
A Dismal Reality

It Wasn't Supposed To Be This Way

I was traveling in China when pictures of the looters in New Orleans began to appear on CNN. They were black of course. Looting and raping and burning are what blacks do when the lid loosens. Yes, I could phrase this more cautiously: These things are what some blacks, etc. or, more cutely, not all blacks are looters, but all looters….blah blah.

Yet it happens time and again. There was Los Angeles, burned in 1992. There have been Cincinnati, Miami, Seattle, Washington DC, Chicago, Detroit, Crown Heights, Watts, Newark, on and on and on. When the law loses its grip, the looting begins.

With the dismantling in the Fifties of apartheid in the United States, many hoped that blacks would rise, study, progress, and become genuinely as distinct from formally integrated into the country. I hoped it too, though my expectations were low. Southerners said it would never happen, but were dismissed as prejudiced. They were right.

The melding of the races just hasn’t worked and, if examined honestly, shows few signs of working. Fifty years after the Brown decision, blacks remain unassimilated. They appear to be unassimilable. This, after endless programs, after the nation has turned itself on its head trying to encourage, promote, force, or imagine assimilation.

Integration of the schools degraded the schools, but did little for blacks. Operation Head Start didn’t work. Racial quotas in the universities didn’t work, nor did the awarding of unearned degrees or the establishment of departments of Black Studies. Compulsory integration of restaurants didn’t work. Quotas in hiring, enforced by the federal government, didn’t work. Welfare didn’t work. “Hate-crime” laws didn’t work. Nothing has worked.

These attempts have not been without results, but assimilation of blacks into the country has not been one of them. Compelled hiring by race instead of merit has produced a black middle class, but those so hired are regarded as a sort of tax, a cost of doing business. Saying this aloud is a firing offense, so no one says it in the office. They say it later over a beer. This was not the intended outcome. It is what we got.

Neither race shows much inclination to associate with the other. Left to themselves, they quickly segregate, in housing, on campus, in night clubs. Only heavy federal pressure produces an appearance of togetherheid.

As a police reporter frequently in the hearts of the big cities, I saw the failure with a clarity available to few. The black regions are huge, and they are purely black. Their denizens share little with a society of European derivation. In particular, with not enough exceptions, they seem to regard laws as restraints externally imposed instead of internally felt: When the police go away, so do restrictions on behavior. So do televisions. God help you if you are a white woman. If you don’t believe this, check the Uniform Crime Reports of the FBI. They are on the web.

I am not sure with what instrument one measures passivity, but passivity is what I sensed in the moldering dark regions—people just waiting, for what neither I nor they knew, just going from day to day, except for the gangs, who killed people. There was a smell of violence awaiting its chance. If you think I am imagining this, reflect on the looting and burning that erupt when the lid grows loose. Always there is another city with young blacks carrying television sets from stores.

I do not say these things with rejoicing. Morally it is saddening. For blacks, for whites, for the country the best thing would be that blacks genuinely flourish. They do not.

Something seems inherent in the race, or perhaps embedded in the culture, that does not understand success or morals or responsibility as others understand them. Perhaps, as many suggest, a history of being wards of the state, of being given special aid and special privilege, of having nothing expected of them, has inculcated passivity. Perhaps the persistently noted difference in measured IQ is the explanation. Be that as it may, the blacks of the rioting regions seem to labor under a crippling torpor and a dull, paralyzing lack of concern for those things that define European societies. Or, for that matter, Chinese or Japanese societies. Scholarship, reading, study do not seem to appeal. In Washington, I almost never saw blacks in the art galleries, the museums, or the public libraries. The races do not appear to want the same things, do not value the same things.

Writers speaking of the looting in New Orleans regularly say that poverty causes looting, and that as a society we should do something about it. But why are blacks poor, and what could society do that it has not already tried? Blacks are always poor, in Africa, in Haiti and Jamaica, in New Orleans. It is a global pattern. Would that it were not, but it is. No one knows what to do about it.
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Riots my ass, there was some looting, but it was totally exaggerated, mostly to distract from the federal failures to help the people. Some looting is justified in an emergency situation. It's a non-story. Fuck you.
spidergoat said:
Riots my ass, there was some looting, but it was totally exaggerated, mostly to distract from the federal failures to help the people. Some looting is justified in an emergency situation. It's a non-story. Fuck you.
People speaking of the looting in New Orleans regularly say that poverty causes looting, and that as a society we should do something about it. But why are blacks poor, and what could society do that it has not already tried? Blacks are always poor, in Africa, in Haiti and Jamaica, in New Orleans. It is a global pattern. Would that it were not, but it is. No one knows what to do about it.

The melding of the races just hasn’t worked and, if examined honestly, shows few signs of working. Fifty years after the Brown decision, blacks remain unassimilated. They appear to be unassimilable. This, after endless programs, after the nation has turned itself on its head trying to encourage, promote, force, or imagine assimilation.

Integration of the schools degraded the schools, but did little for blacks. Operation Head Start didn’t work. Racial quotas in the universities didn’t work, nor did the awarding of unearned degrees or the establishment of departments of Black Studies. Compulsory integration of restaurants didn’t work. Quotas in hiring, enforced by the federal government, didn’t work. Welfare didn’t work. “Hate-crime” laws didn’t work. Nothing has worked.

Good Luck

by J.B
People speaking of the looting in New Orleans regularly say that poverty causes looting
Some people say that.....poverty alone doesn't cause looting. There are many factors that cause looting. America was founded on looting!
(Looting - Valuables pillaged in time of war; spoils.)
By J.B
But why are blacks poor, Blacks are always poor, in Africa, in Haiti and Jamaica, in New Orleans. It is a global pattern. Would that it were not, but it is. No one knows what to do about it.
Hmmmm....lets see shall we.......

The Pre-Columbian era represents the period during which the island was inhabited by the Tainos. Traditionally, Tainos were called Arawaks. The Tainos and the Arawaks were two different groups and that it was the former group that resided in Jamaica. Recent studies have shown that their lifestyle was organised politically, economically and socially. The economy was based on a form of conuco agriculture.
The arrival of the Spaniards in 1494 marked the beginning of drastic changes in the lifestyle of the Tainos as they were forced into servitude. Under the rule of the Spaniards the Taino population dramatically declined as a result of the combination of new diseases such as smallpox, and the ill treatment meted out to them by the colonists. By 1598, less than half of the Taino population remained. It was not until 1655, however, that the Spanish were driven from the island by Admiral William Penn and General Robert Venables. African slavery was not new to the West Indies and had been introduced by the Spanish and the Portuguese. Later, the Dutch supplied slaves from Africa, and they taught the English the techniques necessary for the production of sugar.
The Africans brought in were from many tribes, although the majority were Coromantees from the Gold Coast, Eboes from the Bight of Benin and Mandingoes. The Coromantees are described as being a strong, brave, proud and fierce race. Most of the slave revolts in Jamaica were led by Coromantee slaves. they were further divided into skilled workers such as carpenters, coopers, drivers, masons, blacksmiths, and unskilled workers, that is, those who worked in the field. Punishment was a regular part of estate life and ranged from lashings, to maiming and ultimately death. At midnight 5th August 1962 the British Flag was lowered and the Jamaican Flag was hoisted for the first time. On the 6th of August 1962 Jamaica was given its independence.

1697-1791: Saint Domingue becomes the richest colony in the world. Its capital, Cap Français, is known as the Paris of the New World. It is also a regime of extraordinary cruelty; the 500,000 slaves taken by the French are flogged, starved, and buried alive for minor offenses. This begins the markings of civil war between the black dominated north and the mulatto dominated south. 1843 to 1915: Haiti sees 22 heads of state, most of whom leave office by violent means. Rivalry continues among the whites, the mulatto elite, and the blacks. Americans invade the country. They remain for 19 years. Despite improvements made to the infrastructure by the Americans, the Haitians opposed their presence.
1964: Duvalier changes the constitution so that he can be elected president for life.
1971: François Duvalier dies and is succeeded by his son Jean Claude, age 19 (also known as 'Baby Doc'). By this time Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere (and remains so to this day)
Do you see in noticeable simularities in these brief accounts of history here?
Africa is not poor. Parts of Africa does not have natural resources available in abundance to sustain life. That's the Earths problem and black people happen to be born there.
Ooopps , I'm sorry....All people were born there! :bugeye:
Let's not forget NOLA.....hmmmm....oh yeah.....french people who brought over slaves as well! Stupid :eek:
And yes, it's definately a global pattern!

by J.B
The melding of the races just hasn’t worked . Fifty years after the Brown decision, blacks remain unassimilated. They appear to be unassimilable. This, after endless programs, after the nation has turned itself on its head trying to encourage, promote, force, or imagine assimilation.
Integration of the schools degraded the schools, but did little for blacks. Operation Head Start didn’t work. Racial quotas in the universities didn’t work, nor did the awarding of unearned degrees or the establishment of departments of Black Studies. Compulsory integration of restaurants didn’t work. Quotas in hiring, enforced by the federal government, didn’t work. Welfare didn’t work. “Hate-crime” laws didn’t work. Nothing has worked.
It's because it was designed by white (politics) to fail! It did work!
Even with all the prejudice, racism, discrimination, hate crimes, lynchings, slavery etc.......Blacks are now Millionaires and Billionaires in less than 150 years!

BLACK like Rain
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ReighnStorm said:

It's because it was designed by white (politics) to fail! It did work!
Even with all the prejudice, racism, discrimination, hate crimes, lynchings, slavery etc.......Blacks are now Millionaires and Billionaires in less than 150 years!
Against the celebratory backdrop of the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 ruling in Brown versus Board of Education, a new labor market study finds that many of the nation’s African-American men face growing joblessness and year-round idleness problems.

The new report, titled “Trends in Black Male Joblessness and Year-Round Idleness: An Employment Crisis Ignored” and prepared for the Alternative Schools Network in Chicago, Ill., Northeastern University’s Center for Labor Market Studies and economist Andrew Sum analyzed both long-term and recent employment developments among the nation’s black males, finding that, since the era of Civil Rights some five decades back, African-American men have suffered a serious decline in labor force attachment and participation.

Employment rates among black male teens and young adults ages 16 to 19 have dropped considerably over the past 50 years, the study found. In 1954, a slight majority -- 52 percent -- of black male teens worked, a rate slightly in excess of their white peers. By 2003, however, only one of five black male teens was employed in a typical month – just 20 percent -- only half the employment rate of white male teens. Among 20 to 24 year old black males, employment rates also have declined considerably from their peak values of 77 to 83 percent in the mid to late 1960s to dramatic 50-year lows more recently. During 2003, for example, just 56 percent of such young black men ages 20 to 24 was employed.

Among older black men, the same dramatic declines were noted over time, according to the report. While the employment rates of black men rise from their late teens through their mid 30s, high levels of joblessness prevail among these men into their late 20s (30 percent of 25 to 29 year old black men were jobless in 2003, for example), then rise sharply as they reach their mid-50s. One of the most disturbing findings was the high share of black males ages 20 to 64 that were jobless year-round. In 2002, one of every four black men in this age group – a full quarter of the entire
population within this wide age range -- was idle all year-round, up from 20 percent in the peak labor market year of 2002.

The report’s key findings also include:
Among the nation’s black teens, fewer than 20 percent, age 16 to 19, were employed during 2003, an employment rate just half that of white teens;

Among 20 to 24 year old black men, employment rates averaged just 57 percent during the past three years, compared with an average of 80 percent employment in the late 1960s. The E/P (employment to population) ratio of young black men in 2003 lagged well behind the white male employment rate by nearly 20 percentage points;

In 2002, a full quarter of African-American men ages 20 to 64 were not employed at any point during the year. The year-round joblessness rate for black adult males in 2002 was twice as high as that of white and Hispanic males;

The year-round idleness rate for black men varies by age, educational attainment, and geographic location. Idleness rates in 2002 ranged from a low of 18 percent for those ages 35 to 44 to a high of nearly 42 percent for those 55 to 64. Forty-four percent of black men with no high school diploma were idle year-round versus 26 percent of high school graduates and only 13 percent of those with a bachelor’s or higher degree.

J.B. you're really not making any significant point. You've posted that site more than once now. It proves everything I've said so far. So thank you!
Today's News
40.8% of rape victims are kids
22/09/2005 09:19 - (Africa)

Fifty kids raped daily in South Africa
'95% of child rapists go free'
Rape victims 'not listened to'
'Horrific' escalation in rape

Africa - Children were the victims in 40.8% of rape cases reported during 2004/05, according to the SA Police Service's (SAPS) annual report released on Wednesday.

They were also the victims of indecent assault in 47.7% of reported cases and of common assault in 11.8%, states the report released in Pretoria.

In 9.7% of cases of assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm, children were the victims, as well as in 6.4% of cases of attempted murder and 6% of murder.

The report says women and children accounted for 59% of the victims of all contact crimes reported during the financial year.

They accounted for 100% of rape victims, 86.3% of indecent assault victims, and 64.4% of common assault victims.

"It is clear that especially in relation to sexually motivated violence, women and children are indeed extremely vulnerable," the document states.

It questioned assertions that the under-reporting of rape could be as high as 19 out of 20 cases, or 95%.

"All major scientific victim surveys conducted over the past few years indicate an under-reporting of between one to two out of three cases (33% to 66%)."

But the report conceded these might be "slightly deflated" figures, as women and children falling victim to rape were often dependent on the perpetrators for a livelihood.
And what does this have to do with looting?

I've never been to African....don't speak African....but somehow I'm sure whites have something to do with the media and statistics over there as well as here in my home, America.
Here let a black man explain it to you:


Moral crusaders have the habit of heading off to their next crusade without bothering to see whether anything went wrong on their last one. During the '80s, TransAfrica, NAACP, Black Congressional Caucus, Hollywood glitterati, college students, and other groups held massive protests on college campuses and at the South African Embassy, built shanty towns, and called for disinvestment and sanctions against South Africa for its racist apartheid system.

There's no longer apartheid and there's black rule in South Africa, but what's the story there now?
As reporters watched Sunday, hundreds emptied entire downtown blocks of merchandise, hiding when soldiers appeared, then returning to rip open metal store shutters and haul away clothing, appliances and anything else they could find.

Police shot in the air to scare away looters, and some crowds responded by throwing rocks and chucks of concrete.

"As soon as the hurricane arrived, the people went robbing," said Eva Bernabe. "It's sad because Cancun is a relaxed place. We're good people. It's not like this normally."

"We're probably at this point, one of the safest communities in the United States," he said.

Police said a woman was stabbed to death Tuesday night — the first such incident in 90 days, a record in this city.

Since Hurricane Katrina forced most of the residents to relocate, police say, the daily shootings and killings have stopped.

"This was the most lethal criminal underclass in the United States," said Dr. Peter Scharf, director of the University of New Orleans Center for Society, Law and Justice. "We were heading for a murder rate of 72 per 100,000. New York City is at seven."

Scharf says, according to city records, there were 265 murders in New Orleans last year, 258 murders in 2003, and 275 in 2002.

Warren J. Riley, New Orleans' acting superintendent of police, says the drug dealers and gangs evacuated with the residents and haven't returned.

"We're a small town; we're Mayberry right now," Riley said.

Crime Wave Spreads

By some estimates, hardcore criminals in New Orleans numbered in the tens of thousands, and they're now living in other cities — Baton Rouge, Dallas, Atlanta, and Houston.

Houston Police Chief Harold Hurtt says crime is up in neighborhoods where large numbers of evacuees have settled.

He says he needs 400 new officers and has asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency for financial assistance.

"We're not going to let anyone come into the city and break the law at will," Hurtt said.

Last week, Houston police arrested a New Orleans man charged with four murders.

In Georgia, police have been busy busting alleged New Orleans drug dealers trying set up shop in and around Atlanta.

As a result, residents in some places are beginning to roll