mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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Hello All!!!!


...It is the end of "the world", though. The world as in: this civilization. It is not the end of Planet Earth, it's just the end of a time-period.

AMEN BANSHEE!!! This bad time-period is going to end, like in 'Revalations'. But not like in Revalations! It is not exactly like that, because Jesus loves us and would not want suffering!!!

But the Adversary is mounting his attack!!! Look at these so-called 'UFOs'! We need people to come to Jesus to defeat the Adversary!!!

God Bless and Keep

Jesus is dead,....the illuminati killed him: in precision: patrician fellow-ship got the go ahead,...
A new Christian is sciforums!
Good! :)

Welcome FoxMulder!
And God bless you!

Ever wondered why?

Someone in another thread mentioned that radar systems sometimes malfunction when UFOs are about. Ever wondered why? Because UFOs are not what you think! Since they exist only partially as physical objects, they have uncertain physical interactions with the world.

Thank you. I read back in another thread that you worked with radar?

And yes, unfortunatly I am an expert on demons. They are not 'cool' at all.

Thank you for the welcome, TruthSeeker. May I ask what truth you seek?

Thank you for the welcome, TruthSeeker. May I ask what truth you seek?

I actually already found it... it is

Unfortunatly, Love is still far away from people's eyes... :(

Hey... Do you know about UFOs too?:)
It seems so... ;)

Re: Adam....

Originally posted by FoxMulder
Thank you. I read back in another thread that you worked with radar?

And yes, unfortunatly I am an expert on demons. They are not 'cool' at all.

Thank you for the welcome, TruthSeeker. May I ask what truth you seek?

hes from New Jersey.......
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

I actually already found it... it is

Unfortunatly, Love is still far away from people's eyes... :(

Hey... Do you know about UFOs too?:)
It seems so... ;)


truthseeker, i wonder what this um love as you call it is?
can you prove it, over my life i have developed the notion that it does not exist, so please let us hear your infinite wisdom..

truthseeker, i wonder what this um love as you call it is?
can you prove it, over my life i have developed the notion that it does not exist, so please let us hear your infinite wisdom..

Do you Love yourself?

I love myself while imagining being trapped in demonic bondage, actually.
Originally posted by FoxMulder:
Everybody should love themselves...

That's actually the biggest part of the Secret of Life.
Loving yourrself gives you real well-being... ;)
It's by changing yourself, it's by your inner world, that you change the outer world. So, Love should begin inside ourselves. :)

, or be trapped in demonic bondage!


There are three demons that trap ourselves:
  • The Judge
  • The Complainer
  • The Victim

The Judge is created by the knowledge of the circumstances, that is made by lies. Why the circumstances are lies? Because lies upon lies were made since the beginning of humanity.

The Judge will allways find yourself guilty. Then, it will create the Complainer or the Victim, depending mostly of the self-esteem of the person.

If the self-esteem is hight, the Complainer is created: "It is not fair," says the Complainer,"I must have this, why don't I have? That's an injustice!" The Complainer destroys gratitude which is one of the creators of Love.

If the self-esteem is low, the Victim is created: "Poor me,"says the Victim,"I have nothing, I'm nothing, it's injust." The Victim destroys your inner power, it diminishes yourself.

The feelings associated with them are usually fear-doubt (fear and doubt always co-create), guilty, depression, stress and confusion.

We are trapped by those demons when we don't Love ourselves.

Demons are everywhere....

We are trapped by those demons when we don't Love ourselves


I love myself while imagining being trapped in demonic bondage, actually.

Xev will get mad at you if you say somthing like that.....
I don't think so. My personal life with my demonic playmates is my own business.
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