Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*

Psychic power should be handle and use with care. REALLY CARE. Just like handling nuclear weapon.

My teacher won't give his knowledge before he sure the student will wise enough to use it. First lesson is to fix your mind. Use it only for nobel purposes. And try to use non-psychic power first to solve the problem. That's why we also learn traditional (non-psychic) martial art as beginner. Here we can feel how hurts when your opponent in the training kick your face. You may not angry because of that. You should shake hand with your opponent after he beat you up in the training. Learn to control your emotion. Learn to control your short term desires. Learn to be wise, humble and kind.

Yes, It is always tempting when you have huge power in your hand. So, DON'T BE TEMPTED!!!

Think, what will you do if you have unbeatable super weapon you can always carry, and no one can take it from you? honestly... Are you tempted to control the world? make anyone bend their back to you?

Hfff.... Perhaps it's my mistake to reveal some technique here :(. Perhaps I shouldn't do it any more... sorry.
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Sure you still can give techniques...
Most people are to impatient...
You just have to ignore them...
And I let them on the secret *again* and refresh your memory at the same time...

Most people still believe that people whit psychic powers are *gifted*...
Die hard skeptics and disbelievers won't even try untill someone has given them *solid* evidence...
But I quote from a site:
Extraordinary events need extraordinary evidence...
So just think that only people that the it seriously will learn it.
Wannabe world dominators wont, trust me...
Okay, exept that they hire psychics...
But most of them won't do anything for the cause of harm...
Well... I'll think again about the techniques...
About evidence, I think it useless for skeptics. But for anyone who have good will and good intent, here I found a website about what we/you can do in Merpati Putih training center:

check this out

Hope this can encourage you to your learning and practice. We can see in that site that psychic ability can be use for blind people to "see" again.

BLASTOFF, it's wonderful what you did, catch jumping frog with your eyes closed. ;) When I was active in Merpati Putih, I was also able to cut flying mosquitoes with kitchen knife. But that's a history. I don't do training anymore.
I found greater values in life: being normal people. I found that my main purpose in life is not being a warrior. Someone else might be, but not me, I think.
<i>Die hard skeptics and disbelievers won't even try untill someone has given them *solid* evidence...</i>

Wrong, at least in my case.

I tried all the psychic stuff when I was younger. I used to think it would be cool to have psychic powers. Unfortunately, I discovered that psychic powers don't work.

Then I grew up.
Originally posted by James R
I tried all the psychic stuff when I was younger. I used to think it would be cool to have psychic powers. Unfortunately, I discovered that psychic powers don't work.

Perhaps you haven't got the right guidance, or naturally not talented in psychic. But it doesn't mean that psychic power doesn't exists. You just can't master it (yet?), just like other people can't be too good in physics and math, or someones can grew high, big and strong, some others grew short, thin and weak.
a pic

Here i found a picture of psychic master throw someone without touching him. Not animated though (can't really convincing). But that's the only I can get for now.
Looks to me like one guy waving his hands and the other guy jumping back.
The guy could've been standing on a box that's been painted out of the picture. Notice his foot's shadow, it seems to not be as wide as it should be.

Just google on "Satria Nusantara", search for it's training center nearest to yours, and see with your own eyes. They show a demo for new registered students every 4 months.

I believe we humans are capable of a lot more than most of us realise. Maybe even psychic stuff. But I am a skeptic, and I like proof in all things.
Alright, a few days back I found a site, not really to my liking...

You'll get at the page to choose between PsiPog and LPSC...

I DO like Psipog itself, but not LPSC...
But, on LPSC, they claim that they CAN proof it, and apperantly do have proof...
I didn't see all of the LPSC parts, just wasn't my taste...

Have fun reading their *proof* and stuff...

Originally posted by Adam

I believe we humans are capable of a lot more than most of us realise. Maybe even psychic stuff. But I am a skeptic, and I like proof in all things.

You're just lazy to searching the proof. And I also not (perhaps never) in the mood (and also too lazy) to put extraordinary proof right infront of skeptic's nose. :p
Greatly said by ismu...
Because it's the truth :D

It's just like working...
If your lazy and do things wrong, you piss your boss off and you can forget his help...
Do a great job and help out good and even become friends whit him, he can do ya favors...


ISMU i have seen proof of the power and i will learn it, my master has showen me and it was out of this world. i thank you for opening my mind. keep in touch please.

ps. btw, ismu, i can't find noble purpose from the picture you posted.:eek: ........;)
Uhh, I think, uhhhh...
Not giving any physical pain by hitting them, but pushing them over as a result not to get painfull physical contact *?!?*
Congratulation BLASTOFF. Open minded person always have more chance to get something. Keep practicing. And if you (and your master) don't mind, tell our frends here about your progress.

Err... what did you mean by "...it was out of this world"?

varkas, it was in the training. The nobel purspose are such as self defense, defend your family against crime, etc.
Btw, jelly is not a good target for telekinesis. It is a good target for hungry mouth :D
about psychic powers in "self-defence"...

when people start to learning martial arts, how many of these teenagers (that's when most of them they start, i think) want to learn it for self-defence and how many just for showing off their skills, and in actual fighting situation, using their skills beyond the self-defence phase?

i know a lots of people (well, at least ten people ;) ) who trained martial arts
just to be the best fighter in the neigborhood. they did not start training because they were weak and defenceless. they started it because it make them feared and respected. some of them got kicked out of the training, but can't take away their skills...

if there's a millions (kyoshu or whatever...) of people who uses or learns to use these qi powers, i think there's a couple of not-so-noble among them.
and how will the master (teacher..) know when student is wise enough to use the powers?

if a guy, who is using his Qi or whatever powers, never starts a fight,
then two 'psychic fighters' fighting each other would be impossible.
is there schools where they teach to block these qi powers?...
that would be interesting... ;)

i think these 'psychic fighters' are as noble as skeptics. ;)
both seem to really care about people. even if they are total strangers and really pisses them off. ;)
they don't want to see people get hurt or don't want to hurt them.

psy-learner:"Most people still believe that people whit psychic powers are *gifted*..."

even some psychics say that they are gifted. (still? hell, there are STILL alchemists, too.;) )

psy-learner:"Die hard skeptics and disbelievers won't even try untill someone has given them *solid* evidence... "

that's not true. i have tried. pressure point-fighting (for selfdefence, of course) is another thing, but i don't know what to think of qi... i have seen some demostrations even on tv... but then again, there's john edwards on tv too... so i don't know.

ps. "Higher-level martial Qigong skills use Qi itself to penetrate an opponent's body and disrupt natural energy flow and/or cause internal organ damage." (i probably think it's more serious than it really is, right?)

pps. and psylearner, don't say i'm psychotic or whatever, just because this post is mostly about hurting others...
i have never started a fight. ;)

(does this make any sense at all? no, i'm not drunk, i think... ;) )
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How many people you've ever seen using psychic power to hurts people just for fun? So... it means teachers know --no matter how-- that student wise enough when he gave them the power.

And for your note, psychic teacher (or someone else with higher power) can take away or at least neutralize student's power. Just like broke arm and leg bones in regular martial arts, so they can't fight anymore.

There are also there is big difference in psychic training and regular martial arts training. You can have enough power if you calm enough. Meditating will work in it. It's all about mind control. If you can't control your negative emotion, you won't be able to control the power and easily defeated. I don't know why, perhaps there is some connection with alpha waves in the brain.