Let's cut through the chase: Jesus didn't exist.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Let's get right down to it. Jesus didn't exist, and there is no proof that confirms he existed. Why is it that people continue to believe he is their dying demigod savior? When will they ever learn that there is no Jesus. No savior. No heaven. No hell. No religion? When will you people realize you are living a big fat lie?

My calendar fades into nonexistance. Maybe time doesn't exist either and it's all just an illusion that someone made up. Maybe this forum doesn't exist. Maybe nothing exists, and nihilism is the right philosophy. But there is no moral right or wrong with nihilism, so who can say what is right after they accept nihilism?
The bible never said "whale shark"either....
It said "specially prepared fish"
God could have created anything to fit the bill...even a one of a kind creation.
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No, the fish must be large enough to accomodate a man for three days including this man's air supply, because "fish" must submerge in order for their gills to function.

Name some fish, prepared or otherwise, which fit this description; or is this story simply full of shit...

No cop-out pleas to your imaginary deity, show the forum something objective.

spidergoat said:
Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel, so who did Cain marry?

Cain was of his father the wicked one...
Adam was not the wicked one.
The Serpent was his father, a humaniod large ape-like animal.
Cain married a Serpent female, or his sister in the land of Nod.
Female births weren't recorded because the lineage and name is passed through the males bloodline.
This created two distinct races.... "the sons of God" and the "sons of man", Adam and Eve's true children through the linage of Seth.......
and the linage of Cain, who was born of Eve and the Serpent.
It's been proven that a woman if she has two fertile eggs can give birth to children of two different fathers at the same time.....dogs will do it, so will a woman if the conditions are right.
There was an article in the paper about a civil case where a white woman had a black child and a white child at the same time.
Her husband said; I will support mine, but not the other one.
The woman confessed to being with a black man that morning and her husband that night.
Doctor's said it's possible if it's within 24 hours.
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There was an article in the paper about a civil case where a white woman had a black child and a white child at the same time.
Her husband said; I will support mine, but not the other one.
The woman confessed to being with a black man that morning and her husband that night.
Doctor's said it's possible if it's within 24 hours.

Got a link? It would be interesting to read. Thanks.
Worldwide coverage was given to a Norwegian mother who was suing her husband for support for herself and her twins, one of which was white and the other black. She admitted that she had a Negro lover. The two conceptions were about three weeks apart. In Beaumont, Texas, in 1963, the records again set forth a multiple birth wherein pregnancies were many days apart.
The records I was refering to was in 1963.
It's not a medical impossibility, but don't major on a minor.......
You'll miss the larger point I was making.
If you're talking to me, I didn't miss anything.. I merely asked if you had a link because the case sounded interesting. K?

So.. any chance of a link now please?

Seems I was wrong about Visitor, the OT is literal and the NT is the fiction! At any rate, Visitor it would behoove you not to constantly accuse everybody else of ignorance. We've all studied the subject of the Bible to varying degrees, just be grateful we're showing any kind of interest at all!

Talking about Jonah is seriously getting off the topic. But to prove a point about how the discussion here is primarily based on rational and logical grounds rather than purely theological ones, consider that the events of the Book of Jonah are not recorded anywhere in the books of Kings, nor the Chronicles. The extraordinary nature of the story of how the entire city of Nineveh up to the King repented, tore their clothes and sat in sackcloth and ashes at the behest of a Yahvist prophet is sufficiently important, one would have thought, no?

It seems I was slightly misleading when citing Jonah's three days being matched by Jesus's three days, since it is Jesus himself that made that comparison (Matt 12:40). Similitudists, ie those that claim that every word of the OT constitutes a "similitude" of the Gospel story, generally make up their own numerological comparisons.
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Thank you for the link Silas. The only problem is that this news report, (and similar ones I am aware of), are where you have different coloured children, but from the same man, as opposed to Visitors statement that it was two eggs fertilised by two different men.
TheVisitor said:
Cain was of his father the wicked one...
Adam was not the wicked one.
The Serpent was his father, a humaniod large ape-like animal.
Cain married a Serpent female, or his sister in the land of Nod...
Did you get that from the bible, or do you just make it up as you go along?

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.
SnakeLord said:
If you're talking to me, I didn't miss anything.. I merely asked if you had a link because the case sounded interesting. K?

So.. any chance of a link now please?

I tried to say the case I was referring to happened in 1963.
I did a general search with not much luck for you though.
63' was along time ago, however if you try medical records or something today I'm sure it still happens ocasionally.
spidergoat said:
Did you get that from the bible, or do you just make it up as you go along?

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

All life comes from God, even animal life...
But the bible says everyone came from Adam and Eve, so where did the female Cain married come from?
spidergoat said:
But the bible says everyone came from Adam and Eve, so where did the female Cain married come from?

You have to look exactly how the bible states things.
It says Eve was the mother of all living.
Find me where it says anywhere that Adam was the "father" of all living.
It doesn't.
He could have married a sister, i.e. female births weren't recorded....or a serpent female.(remember serpents were humaniod, not snakes........the word in some arabic dialects still translates to "Ape".)
That was a seperate animal species the closest to man, capable of interbreeding like the male serpent did with Eve to create Cain.
There were at least two of every kind of animal, so there was a female serpent somewhere, ....right.
I tried to say the case I was referring to happened in 1963.

While that's certainly fascinating, it's also irrelevant. I didn't ask for dates, I asked for a link.

jesus was supposedly crucified a couple of thousand years ago and yet you can still find links concerning it so why is it such a problem now where you have to avoid the request?

I did a general search with not much luck for you though.

I wonder why that is. Tell you what though, I'll do the search. Kindly provide me with the details - names etc.
I looked again, the story I referred to about the Noregian woman from 1963 is second-hand although I respect the source.
No reference in my material to her name. Modern medical records probably have some instances.
Dogs and cats will do it, human females have two ovaries...
If they both drop eggs at the same time and two fertile eggs are present, two seperate inseminations, and births of two seperate fathers could be possible even today.
Lets also say that with genetic degradation, and hybridazation...Eve was a touch more fertile than most women today.

Ok, I don't see an issue here...the real point is Cain was a hybrid with an animal.
And since it was animal blood that caused the fall of man,( Abel being a son of God had that revealed from God, Cain did not), animal blood became the substitute for the coming sacrifice for 4000 years till Jesus came with the real created blood of God and did away with the repentant worshippers desire for sin all together, when He gave the real sacrifice
Thats the real issue here..