Luminiferous Aether Exists!

You are able to understand what is postulated as non-baryonic dark matter has mass, correct?

You are able to understand galaxies have been found not anchored to non-baryonic dark matter, correct?

This means the galaxies are moving through what is postulated as non-baryonic dark matter.

This means what is postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether.

This means aether has mass.

Mass is that which physically occupies three dimensional space.

Aether and matter have mass.

Matter is condensations of aether.

You like to repeat things over and over. Just wondering, did you have a lot of concussions as a child? I predict you will simply repeat this post again - Why don't you surprise me. ;)
Sorry but based on what you have said before that will not cause a different pressure. Above you said the earth displaces more aether so there is more pressure but you have also said that there is no difference in density or the amount of aether around a body. So if there is no more aether around a body there should not be more pressure. What is causing the higher pressure? If the aether is of a constant density around all bodies then the pressure will be the same for all bodies.

Sorry but yesterday you weren't even aware superfluids wave. Now your some type of expert on supersolids, or something which is similar to a supersolid?

The following article describes the aether as an incompressible fluid resulting in what the article refers to as gravitational aether caused by pressure (or vorticity).

'Phenomenology of Gravitational Aether as a solution to the Old Cosmological Constant Problem'

"One proposal to address this puzzle at the semi-classical level is to decouple quantum vacuum from space-time geometry via a modification of gravity that includes an incompressible fluid, known as Gravitational Aether. In this paper, we discuss classical predictions of this theory along with its compatibility with cosmological and experimental tests of gravity. We argue that deviations from General Relativity (GR) in this theory are sourced by pressure or vorticity."

The following article describes gravity as a pressure exerted by aether toward matter.

'The aether-modified gravity and the G ̈del metric'

"As for the pressure, it is equal to p = 53−αg,6a2 so, it is positive if αg < 3 which is the weaker condition than the previous one. One notes that the results corresponding to the usual gravity are easily recovered. Also, it is easy to see that the interval αg < 15 corresponds to the usual matter."

The following article describes a gravitating vacuum where aether is the quantum vacuum of the 21-st century.

'From Analogue Models to Gravitating Vacuum'

"The aether of the 21-st century is the quantum vacuum, which is a new form of matter. This is the real substance"

The following articles describe what is presently postulated as dark matter is aether.

'Quantum aether and an invariant Planck scale'

"this version of aether may have some bearing on the abundance of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in our universe."

"mass of the aether"

'Scalars, Vectors and Tensors from Metric-Affine Gravity'

"the model obtained here gets closer to the aether theory of , which is shown therein to be an alternative to the cold dark matter."

'Unified model for dark matter and quintessence'

"Superfluid dark matter is reminiscent of the aether and modeling the universe using superfluid aether is compatible."

'Vainshtein mechanism in Gauss-Bonnet gravity and Galileon aether'

"the perturbations of the scalar field do not propagate in the Minkowski space-time but rather in some form of ”aether” because of the presence of the background field"
Yes, I understood it the first time I simply stated it incorrectly. The idea is quite easy to understand even though completely silly.

Do you understand that if the particle is creating waves in the aether then the particle will lose energy to the aether?

Why don't you read up on superfluids and supersolids.

No lose of energy in the interaction of objects with a superfluid or a supersolid IS THE DEFINITION OF a superfluid or a supersolid.

Q. Is the object displacing the aether or is the aether displacing the object.
A. Both are occurring simultaneously with equal force.
You like to repeat things over and over. Just wondering, did you have a lot of concussions as a child? I predict you will simply repeat this post again - Why don't you surprise me. ;)

I have to keep repeating myself because you have no idea what you are talking about.

Here is a quote of yours where you do not understand how superfluids and supersolids behave.

"So the aether imparts a force on the particle. Also the particle actually causes the waves. That would mean of course that the particles are losing energy and should slow down from the aether but that does no happen. Why is that?"

Here are posts of yours where you don't understand superfluids and supersolids wave.

"So particles moving through the aether will not cause a wave front. So the idea about the double slit experiment can't be from waves. You can't have it both ways g_a!"

"Apparently you did not understand the article - read it again paying particular attention to the discussion about transverse waves. Then read what you wrote agian, "which is a liquid that has lost all internal friction, allowing it to flow without resistance". No resistance, no waves, no loss of energy - no aether (as you define it)."

Here you are insisting the wave in the aether passes through a single slit when I had said repeatedly the wave in the aether passes through both.

"Otherwise there would be aether waves through one slit and photons through the other slit and there would not be an interference pattern."

Here you still do not understand what superfluids and supersolids are.

"Do you understand that if the particle is creating waves in the aether then the particle will lose energy to the aether?"
Why don't you read up on superfluids and supersolids.

No lose of energy in the interaction of objects with a superfluid or a supersolid IS THE DEFINITION OF a superfluid or a supersolid.

Nope that cannot be. You have said that particles make waves -this takes energy and the energy is coming from the particles. Generally a superfluid will have zero viscosity and would not interact with particles, but you have specifically said that the particles cause waves in the aether so the wave MUST have energy put into them or they would not exist. You can't have it both ways.
"Do you understand that if the particle is creating waves in the aether then the particle will lose energy to the aether?"

No. Do you understand that a wave cannot rise out of nothing. Do you understand that it takes energy to make waves?
Those are all swell articles however they don't relate to your simple minded concept so I will ask the question again and try to answer the question.

You said the earth displaces more aether so there is more pressure but you have also said that there is no difference in density or the amount of aether around a body. So if there is no more aether around a body there should not be more pressure. What is causing the higher pressure? If the aether is of a constant density around all bodies then the pressure will be the same for all bodies.
Nope that cannot be. You have said that particles make waves -this takes energy and the energy is coming from the particles. Generally a superfluid will have zero viscosity and would not interact with particles, but you have specifically said that the particles cause waves in the aether so the wave MUST have energy put into them or they would not exist. You can't have it both ways.

Are you able to understand in the following the sound wave is a wave?

'Superfluid Is Shown To Have Property Of A Solid'

"Northwestern University physicists have for the first time shown that superfluid helium-3 -- the lighter isotope of helium, which is a liquid that has lost all internal friction, allowing it to flow without resistance and ooze through tiny spaces that normal liquids cannot penetrate -- actually behaves like a solid in its ability to conduct sound waves."

Are you able to understand the sound wave will travel forever through the superfluid helium-3?

Are you able to understand that that is the definition of a superfluid?

Are you able to understand if the sound wave dissipates then it is not traveling through a superfluid?

The aether is, or behaves similar to, a superfliud with properties of a solid; a supersolid.
No. Do you understand that a wave cannot rise out of nothing. Do you understand that it takes energy to make waves?

Yes, I understand it takes energy to make waves. I also understand that when discussing a wave in a superfluid or a supersolid the same amount of energy is returned to the particle making the wave as the superfluid or supersolid 'displaces back'.

I understand no loss of energy in the interaction of an object and a superfluid or a supersolid IS THE DEFINITION OF a superfluid or supersolid.
Are you able to understand in the following the sound wave is a wave?

'Superfluid Is Shown To Have Property Of A Solid'

"Northwestern University physicists have for the first time shown that superfluid helium-3 -- the lighter isotope of helium, which is a liquid that has lost all internal friction, allowing it to flow without resistance and ooze through tiny spaces that normal liquids cannot penetrate -- actually behaves like a solid in its ability to conduct sound waves."

Are you able to understand the sound wave will travel forever through the superfluid helium-3?

Are you able to understand that that is the definition of a superfluid?

Are you able to understand if the sound wave dissipates then it is not traveling through a superfluid?

The aether is, or behaves similar to, a superfliud with properties of a solid; a supersolid.

Do you understand that the waves generated are from the input of energy from the sound? Do you understand that they do not magically appear?
Those are all swell articles however they don't relate to your simple minded concept so I will ask the question again and try to answer the question.

You said the earth displaces more aether so there is more pressure but you have also said that there is no difference in density or the amount of aether around a body. So if there is no more aether around a body there should not be more pressure. What is causing the higher pressure? If the aether is of a constant density around all bodies then the pressure will be the same for all bodies.

The first article I posted stated the aether is an incompressible fluid. Are you able to understand there is no change in the density of an incompressible fluid? Are you able to understand the article states it is this incompressible fluid which is responsible for the pressure (or vorticity) associated with gravity?

You can't even understand the article answers your question.

'Phenomenology of Gravitational Aether as a solution to the Old Cosmological Constant Problem'

"One proposal to address this puzzle at the semi-classical level is to decouple quantum vacuum from space-time geometry via a modification of gravity that includes an incompressible fluid, known as Gravitational Aether. In this paper, we discuss classical predictions of this theory along with its compatibility with cosmological and experimental tests of gravity. We argue that deviations from General Relativity (GR) in this theory are sourced by pressure or vorticity."
Do you understand that the waves generated are from the input of energy from the sound? Do you understand that they do not magically appear?

Are you able to understand the sound wave will travel forever through the superfluid because that is what the definition of a superfluid is?
Yes, I understand it takes energy to make waves. I also understand that when discussing a wave in a superfluid or a supersolid the same amount of energy is returned to the particle making the wave as the superfluid or supersolid 'displaces back'.

Really? The only way that would be possible is if the wave dissapears - unless you also believe in energy can just be created... which you might.
Really? The only way that would be possible is if the wave dissapears - unless you also believe in energy can just be created... which you might.

Are you able to understand the sound wave will travel forever through the superfluid because that is what the definition of a superfluid is?

You are in a bowling alley. The bowling alley is filled with a superfluid. You roll the ball toward the pins. If there were no friction between the bowling ball and the lane the bowling ball would roll forever. The bowling ball requires energy to displace the superfluid. The superfluid returns the same amount of energy to the bowling ball as the superfluid 'displaces back'. If there were loss of energy and the bowling ball were to slow down and stop then the superfluid would not be a superfluid because that is the definition of a superfluid.
The first article I posted stated the aether is an incompressible fluid. Are you able to understand there is no change in the density of an incompressible fluid? Are you able to understand the article states it is this incompressible fluid which is responsible for the pressure (or vorticity) associated with gravity?

Are you able to understand that the given that you say there is no change in the density of the aether that your idea about the pressure differences are wrong?

You can't even understand the article answers your question.

The article does not agree with your silly, simplistic ideas.

'Phenomenology of Gravitational Aether as a solution to the Old Cosmological Constant Problem'

"One proposal to address this puzzle at the semi-classical level is to decouple quantum vacuum from space-time geometry via a modification of gravity that includes an incompressible fluid, known as Gravitational Aether. In this paper, we discuss classical predictions of this theory along with its compatibility with cosmological and experimental tests of gravity. We argue that deviations from General Relativity (GR) in this theory are sourced by pressure or vorticity."

Just because the article uses the term aether does not mean the article supports your idea - it doesn't.

Did you work through the math in the article? Ha ha just kidding it is a bit beyond high school algebra.
Are you able to understand that the given that you say there is no change in the density of the aether that your idea about the pressure differences are wrong?

The article does not agree with your silly, simplistic ideas.

Just because the article uses the term aether does not mean the article supports your idea - it doesn't.

Did you work through the math in the article? Ha ha just kidding it is a bit beyond high school algebra.

You are stating there must be a change in density for the aether to be responsbile for gravity.

The article is saying the GRAVITATIONAL AETHER is an INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID and is responsbile for gravity due to PRESSURE or vorticity..

The article answers your question.
Actually,there is another theory called hyperspace theory that says that light is actually a vibration of the 5th dimension...because in rienmann's metric tensor light has been unified with gravity in 5th dimension..This theory is actually known as Kaluza-klien thoery.
Actually,there is another theory called hyperspace theory that says that light is actually a vibration of the 5th dimension...because in rienmann's metric tensor light has been unified with gravity in 5th dimension..This theory is actually known as Kaluza-klien thoery.

There is no need for a 4th or 5th dimension. Everything is with respect to the state of the aether in which it exists, including the rate at which atomic clocks tick. That is why the speed of light is always measured to be 'c'.

Light propagates through the aether.

Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.

Einstein's gravitational wave is de Broglie's pilot-wave.

Both are waves in the aether.

Aether displaced by matter relates general relativity and quantum mechnics.
You are stating there must be a change in density for the aether to be responsbile for gravity.

The article is saying the GRAVITATIONAL AETHER is an INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID and is responsbile for gravity due to PRESSURE or vorticity..

The article answers your question.

The article DOES NOT support your BONE HEADED conjecture.

So it does not answer my question. You are only able to ineffectually wave your hands at the answer and the whole idea is just to stupid anyway.

The mods have decided for some reason to let you continue to post under your current sock puppet, but I am afraid I will have to exit for a while, talking to a brick wall of denial begins to wear on the nerves.
The article DOES NOT support your BONE HEADED conjecture.

Of course it does.

So it does not answer my question.

Your question is that the only way the aether could be responsible for gravity is if it has a variable density.

You are only able to ineffectually wave your hands at the answer and the whole idea is just to stupid anyway.

The mods have decided for some reason to let you continue to post under your current sock puppet, but I am afraid I will have to exit for a while, talking to a brick wall of denial begins to wear on the nerves.

The article states that the gravitational aether is an incompressible fluid and gravity is caused by pressure or vorticity.

An incompressible fluid does not have a variable density.

A gravitational aether means the aether is responsible for gravity.

The reason why the incompressible fluid aether is responsible for gravity is due to pressure or vorticity.

We never even made it to any of the other articles.

For example, the following article has 'Gravitating Vacuum' in its title and describes the aether as a real substance.

'From Analogue Models to Gravitating Vacuum'

"The aether of the 21-st century is the quantum vacuum, which is a new form of matter. This is the real substance, which however has a very peculiar properties strikingly different from the other forms of matter (solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, Bose condensates, radiation, etc.) and from all the old aethers."

And that real substance physically occupies three dimensional space and is physically displaced by particles of matter.

When moving through the aether a particle of matter has an associated aether displacement wave.

In a double slit experiment, the particle travels through a single slit and the associated wave in the aether through both.

The real substance waves.

The aether waves.

Einstein's gravitational wave is de Broglie's pilot-wave.

Both are waves in the aether.

The real substance aether physically displaced by matter relates general relativity and quantum mechanics.
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