Lies Atheists Tell

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My claim is fact and is easily proven, modern science was spawned in Christianity and most disciplines were founded by bible believing Christians. Science can in no way make biblical faith obsolete. Science is tool for Christians and none to understand the physical world. You have created a false religion out of it.

Science didn't spawn atheists. Evolution spawned and legitmized this faith belief. Evolution has nothing to do with science.

At this point I feel like quoting Cellar_door.. but please, present your proof.

- Christianity spawned modern science.
- Science can in no way make biblical faith obsolete.
- Atheism is a religion, and a false one at that.
- Evolution spawned atheists.
- Evolution is not science.

Proof please.
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It is true that the centers of learning in Europe have historically been churches or church affiliated. Sadly, that turned around as soon as the things science began to discover contradicted the literal Biblical view. Christians used to think that everything science could reveal would support their worldview.

It is also true that nearly all founders were bible believing Christians. Evolutionism has swept the world and I agree that it is a direct attack against biblical literalism. I do not agree that evolutionism has anything to do with science, nor do I agree that this belief about the past contains any grain of truth.
what places you outside of rational discussion is your labeling yourself an atheist to begin with.
It's funny, I feel the same way about you believing in talking snakes that trick people into eating magic fruit, people surviving in the stomachs of whales for extended periods, talking plants, and people magically conjuring food from thin air. Anyone who would believe all that seems to me to be operating far outside the bounds of logic and reason. We're talking about the sort of absurd magical fairytale stuff that we spin into stories for very young children to entertain them, and yet somehow you've managed to convince yourself that all this laughably absurd stuff is true.

You'll have to forgive me for belaboring the point, but it's just so astounding to me that you're a grown man who believes in a talking snake. Seriously. A talking snake? You believe in a talking snake. And you think that I'm the irrational one.
It is also true that nearly all founders were bible believing Christians. Evolutionism has swept the world and I agree that it is a direct attack against biblical literalism. I do not agree that evolutionism has anything to do with science, nor do I agree that this belief about the past contains any grain of truth.

Some of them were Deists, not Christians. Thomas Jefferson went so far as to cut and paste his own bible out of the passages he felt represented the true wisdom of Jesus. Please learn some history (and science while you are at it).

Who did Adam and Eve's children marry?
Not that this thread or its OP is really worth any of my time, but this thread by far the biggest joke I've ever heard.

My advice to the OP: Get an education before committing to false ideologies with no scientific backing.
It is true that the centers of learning in Europe have historically been churches or church affiliated.

isn't that because the religious people were the ones sitting in money and with nothing to do with their time, while everyone else was scavenging for food in the gutters?
In an effort to hide the fact that no arguments exist in favor of atheism, atheists resort to fib telling about religion in order to court favor with the ignorant. To be fair, most atheists are not meaning to be dishonest, they are just spouting the nonsence they have read in atheist books and web sites. The one we will dispose of in this thread is the notion that religion causes war. This whopper promoted by Hitchens in his book "God is not Great" was recently regurgitated by Bill Maher in an interview with Mike Huckabee. Here are the facts.

The Encyclopedia of Wars lists a total of 123 wars which were fought for religious reasons. (Phillips, Charles and Alan Axelrod. Encyclopedia of Wars. New York: Facts on File, 2005.) Yet the list of wars fought totals 1,763. This means that only 6% of all wars have been fought for religous reasons. The other interesting thing to note is that over 1/2 of these "religous" wars were waged by Islamic nations. So by removing that single religion from the equation we have only 3 percent of the wars waged by all other religions combined! And even some of these are questionable as to whether the motive was really religous or secular. In the U.S. a country dominated by Christians, only 1% of all wars have been fought for religious reasons. So by what stretch of logic can we call religious wars "frequent"? Certainly, in light of the facts of history, religion can be held accountable for very few wars by percentage. In addition, religion is responsible for very few deaths when considered as a percentage.
That's interesting.

That aside, you are an atheist for all but one god. Remove that God and we are the same.
I must have missed it. If it is all the same to you. I am stopping for the day, carpal tunnel acting up again....

Dan, what about when you told me you believe in the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot and Yogi the bear?
Which religion or philosophy is responsible for the most suffering, violence and death? Actually, the ideology responsible for the most suffering, violence and deaths of innocents is that of atheism in the last Century. Some 40 million are attributed to Mao and another 20 million to Stalin
Ive never heard of anyone killing or torturing others in the name of atheism
have you?
then provide us with some direct quotes from those people

about Stalin and communism

Stalin came born into religion. Raised by a deeply religious mother, he attended a parish school, and later entered a theological seminary. It occurred during his theological training when he began his radical communist thinking. Much of his temper and intolerance matches that of the religious teachings of his day.
And logic and evidence has led me to conclude that the bible explains reality, and that there is a God.
you wouldnt know logic if it hit you upside the head me thinks

your argument is called a fallacy of
circular reasoning:
stating in one's proposition that which one aims to prove. (e.g. God exists because the Bible says so; the Bible exists because God influenced it.)

it doesnt work
Evolutionism HAS suppressed science.
WTF is Evolutionism? :shrug:
One example is the "vestigal organ" argument. This little gem had doctors yanking perfectly healthy "useless" tonsils and adenoids and appendixes out of young children, exposing them to a higher probability of certain diseases.
does the word MONEY ring a bell?;)
People died until true science came to realize that God put those organs in the body for immunilogical reasons, just as creationist argued all along.
explain then why did God create man penis with a foreskin and then told him to cut it off??
That's interesting.

That aside, you are an atheist for all but one god. Remove that God and we are the same.

This is a worn about atheist argument. I agree with Islam and Christianity that there is one God. I also agree with the deists and all theists everywhere that there is a God. I have nothing whatsoever in common with atheists...
atheism provided the moral framework for killing and torturing

"Stalin came born into religion. Raised by a deeply religious mother, he attended a parish school, and later entered a theological seminary. It occurred during his theological training when he began his radical communist thinking. Much of his temper and intolerance matches that of the religious teachings of his day."

Most atheists were "born into religion". The rest of the post reflects the unsubstantiated bias of the author. Once Stalin rose to power how much of the GNP did he allocate to building evangelical churches or bringing missionary's into the USSR? He was an atheist, the country was atheist as were the universities and schools. Christianity was forced underground and into re-education camps. Anyone who doesn't see a connection between atheism and the evils of communism in Russia and China are willfully ignorant.
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