Lies Atheists Tell

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Stating that the bible is a collection of works of ancient Jews, does not lead to the conclusion that it is either a "mythology" or an unreliable source of scientific information. Those things must be proven and you have failed, as usual, to do this.

By failing to show that the bible is anything but superstition and myth gives you least credibility over all.
You are a fool denying the existence of IPU & worshipping a false god. You have rejected true faith & relied on your feeble powers of human reason & thus arrogantly denied the existence of Her Divine Transcendence & so condemned yourself.
Mod Note - Until now, I've tried to ignore this anti-science thread and its complete and utter nonsense presented from a theistic-fundamentalist and, therefore, necessarily ignorant point of view. Doubtless the fundamentalist-theist that started the thread will cry (and I use the word cry on several levels) foul that the "big-bad atheist-mods" of the religion subforum of a science forum are "biased."

That theistic-fundamentalist would be right.

I'm biased toward science and reason and towards Sciforums as a science forum, but, while I'm critical of the claims that religion makes that intersect with science and reason and I'm critical of the philosophical claims, I also respect their right to hold any spiritual beliefs they feel necessary. Those beliefs are open to criticism and inquiry, however, and if they choose to publicly express them here then so be it.

But some of the more extreme and fundamental (i.e. the ones even the religious laugh at) see a forum like Sciforums as a place they can troll and argue without logic rather than a place of sharing ideas and engaging in discourse.

This thread, for instance, was created with the express purpose of presenting an anti-science point of view (subject to deletion per the subforum posting guidelines) and trolling those of a point of view that departs from the fundamentalist ignorant one. While "ignorant" is a word that will no doubt trouble the thread's starter, it is the most descriptive and parsimonious in light of his apparent lack of understanding or willful, intentional disregard for, the sciences involved in that which he has chosen to criticize.

The thread began with several straw man arguments and has progressed through several more that are designed not to create discourse but to troll and bait those that carry a rational and reasoned point of view. While there are one or two interesting branches of conversation, the thread is largely un-enlightening and pointless. The OP is neither interested in intellectual discourse nor exploring the philosophy of atheism and theism. There is nothing, to the thread-starter, that can be taught to him from anyone that doesn't take the words of Bronze and Iron Age cult practitioners to be the inerrant word of his god.

I'm going to close this thread as of now. I'm tempted to drop it in the cesspool, but I'll abstain. For now.

I invite its participants to PM me with your thoughts on the thread and, if several people, including the thread-starter, have a desire to keep it open, I'll be inclined to reopen it. Otherwise, I'm treating it as an anti-science thread and one designed to troll not discuss.

End Mod Note
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