
spidergoat said:
You know bigots make generalizations about Jews too, that they are money grubbing, conspiritorial, power hungry zealots. How does that make you feel?

I feel fine about it, maybe people might have a point about Jews acting a certein way. If there are facts to be learned about Jews behaviour, then start a thread so we can talk about it.
It just proves how helpless blacks are without the help of whites, look at Africa.
And here is even more proof:
New report examines the high levels of joblessness and year-round idleness plaguing African-American men

This is just once again proving my point about your kind. Blacks make up only 12% of this population. You've spent a good part of 450 years making sure that we can't be educated in your world. So let me understand this. You don't want us to be like black people, you want us to immulate white people but then you don't want to treat us like people. Theres nothing new about this report! EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (do you even understand what this means?) will give us everything we need to make in the white mans population. When will we/they be able to have that without you're whinning and complaining. It's not our fault that we can't get jobs or education fairly. We're not the ones who are responsible for the stupidity of this government. We're not running the country yet you blame us for everything gone wrong. HOW STUPID ARE U?
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ReighnStorm said:
This is just once again proving my point about your kind. Blacks make up only 12% of this population. You've spent a good part of 450 making sure that we can't be educated in your world. So let me understand this. You don't want us to be like black people, you want us to immulate white people but then you don't want to treat us like people. Theres nothing new about this report! EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (do you even understand what this means?) will give us everything we need to make in the white mans population. When will be able to have that without you're whinning and complaining. It's not our fault that we can't get jobs or education fairly. We're not the ones who are responsible for the stupidity of this government. We're not running the country yet you blame us for everything gone wrong. HOW STUPID ARE U?
It is sad that you believe the only way for blacks to suceed depends only on the charity of whites.
Minorities can never succeed without the cooperation of the majority. Besides, you aren't white either, you are descended from people who once lived in egypt, your skin is darker than europeans, your nose adapted to the desert air, and you might have more testosterone, which is probably what makes you so hostile. Jews had to fight oppression and racism, too, but I guess you wouldn't be familiar with your own history.

Like in that Twilight Zone movie, you need to wake up in black skin one morning and see what it feels like to be oppressed and feared by people that don't even know you.
spidergoat said:
Minorities can never succeed without the cooperation of the majority. Besides, you aren't white either, you are descended from people who once lived in egypt, your skin is darker than europeans, your nose adapted to the desert air, and you might have more testosterone, which is probably what makes you so hostile. Jews had to fight oppression and racism, too, but I guess you wouldn't be familiar with your own history.
Average IQ of Countries

The average IQ in the United States is usually set at 100. Groups within the US score different average IQ's, such as 115 for college grads or 85 for African-Americans. Similarly, average IQ varies from country to country, shown in the 2002 book IQ and the Wealth of Nations (sets Britain at 100):

Hong Kong 107 Korea, South 106 Japan 105 Taiwan 104 Singapore 104 Austria 102 Germany 102 Italy 102 Netherlands 102 Sweden 101 Switzerland 101 Belgium 100 China 100 New Zealand 100 U. Kingdom 100 Hungary 99 Poland 99 Australia 98 Denmark 98 France 98 Norway 98 United States 98 Canada 97 Czech Republic 97 Finland 97 Spain 97 Argentina 96 Russia 96 Slovakia 96 Uruguay 96 Portugal 95 Slovenia 95 Israel 94 Romania 94 Bulgaria 93 Ireland 93 Greece 92 Malaysia 92 Thailand 91 Croatia 90 Peru 90 Turkey 90 Colombia 89 Indonesia 89 Suriname 89 Brazil 87 Iraq 87 Mexico 87 Samoa (Western) 87 Tonga 87 Lebanon 86 Philippines 86 Cuba 85 Morocco 85 Fiji 84 Iran 84 Marshall Islands 84 Puerto Rico 84 Egypt 83 India 81 Ecuador 80 Guatemala 79 Barbados 78 Nepal 78 Qatar 78 Zambia 77 Congo (Brazz) 73 Uganda 73 Jamaica 72 Kenya 72 South Africa 72 Sudan 72 Tanzania 72 Ghana 71 Nigeria 67 Guinea 66 Zimbabwe 66 Congo (Zaire) 65 Sierra Leone 64 Ethiopia 63 Equatorial Guinea 59

spidergoat said:
Minorities can never succeed without the cooperation of the majority.
Blacks have a much larger population world wide then do whites.

Next excuse?
Not in America. I was talking about America.

You're still a dumbass if you think these statistics prove anything about Africans. You see, in science, you need to eliminate all other possible variables, such as in this case, the effects of colonialism and the rape of resources, cultural differences, even climate, and you haven't done any of that.

It's the violent nature of white people that led them to oppress blacks. It's warfare and the availability of metal ore that led them to invent guns, cannons, and sail-powered gunships.

All the allegedly more violent blacks had was spears.

Next racist brainfart?
spidergoat said:
Not in America. I was talking about America.
In America is where blacks have the greatest standard of living then anywhere else in the world.
spidergoat said:
All the allegedly more violent blacks had was spears.
Do you really expect any greater invention then the spear from them?
Do you really expect any greater invention then the spear from them?
Their greatest inventions are cultural, not weapons. What can your people claim, the Uzi? Ha!
spidergoat said:
Their greatest inventions are cultural, not weapons. What can your people claim, the Uzi? Ha!
The White race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren icefields. It has been responsible for the invention of the printing press, cement, the harnessing of electricity, flight, rocketry, astronomy, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, the lightbulb, photography, motion pictures, the phonograph, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, railroad transportation, the microscope, computers, and millions of other technological miracles. It has discovered countless medical advances, incredible applications, scientific progress, etc. Its members have included such greats as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson, and thousands upon thousands of other notable achievers.
Trains, planes, cars, rockets, telescopes, tires, telephones, radios, television, electricity, atomic energy, computers, and fax machines. All miracles made possible by the minds and spirits of men with names like Ampere, Bell, Caselli, Edison, Ohm, Faraday, Einstein, Cohen, Teller, Shockley, Hertz, Marconi, Morse, Popov. Ford, Volta, Michelin, Dunlop, Watt, Diesel, Galileo, and other "dead white males."
funny how the sand nigs think they are white
they obviously think they will be spared when the inevitable race war begins
No, I said, YOUR people, those aren't your people. How are you going to feel when the chosen people includes blacks? That's right, there are plently of black Jews.
spidergoat said:
No, I said, YOUR people, those aren't your people. How are you going to feel when the chosen people includes blacks? That's right, there are plently of black Jews.
In my last post you must have skipped over the name "Einstein".

Anyways here are some other Jews.
The Nobel Prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation of Sweden to men and women who have rendered the greatest service to humankind. Between 1901 and 2004, more than 740 Nobel Prizes were handed out. Of these, at least 156 are Jews.
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So why is it their whiteness and not, say, religion that made the difference? Judeo-Christian theology says that the Earth is there for us to use. I would say we are using it to death.
I keep wondering why there are so many excuses for the blacks, when no one makes such excuses for the poor whites of the nation?

Also, how have the blacks remained so low "on the totem pole", while Chinese, Vietnamese, Mexicans, Pakistanis, Indians, Koreans, etc have come into this nation and have succeeded? Why are there no excuses for them? Why are they not screaming for "equal opportunity" and for government handouts and welfare? Why are they not making excuses for themselves?

"Minorities can never succeed without the cooperation of the majority."

Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby, Magic Johnson, ....and a whole slew of blacks who have managed to make it in this world? All of them were coddled by whites somehow? I'd hope that you'd not say that in front of them!!

Baron Max
Baron Max

Baron Max said:
...LOL! That's pretty good, Bells! ...taking something totally out of context and making into a ..well, pretty good "argument". ...LOL!

However, we both know, as well as most who read your post, that it's pure nonsense and silliness. But that's okay ...lots of post here are like that. It keeps the forums sorta' fun and humorous.
Heh.. uh huh.. and I like the way how you completely dodged the issues as well.. ;)

Just curious, however .....do you think that Colin Powell or Condi Rice would be in the position their in if they hadn't taken the route of "...when in Rome, ..."?
So you are saying that because Powell and Rice are educated and rich, they are being like whites? So they took the route of "when in Rome" by getting an education and making money through sometimes dodgy investments? Tell me Baron, surely you aren't saying that all whites in the US are educated and rich since you seem to think that whites are "the Romans" in your "when in Rome" scenario.

Your argument that blacks are being like whites when they get an education and/or a job is frankly degrading and purely racist. You make such a statement with no regard to the fact that no matter how educated and rich they may be, they will still face prejudices because of their colour.

Watching the news on Katrina, there were many images of whites also looting. Yet that is not deemed to be bad because of the opinion that 'yeah they're white so they're only doing it to survive'. I'm sure the white guy I saw lugging a TV was only taking that to survive as well... because he is white and all :rolleyes: ... The majority of the looting was for food and water. I saw one report of one black guy in a supermarket in Jefferson who was looting supplies and packing them in boxes and delivering them to the residents he knew were elderly and unwell (many of them white) and he was doing this just about every day. So should he be arrested? How about the elderly white lady who was looting alongside him for food and water.. should she be arrested as well?

Well, if he fit the description, why shouldn't they have pulled him over? In fact, he should have been happy that the police were actively searching for some damned criminal!
Are you for real?

You fail to recognise that the only description he fit was that he was black. You don't actually see anything wrong with that? You don't think it is wrong for the police to pull over every black person because they fit the description by colour only? How would you like it if a crime was committed in your area and the perpetrator was white and every white person was pulled over because they were white? Would you be appreciative of the police doing their job by pulling you over in a humiliating and embarrassing fashion and start questioning you on the sidewalk because of your colour? Would you thank them for doing their job properly because the only description they had to go on was your particular colour?


J.B said:
It just proves how helpless blacks are without the help of whites, look at Africa.
Yes... lets look at Africa. Lets forget how the whites plundered the lands of that continent during those colonial days and forced the blacks into forced labour. Lets also forget how the white colonialists ruled so many of those countries, while stealing all of their resources, resulting in so many of those countries being left in utter poverty today. And you call that help?

Right.. So when the white colonialists looted all the richness and forced the black natives into submission through discriminatory practices resulting in the whites living in utter richness off the backs and their lands, that was "helping" the blacks? You're actually using that as a justification for your argument?

As to your little article JB, did you think of the reason for the high unemployment rates? Could it be that many are judged unfairly for being black and refused the job because they are black? You know, could it be that their potential employers share your particular views and therefore discriminate against them, resulting in their not being able to get a job? Could it be, that as the report itself stated, their unemployment and education problems are completely ignored by all in the political spectrum? Surely you aren't so blind as to realise that the education programs in your country are very much underfunded. The report also showed how young teenage blacks found it difficult to even find employment, when compared to white teenagers. Gee, I wonder why that could be.

And I also see that you failed to read the report itself, otherwise you would have seen some of the discussions of how to counter said problem. I'd suggest that you read from page 25 so that you could see that the report states that more funding and an increase in educational programs in the poorer areas and their schools was essential to ensure that the black unemployment rates go down. And also that black males out of schools need to be given the opportunity of actually getting a job so that they can build up their cumulative work experience. The report then goes on to say that more funding also needs to go towards their education in general.

It is sad that you believe the only way for blacks to suceed depends only on the charity of whites.
What charity? Blacks only want the same chances as everybody else. You consider that to be charity? So when your Government puts all the education funding into the uppper middle-class area schools and leaves the poorer areas with little to no funding, is that charity to the richer areas? Or maybe the funding to education should be spread evenly and equally, giving all students an equal chance? That's just one example JB.

The White race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren icefields.
Ah good. So we can now blame the white race for the environmental catastrophes that are now occuring because of their harnessing of rivers, carving of mountains, taming deserts and colonising the most barren icefields. We can now blame the white race for polluting, destroying and ruining the seas, rivers, mountains, deserts and icefields. Yes, the white race has done wonders for this survival and overall health of this planet with all of their 'adventures' and inventions. So much so that we are now facing environmental catastrophe's around the globe. Well done!
QUOTE By J.BIt is sad that you believe the only way for blacks to suceed depends only on the charity of whites.
So you don't know what EQUAL OPPORTUNITY is huh? Would you prefer we take it from you and kill you and your children and rape your women. That's what you think we'll do anyway right? Not even the playing field where education and fairness would be allowed right? Charity? You are stupid aren't You.
QUOTE by Baron Max
I keep wondering why there are so many excuses for the blacks, when no one makes such excuses for the poor whites of the nation?
This is your issue...you say excuse, we say reason....the reasons (no matter how you feel about them) are true and valid!
by Baron Max
Also, how have the blacks remained so low "on the totem pole", while Chinese, Vietnamese, Mexicans, Pakistanis, Indians, Koreans, etc have come into this nation and have succeeded? Why are there no excuses for them? Why are they not screaming for "equal opportunity" and for government handouts and welfare? Why are they not making excuses for themselves?

Because whites would accept a rabid dog before you acknowledge a black person. It should make you wonder and ask these questions...maybe you'll then be able to see the extremely large part you play in this ordeal. You would rather except foreigners than the people who built this damn country! How sad is that....and then you have the nerve to ask why? Let me ask you and J.B. this.
Would you shop in a black persons grocery store?
Would you take your friend or partner to a black owned restaurant even if they were serving your favorite dish?
Would you go to a black owned club to hangout?
Would you stay in a black owned hotel even if you had other choices?
Would you take your clothes to a black owned cleaners store (no, not the Jeffersons)?
Would you have a black person as your defense lawyer even if you had other choices and their records were even?
Would you buy a new car from a black owned car dealership?
Would you get a haircut at a black owned and operated shop even if they did know how to cut your hair?

The point is that we are 12%....you are the majority....money can't be made when over 60% of the population won't even do business with you....not including won't hire you or even let you into their college even when IQ is through the roof.

Black people are not screaming for government handouts and welfare! Are you kidding me! This is just the result of racism at its height. :mad: