Labor party and gay marriage

sorry i'm getting tired and not explaing myself to well, (it is 4:41 am here) he's not open minded to other opinions

Oh, then I agree. Liberals think they're better than everyone else. They're so annoying, sheesh.

Conservatives are better, in terms of civility, and I'm not even 'really' a conservative, I'm more of a capitalist libertarian.
Oh, then I agree. Liberals think they're better than everyone else. They're so annoying, sheesh.

Conservatives are better, in terms of civility, and I'm not even 'really' a conservative, I'm more of a capitalist libertarian.

i'm not a conservative either, i just have opinions that deserve the same respect has his
Alright, it's just a bunch of liberals protesting as usual, unable to actually say anything coherent or senseful.
The ultimate question -- in the final analysis -- is "entertaining the idea that homosexuality is a naturally-occuring in certain people... on what rational basis would you then oppose those people for wanting to be who they were born as? Ayn Rand would have something to say about such people... she would call them "second handers:" people who have an inherent need to control others, because they are incapable of controlling their OWN destiny.

People say that gayness is the new blackness. For a very long time, people wanted to oppose blacks on the basis of their naturally occuring skin color. They thought that blacks were inherently "bad" or "immoral" in some way, due to their skin color, and therefore they believed them to be less deserving of rights. Truth be told, that sounds remarkably similar to what gays are going through.

I'm just glad that the general trend of things is a steadily increasing tolerance toward gays. That's what we've been seeing over the past few decades, and it's mainly now the sickly old religious fruits who oppose the inevitable. Fifty years from now, most of those fruits will have fallen dead off the tree and when that happens, I'm sure gay marriage will be well on its way to being forcefully legalized. :cool:
do you have children of school age? i do...and i know that schools promote homosexualty has a way of life, (see the above info that i posted)
Yes. As a way of life that is normal and acceptable. Would you prefer schools told children that homosexuality was completely abnormal and any who feel attracted to the same sex are abnormal? I'd imagine the suicide rate for children would go up quite a bit more than it already is, wouldn't you think?

Guess what LA, homosexuality is normal and as much as it may gall you to understand, is acceptable in society. Sure, there are some arsehats who think that homosexuals should not be recognised as such and we refer to such individuals as bigots and those without any education of note. Please, do not place yourself in such a category.

In our household, our son's are not told what sexuality is "normal". They get to see both. They see my husband and I, heterosexuals. And they see our friends, some of whom are homosexuals. In actual fact, our will states that if my husband and I pass away, we want one of our gay friends to bring up our boys. Simply because he is quite possibly, the best man I know to bring up my children. As well as his partner. They babysit for us regularly, our kids adore them and they adore our kids. And when I say adore, I mean adore. I know without even having to ask that they would sacrifice their own lives for my son's if the need ever arose. When we had a cancer scare with our youngest, it was they who came to the hospital and held our hands and gave us support, who took turns walking up and down the corridor holding our son and rocking him to sleep in the hospital to give us a break. My parents and my inlaws didn't even do that. So my very gay friend, a friend who has been a part of my life for more years than I knew my husband, is down as the person who will be given custody of my children should I and my husband ever die before our son's reach adulthood. And he is in a committed relationship that has lasted over 15 years thus far. While they want to marry, quite desperately, they have gone the only available way at the moment and that has been to have a commitment ceremony with their friends and family.:)

Children do NEED a mum and dad, to be balanced,
No. Children need loving parent(s) who will be able to care for them and provide with love and support. Those parents can be Mum and Dad, Dad and Dad, Mum and Mum, single Mum or single Dad. That is what children need. Children need parents who are able to be there for them 100% and not parent(s) who are flaky and too self absorbed and selfish.
Yes. As a way of life that is normal and acceptable. Would you prefer schools told children that homosexuality was completely abnormal and any who feel attracted to the same sex are abnormal? I'd imagine the suicide rate for children would go up quite a bit more than it already is, wouldn't you think?

Guess what LA, homosexuality is normal and as much as it may gall you to understand, is acceptable in society. Sure, there are some arsehats who think that homosexuals should not be recognised as such and we refer to such individuals as bigots and those without any education of note. Please, do not place yourself in such a category.

In our household, our son's are not told what sexuality is "normal". They get to see both. They see my husband and I, heterosexuals. And they see our friends, some of whom are homosexuals. In actual fact, our will states that if my husband and I pass away, we want one of our gay friends to bring up our boys. Simply because he is quite possibly, the best man I know to bring up my children. As well as his partner. They babysit for us regularly, our kids adore them and they adore our kids. And when I say adore, I mean adore. I know without even having to ask that they would sacrifice their own lives for my son's if the need ever arose. When we had a cancer scare with our youngest, it was they who came to the hospital and held our hands and gave us support, who took turns walking up and down the corridor holding our son and rocking him to sleep in the hospital to give us a break. My parents and my inlaws didn't even do that. So my very gay friend, a friend who has been a part of my life for more years than I knew my husband, is down as the person who will be given custody of my children should I and my husband ever die before our son's reach adulthood. And he is in a committed relationship that has lasted over 15 years thus far. While they want to marry, quite desperately, they have gone the only available way at the moment and that has been to have a commitment ceremony with their friends and family.:)

No. Children need loving parent(s) who will be able to care for them and provide with love and support. Those parents can be Mum and Dad, Dad and Dad, Mum and Mum, single Mum or single Dad. That is what children need. Children need parents who are able to be there for them 100% and not parent(s) who are flaky and too self absorbed and selfish.

no actually i think that they should not be telling child has young as 9 that it is an acceptable way of life, in fact they shouldnt even talk about the homosexual issue with young children, it is not down to the schools to educate children in such things and I FOR ONE will take my son out of school if or when they start that
no actually i think that they should not be telling child has young as 9 that it is an acceptable way of life, in fact they shouldnt even talk about the homosexual issue with young children, it is not down to the schools to educate children in such things and I FOR ONE will take my son out of school if or when they start that

9? Geez, what of children who are born into homosexual households?

'AMG! They be gay folks with babies! Babies!!! Them kid's are goin to grow up thinkin' it's naturalle!!!'

Now, lets imagine you are a school teacher (yes, I am frightened by that mental image) and one of student's comes from a homosexual household (ie. both parents are homosexual). Would you take that child aside and say:

"Hey, what your parents are, it's not acceptable and it's not normal, so you shall be the freak of the class for coming from that kind of household!"...? How about if little Johnny came up to you and told you that he was more attracted to his own sex? You'd start screaming out "freak"? Tell him he's not normal and that his feelings are not acceptable?

But lets just say that your son's school did dare to tell your son that being homosexual is normal and acceptable and he was, say, 9 years of age. You would take your son out of school for that? And then what? Take him home, sit him down and give him a stern talking to about how being "gay" is not acceptable and that children 'need to live at home with a mummy and daddy because that is normal'? We'll leave aside your lifestyle that you so readily and openly talk about on these forums, forums that your children have access to and have posted on.. You really think you are of the moral authority to be telling anyone what is acceptable and normal? I know I am not and I am straight, married with two kids, by your definition, the supposed perfect parent, because I am in a heterosexual relationship living under the one roof with my husband.:rolleyes: For all you know, I could be in an abusive relationship, but you would find that more acceptable and normal because the children would have a mummy and daddy. I'll repeat again, good parents are people who care for their children and help and support them. Their sexual orientation doesn't factor into it.

If my kids came home and told me they learnt about homosexuality in sex ed, I'd ask them if they had any questions about anything they might find confusing and carry on with the day.

There is no "issue" with homosexuality. You are either a homosexual or you are not.
then you will go to jail, as you should. The bigoty of the parents must not be alowed to be taught unchallanged to the children. Wether its the bigotry of the KKK or yours