Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*


Thanks, Im going to try in this weekend - Ill let ya'll know how it goes. Oh, and in your opinion - would you try in the quiet outdoors or in a totally quiet room?
Just curious:)

Groove on
If you want to try TK, without ever having any experience in it, then make sure you are in a quiet place, without interference.

Good luck, let's know what happened please...:)
Originally posted by James R
Can you do that, ismu?

No. I've told before (somewhere in my post) that I was leave the training before I fully master it. Got bored. I was can only "touch" someone from distance. And crush stones with bare hand.

But I SAW my seniors and teachers at Satria Nusantara did it many times in the training center. They can do that after 3 -- 5 years practice.

See attachment. It shows Merpati Putih student breaks stones with his head. It's seems imposible to do it with only headbones without other power.

Unfortunately I haven't got the picture of telekinetics used to throw someone. Satria Nusantara training center ussually do it in the demo for new students to encourage them.

more note about my breathing technique:
The technique I told you in previous post is not came from Merpati Putih, neither from Satria Nusantara.
LOL, interesting

Reply to: *stRgrl*

I agree whit Banshee, just try it indoors...
Maybe if *we* get more experience, we could do it outdoors, I would like that...
You know, I did A breathing exercize...

It was 4 seconds deep inhaling, and 10 seconds slowly exhaling...
After about 10 days, I could even stay under water for 90 seconds flat...
And my average, whit some training of 4 days of just trying to stay long under, was 40 seconds...

So I'll try to keep in mind to restart good breathing exercizes...

And uhh, 400 pound guy? I like the sound of that ismu...
But uhh, I don't want to cause much trouble too when I'll get mad/furious...
Not on purpose anyway...
And I'll try to find more on energy supply exercizes...
I tried drawing energy, but never really used it, onless I needed a little, but it would be drained in not even 3 minutes...
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ismu read your posts, and i have been in touch with my old master again,and he has agreed to train me further in the arts,he trained me for nine years,he got me to black belt two dan, he has trained me in chi kung, and taught me how to breath, at this moment in time i take six breaths a min, but i want to get it down to four, i am at one with my surroundings and meditate every day, for at least one hour, i listen to the sounds around me, as i live in the country side i get a lot of peace, i can pick out sounds that i can not hear when i am in a normal state,last week i picked up a frog that had just hoped past me, with my eyes closed and in meditation at the time, to me that was perfect speed ,but to my master i was just showing off, i would love to go to china but may not find the time as i am a farmer,and i dont get much time to go on hols,but i will always find time to practice the arts, hope you keep posting on this subject, as i want to know all i can.
have you heard of James Randi? show him your powers, and be rich.

ps. i can't believe what you guys are talking about. think about the world where people could move things and hurt others by psychic powers.

pps. www.randi.org (that is, if you really want the money)

ppps. i can get down to 0 breaths a minute.
have you heard of James Randi? show him your powers, and be rich.

Are you a slob?
2 things:

1 you must have a pure goal whith your powers, if you don't use them in a good way, it'll kick you hard for it.

2. When you wanna "show off" you'll get nervous, especially whit strange people around you...
think about you playing poker, doing well, and suddenly some stranger not even playing, stares over your shoulder, you get nervous, LOSE CONCENTRATION, and eventually, MESS UP, because of that...

ps. i can't believe what you guys are talking about. think about the world where people could move things and hurt others by psychic powers.

well, explain why average people only use 10 to 30 % of their brains, and leave the other 70 to 90% untouched their whole lives...

Well, uhh, maybe you probably use less then 5%, but, sorry to say it, that's you...

think about the world where people could move things and hurt others by psychic powers
and hurt others by psychic powers
hurt others

sorry again, but, that's not a pure intent, and what are you, a psychotic only want to profit from a high power to hurt others that hurt you big time?
Now that's pathetic, only learning it for that cause.

pps. www.randi.org (that is, if you really want the money)

Why would we want money using our powers?
We are happy whitout money, if you just could let go of materials that you like, but don't need to enjoy your live...

Okay, SURE I'LL DO IT!!!
But I'm 1.5 years to late whit tapping in to my powers to help my brothers kid that had Leukemy...

That is purety of heart, not fully, but If I could save someone whit it, I'd would be glad to do it...
Not for a cheap victory, do it yourself if you think that's the answer...

But that's another problem, you are skeptical, and if you'd like to try, you mess up because of unpure intentions...

ppps. i can get down to 0 breaths a minute.

Prove it, make a tape end set a download link here for it...
Everybody could do THAT, but most of them are dead...
And a lot could hold their breath, but drowning or sufficating yourself is not your goal...

Have a great time doing that, (all day long, at 1 continuous time, killing yourself)

*Sorry for the rough words, but like this, he'll learn a little bit*
"you must have a pure goal whith your powers, if you don't use them in a good way, it'll kick you hard for it."

pure goal? take the money and use it for good.

"When you wanna "show off" you'll get nervous, especially whit strange people around you...
think about you playing poker, doing well, and suddenly some stranger not even playing, stares over your shoulder, you get nervous, LOSE CONCENTRATION, and eventually, MESS UP, because of that... "

so that's really the reason.

"Well, uhh, maybe you probably use less then 5%, but, sorry to say it, that's you..."

i don't know the exact %.....do you (% of your own brain)?

"sorry again, but, that's not a pure intent, and what are you, a psychotic only want to profit from a high power to hurt others that hurt you big time?

i'm not the one using psychic powers. did i say i would hurt someone?

"Now that's pathetic, only learning it for that cause."

it would be pathetic to use it like that, but if there would be such powers, someone would surely use it for that.

"Why would we want money using our powers?"

you don't want money. do you work? i would use these powers to claim the 1 000 000 dollars.

"*Sorry for the rough words, but like this, he'll learn a little bit*"

and what would that be?

you don't have to apologize ... come on...we're adults (i suppose you are too?), we can take it. that's life. without psychic powers.

ps. you forgot the smileys.....(i know, sometimes i do too)
Well, you have got a point, but I won't run for the money...
Only when it's really, really, really, really, really needed...

And I don't know how much % I used, I'd have to buy or borrow equipment for it, or estimate it...

And no, you did not say you would hurt someone, but why think negative about psychic powers...

I admit people use it for bad causes, but they either don't know about the "do something bad, and it'll happen to you too stuff", forgot it, or because they used it long before they did such actions...

Uri Geller appeared that he got a bad experience after playing vegas at 1 casino and drain 1000's from them.

So that would also answer "you don't want money. do you work? i would use these powers to claim the 1 000 000 dollars." dor why I wouldn't do it.

And, uhh, I hasitated to use smiley's,, but choosed not to add them after all...

:D Greetz...
And here we go again!!!

The same old story, same old song and dance my friend...
I know Banshee...

I'll try the "ancient chinees secret":
-- When there's a lot of noise, be silent, and they will ignore you"

So you do know what I meen...

Okay, I got some free time last night and tried the little paper thingy, but it didnt work!!! I know, I didnt get lots of time to spend, maybe 15 minutes, but I did feel alot better after just sitting there concentrating. Maybe Im concentrating too hard? Any tips????

And Banshee, I love those little smiley faces, where'd ya get em??
Well, technically psi-learner you're not cheating when you use your powers to get the money. They want you to get it, and why shouldn't you? It's not an unfair advantage, no one else seems to be able to get the money, so why not give it a shot? You're cheating in poker if you can see everyone else's hand because you're a psychic, but you can't cheat or do anything wrong if you use your powers to prove to the world that the phenomena is true.
Originally posted by Pollux V
You're cheating in poker if you can see everyone else's hand because you're a psychic, but you can't cheat or do anything wrong if you use your powers to prove to the world that the phenomena is true.

No, wrong!!! It's not allowed to use powers for this kind of crap and you know it!!! Cheating is wrong in any way. It back-fires, remember?

You people and your money. Jesus, is there nothing else you can think about but that? Money, money, money...Makes the world go round...And bring it to its doom, in the end.

Fuck It!!! :rolleyes:

*stRgrL*, mayhaps you should do this concentrating every day. It will certainly help you to feel better. It's rather difficult to do T/K after 1 try. Keep on going, who knows what will come out of it? It never hurts to try...:)

(The smilies were a one time event. They are coming from another Forum. Guess it's a little cheating, too, for they don't belong here. I stole them, just for once...;) Well, I may do it again, I love those Smilies.)
made it before a connection interruption

Well *stRgrl*, I think that you just said it yourself a bit...
You can concentrate to hard...
Or maybe you didn't concentrate to hard, but missed out a little detail...

Try to concentrate playfully...
Don't *bug* yourself all the time, by straining and tensing all the time...

It's sometimes hard to stay relaxed and un-tensed while you try to concentrate good...
Try it as if you where playing a board game, what you won't take to seriously whit failure...

Maybe an example of Risk:

The good way: That you play whit a good focus/concentration, but keep relaxed and joyfull, and just try your best whitout the desire to win...

The bad way: That you play so seriously, you get tence and you try very hard to win.
And whit all costs, that you concentrate good, but are missing maybe even the most obvious or simplest attacks because of your *blinded* view caused by your desire...

Hope that you got the point...
Check the page here for some starting points
It could be a little help for you...
And look a little bit around, it isn't a bad site...


So you're saying that you'd rather see people starving on the streets than to use your psychic powers to help them - perhaps by donating $1 million dollars, for example?
