mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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Century 2, Quatrain 62
Mabus plus tost alors mourra, viendra,
De gens & bestes vn horrible defaite:
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, faim quand courra la comete.

Mabus then will soon die, there will come
A horrible undoing of people and animals:
At once vengeance one will see vengeance,
One hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will run.

John Hogue's Interpretation
Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist has yet to be positively identified. In contrast with his certainty about Napoleon and Hitler, Nostradamus is less clear who this third tyrant is. Perhaps this is an example of his prophetic myopia that enabled him to be clearest about events of local or European history. When contemplating future events in more distant lands, the prophet’s vision tends to be cloudier. What does come through clearly is the fact that this Third and final Antichrist is not a prominent European leader. He may even be a minor player in a future conflict, an insignificant terrorist such as Gavrilo Princip, the Serbian nationalist who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo, triggering World War I.
The man we know as Mabus may be some obscure future terrorist who, if he is not identified and restrained in time, will trigger World War III and the extinction of civilization as we have known it.

The time we have left to positively decode who or what Mabus is, and how to prevent the foretold terrible destiny, may already have passed. The final line could date the beginning of his legacy of terror around the time of the appearance of Halley’s Comet (1985-86), the collision of the comet Shoemaker-Levi (1994), or the comet Hale-Bopp (1997), which appeared right at the millennium of the Jewish lunar calendar.

Mabus could be a cryptogram for Thurbo Majus, the classical Roman name given to the infernal god of Hannibal, or a cryptogram for Megabyzus, one of several conspirators who overthrew a Zoroastrian priest who had usurped the throne of Persia.

An argument could be made that upon this classical foundation, Nostradamus is building a prophecy for the near-future debacle of Saddam Hussein from within, by a Persian (Iranian) ally.

Try this experiment: Take a piece of paper and write "SAddAM." Hold it in front of a mirror.

The mysterious Mabus could be one of dozens of Saddam Hussein’s more sophisticated Al Abbas versions of his Scud missiles. Mabus therefore becomes a weapon launched by the Antichrist in a surprise attack. It "will soon die" in the flames of its own successful explosion after its supersonic journey.

[From: Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies by John Hogue]

Erika Cheetham's Interpretation
Nostradamus mentions a comet together with destruction and war. The "hundred hands" is evocative of the many refugee camps all over the world, where people are suffering from thirst and hunger. When Halley’s Comet passed in 1986 there were famines in Africa, the Far East and South America. Is Mabus the name, possible an anagram, of the Third Antichrist to come? Ms. Cheetham believes it more likely that he is envisaged as a forerunner, so the time of the Antichrist is still awaited.
[From: The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus by Erika Cheetham]
Okay, I hadn't read that bit before. I've got a copy of the Nostradamus stuff by Henry Roberts.

A couple of basic combination checks:



Century (2) and quatrain (62) number checks:


2 = A
62 = A
2+62 = 64 = U

Exactly! That's a good question. :) Read the whole thread sweetheart. Maybe you'll get a little more aquainted with the subject Mabus then.

It can't harm you, it are only typed words, typed on a keyboard. I can't garantuee there's not a demon attached to some replies but what the hell?

Yes, maybe I am Mabus... :p
Banshee, I have read the whole thread. And so has Adam. And neither of us can figure it out!
Primeval Beauty

If you're a girl and not a guy, sorry for my mistake.

Banshee called me sweetheart! :eek:

Vague letter associations
By mixing up the letters I tend to see a lot of "USA" and "USAMA". Which leaves the "B". *shrug*
It is not quite clear who Mabus is. There are several theories. Some people think it is Saddam Hoessein, some people think it is Osama (Usama) Bin Laden, some people think it is Bush. Probably it is someone from the Middle-East.

So that is what we are trying to figure out here. It's coming from Nostradamus. He wrote about Mabus. He wrote about Hitler too and it all seems to fit, somehow. Hitler was misspelled, like an anagram, so is Mabus probably. :)

Anyway, this Mabus is about to show who he really is one of these days, months, (years?) and that's what it is all about.

Well, actually it's expected this year.

Banshee called me sweetheart! :eek:

Anytime Adam, whenever you wish... ;)
Well, actually it's expected this year.
actually it is expected every year by many people. you know what happened on the year 1000 in Germany, don't you?

I do not really think we have to shout about Mabus then and Mabus then. By predicting nothing is saved. By preventing it is. But how do you know tht in the result of your prevention mission Mabus may not rise (see Bush and his stupid Anti-Terror campaign)
About mabus...

Originally posted by Primeval Beauty:
...and the extinction of civilization as we have known it.

It's actually a transformation.
There's no end, there's only a new beginning.

Originally posted by Banshee:
Well, actually it's expected this year.

Well, it's actually getting pretty close...
From May 20 to June 10 is the most probable... eventhough it can happen later...

Originally posted by Avatar:
But how do you know tht in the result of your prevention mission Mabus may not rise (see Bush and his stupid Anti-Terror campaign)

This is pretty much like that paradox of killing your grandfather... what is writen, is writen...

I've been reading through teh Nostradamus stuff, particularly the Hitler bits. They really don't say a damn thing about Hitler. They say things which could refer to Hitler, in retrospect, if you squint; but they could also refer to Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Stalin...

If Osama-bin-laden was Mabus, and when he died at tora-bora in a bombardament with one of those daisy-cutters (=bomb close to a Nuclear-bomb)

>Then,....Mabus has already died,...and the world, not just the usa (for you imperialists), faces an 38 jears long worldwar, in wich the real important factors of life will be overlooked,...resulting in death afterall,...

there's a crisis alright,...but nobody's really interested I see
by 2025 the oil-fields run dry,...ect,...

so, thx again for saving this thread: back on topic,...!!!
Haven't got much time now, got to run,...last night I was plagued by a helicopter that was flying over time and again,...I called the cops and it was not their's,...if someone is fucking with my mind, who is it?

'MABUS' has five letters, 'OMEGA' has five letters. Yet Mabus is not the end. Mabus is a new beginning - a first - an 'ALPHA' - five letters. It says in the Bible:

Rev. 1:8
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

God is both halves of ALPHA and OMEGA. God is the union of these opposites.

What does this have to do with MABUS, you 'skeptics' ask? There are many changes coming. Many changes. Demons are not somthing that we humans create, but they are real, Seeker of Truth. These demons may cause changes, but they cannot cause endings.

MABUS is the One prophesied in the Book of Revalations.
there's a crisis alright,...but nobody's really interested I see
by 2025 the oil-fields run dry,...ect,...

Yes, some people here are still interested and very aware of what's happening right now!

FoxMulder, stop confusing two different members of Sciforums. The one you are speaking to is called: TruthSeeker! There is also a member who's called SeekerOfTruth! That is a different member, though.

Changes are coming yes. If this has anything to do with god, stays unsolved. It's just the way you look at it. Keep your posts smart please.


I did not mean to confuse Truthseeker with another member. I did not know that there was a member 'Seeker of Truth'.

I am sorry, Banshee, I did not mean to upset you by mentioning God if He offends you. But I think that He has everything to do with this 'Mabus' prophecy.
Re: Mabus....

Originally posted by FoxMulder
'MABUS' has five letters, 'OMEGA' has five letters. Yet Mabus is not the end.
What does this have to do with MABUS, you 'skeptics' ask? There are many changes coming. Many changes. These demons may cause changes, but they cannot cause endings.
wheather if it is a god or a demon I'll try to kill him/her/it if I get the chance. I have no fun in watching smone destroying my surroundings and even less joy watching smone bigger ending all that I know.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord
reminds me of my physics teacher:p
Many changes. Demons are not somthing that we humans create
I'll reveal you a little secret, ok? Humans indeed do not create demons. they are as old as angels and earth and all that is (in fact they are one and the same, only have different functions). Humans do not create, they sustain them. With their anger, with their hate.They drink from those emotions. That doesn't mean tht we can not drink smth else. Consider these emotions as a doping. They can live only on beauty on good, but bad emotions is like drugs. They poison those who try them. They want more and more of those emotions. Try to dwell amond such people. You Fox are one of these people. It doesn't matter if you hate demons or trinity, hate is all that matters. It's been some years now that I try to avoid such people as you, I do not want to poison my soul, although internet serves as a good filter letting only a small portion of your emotions through.
Now I've had enough of this babbling!

Fox, I am not offended by god. He belongs in the Religion Forum when you keep on talking about him like this.

Primeval Beauty, be good and keep the thread ontopic please. This is about Mabus and it can be discussed without naming demons/god in every reply.

Fox, Mabus is not mentioned by name or any other anagram in the bible. I suggest you read the prophecy made by Nostradamus, for that's the one and only prophecy we are referring to in this particular thread!

So, can we keep this thread on it's original topic? Any BS, posted after this post, will be edited.

My goodness, I am no fuckin' police officer...

(open a demon thread somewhere in free Thoughts or in Religion then, if you need to talk about it that badly.)
Nostradamus 2/62

Mabus shall come, and soon after shall die,
Of people and beasts shall be a horrible destruction,
Then on a sudden the vengeance shall be seen,
Blood, hand, thirst, famine, when the comet shall run.

There it is again. *shrug*

Banshee, you're mighty strict and dominant when angry. :p
Thank you Adam.:) For posting Nostradamus 2/62 again.:)

Now FoxMulder knows where it's all coming from.

Accept another Sweetheart! from me, with kisses...:p

Originally posted by Fox Mulder:
God is both halves of ALPHA and OMEGA. God is the union of these opposites.

Yet Mabus is not the end. Mabus is a new beginning - a first - an 'ALPHA' - five letters. It says in the Bible:

"Rev. 1:8
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

Well... those things I can't argue about. It's actually a good complementation Banshee... ;)

MABUS is the One prophesied in the Book of Revalations.
Probably is...

Demons are not somthing that we humans create, but they are real...

We discuss this later, Fox, in another thread. Banshee is right. Let's stay ontopic...

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