
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
The concept of law is only relavant when circumstances allow law to exist as a function of society. In a disaster the property has no owner and is abandoned, just as when you die the govement assume what ever you own.

So, again, you're saying that the "criminal" is the one to make the judgements about whether the law is relevant or not? Is that how we should judge all laws of society?

"...the property has no owner and is abandoned"??? Who makes that determination? ...the thief? Ohh, how convienent for the thieves, huh? And what and who determines a "disaster"? The criminals again???

If the lights are out in the store and the alarm system is disabled and no one is around, has the propert lost all aspects of ownership and is deemed abandoned? And the thieves can take whatever they want? If not, why not?

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
So now that the hurricane has come and gone we can see the destruction, and all the looters that where fended off are out of the all that junk, and it will now goto the dump.

But isn't it the owner of the property who should determine what's to be done with his own property? If he wants to throw it in the dump, it's his to do so ....not the thief! You have a strange idea that, somehow, a "disaster" changes our laws of ownership and rights. How?

I'd also wonder if a heavy rainstorm might be considered a "disaster" by the thieves and so they just loot to their hearts content? ...because it now has no owner and is abandoned??? Surely you don't think that!

Laws and ownership change according to the weather??

Baron Max
byBaron Max
So anger is a good reason to commit crimes against others?
No one said it was or had to be a good reason....just a start (of a reason)
by Baron Max
Anger is a good reason to resort to vigilantism?
Quite frankly, YES!
by Baron Max
Anger is a good reason to isolate oneself from the mainstream of the community?
You do mean Baron.... PUT INTO ISOLATION. :bugeye: right?
"they were beaten, hanged, tortured, murdered, families split never to see the parents or children again, no heritage left all in the name of the white man simply because he thinks you're inferior."

by Baron Max
No, Reign. If anger is permitted in allowing blacks to kill, rape and loot the whites, then is that not also allowing a permit for whites to do the same to blacks?
You've been doing that for 450 fuccking years now! No reason at all! :mad:
How sad and how stupid!
Yes and so are you.
The blacks would be better off learning to speak English and to assimilate instead of trying to make so fuckin' many waves.
You don't even speak correct english Baron. No one in america does because there is truly no correct way to speak it. Incorrect english is even taught in school. Assimilate? Why would anyone want to be like you?

I see civil war on the US horizon ....and I fear that the blacks will lose! What then?
I told you this before Baron Max....blacks don't care enough about you to fight over this land. You're not worth it!
Reighn, read my post under the racism thread for anwers/comments to your post.

What it seems to me that you're doing is trying to justify blacks hating whites. And isn't that racism, too? And if blacks can hold us responsible for 450 years of slavery and discrimination and hatred, what makes you think that they'll forgive the whites "tomorrow"? And if they don't or can't????

Baron Max
by Baron Max
What it seems to me that you're doing is trying to justify blacks hating whites.
It's a justification..YES...doesn't make a right though. Never said it had to be right! Black people (majority) don't hate white people.....that's not the issue, has never been then issue and hopefully will never be the issue at hand.

by Baron Max
And isn't that racism, too?
No it's not....it's an emotional outcry of injustice for hundreds of years of abuse, neglect, hatred, injustice....so forth and so on...... :bugeye:

And if blacks can hold us responsible for 450 years of slavery and discrimination and hatred, what makes you think that they'll forgive the whites "tomorrow"? And if they don't or can't????
That's just it Baron, you are responsible (ancestors)! But that doesn't mean you need to pay for the crimes committed by your ancestors and that's no reason to be racist against a nation of people because you just feel the need to. That's also just it.....black people are forgetting! My children knew nothing about slaves (until they taught it to them in school). But life in the Americas keeps reminding them of that when things like Katrina happens. I told you before that blacks just want to forget and move on to better things but the better things never get better because of the way this country was founded and is run today. :(
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ReighnStorm said:
No it's not....it's an emotional outcry of injustice for hundreds of years of abuse, neglect, hatred, injustice....so forth and so on....

So ....how long are they gonna' keep crying about it? Perhaps if blacks forgot it, then maybe white racists would have nothing to bitch about? Or are the two groups gonna' keep on fighting ...'until death do them part'?

ReighnStorm said:
...blacks just want to forget and move on to better things but the better things never get better because of the way this country was founded and is run today.

Then are you saying that a revolution is the only way? If things are never going to get better, then you and the racists have something in common, huh? Neither of you want to give in ...you both want to keep the fight going until there's neither of you left to fight. Is that what you want? ...it seems so from your posts. You continue ot blame present-day whites for the miseries of the blacks during slavery ...yet you won't accept apologisies. What now, Reighn, what now? Bitter, violent revolution?

ReighnStorm said:
Black people (majority) don't hate white people...

But that's also true of white people hating blacks!!! So ...no what? Are we going to let a few racist whites and a few racist blacks keep the fight going forever and ever? ...just those few causing all of the difficulties in the world?

Baron Max
QUOTE by Baron Max
So ....how long are they gonna' keep crying about it? Perhaps if blacks forgot it, then maybe white racists would have nothing to bitch about? Or are the two groups gonna' keep on fighting ...'until death do them part'?
Answer me this....how many black people do you speak with on this forum starting threads about racism and being black and how many post do you see about black people on this forum....that should give you an answer about the crying situation. On the internet alone I can find thousands of websites about how blacks are supposedly destroying all humanity but rarely anything in the reverse from blacks about you. Blacks are trying to forget about it, but here we are again discussing it! White people have never had anything real to bitch about...you're just unhappy and bitch about everything because you want to.

by Baron Max
Neither of you want to give in ...you both want to keep the fight going until there's neither of you left to fight.
Give in to what exactly Baron? Where do you see blacks fighting whites because you're white?
You continue ot blame present-day whites for the miseries of the blacks during slavery ...yet you won't accept apologisies.
What apology? I've never heard it. I don't want to hear it and neither does other black people....we just want to be left alone to live our lives as people. Plain and simple? :bugeye:

by Baron Max
Are we going to let a few racist whites and a few racist blacks keep the fight going forever and ever?
You can be forced to live and deal with but not to love it :)
ReighnStorm said:
...black people....we just want to be left alone to live our lives as people.

Then why is it whenever a black is arrested for a crime, thousands of blacks begin immediately to yell "Racism!!"? Why are blacks upset when anyone points out the blacks commit the most violent crimes in the USA? Why are blacks calling out the ACLU whenever they don't get the job that they want?

Left alone to live as people?? No, Reighn, they don't wnat to live as whites do, they want special treatment! They want "Equal Opportunity" laws, and other special governmental treatment ....that whites can't get!

All of the blacks that I know and respect are and act .....uust like regular white people except they're skin is black (or dark brown?). The blacks that I don't like nor respect are the ones who hang out on the street corners and yell racial slurs at whites and their girlfriends ....and riot and burn down the town ....and get special treatment from cops because the cops are scared of lawsuits! If blacks want to live like "people", then they should begin to act like "people" .....like Bill Cosby and Colin Powell, for example.

ReighnStorm said:
What apology? I've never heard it. I don't want to hear it and neither does other black people..

Well, it's too late ...the entire fuckin' congress issued some kind of fuckin' apology to blacks .....for something that they had no blame for!! Now that it's issued, you have to accept it.

The thing that bothers me about the whole black/white issue is ..........FORCE! We're supposed to be a free country, yet we make laws that FORCE companies, etc. to hire blacks even if they don't want to. That just ain't right, dammit. In fact, it's "righter" to discriminate against a people than it is to FORCE some to NOT discriminate!!

Baron Max
Ya' know, Reighn, I just bet that you and I could sit down and have a glass of wine together and have a very nice and enjoyable conversation. Why can't I do that with many of the other blacks that I know???

Baron Max
QUOTE by Baron Max
Ya' know, Reighn, I just bet that you and I could sit down and have a glass of wine together and have a very nice and enjoyable conversation. Why can't I do that with many of the other blacks that I know???
Either you were drinking at the time you typed this or you would have a sniper on the adjacent rooftop waiting to take me out after I get drunk at the table with you just to see if I bleed red. ;)
by Baron Max
Left alone to live as people?? No, Reighn, they don't wnat to live as whites do, they want special treatment! They want "Equal Opportunity" laws, and other special governmental treatment ....that whites can't get!
You're right! They don't want to live live like whites....but that's still not the issue. It's how you think we should live that has been the problem for over 450 years (dare I say it again). Oh and black people don't want "Equal Opportunity LAWS.... they want EQUAL OPPORTUNITY!
by Baron Max
Then why is it whenever a black is arrested for a crime, thousands of blacks begin immediately to yell "Racism!!"?
That rarely ever happens these days....back then in you hayday it was definately necessary because it wasssss mostly racism and you know it.
by Baron Max
If blacks want to live like "people", then they should begin to act like "people"
That a harsh insult even for you Baron Max! :( You want black people to act like white people, not like the children of slaves in which they are. But that's not the total picture! It's whats happening after slavery now over 100 years later! That's the real issue. I have no problem with you stating your case about your belief system. My problem is that you discuss the issue without acknowledging the FACT that white society has played and will continue to play a HUGE part in the many problems you have with Blacks. You'll sit with me....why I dont know....but not them. I think your real problem is with class of citizens not directly with black people as a whole. Am I right?
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ReighnStorm said:
Either you were drinking at the time you typed this or you would have a sniper on the adjacent rooftop waiting to take me out after I get drunk at the table with you just to see if I bleed red.

Never, Reighn, never. We'd have a nice conversation and I'd play with the kids in your family ...no matter what race they were/are.

ReighnStorm said:
You want black people to act like white people,...

When in Rome, do as the Romans! If you do any different.....???

ReighnStorm said:
My problem is that you discuss the issue without acknowledging the FACT that white society has played and will continue to play a HUGE part in the many problems you have with Blacks.

I do acknowledge the role of the whites, Reighn, but isn't it time to get the hell to work and DO something to fix their own problems .....or do the blacks want to sit around on their asses and wait for someone else to do it for them?

How did some blacks get to be prominent members of society? Did a bunch of whites come along and help them all? Was Colin Powell perhaps an orphan who was adopted by whites? Did Condi Rice just leap up out of the ashes like the Phoenix? How did Bill Cosby become a rich man? ....and any and all of the other blacks who've made it in THIS society?

C'mon, Reighn, blacks can't just sit around and bitch, they've got to get up and get the fuck to work ......and quit havin' so damned many kids that they can't take care of!!!

ReighnStorm said:
I think your real problem is with class of citizens not directly with black people as a whole. Am I right?

Yes you are ....except for ONE very important issue ....crime! Violent crime and heavy drug addictions and gang-ralated crime. They commit too damned much violence! The lower classes of whites just lay around on their asses and enjoy life ....they don't march and protest, they don't kill their neighbors, they don't expect nothin' and they get nothin'.

So in one respect, ye're right, but the crime issue is one that I can't overlook against blacks ...regardless of the slavery and the discrimination and the history. It's time to pull themselves up and get with the fuckin' program!

Baron Max
ReighnStorm states:

ReighnStorm said:
You want black people to act like white people

And Baron replies with:

Baron Max said:
When in Rome, do as the Romans! If you do any different.....???
What hypocrisy!

So Baron, when the white's first colonised the lands that are now the United States of America, did they live and act like the Native Americans? After all, as you say, 'when in Rome, do as the Romans', that would also have to apply to the white colonists as well, would it not? How about the white colonists who populated and spread throughout the world to establish colonies in countries like India, Australia, South Africa, and all the other countries around the world, did the whites there 'do as the Romans'? Or did they force their own way of life down the throats of the natives in those countries as well?

If you want black people to act like white people, then also expect that history will be repeated, only in reverse. I wonder how white people would react to forced colonisation and slavery by black people? I wonder how white people would react to continuously being refused housing, healthcare, employment and education (for example) because they were white? As Jane Elliott's experiments showed, white people dislike being treated as being different or singled out for abuse or discrimination because they had a particular eye colour.

I wonder how whites would react if blacks were to act and be like white people towards the white people themselves...
...LOL! That's pretty good, Bells! ...taking something totally out of context and making into a ..well, pretty good "argument". ...LOL!

However, we both know, as well as most who read your post, that it's pure nonsense and silliness. But that's okay ...lots of post here are like that. It keeps the forums sorta' fun and humorous.

Just curious, however .....do you think that Colin Powell or Condi Rice would be in the position their in if they hadn't taken the route of "...when in Rome, ..."?

Baron Max
Katrina exposed the intelligence of the African American community.
Kat. exposed the lack of non colored peoples lack of compassion and lack of intellect and lack of support and lack of trust all in one damn day. You're talking about less than 1% of the black community in a HUGE natural disaster!

by Baron Max
It's time to pull themselves up and get with the fuckin' program!
You're somewhat correct in that they need to get with the program...The problem is WHOSE PROGRAM? My boyfriend is almost see through, he's so bright and has green eyes. He got pulled over (when walking) by cops because they said he fits the description of a (black) person involved in a crime. My boyfriend was in college at the time....never even thought about committing any kind of crime....is this the program you're speaking of? :confused:
Judge orders release of Jailed grandmother
"A 73-year-old diabetic grandmother and church elder who fled Katrina's floodwaters for the safety of a hotel ended up in prison instead for more than two weeks _ all over a bite of food.
Police in this New Orleans suburb arrested Merlene Maten the day after the hurricane on charges she took $63.50 in goods from a looted deli. Though never before in trouble with the law, her bail was set at a stiff $50,000 and she was shipped away to a state penitentiary. hen, hours after her plight was featured in an Associated Press story, a local judge on Thursday ordered Maten freed on her own recognizance, setting up a sweet reunion with her daughter, grandchildren and 80-year-old husband.
She must still face the looting charge at a court hearing in October. But the family, armed with several witnesses, intends to prove she was wrongly arrested outside the hotel.
Instead of chasing after people who were running, they (police) grabbed the old lady who was walking," said Short"
Yeah, no discrimination their........
ReighnStorm said:
Kat. exposed the lack of non colored peoples lack of compassion and lack of intellect and lack of support and lack of trust all in one damn day. You're talking about less than 1% of the black community in a HUGE natural disaster!

And yet, with all of that, blacks WANT to live with whites?? Why? Blacks should be the very first to want segragation from whites ....set up their own towns and cities and factories and businesses, etc. Why, oh, why, do blacks want live where whites live??

ReighnStorm said:
You're somewhat correct in that they need to get with the program...The problem is WHOSE PROGRAM?

Whose program? Well, if they had their own cities/areas, they could have their OWN fuckin' program! See? Segragation at it's best.

ReighnStorm said:
My boyfriend is ...

Oh, shit!!! And just when my fantasies were beginning to run wild and rampant!! Oh, the horrors as jealousy rears its ugly head in my home!! ;=)

ReighnStorm said:
He got pulled over (when walking) by cops because they said he fits the description of a (black) person involved in a crime.

Well, if he fit the description, why shouldn't they have pulled him over? In fact, he should have been happy that the police were actively searching for some damned criminal!

I've been pulled over for exactly the same thing, Reighn, and I was more than helpful to the cops, giving them everything that they wanted and letting them search my truck without a warrant. I did it to help them .....I didn't yell at them for racial profiling (the criminal was white and drove a similar truck!).

Baron Max
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ReighnStorm said:
(from the posted message): "Police in this New Orleans suburb arrested Merlene Maten the day after the hurricane on charges she took $63.50 in goods from a looted deli."

Reighn, look what you're saying/implying here ....ye're suggesting that the police make the decisions on the law, not the courts. And yet, in the post just prior to this one, you suggested that the police were wrong in stopping a black man because he fit the description of a suspect. Reighn, you can't have it both ways!!

The police are not judges nor juries ....their job is to arrest people who commit crimes if they can. The old bitch commited a crime, dammit, she SHOULD have been arrested.

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
Kat. exposed the lack of non colored peoples lack of compassion and lack of intellect and lack of support and lack of trust all in one damn day. You're talking about less than 1% of the black community in a HUGE natural disaster!
It just proves how helpless blacks are without the help of whites, look at Africa.

And here is even more proof:

New report examines the high levels of joblessness and year-round idleness plaguing African-American men

(7-22-04) BOSTON, Mass. – Against the celebratory backdrop of the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 ruling in Brown versus Board of Education, a new labor market study finds that many of the nation’s African-American men face growing joblessness and year-round idleness problems.

The new report, titled “Trends in Black Male Joblessness and Year-Round Idleness: An Employment Crisis Ignored” and prepared for the Alternative Schools Network in Chicago, Ill., Northeastern University’s Center for Labor Market Studies and economist Andrew Sum analyzed both long-term and recent employment developments among the nation’s black males, finding that, since the era of Civil Rights some five decades back, African-American men have suffered a serious decline in labor force attachment and participation.

Employment rates among black male teens and young adults ages 16 to 19 have dropped considerably over the past 50 years, the study found. In 1954, a slight majority -- 52 percent -- of black male teens worked, a rate slightly in excess of their white peers. By 2003, however, only one of five black male teens was employed in a typical month – just 20 percent -- only half the employment rate of white male teens. Among 20 to 24 year old black males, employment rates also have declined considerably from their peak values of 77 to 83 percent in the mid to late 1960s to dramatic 50-year lows more recently. During 2003, for example, just 56 percent of such young black men ages 20 to 24 was employed.

Among older black men, the same dramatic declines were noted over time, according to the report. While the employment rates of black men rise from their late teens through their mid 30s, high levels of joblessness prevail among these men into their late 20s (30 percent of 25 to 29 year old black men were jobless in 2003, for example), then rise sharply as they reach their mid-50s. One of the most disturbing findings was the high share of black males ages 20 to 64 that were jobless year-round. In 2002, one of every four black men in this age group – a full quarter of the entire
population within this wide age range -- was idle all year-round, up from 20 percent in the peak labor market year of 2002.

The report’s key findings also include:
Among the nation’s black teens, fewer than 20 percent, age 16 to 19, were employed during 2003, an employment rate just half that of white teens;

Among 20 to 24 year old black men, employment rates averaged just 57 percent during the past three years, compared with an average of 80 percent employment in the late 1960s. The E/P (employment to population) ratio of young black men in 2003 lagged well behind the white male employment rate by nearly 20 percentage points;

In 2002, a full quarter of African-American men ages 20 to 64 were not employed at any point during the year. The year-round joblessness rate for black adult males in 2002 was twice as high as that of white and Hispanic males;

The year-round idleness rate for black men varies by age, educational attainment, and geographic location. Idleness rates in 2002 ranged from a low of 18 percent for those ages 35 to 44 to a high of nearly 42 percent for those 55 to 64. Forty-four percent of black men with no high school diploma were idle year-round versus 26 percent of high school graduates and only 13 percent of those with a bachelor’s or higher degree.

In every educational group, black males living in central cities were more likely to be idle year-round than their peers in the suburban segments of metropolitan areas.