
Baron Max said:
Same is true of poor whites ...and there's more of them. Yet the violent riots and majority of crimes seem to be committed by blacks. Why?

Same is true of poor whites ...and there's more of them. Yet the violent riots and majority of crimes seem to be committed by blacks. Why?

Huh? Please explain that one?

Baron Max

sigh,the things i said were in answer to a question you posed,your comments have nothing to do with the question you asked.if sucessful people move out of the projects (as they mostly do) it just means that no money stays in the projects.the same amount of money spent in shops,(not easy to set up new businesses)and very few positive role models visible.
kenworth said:
if sucessful people move out of the projects (as they mostly do) it just means that no money stays in the projects.the same amount of money spent in shops,(not easy to set up new businesses)and very few positive role models visible.

Isn't that true of even the middle class white neighborhoods? I'm not sure what you're trying to say with that comment, Kenworth. Perhaps an explanation would help some.

As I see it, your comment could be said for every single "society" (or city or state or town or ...), whatever the class or race. But you'll notice that non-black areas of towns, cities, etc, seem to prosper by doing exactly what you've said is bad for the ghettos. I don't understand?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Isn't that true of even the middle class white neighborhoods? I'm not sure what you're trying to say with that comment, Kenworth. Perhaps an explanation would help some.

As I see it, your comment could be said for every single "society" (or city or state or town or ...), whatever the class or race. But you'll notice that non-black areas of towns, cities, etc, seem to prosper by doing exactly what you've said is bad for the ghettos. I don't understand?

Baron Max

its a perpetuation thing,if middle class people move out of a middle class neighbourhood more middle class people will move in.the same applies to the projects,but not in a good way.do you get what i mean?
Baron Max said:
No, I don't get it? Why is one in a "good way" and the other not? Please explain.

Baron Max

ok.for the sake of arguement imagine that an entire community is living on welfare,say 10% of the population of that community inherit $200,000 dollars each.what happens if

a)they stay in that community and provide jobs by setting up a business

b)they move out of the community because they can now afford to.
Wow, you're really grasping at straws, aren't you?!

The exact same thing happens/might happen in any neighborhood/community, yet you're seemingly trying to make excuses for the ghettos, while ignoring the very same things happening in other communities. How do you do that? Isn't that called "convoluted thinking" or something?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Wow, you're really grasping at straws, aren't you?!

The exact same thing happens/might happen in any neighborhood/community, yet you're seemingly trying to make excuses for the ghettos, while ignoring the very same things happening in other communities. How do you do that? Isn't that called "convoluted thinking" or something?

Baron Max

what?!?you still dont get it?how is that possible.i made it as dumbass friendly as possible.the difference is that in other communities when things stay the same, same isnt horrible job prospects and a dead end life.
Oh, I get it now!!! Thanks!

But that still doesn't answer the essential questions of riots and high crime .....in black ghettos, the riots and crime are high as hell ....but in white ghettos, there are no riots and crime is low or "normal"? See? That's the part that I don't get! And nothing of what you've said explains that adequately or not at all. And to make it worse, there are lots more poor white people than there are poor black people. So.....?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
And to make it worse, there are lots more poor white people than there are poor black people. So.....?

Baron Max

and i was just answering your question about moving out of the projects.
kenworth said:
really? and i was just answering your question about moving out of the projects.

Okay ......so why are there "projects" for blacks, but no "projects" for whites?

Baron Max
There are no "projects" for blacks. There are "projects" for poor people, and they can't discriminate against poor white people, it's the law. Poor people in certain areas happen to be black, because of racism, they had to stick together, usually where there were entry level jobs like factory work, and those factories have largely closed down (the reason for that is another story).

Prejudice against black people tends to force them into the lowest classes of society. Then the prejudice is reinforced because people arrogantly assume that the playing field is even, and that black poverty is their own fault. This is of course a generalization, since the black middle class has made great progress lately. There is a black upper class as well, proving that there is nothing inherent in black people that prevents them from achieving everything that caucasions have.
Baron Max said:
Okay ......so why are there "projects" for blacks, but no "projects" for whites?

Baron Max

Because we call them trailer parks, instead.
Kotoko said:
Because we call them trailer parks, instead.

But the government doesn't buy all of those trailers for the "white trash". Nor do the white residents riot and burn down those trailers, either.

No, I think you'll have to show me some evidence of government subsidized trailer parks ....I just ain't ever heard of such a thing.

Baron Max
it was quite obviously a joke,why not respond to spider goats post?
spidergoat said:
There are no "projects" for blacks. There are "projects" for poor people, and they can't discriminate against poor white people, it's the law. Poor people in certain areas happen to be black, because of racism, they had to stick together, usually where there were entry level jobs like factory work, and those factories have largely closed down (the reason for that is another story).

Prejudice against black people tends to force them into the lowest classes of society. Then the prejudice is reinforced because people arrogantly assume that the playing field is even, and that black poverty is their own fault. This is of course a generalization, since the black middle class has made great progress lately. There is a black upper class as well, proving that there is nothing inherent in black people that prevents them from achieving everything that caucasions have.

But all of that still doesn't explain why there's so much crime in the black areas/projects/ghettos as opposed to the same poverty level in white areas/projects/ghettos. Why is there such a difference in crime rates???

Baron Max
quote by Baron Max
But all of that still doesn't explain why there's so much crime in the black areas/projects/ghettos as opposed to the same poverty level in white areas/projects/ghettos. Why is there such a difference in crime rates???

It's quite simple Baron, like you sometimes, their Angry..... :(
Why you ask?
Lets see.....one example of the anger
starts at birth for most black americans. You're born free, you don't see any color line until you start school and notice that you're treated differently (picked at if you will say) because of your hair texture or perhaps color of your skin or maybe the way you talk. You get a little older and you wander why on television you see everything negative when someone like them shows up on the screen, but white people on screen come out as seeming to look like angels or what have you. Then you start to hear stories about how your people were slaves (the most degrading thing ever to understand), you find out that they were beaten, hanged, tortured, murdered, families split never to see the parents or children again, no heritage left all in the name of the white man simply because he thinks you're inferior even though by the physical look it's obvious that your race is far more powerful (in the eyes of children). Then you wander why your daddy is being called a boy and can't get or keep a job and your mamma works as a maid (or some horrible job like that) for less than minimum wage for the same people who enslaved your race and history all in the name of humanity :bugeye: . Then.....shall I go on.................they can't go in a store without being followed, horrible educational system, unlawful arrest, can't get a cab, can't drive without being harrassed (color of skin, type of music etc..).......need some more?
Now in 2005 and previous years that anger builds.....the only outlet that seems to work is by destroying there own hood because they know you wont bother them there. Just think KATRINA!!!!
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What about this crime?

The American National Red Cross is aware that false Red Cross Websites and e-mail campaigns directing donations to sites other than those authorized by the American Red Cross have begun to appear. We have also learned of a number of Websites soliciting donations, allegedly on our behalf.
In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, consumer groups and members of the public have reported receiving unsolicited e-mail messages, which urge people to donate money to the Red Cross or to funds for victims of the attacks and their families. Some of these e-mails are being sent by people with a sincere desire to help, and contain accurate information. Others, however, have tried to persuade people to leave valuable personal or financial data, such as credit-card numbers, at Internet Websites that do not belong to legitimate charitable organizations.
Charity fraud is widespread and preys on seniors in individually small, but cumulatively, very large ways. While legitimate charities learn how to get by on relatively small change and scrimp and cut back, fraudulent charities are making bucket loads of money for their operators
ReighnStorm said:
It's quite simple Baron, like you sometimes, they're Angry.....

So anger is a good reason to commit crimes against others? Anger is a good reason to resort to vigilantism? Anger is a good reason to isolate oneself from the mainstream of the community?

No, Reign, you and I both know that it's not. If anger is permitted in allowing blacks to kill, rape and loot the whites, then is that not also allowing a permit for whites to do the same to blacks?

ReighnStorm said:
...that anger builds.....the only outlet that seems to work is by destroying there own hood because they know you wont bother them there.

Yeah, it they started destroying the white areas of town, the police would be forced to crack down hard. As it is, it seems that the blacks are just doing whatever they can get away with?! How sad and how stupid!

The blacks would be better off learning to speak English and to assimilate instead of trying to make so fuckin' many waves.

I see civil war on the US horizon ....and I fear that the blacks will lose! What then?

Baron Max
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
As none of the products that can looted are resellable, they have no market value what so ever...

So what ye're saying is that the looters should be allowed to break the law if they think the merchandise has little or no value? ...that the THIEF should be the one to determine when it's good to loot and when not to loot?? ...LOL!

Do you hold the same value-determination on, say, murder and assualt? ..that the murderer or the rapist should be the one to determine the value of his victims? Why not? They all probably have insurance, right? ...LOL!

Baron Max