mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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Bush - the anti Christ. Sounds nice. I also hate the basted. But isn't the 3rd anti Christ supposed to rise up from the middle east wearing a blue turbine?
It's just as likely the "End Times" already have come, and gone, and now worrying about it is so very, very funny. :D
What really shocked me on 11 september and the days after, were ofcourse the terrible attacks that took place in NY,
but on the otherhand, i first noticed bush is a crazy ass...
no offence, but since 11 sept is coming soon again, for its
first "anniversary", u will probably see the video-tapes again of what i found so shocking : when he replied to the world about the accident, and said he would get who-ever and whatever is responsible for it, i could se a mini smile appear on his face, a lot of people miss this, but it's there, just watch the tapes and play them frame by frame u'll see !

It is not only in this particular sequence, i saw this in several, also recent, public appearances of bush. He is not what he looks like, he's evil in the inside ! When he talks about engaging war, he's getting happy ! that is sick ! To me it seems like the big powers are eager to fight, i think the see it as playing some game, but we do it on our computers, they do it in real life..

Attacking iraq is the primary goal on bush's wishlist, which i think is crazy.. I dont know if u people saw the BBC report about iraq, featuring an iraqi atom bomb specialist, who quit to work with iraq, and let the world know, that by that time (which was last year or something) saddam should have some nuclear weapons ready to deploy.. Bush thinks if he mass attacks them with his allmighty army and european help he can get out untouched, well wake up and smell the coffee, that's nothing more then wishfull thinking. Not to talk about biological warfare! u americans got a little pretaste of it with anthrax, expect things much worse then that ! If saddam get's attacked, he will use everything within his power to strike back, which will have desastrous consequences for the whole fucking planet (sorry for the language, but it's a way to express my feelings in this textbased forum)

Instead of attacking, why not first wonder WHY saddam and his companions (he's not alone, remember) have these weapons. Merely attacking him and his nation will not resolve the main underlying problem ! U may kill saddam, throw down his regime and also kill osama and his terrorist organisation, that will not solve anything.. let me tell u one lil thing of the big puzzle, we (usa and europe, the rich west as matter of fact) have been ripping of muslim countries cuz of oil ! we bought em cheap and sell em more expensive and above all, whole our economy is based on oil !! (which will disappear (oil) in matter of some small number of decades, if we even make it through this one )
I could go on and on, but i feel like this wont help anyway, it wont stop bush starting a war, nor will it solve the problem.. so i rest my case

And may i remind u people, any violence at all is BAD !! why is this so hard to understand? Nothing is solved, only more problems are created ! but some people are just too damned naïve to see that.. :( talk not fight ... live together, not fight .. but i reckon these are things which will never be accomplished in this foolish world based on the power and brains of a few fools
this is just one of my thoughts i think some of you are right for saying it is presedent bush but if you also look at the name mabus it olmost looks like sudam if you turn the words around. And if i may say soo Sudam is one hell of an evil man and could easly corrupt some, even most of the people in his country i also think he used osma bin ladin in taking down the two towers to devert all of the amercan's attention to osma instead of himself.
Originally posted by The Truth
this is just one of my thoughts i think some of you are right for saying it is presedent bush but if you also look at the name mabus it olmost looks like sudam if you turn the words around. And if i may say soo Sudam is one hell of an evil man and could easly corrupt some, even most of the people in his country i also think he used osma bin ladin in taking down the two towers to devert all of the amercan's attention to osma instead of himself.

Ya gotta read the entire post. Bush and Suddam were talk about early on. Welcome!
Mabus then will soon die, there will come
A horrible undoing of people and animals:
At once vengeance one will see vengeance,
One hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will run.

World War 3 has already started, it is a battle between Light and Darkness,darkness creates wars, hatred , killing social disorder, it is the precurser of the time of enlightenment, and the change of consciousness of Mankind, the comet fly-by if it impinges on the Roche limit will create massive solar disorder, which will negate the negativeness on the Earth (darkness}.
The Light is being shown for those people of humility who are coming towards the light before 2012...there are more than one anti-christ on the Earth...there is great danger ahead and more wars and disorder....immortality will be given to those with humility,to survive the comet fly-by . The axis -mundi shift, likened to the archetypal flood ,WILL ALSO CREATE MASSIVE EARTHQUAKES, CRUSTLE TORQUE ETC...

yes, as I was thinking lately, Mabus could be, instead of a person, just the decay of these moral and spiritual values,> the text :

'Mabus will soon die'

could also be interpreted as: soon, the 'ill fate' will strike (earth/man/....)

the decay into chaos has already started long ago and now there is a critical mass building again,....

these times are tense,...will the minds of people prevail? That's the question, on how many occasions you can handle problems on your own? not always,, stick together is the msg,....but how do people do that when they won't trust or can't trust their own leadership (goverment) anymore,....

if people don't trust in themselves,....and in our fellow-man,....then the earth is doomed to seize to exist,....

The REAL struggle is the environment,....not some country in the gulf,....

This is to draw the attention of the world's population towards issues that don't even matter.

What do you think is more important,...clean air and water,...or oil and and economic and military measures to keep control over other country's their resources (> 2nd Gulf War!)

No, in this matter, it is of no importance what you think, only what 'they' want you to think,....

This reminds me of the propaganda methods used by the nazi's way back in the forty's,...

I wasn't yet alive back then, but I surely studied a lot of it's history,....I'm 'slieslich' a european, with partial german related family ties.

You could argue: "oh it's just a 'fritz'

but I'm not entirely,...This msg has been put up by Nostradamus, for 'us' to understand,...I'm just one of them, trying to grasp the logic.

fukushi,yes you are right,
Mabus could be, instead of a person, just the decay of these moral and spiritual values,> the text :

'Mabus will soon die'

could also be interpreted as: soon, the 'ill fate' will strike.the decay into chaos has already started long ago and now there is a critical mass building again,....

The comet fly-by will cleanse the Earth of this "critical mass" of happened before, and it will happen again, only the people of the light will survive.
World War 3 has already started, it is a battle between Light and Darkness

:m: :m: :m:
Mabus - The Anti Christ

I know Ray Mabus quite well. I used to be his flack back in Mississippi. If the truth be told, he's not the anti Christ. His ex-wife Julie IS the anti Christ.
I was just looking a bit further and look what I found:

Scary! Hypnotic! Torture! and more! (sexual frenzy)
:bugeye: :bugeye: :bugeye:

could it be that this Mabus was actually torturing someone, and that he was cought in the act or something?

Interesting, interesting!:eek:
maby Raymond Mabus;

studied these 'Gurdjieff's principles', I see a link between these principles and what this Raymond Mabus tried to prove,....namely: it states clearly the following:

"Mabus was very interested in seeing how the "linguistic and physical spaces overlap."

And how striking the following is: this is an experpt from this site

o Unravelling-the-Enneagram -- "Unravelling The Enneagram --
applying Gurdjieff's principles to
personality development"

Have you ever heard of the Enneagram? It's popular these days as
the basis of a personality typology -- another way to ask "What
sign are you?". The difference from astrology is that the
Enneagram seems to be based on some real underlying forces.

I learned the system years ago and found it useful, but always
wondered what made it tick. That took a while to figure out.

The Enneagram symbol itself isn't about personality, it's a kind
of "slide rule" which describes dynamic intereactions between certain
kinds of force fields. Thus, the personality Enneagram must be based
on some kind of interacting psychological forces.
This article
offers a model which purports to identify those forces, and shows how
they might result in the observed personality types.


Just a little background on the man who was married to the anti Christ:

Mabus, Raymond Edwin, Jr. (b. 1948) -- also known as Ray Mabus -- of Mississippi. Born October 11, 1948. Governor of Mississippi, 1988-92; U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 1994-96. Still living as of 1997.

...But in 2001, Ray Mabus nearly died. Does that count?

Also, as Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, he was a pretty good guy:

The Good Ambassador

Here's an excerpt from an article written by William McGurn in the Washigton Post, dated Tuesday, June 11, 2002 and titled "Saudi Arabia's American Captives"

"The second time came under the girls' other champion, Ambassador Ray Mabus. Appointed by Bill Clinton, the former Mississippi governor made no bones that he wanted the girls back in America, referring to Gheyashan as a criminal, cutting off all U.S. visas for his family and pushing hard for a resolution. He too worked one out, but left for America before it was seen through, never dreaming that it would all come crashing down in his absence.

"This was never about Saudi law and customs," says Mr. Mabus. "It was about American law. This is a man [Gheshayan] who voluntarily put himself under American law, got married under American law, was divorced under American law and then broke that law"."

So, anywho...he was married to the anti Christ, he was stationed in Saudi Arabia, he nearly died.

Coincidence? Buwahahahaha!

By the way, when Ray was Governor of Mississippi, I used to also act as the Press Secretary to the first lady, Julie Mabus.

Does that make me the Flack to the anti Christ?
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