mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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Do you see sacrifices in Mithology and Religion? Surely... ;)
Each time you see a sacrifice in Mithology and Religion, remember that it means transformation. There's lots of simbology on them because there's no vocabulary to explain those things. It's like to talk about Quantum Physics... we don't have a good vocabulary for that... we lack words...
They used simbology to explain. They should be interpreted and not understood literally (like atheists usually do...)...

I have done sacrefaces, but never saw anything of transformation. Mostly sacrefaces in mythology are to please gods and make them calm, cool down their anger or recquest for some benifit. no transformation. and I have studied mythology.

Yeah... you got the LITERAL meaning...!!! :D
See...? You read that the gods calm down... that they please the gods with sacrifices... Surely you do! Because sacrifices means an internal transformation, a spiritual transformation inside yourself! You please the god (means your perfect hidden part) with a sacrifice (internal spiritual transformation)!! :)

You DID sacrifices...? :confused: :confused:

Because sacrifices means an internal transformation, a spiritual transformation inside yourself
from where did you get that?
You DID sacrifices...?
( to undertand history, we need to travel back in time, in our mind and body) YES, I have done sacrifices [don't worry-no animals were harmed in the process;)]

from where did you get that?

It is the interpretation...

sacrifice----------------------leads to---->please god
internal transformation---leads to---->rediscover yourself

It's THE interpretation of "sacrife" spiritually speaking...

( to undertand history, we need to travel back in time, in our mind and body) YES, I have done sacrifices [don't worry-no animals were harmed in the process]

Do you mean LITERALLY?? I mean... did you kill something or what??? :confused: :bugeye: :confused: :eek:

internal transformation---leads to---->rediscover yourself
I think tht it's the other way round.
rediscovering yourself leads to internal transformation. it's logical although I highly doubt the term "rediscovering yourself" ...did I forget or what:D
Do you mean LITERALLY?? I mean... did you kill something or what???
If you had studied mythology then you'd know that sacrificing not always and not in most cases means killing smthing. No I didn't kill. I sacrificed in fire.

Couldn't you two settle that we are all stardust? Point final, more pls,...could anyone of you two please specify what this all has to do with Mabus and Nostradamus, a more direct sense,...

Well... the discussion began with "the end of the world"...:D
I added that's it's not the "end of the world", it's a transformation...
Mabus is just one of the things that will "happen" (according to Nostradamus)... it's a piece of the puzzle. I've been talking about the puzzle itself. ;)

...It is the end of "the world", though. The world as in: this civilization. It is not the end of Planet Earth, it's just the end of a time-period.

Fukushi, did you have a little bit of a bad day today? (Sunday) :)

TruthSeeker, sorry to correct you, it is the right-hemisphere, that's connected with Intuition, feelings, colours, creativity, emotions...

The left-hemisphere is the more logical, calculating half... Just the other way round, you see? :) :)
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
You forget who you really are...

Real fire...?

how can you tell tht. do you remember:confused:

no artificial:D from which planet do you come. 3m high, by the sea. it's a spectacular sight. when all the little fire pieces go up ,seems right up to the stars.

I added that's it's not the "end of the world", it's a transformation...
And I said I can not even imagine from where did he get tht sacrifacion=transformation=end of the world:D
It's remarkable,...

How wrongdoings between people work contagious,...
these frustrations are continiously projected onto eachother,...

Why bother,...indeed,...until your subjected,...

someone steps up to you and kills you,...end of story. point final.

man should anticipate,...continiously,...and not wait for the sientific 'proof'.

There is no taxidermist for the earth you know,...
People are the only species responsible for earth,...
and it's a lousy exuse to say that 'you couldn't help it'.
Everybody should take care for eachother,...and in the first place: for the girls:not to be so pretentious,...sometimes,....

but that's a whole lot of other story,....

Does anyone think that Pim-Fortuyn was Mabus?
No, I don't think Pim Fortuyn was Mabus. :confused: How can you even ask that? It is outrageous that it happened. A cold-blooded murder it was and you know it! Damn Fukushi!

It is remarkable, however, that everyone who was against Fortuyn, now all of a sudden feel pity for him. I agree that it is an outrageous "thing", what happened here, in the democratic Netherlands. All people taking a turn to him, now he's dead, that's hypocrite. Oh well, it's a terrible murder and I sincerely hope the mentality in the Netherlands wil take it's turn to what it once was. A while back again that is, for it is a big mess there, for a longer time-period now.

And not only in the Netherlands, whole Europe's gone bananas as far as I can see.

Oh I just can't find the right words today. I leave the boards. Will be back later.

And you are very right Fukushi, in the words, that it is up to every single person to stand up and DO something. It's always easier to talk on a message board then to actually take action and responsibility.

So, go, go. go Fukushi. Let's hope other people see the need there is, for people who stand up for Earth and Her inhabitants. The human race is a disgrace at the say at the least... :(
Dubbayha could live in the Vatican so that he and the Pope could argue every day about the inhumanity of Clonning!

I tought all these people from the church-fabric WHERE clones? Aren't they?
If not then they are at least clowns,...

If they are clones then they're afraid that other people will share in their uniquicallity, they will lose the 'special' from their clonish relationship.
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