the fort,
points to fire great murder on the breach.


Mabus then will soon die, there will come
of people and beasts a horrible rout:
Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.


The Gauls Ausonia will subjugate very little,
Po, Marne and Seine Parma will make drunk:
He who will prepare the great wall against them,
he will lose his life the least at the wall.


The people of Geneva drying up with hunger, with thirst,
hope at hand will come to fail:
On the point of trembling the law of him of Cevennes,
fleet at the great port cannot be received.


The sloping park great calamity
to be done through Hesperia and Insubria:
The fire in the ship, plague and captivity,
Mercury in Sagittarius Saturn will fade.


Through great dangers the captives escaped:
In a short time great his fortune changed.
In the palace the people are trapped,
through good omen the city besieged.


The blond one will come to compromise the fork-nosed one
through the duel and will chase him out:
The exiles within he will have restored,
committing the strongest to the marine places.


The efforts of Aquilon will be great:
The gate on the Ocean will be opened,
the Kingdom on the Isle will be restored:
London will tremble discovered by sail.


The Gallic King through his Celtic right arm
seeing the discord of the great Monarchy:
He will cause his sceptre to flourish over the three parts,
against the cope of the great Hierarchy.


The dart from the sky will make its extension,
deaths in speaking: great execution.
The stone in the tree, the proud nation restored,
noise, human monster, purge expiation.


The exiles will come into Sicily
to deliver from hunger the strange nation:
At daybreak the Celts will fail them:
Life remains by reason: the King joins.


Celtic army vexed in Italy
on all sides conflict and great loss:
Romans fled, O Gaul repelled!
Near the Ticino, Rubicon uncertain battle.


The shore of Lake Garda to Lake Fucino,
taken from the Lake of Geneva to the port of L'Orguion:
Born with three arms the predicted warlike image,
through three crowns to the great Endymion.


From Sens, from Autun they will come as far as the Rhone
to pass beyond towards the Pyrenees mountains:
The nation to leave the March of Ancona:
By land and sea it will be followed by great suites.


The voice of the rare bird heard,
on the pipe of the air-vent floor:
So high will the bushel of wheat rise,
that man will be eating his fellow man.


Lightning in Burgundy will perform a portentous deed,
one which could never have been done by skill,
sexton made lame by their senate
will make the affair known to the enemies.


Hurled back through bows, fires, pitch and by fires:
Cries, howls heard at midnight:
Within they are placed on the broken ramparts,
the traitors fled by the underground passages.


The great Neptune of the deep of the sea
with Punic race and Gallic blood mixed.
The Isles bled, because of the tardy rowing:
More harm will it do him than the ill-concealed secret.


The beard frizzled and black through skill
will subjugate the cruel and proud people:
The great Chyren will remove from far away
all those captured by the banner of Selin.


After the conflict by the eloquence of the wounded one
for a short time a soft rest is contrived:
The great ones are not to be allowed deliverance at all:
They are restored by the enemies at the proper time.


Through fire from the sky the city almost burned:
The Urn threatens Deucalion again:
Sardinia vexed by the Punic foist,
after Libra will leave her Phaethon.


Through hunger the prey will make the wolf prisoner,
the aggressor then in extreme distress.
The heir having the last one before him,
the great one does not escape in the middle of the crowd.


The large trade of a great Lyons changed,
the greater part turns to pristine ruin
prey to the soldiers swept away by pillage:
Through the Jura mountain and Suevia drizzle.


Between Campania, Siena, Florence, Tuscany,
Six months nine days without a drop of rain:
The strange tongue in the Dalmatian land,
it will overrun, devastating the entire land.


The old full beard under the severe statute
made at Lyon over the Celtic Eagle:
The little great one perseveres too far:
Noise of arms in the sky: Ligurian sea red.


Wreck for the fleet near the Adriatic Sea:
The land trembles stirred up upon the air placed on land:
Egypt trembles Mahometan increase,
the Herald surrendering himself is appointed to cry out.


After there will come from the outermost countries
a German Prince, upon the golden throne:
The servitude and waters met,
the lady serves, her time no longer adored.


The circuit of the great ruinous deed,
the seventh name of the fifth will be:
Of a third greater the stranger warlike:
Sheep, Paris, Aix will not guarantee.


One day the two great masters will be friends,
their great power will be seen increased:
The new land will be at its high peak,
to the bloody one the number recounted.


Through life and death the realm of Hungary changed:
The law will be more harsh than service:
Their great city cries out with howls and laments,
Castor and Pollux enemies in the arena.


At sunrise one will see a great fire,
noise and light extending towards Aquilon:
Within the circle death and one will hear cries,
through steel, fire, famine, death awaiting them.


Fire color of gold from the sky seen on earth:
Heir struck from on high, marvelous deed done:
Great human murder: the nephew of the great one taken,
deaths spectacular the proud one escaped.


Very near the Tiber presses death:
Shortly before great inundation:
The chief of the ship taken, thrown into the bilge:
Castle, palace in conflagration.


Great Po, great evil will be received through Gauls,
vain terror to the maritime Lion:
People will pass by the sea in infinite numbers,
Without a quarter of a million escaping.


The populous places will be uninhabitable:
Great discord to obtain fields:
Realms delivered to prudent incapable ones:
Then for the great brothers dissension and death.


Burning torch will be seen in the sky at night
near the end and beginning of the Rhone:
Famine, steel: the relief provided late,
Persia turns to invade Macedonia.


Roman Pontiff beware of approaching
the city that two rivers flow through,
near there your blood will come to spirt,
you and yours when the rose will flourish.


The one whose face is splattered with the blood
of the victim nearly sacrificed:
Jupiter in Leon, omen through presage:
To be put to death then for the bride.


Roman land as the omen interpreted
will be vexed too much by the Gallic people:
But the Celtic nation will fear the hour,
the fleet has been pushed too far by the north wind.


Within the isles a very horrible uproar,
one will hear only a party of war,
so great will be the insult of the plunderers
that they will come to be joined in the great league.
The World Is Going To End....please Help!!!

Mabus [sudam (Saddam) in the mirror] shall come,
and soon after shall DIE,
of people and beasts shall be a horrible destruction,
THEN on a sudden THE VENGEANCE shall be seen!


Look around Bush is screaming that he is going to "take out sudam..."

Nostradamus says once mabus(sudam) dies, there will be VENGEANCE.....

think about it it....the arab world is not going to just watch as an arab leader is killed by the USA. They are going to revolt! Clearly we are moving in the direction to see this forfilled!!!

What can we do!?!?!? This is somthing that CAN be avoided, it is humans chiose for war. George Bush wants to kill suddam....!!!! He is going to start world war 3!!!
World War III?

Iraq vrs America/Britain/Germany/France/Canada/Russia/Israel is a world war? No, it's a slaughter.
The prophesies of Nostradamus are so vague that just about anything can be interpreted as something coming true. Sorta like recognizing familiar shapes in the clouds or something of that nature.

Wasn't the great terror supposed to come out of the sky in July 1999? Hmm, that could be interpreted as JFK jr's plane crashing... :D
I heard the Mabus story, but hadn't thought of the Sudam part.

What are YOU going to do about it, God Fearing?
Re: The World Is Going To End....please Help!!!

Originally posted by god_fearing
Mabus [sudam (Saddam) in the mirror] shall come,
and soon after shall DIE,
of people and beasts shall be a horrible destruction,
THEN on a sudden THE VENGEANCE shall be seen!
What can we do!?!?!? This is somthing that CAN be avoided, it is humans chiose for war. George Bush wants to kill suddam....!!!! He is going to start world war 3!!!

Who's gonna shoot the dog, god_fearing?? is it gonna be you?
What's going to explode? camels from gaza? Britain? US?
India? Who?

First of all, in many ancient writings as babylon, sumerian and hebrew is wriiten abuot the new terror age which leads Ben Laden (you can find this name excateky as said in midern hebrew in the Kaballah) and H. Sadam.

Ben Laden is still alive. The world wide evil's still alive. When we stop the evil, will it be the END of the world? yes and no.

I hope you've got what i mean.
The WW3 has already begun by "human beings" like Sadam.
And we should decide to HELP them, should we???!!

Think logical. Think Humanity.
And what good is fearing your god going to do while Mabus is on the rampage?

Must admit, the reversal is cute though.
welcome to sciforums God Fearing:)

i agree there is a similarity. but what can you do? the people with the power to change things denounce prophecy as gibberish unless it suits them. and we the masses are paranoid or stupid.

i could be both:D
Welcome to sciforums, god_fearing.

Please do not cross post the same post in different forums.
Re: The World Is Going To End....please Help!!!

This has come up before hasn't it. An there is no country barre Iraq and yemen that will fight America
People, you must try to take this Nostradamus guy seriously. I'm not superstitious, religious or married but I have been affected by this mans work.

He PREDICTED THE COMING OF HITLER (Hisler as he called him). He said something about coming from the land of the Rhine (GERMANY). He even had visions of a battle of the likes he's never seen. He described ppl in uniforms similar to the German Soldats of the Third Reich. They were carrying 'muskets' of Brown and Silver (MAUSERS AND FECKIN MP40's)

Almsot all of his predictions have come true. He's no Mystic Meg. He's for real.
yes, and the USA is trying to start a war with IRAQ....

after vietnam, I would think people would be in the streets marching against war. To think that the USA is going to INVADE another country is scary. Its going to give the terrorist sympoty from the rest of people look on see the the evil empire USA invade IRAQ.
God_fearing, threads have been merged.

Please, make your comments in here and do not start another thread with the same subject.
Re: The World Is Going To End....please Help!!!

Originally posted by god_fearing
Nostradamus says once mabus(sudam) dies, there will be VENGEANCE.....

That means we must do anything we could to keep him SAFE!!! He would be much safer in US then in Iraq. Some rebel probably would take him out. He needs to be captured and locked up in US. Our medical technology can keep him artificially alive for many decades even after he is brain dead.
I think that brain death is all what it is about.
body isn't human- our mind makes us human.
Originally posted by Avatar
I think that brain death is all what it is about.
body isn't human- our mind makes us human.

Nostramamus didn't specific what he meant by "dead". I was just trying to think of a way to cheat :D
I suggest deep freeze...

and because bush as well might be the antichrist- we must freeze him too:)
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