he makes claim that there is no mention of certain figures known from the Gospels prior to c. 100, like Jesus's mother Mary and Pontius Pilate. Except that they are mentioned in the Gospels and the Gospels have been dated to 65-90, as is well known.
Yes, the Gospels are usually dated 65-110 or so.
NO CHRISTIAN shows ANY KNOWLEDGE of the Gospels stories until early-mid 2nd century.
Regardless of when the Gospels were written - it is clear that no CHristian knew them until a century or so after the alleged events.
Check this page which clearly shows this fact :
This shows very clearly how the early Christians knew nothing about the Gospels and their stories until LONG LONG afterwards.
Please do look at that page, then give your response.
Consider all these early documents :
1 John
2 Thess.
1 Peter
1 Clement
2,3 John
Rev. Peter
2 Peter
NONE of these early Christian writings shows any knowledge of the Gospels or their stories.
Not until the 130s and later do the first clues start (Papias, Ignatius).
Finally, not until the 150s do we start to see quotes like modern Gospels (Justin) but STILL UN-NAMED.
Finally, the Gospels were named in the 180s by Ireneaus.
At any rate, what we certainly have in chapter 1 is not so much a "Conspiracy of Silence" as an Argument from Silence, which I personally do not find convincing.
Well, if you actually read his work, you will find he neither claims a conspiracy, not merely an argument from silence.
Earl builds an argument from a BETTER EXPLANATION.
When you have read his site, get back to us.
You can say anything you like when you're creating a myth, particularly one about a God,
Then why did all the old myths do the same ol' miracles - healing, water to wine, special birth, etc.?
Jesus was crafted from stories in the OT, along with some new ideas - exactly what you would expect from a myth.
but if you describe things that anybody could have done,
Such as revive people from the dead?
Bring the saints back to life?
You claim anybody can do that?
chances are there's a real somebody being talked about.
Such as,
say James Bond, Sherlock Holmes, Rhett Butler?