Labor party and gay marriage

Beside the point.
If children need a father and amother theyn shouldn't single parents just take the first or second available single person (who likes kids of course) and just make do until the kids are grown up?
After all it's for the kids' benefit.

They don't want?
They shouldn't be allowed to put their wants above the needs of the kids.

Why not?
It's for the good of the kids.
Nothing to stop them having separate lives/ relationships (outside of the marital home) so long as the kids have mother and father.

all this because you want homosexuals to marry??? anyway its been great chatting to ya, but i need to get some sleep i have a busy day tomorrow
all this because you want homosexuals to marry???
Mostly all this because you're using an argument even you can't support to "back up" your reasons for not letting them marry.
If you'd simply said "It's my opinion that they shouldn't, because I don't like the idea" then that'd be one thing, but... ;)
Personally I'm against ugly people getting married.
Especially when they have the wedding photos plastered all over the local newspaper.

anyway its been great chatting to ya, but i need to get some sleep i have a busy day tomorrow
Who needs that?
See ya.
Mostly all this because you're using an argument even you can't support to "back up" your reasons for not letting them marry.
If you'd simply said "It's my opinion that they shouldn't, because I don't like the idea" then that'd be one thing, but... ;)

Who needs that?
See ya.

society should not be forced to accept homosexuality. you do not see straight pride parades, people are called bigouts when we cannot accept them getting married and homosexuality should not be taught has a way of life in schools, i have a daughter and son still in school and they do PHSE and homosexuality is taught has a good way of life, that should be accpeted jesus christ they are even told by idiot teachers that teenagers should be allowed to have homosexual sex, i have some great friends who are gay and they know my opinions and they can accept it, do you think that society should be forced to accept it? if you do then society should be allowed to accept all sorts of things that are perversions? there is a sexual fetish that sme people have in being eaten whole, and some even get off on animal sex should we have aprades for them and accept them aswell?
society should not be forced to accept homosexuality. you do not see straight pride parades
Maybe because straights haven't been pilloried for centuries.
So we shouldn't have "black pride" (or whatever it's called?
Shouldn't have women's rights groups?

homosexuality should not be taught has a way of life in schools
It's not taught as a "way of life" it's taught that it's one of many acceptable ways of life.

they are even told by idiot teachers that teenagers should be allowed to have homosexual sex
Yeah well.
Obviously no one should be allowed to have sex of any sort until they're at least 35...

do you think that society should be forced to accept it?
It's a majority vote isn't it?

if you do then society should be allowed to accept all sorts of things that are perversions?
Slippery slope etc...

there is a sexual fetish that sme people have in being eaten whole, and some even get off on animal sex should we have aprades for them and accept them aswell?
Slippery slope etc...
Does homosexuality between consenting adults cause harm?
There's quite a few things happen that I personally dislike intensely but I'm not going to argue that my way is right or that society (as decided by the majority) should conform to my desires.
I realise that it's simply my perspective.
Maybe because straights haven't been pilloried for centuries.
So we shouldn't have "black pride" (or whatever it's called?
Shouldn't have women's rights groups?

It's not taught as a "way of life" it's taught that it's one of many acceptable ways of life.

Yeah well.
Obviously no one should be allowed to have sex of any sort until they're at least 35...

It's a majority vote isn't it?

Slippery slope etc...

Slippery slope etc...
Does homosexuality between consenting adults cause harm?
There's quite a few things happen that I personally dislike intensely but I'm not going to argue that my way is right or that society (as decided by the majority) should conform to my desires.
I realise that it's simply my perspective.

actually, i think we shouldnt have men only clubs likewise only women clubs, but thats my opinion, women have been degraded for years and you dont see women pride parades, (ok you see women wanting equal rights) likewise you dont see men pride parades, so why gay pride marches, and yes to answer your question why should we have black pride parades?
also i would like to point out that straight people are not allowed to have staright only bars or clubs while homosexuals are allowed and often do have gay only bars and clubs
actually, i think we shouldnt have men only clubs
They're still around?
Meh, my ignorance probably, the last one in my town got opened up decades ago.

women have been degraded for years and you dont see women pride parades
Not lately, but there have been.

likewise you dont see men pride parades
Mainly because men have been top of the "food chain" since forever...

so why gay pride marches, and yes to answer your question why should we have black pride parades?
Or veterans' parades, or Orange men, or scout parades, church parades...
Because it's an acknowledgement and assertion that NOW they actually have legal rights.

while homosexuals are allowed and often do have gay only bars and clubs
They're still around?
Meh, my ignorance probably, the last one in my town got opened up decades ago.

Not lately, but there have been.

Mainly because men have been top of the "food chain" since forever...

Or veterans' parades, or Orange men, or scout parades, church parades...
Because it's an acknowledgement and assertion that NOW they actually have legal rights.


Many many years since I've been there.
I wonder how they get away with it: unless it's a members-only club.
All of the gay clubs/ bars round here are open to everyone.

you aint missing much!!

i dont know how they can do it,
I can sort of understand why they'd want to: the gay bars here regularly get invaded by people so straight they have to "prove" how straight they are by looking for fights with the gay guys - preferably in the pub.
Check it out, they may be private membership clubs, in which case it's perfectly legal.
I can sort of understand why they'd want to: the gay bars here regularly get invaded by people so straight they have to "prove" how straight they are by looking for fights with the gay guys - preferably in the pub.
Check it out, they may be private membership clubs, in which case it's perfectly legal.

yeah i think i will
mike (if you still rember what you asked me) yes i was being serious

the biggoty in this thread is sad, especially from people i respected. i am begining to think that the best thing that could happen in this world is the deaths of everyone above gen x

maybe im wrong, maybe in years to come people here will actually read this thread and see there own bigotry. its most sadning to see it comming from LA, i wonder what your son thinks of you. i hope he can forgive you
mike (if you still rember what you asked me) yes i was being serious

the biggoty in this thread is sad, especially from people i respected. i am begining to think that the best thing that could happen in this world is the deaths of everyone above gen x

maybe im wrong, maybe in years to come people here will actually read this thread and see there own bigotry. its most sadning to see it comming from LA, i wonder what your son thinks of you. i hope he can forgive you

my son lovesme to death, and i dont wish death on you asguard so why would you on me?
i am begining to think that the best thing that could happen in this world is the deaths of everyone above gen x
Or maybe just the death of everyone that lumps people together without looking at them as individuals...

maybe im wrong, maybe in years to come people here will actually read this thread and see there own bigotry
Here's hoping some people do. :rolleyes:
im sure he does love you, i just wonder wether he could forgive you

i just asked him if he did actually, and he just laughed and said there was nothing to forgive becasue unlike most people he understand that people are entitled to opinions

if that comments aimmed at me i hope your wrong. i hope i never stop using my head to assess whats right and wrong, not "my gut"
if that comments aimmed at me i hope your wrong. i hope i never stop using my head to assess whats right and wrong, not "my gut"
Using your head?
So why lump "everyone above gen x" in the same category?
Brain glitch?
Facile generalisation?
Or just didn't use your head?