Lies Atheists Tell

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In fact, modern cosmology allows the possibility that another universe existed prior to the big bang, a universe that had no beginning but stretches back in time without limit.

Furthermore, everything that begins need not have a cause. Many events such as atomic transitions and nuclear decays occur without cause.​

this is true, but don't forget to remind our audience here today that there isn't a shred of empirical scientific evidence in support of these theories. They are nothing more that the "imaginations" of scientists who are attempting to find a work around:D

And if it is true that "atomic transitions and nuclear decays occur without cause" then they are outside the realm of science.
That is correct, atheism wouldn't exist without notions of theism, but that doesn't matter in the least, since it never claims to be a comprehensive worldview. It defers to the naturalistic explanations of science and the moral views of secular humanism.

Science itself does not support absolute certainty on any question, but that doesn't make theism any more rational.
this is true, but don't forget to remind our audience here today that there isn't a shred of empirical scientific evidence in support of these theories. They are nothing more that the "imaginations" of scientists who are attempting to find a work around:D

And if it is true that "atomic transitions and nuclear decays occur without cause" then they are outside the realm of science.

There is just as much evidence as the claim that there was a beginning.

Uncaused events are not unknown, you are simply mistaken in characterizing what is and what isn't in the realm of science.
Ok mynameisDan.....

My question to you...

Is it just atheism that you have an issue with?

I'm Buddhist (Mayahana path). Does that, in your mind, put me at equal level with atheists?
That is correct, atheism wouldn't exist without notions of theism, but that doesn't matter in the least, since it never claims to be a comprehensive worldview. It defers to the naturalistic explanations of science and the moral views of secular humanism.

Science itself does not support absolute certainty on any question, but that doesn't make theism any more rational.

first of all, nobody is stating that Science isn't rational. It most definitely is. Of course this is because modern science was spawned by Christianity which posits an orderly comprehensible universe and causality. It is atheism which is not rational and possesses no explanatory power. That you fail to discern the difference between atheism and science is amazing.
There is just as much evidence as the claim that there was a beginning.

Uncaused events are not unknown, you are simply mistaken in characterizing what is and what isn't in the realm of science.

what? you're nuts! A beginning is a current given in science. Funny how atheists only accept science to the degree that it seems to support their positions.
If atheism doesn't need any arguments than I was correct in saying that atheism is a parasite of religion and specifically, Christianity because only Christianity claims an objective apologetic which the atheist must destroy in order to preserve itself and multiply.

This is how many new atheists feel which is why the constant internet quarreling with Christian theists.

However, in truth, atheism asserts a universal negative position which is of course irrational. In addition, there is plenty of evidence in support of God. Even Dawkins admits that a one can make a case for a "deist god". If one can make a case for it then how can one still claim to be an atheist??? Well dawkins breaks atheism into various levels from Strong to weak. And you guessed it, he is a "very" weak one, like those I am encountering here.
I'm sorry but that is completely idiotic..
Ok mynameisDan.....

My question to you...

Is it just atheism that you have an issue with?

I'm Buddhist (Mayahana path). Does that, in your mind, put me at equal level with atheists?

I have no issue with Buddhists unless they wish to attack my faith as some atheists love to do. Since I do not recall being attacked by any budhist I am fine with leaving you to your own beliefs and views.
what? you're nuts! A beginning is a current given in science. Funny how atheists only accept science to the degree that it seems to support their positions.

The Big Bang Theory describes an expanding universe that used to be very small and very hot. A beginning is a yet unsupported assumption.
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I have no issue with Buddhists unless they wish to attack my faith as some atheists love to do. Since I do not recall being attacked by any budhist I am fine with leaving you to your own beliefs and views.

Dude, YOU are attacking atheists.
Dude, YOU are attacking atheists.

Enmos, you can call me Dan. I am attacking the beliefs and assumptions of atheists, particularly the strain of atheists who propagate Christian bashing books. Prior to Dawkins, Dennett and Hitchens I had almost no contact with any known atheist since college. They just don't exist in sufficient numbers to encounter where I live.

However one day I was doing an internet search and was surprised and angered to see how many of these folks there were on the internet and that a whole cult had sprung up with what appeared to be the expressed purpose of destroying christian faith. Now if you are a parasite of Christianity and that is exactly what atheism is, then destroying your host makes absolutely no sense at all. You will kill yourself in the process and be overrun with Islamists or something worse. True Christianity is not a threat to the world, it is a blessing to it, even considering its many shortcomings. I would think a good atheist would rather like Christians even if they personally don't agree with them.

But my assumption is that atheists today have come to hate Christianity with it absolutes and moral code. They want the demise of it because they mistakenly feel this will free mankind from outdated mores and perceived restictions on the advance of science. None of this could be further from the truth. The arguments leading atheists have been using are flawed as I have pointed out in this thread. Religion is not the primary cause of war nor is it stiffling the advance of Science. These lies and others must be confronted. I am not so naive as to think I can convert any hard core atheist to my views, but I do hope I can get some of the rank and file atheists out there to avoid the foolish arguments of the unholy trinity and just be happy to be a "free thinking" person leaving the rest of us in "bondage" to old holy books, alone.
Dude, YOU are attacking atheists.



You should really listen to some of the people here, atheist or not. Enmos, whom I've known for a few years now, is probably one of the more wiser individuals on this board and you could do well by listening to him.

Just because they believe differently than you doesn't make them any less of a person, or thier beliefs any less than yours.

You have to realize that what is right for you isn't always right for everyone else.

People are going to believe differently and some may even attack what your ideologies, but when you stoop to thier level and fight fire with fire, you are only hastening more conflict.

Again, despite who or what you believe, the only thing that matters is that you are happy with it. You don't like it when people tell you that you or your faith is wrong invalid, and thats OK. But you are doing the same thing in reverse. It's not your place to tell anyone they are wrong for having faith or lack thereof.

One's own spiritual/religious beliefs do not affect you or alter your life as long as no physical occurance happens. And if their words or beliefs do affect you to such an extent, that (in my personal opinion) only shows that you have insecurities or questions about your own beliefs.

Hell, I'm Buddhist and I get challenged and questioned all the time as I've done to others in the past. But I've learned through my years that whether you agree or disagree with someones religious beliefs, there is absolutely nothing you can say or do to change them.

Religion, spirituality and philosophy are very personal aspects and make up the foundation of each person whether they be Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or Atheist. We all take key morals and values and apply them to our own life as we see fit. And again, just because one takes morals and values from a different source than you do doesn't make them any less valid.
No. The universe looks just as it should if it came from nothing. That's the "nothing" of physics, to differentiate it from the absolute nothing we might philosophize about.
This is a worn about atheist argument. I agree with Islam and Christianity that there is one God. I also agree with the deists and all theists everywhere that there is a God. I have nothing whatsoever in common with atheists...
Sure you do.

Q: Do you believe in the existence of the Japanese Goddess Ama-No-Uzume?
- Me neither!

Q: Do you believe in the existence of the Japanese God O-Wata-Tsu-Mi?
- Me neither!

Q: Do yo believe that Mohammad was the "Last" Prophet?
- Me neither!

Q: Do you believe that Ron Hubbard was the reincarnation of Jesus and Buddha?
- Me neither!

Q: Do you believe in the Intergalactic Overlord Xenu?
- Me neither!

See Dan, you and I have a HELL of a lot of things in common!

What do you think of Matthew verse 12:36 - I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, "I Dan ask Satan to accept my soul".

See you in Hell Bitch,

do you need help installing google? Evolutionism is defined in several places on the web, look it up.
maybe you havent learned the rules of forum debating yet,

see,when someone asks a question to the posts you started,YOU have to provide the answer,comprende?

btw only CRETINISTS use the word Evolutionism.. NOT real scientists,
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