
ReighnStorm said:
The point is that we are 12%....you are the majority....money can't be made when over 60% of the population won't even do business with you....

So now you want to force whites to do business with those that they don't want to do business with?? Reighn, our freedoms certainly give us the freedoms NOT to do business as well as to DO business!

Reighn, in the early days of this nation, the Irish were hated and discriminated against heavily. And yet they were able to overcome it and many "Irish" pubs in Boston and New York thrived and some are still there today. And how 'bout them Jews in New York?

And once again, we have a perfectly valid reasons for voluntary segragation.

ReighnStorm said:
Black people are not screaming for government handouts and welfare! Are you kidding me!

But they want whites to be forced to do business where they don't want to do business??

ReighnStorm said:
This is your issue...you say excuse, we say reason....the reasons (no matter how you feel about them) are true and valid!

True and valid? Trying to force whites to do business with black-owned businesses? ...and when they don't, you call it a reason of racism, others call it freedom of choice. White businesses fail every day, Reighn, so it appears to be "equality" at play, huh?

Blacks don't want handouts and welfare? Then why do they take it?

Baron Max
QUOTE by Baron Max
So now you want to force whites to do business with those that they don't want to do business with?? Reighn, our freedoms certainly give us the freedoms NOT to do business as well as to DO business! Trying to force whites to do business with black-owned businesses? ...and when they don't, you call it a reason of racism, others call it freedom of choice. White businesses fail every day, Reighn, so it appears to be "equality" at play, huh? But they want whites to be forced to do business where they don't want to do business??
I never said anything about force. I was answering your question about why all the excuses (reasons) for blacks. I gave you questions you have consistantly avoided....It proves what I've been saying this whole time! 12% can't come up without cooperation of the nations majority. You don't have to do business. The down fall of the nation is inequality! You don't want to do business because you don't want to! When asked why, you have no reason! You would rather work with and for people from other countries than people born and raised here!
So lets see:
You won't admit your part in the welfare system.
You won't do business with the black man (no reason given).
You won't admit to the seriousness of the white crimes in
You won't admit that lack of education (promoted by whites)
is a large part of the blacks problems.
You won't admit Equal Opportunity is primary.
You won't accept or admit that slavery is and was a
major disaster to the humanity of this society.

by Baro Max
Reighn, in the early days of this nation, the Irish were hated and discriminated against heavily. And yet they were able to overcome it and many "Irish" pubs in Boston and New York thrived and some are still there today. And how 'bout them Jews in New York?
There are alot of Irish that live in those areas. You would still rather do business with them instead of blacks. And you still ask why blacks can't come up?

Blacks don't want handouts and welfare? Then why do they take it?
Last resort? Why would white society rather keep giving up tax money for welfare instead of fighting for the equal education and rights of all people?
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ReighnStorm said:
It proves what I've been saying this whole time! 12% can't come up without cooperation of the nations majority.

Ahh, so you're saying that there are more "racists" in the nation than will admit to it, huh? As far as I can tell, there's only a very, very few who will admit to being racist, ....so are you saying that they're lying thru their fuckin' teeth! ...that all those righteous bastards just talk a pretty game, huh, and don't or won't put their money where their mouth is? If so, then perhaps we're finally getting somewhere in this discussion!!!

ReighnStorm said:
You don't want to do business because you don't want to! When asked why, you have no reason!

Don't need no stinkin' reasons!

And see, that's where you fail to grasp the significance of the issue ...when people aren't FORCED to deal with blacks, then they won't. And once again we have a perfectly valid reason for voluntary segragation. ...and, if the black areas will have 'em, then all the liberal, doo-gooders who claim such high ideals can move in with 'em.

ReighnStorm said:
You would rather work with and for people from other countries than people born and raised here!

Why do you suppose that is? 'Spose it's cause they're easier to deal with? 'Spose it's cause they don't bitch n' moan so much to the ACLU? 'Spose it's cause they don't cry out for "equality" at every fuckin' turn? 'Sposed it's cause they act more like what whites would want to deal with?

ReighnStorm said:
Why would white society rather keep giving up tax money for welfare instead of fighting for the equal education and rights of all people?

There is no such thing as "equal" education! And I'm not so sure about the "rights of people" ....does that include the "right" not to deal with some people that you don't like or want to deal with? Or does it mean that we should be forced to deal with people that we don't like or want?

What I find so terribly interesting is ....while you and most blacks have those ideals that you've expressed, yet you still want to live and work and play with whites!?!?! Why? Why don't y'all opt for voluntary segragation and live and work and play with others who like you?

For all of those who claim the high ideals of racal equality, it seems that most don't adhere to those in practice, huh? Why?

Baron Max
QUOTE by Baron Max
Ahh, so you're saying that there are more "racists" in the nation than will admit to it, huh? As far as I can tell, there's only a very, very few who will admit to being racist, ....so are you saying that they're lying thru their fuckin' teeth! ...that all those righteous bastards just talk a pretty game, huh, and don't or won't put their money where their mouth is?
No! I would not say that they are racist. ;)

by Baron Max
And see, that's where you fail to grasp the significance of the issue ...when people aren't FORCED to deal with blacks, then they won't. And once again we have a perfectly valid reason for voluntary segragation.
Voluntary segration already happens...the problem is you're not equating the balance needed in any nation to suceed or in this case continue to succeed. That's why you ask about blacks not being able to come up and I gave you the perfect reasons. Whites (some) are afraid to work with blacks as if they were some other kind of species. White people would rather fight thru the jungles of Africa or a rainforest in search of wild beast that don't care about eating you at the drop of a dime than to live peacefully with your own kind. Yes Baron Max, we are one in the same!
'Spose it's cause they don't cry out for "equality" at every fuckin' turn? 'Sposed it's cause they act more like what whites would want to deal with?
1. Because they are not given a reason to cry "equality" like blacks do in their own country! Yes Baron Max, this is our country too!
2. That's just it. Whites (some) would rather deal with foreigners even when blacks aren't provoking you. :bugeye:

by Baron Max
There is no such thing as "equal" education!
Yes there is!
by Baron Max
does that include the "right" not to deal with some people that you don't like or want to deal with?
Yes it does. But as history and the present day continues to show the many problems with the lack of proper balance. I'm almost certain that tax would not be as high if the U S A was a more balanced nation of people.

by Baron Max
you still want to live and work and play with whites!?!?! Why? Why don't y'all opt for voluntary segragation and live and work and play with others who like you?
Once again Baron Max, blacks have no problem with living with whites or any other color that treats us/them fairly. You can see that in every aspects of american life...ie...music, sport, movies, children.....just to name a few. Again Baron, this is old school thinking by you. Most whites are pretty cool, though no where near as cool as blacks are. :)
QUOTE by J.B]Blacks have a much larger population world wide then do whites.
Next excuse?
And probably the largest death rate worldwide. :(

by J.B. In America is where blacks have the greatest standard of living then anywhere else in the world.
Isn't that really sad? In the whole world this is our only true haven and it's not even safe.


It was Leon County, with its 351 slaves/100 whites, which brought West Florida up to the statewide average.
There were something like 1/2 million slaves which were unaffected by the Emancipation Proclamation. Thousands of slaves were still owned by Indians.
Maryland voluntarily abolished slavery in 1864, it adopted an apprenticeship system which forced about 10,000 Negro youths into forced labor.the greatest instantaneous loss of property in American history, in terms of the wealth of the day. $500 each was about minimum, and it was not uncommon to value some slaves at $1,000 or more.
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ReighnStorm said:
Whites (some) are afraid to work with blacks as if they were some other kind of species.

So if it's just a few whites who are "afraid" to work with blacks, then blacks should be able to overcome just those few, right? Or is that few enough to hold down the entire black population from succeeding? If so, they must be damned powerful whites, huh?

Reighn, blacks may not be a different specie, but they ain't the same as white people. There are many differences and if you can't see it, then I ain't sure how I can have any discussions with you??

ReighnStorm said:
White people would rather fight thru the jungles of Africa or a rainforest in search of wild beast that don't care about eating you at the drop of a dime than to live peacefully with your own kind.

And with all of that, blacks still want to work and live shoulder-to-shoulder with whites?? Why, for god's sake?!?

I see you recognize the problem, Reighn, and so all of your "excuses/reasons" are now null and void! The reasons/exuses don't mean shit .....white people don't want to live/work/play with blacks ...who gives a fuck about the reasons for it? And yet, with all of that, blacks still want to work/live/play with whites? Why?

Segragation is the only way that this nation is going to survive. Maybe, just maybe, forced inter-breeding might work, but that also is changing the "races" into some other race -- and is NOT integration! (I propose that I be forced to breed with Haley Barry!! (did I spell that right?))

Reminding me of segragation ...have you noticed that prominent, rich blacks have begun all kinds of "black-oriented" tv, magazines, movies, books, etc? Aimed toward segragation???????? Yeah, see ....even the smart blacks can see that segragation is the only way!

Baron Max
QUOTE by Baron Max
So if it's just a few whites who are "afraid" to work with blacks, then blacks should be able to overcome just those few, right? Or is that few enough to hold down the entire black population from succeeding? If so, they must be damned powerful whites, huh?
This is just one of many reasons about the problems caused by whites related to black americans! Powerful? HELL NO! Evil maybe? ;)

by Baron Max
There are many differences and if you can't see it, then I ain't sure how I can have any discussions with you??
We can only thank GOD himself that blacks aren't completely like whites! The world would have probably been destroyed years ago otherwise. Seriously though, the difference in no way compares to the same, in this case we are more the same than different.

by Baron Max
And with all of that, blacks still want to work and live shoulder-to-shoulder with whites?? Why, for god's sake?!?
Why not??? you know the saying....keep your enemies close! Not that this applies to you of course ;) .

by Baron Max
The reasons/exuses don't mean shit .....white people don't want to live/work/play with blacks ...
The reasons don't mean shit to people such as yourself (head up your assss) but the reasons are very valid and true! Fact not fiction.

by Baron Max
Segragation is the only way that this nation is going to survive.
That's not true either.
by Baron Max
Reminding me of segragation ...have you noticed that prominent, rich blacks have begun all kinds of "black-oriented" tv, magazines, movies, books, etc? Aimed toward segragation???????? Yeah, see ....even the smart blacks can see that segragation is the only way!
Do those prominent blacks tell whites that they can't read or watch their movies? Blacks live here too - 12%. Someone has to care for us.
Will people like you....lynch, murder, rape, steal land, sell children, beat their wives, have sexual relations with their children, hang people on a cross, burn a cross again? :bugeye:
ReighnStorm said:
Will people like you....lynch, murder, rape, steal land, sell children, beat their wives, have sexual relations with their children, hang people on a cross, burn a cross again?

Well, yeah, whites will continue to do that .....but at a much lower rate than blacks!! The statistics prove it every single time ...how can you not see it? And when you do see it, how can you excuse it? In fact, as I see it, the more excuses you give for it is doing nothing but encouraging the same things!

Baron Max
spidergoat said:
Racism isn't an excuse, it's a root cause we would be foolish to ignore.

But as we've seen throughout history, we CAN'T change how people react to people that are not like themselves! So we MUST come up with a better, more workable solution. Just blaming our very nature is nothing more than putting ones head in the sand and hoping the danger goes away!!!!

And remember, this same attitude is true for anything that's "different" ...be it culture, dress, attitude, actions, work habits, eating habits, drinking habits, ......and on and on. People, humans, just don't others that are different. Or do you have any pills or injections that might change that?

Baron Max
I don't think it's natural, I think racism is learned, and it can be unlearned. Desegregation was a start, but now schools are becoming segregated again. Education is the key, have black and white kids (and every shade in between) grow up together, and they will understand there's nothing to fear. When blacks and whites have equal opportunity, they will succeed equally. I have a dream...
QUOTE by Baron Max
Well, yeah, whites will continue to do that .....but at a much lower rate than blacks!! The statistics prove it every single time ...how can you not see it? And when you do see it, how can you excuse it? In fact, as I see it, the more excuses you give for it is doing nothing but encouraging the same things!
So you're not for stopping violence....... you're just for outing black violence? You're for excusing your (own kind) violence (and you definately have no excuse) and not accepting that blacks have real reasons for their temperament? You're for forgiving your own peoples heinus crimes against a people who didn't and still don't deserve it. I don't excuse any violence, whether it's against you or my own kind. You excuse violence for one race because they don't do it as much as blacks? What would you be saying if black crime goes down and whites go up. That it's ok because it's your (own kind) crime. Don't forget Baron Max that blacks were dying by the hundreds every week in the south not 60 years ago and others were being put behind bars for crimes they didn't commit 60 years ago and today. (Thank goodness for DNA!). The equal amount or majority of blacks were kept in poverty by your kind on purpose! Don't ever forget that your kind commit unbelievable murders and millions of dollars worth of theft every year! Don't ever forget that!
Because I sure as hell won't. :bugeye:

by Baron Max
But as we've seen throughout history, we CAN'T change how people react to people that are not like themselves! So we MUST come up with a better, more workable solution. Just blaming our very nature is nothing more than putting ones head in the sand and hoping the danger goes away!!!!
And remember, this same attitude is true for anything that's "different" ...be it culture, dress, attitude, actions, work habits, eating habits, drinking habits, ......and on and on. People, humans, just don't others that are different. Or do you have any pills or injections that might change that?
You CAN you just don't want to! This is also a lie by you and people like you. It has been proven all throughout U S history that people can and do get alone under the right conditions (no racism, no discrimination). Just look at music, arts, movies, television, politics, sports, families (bi-racial). It's there! People like you are trying very hard to create another unecessary gap in the communities. Remember I'm only talking about 13% of a population that holds a lot of the worlds attraction. You can't by any means deny that truth!

by Baron Max
For me, I'll look at history and see just what we might do to change things ....but I can see no way other than true, voluntary segragation ...of races, cultures, religions, etc. People just don't like others that are different.
If you look at history very closely...hell you can view it from the planet Mars and see that it is and was all caused by people like YOU! Racist, bigotry, discrimination etc.....all things bad. And I don't mean white people I mean people like YOU!
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spidergoat said:
I don't think it's natural, I think racism is learned, and it can be unlearned.

History does NOT speak well of that, does it? You don't think it's natural, yet I do ....and history is on my side of that equation. Do you have any evidence to back up your thinking?

spidergoat said:
Education is the key, have black and white kids (and every shade in between) grow up together, and they will understand there's nothing to fear.

Once again, history is not showing that to be the case. In fact, with forced integration, it made the racial divide even greater!!

And what ye're suggesting/implying is FORCED integration ...black and white kids growing up together. That ain't gonna' happen and you know it, so why keep saying it? Is it like a religious belief of yours, or what?

spidergoat said:
When blacks and whites have equal opportunity, they will succeed equally. I have a dream...

Well, you just keep dreaming, then and see where it takes you! People have been dreaming that dream now for hundreds of years and what's it gotten them?

For me, I'll look at history and see just what we might do to change things ....but I can see no way other than true, voluntary segragation ...of races, cultures, religions, etc. People just don't like others that are different.

Baron Max
Yes, I'm for FORCED integration until people realize that segregation hurts everyone in society. The reason I think it's not natural is that little white kids and little black kids play together in kindergarden and think nothing of it besides why is your hair different, or why is your skin different... Race isn't a reason for them not to play together. If it's not a problem for light-skinned mixed race children to play with darker-skinned children, why should it make any difference if it's white vs. black? ...Or indian vs. white, Or asian vs. black?
spidergoat said:
Yes, I'm for FORCED integration until people realize that segregation hurts everyone in society. The reason I think it's not natural is that little white kids and little black kids play together in kindergarden and think nothing of it besides why is your hair different, or why is your skin different... Race isn't a reason for them not to play together. If it's not a problem for light-skinned mixed race children to play with darker-skinned children, why should it make any difference if it's white vs. black? ...Or indian vs. white, Or asian vs. black?
You say how screwed up black people are because of the way white people have treated them.
You say how blacks are so violent against whites because of the way white people have treated them.

And now you want to force white people to be around blacks? No thanks

Let me know when your done trying to fix them into the once peacefull and intelligent people they once were.
spidergoat said:
Education is the key, have black and white kids (and every shade in between) grow up together, and they will understand there's nothing to fear.
Why do you care so much about the color of one's skin?

It's the way people act that counts.