Labor party and gay marriage

bells its nice to see that not all people are as bigoted as has been shown here or my parents and the rest of my family ect.

Just one thing, "homosexual or not" i am assuming im wrong about how that sounds but you dont think bisexual and asexual people exist? As i said i assume that my interpratation of your statment is incorect but thats how it sounds:p (i apologise if that came out incoherant, blame it on the southen comfert, canadian club and half a bottle of yarra burn sparkling:p)
then you will go to jail, as you should. The bigoty of the parents must not be alowed to be taught unchallanged to the children. Wether its the bigotry of the KKK or yours

what go to jail for taking my son out of school?? thats somthing i will risk (and have done), your also a bigout asguard for not listening to another persons view point on the matter, you asked a question, i answered and you didnt like what i said, therefore making you a bigout, and to wish death on me for having an opinion is frankly absurd and nonesense,

you asked what my son thought of me, i told you, you in your infinite wisdom choce to ignore that, and i asked you why you wished death on me again you ignored that, so such is life asguard we all cant have answers we crave
The ultimate question -- in the final analysis -- is "entertaining the idea that homosexuality is a naturally-occuring in certain people... on what rational basis would you then oppose those people for wanting to be who they were born as?
People say that gayness is the new blackness.
I'm just glad that the general trend of things is a steadily increasing tolerance...

So is there to be no place on Earth where like-minded people can form their own society so as to live as they want with those that the want and like?
Is everyone on Earth to be forced to conform to some "ideal" of someone else?
Are humans being forced, through social proximity, to become exactly like everyone else? To think like everyone else? To never have any different likes or dislikes? To be denied the right to not like someone else because of some "feature"?

It seems to me that's exactly what you're proposing ...a "Brave New World" kinda' thing. Is that right?

And it's interesting, too, ....I proposed forming "Redneck-istan" and asked if people would support my bid for independence. And ya' know what? Most people actually refused to support my independent nation?!

So in the "new, modern world", we're all gonna' have to conform, or else...?

Baron Max
what go to jail for taking my son out of school?? thats somthing i will risk (and have done), your also a bigout asguard for not listening to another persons view point on the matter, you asked a question, i answered and you didnt like what i said, therefore making you a bigout, and to wish death on me for having an opinion is frankly absurd and nonesense,

you asked what my son thought of me, i told you, you in your infinite wisdom choce to ignore that, and i asked you why you wished death on me again you ignored that, so such is life asguard we all cant have answers we crave

god im getting sick of people who refuse to read, bigotry is an opinion formed in the absence of evidence. YOUR opinion is bigotry (or you are delibratly hiding your evidence) i have posted mine openly even though there is no requirment for me to because its those who seek to forbid who have the duty to back up there arguments not those who seek the defult of permission
god im getting sick of people who refuse to read, bigotry is an opinion formed in the absence of evidence. YOUR opinion is bigotry (or you are delibratly hiding your evidence) i have posted mine openly even though there is no requirment for me to because its those who seek to forbid who have the duty to back up there arguments not those who seek the defult of permission

refuse to read???? its you that has not answered my question countless of times asguard!!
i have answered your question. Its a simple matter of numbers, eventually you and howard and Rudd all the others of your age group will die along with all those who came before and we can burry the belifes you all hold which are sadly holding sociaty back.

Just like the people around at the time of the birth of the US had to die in order for lincon to finally abolish THEIR bigotry. If not for that age group slavery would have been illegal from the foundation of the US but washiton knew that he would lose surport if he made that an ideal of the war of inderpendence. Yet im sure he hoped that after time, when enough of those who held HIM back died that issue could finally be put to rest. Its no different now, the majority of the bigots are in my parents age group, i hope the issue can be sorted before then but if it has to wait for there deaths then the issue WILL be sorted after it
i have answered your question. Its a simple matter of numbers, eventually you and howard and Rudd all the others of your age group will die along with all those who came before and we can burry the belifes you all hold which are sadly holding sociaty back.

Just like the people around at the time of the birth of the US had to die in order for lincon to finally abolish THEIR bigotry. If not for that age group slavery would have been illegal from the foundation of the US but washiton knew that he would lose surport if he made that an ideal of the war of inderpendence. Yet im sure he hoped that after time, when enough of those who held HIM back died that issue could finally be put to rest. Its no different now, the majority of the bigots are in my parents age group, i hope the issue can be sorted before then but if it has to wait for there deaths then the issue WILL be sorted after it

well we will have to wait and see if my death has any effect on the issue wont we i guess??
i think its a blight on hetrosexual mariages....but that is just MY opinion

I think you are a blight on humanity but that is just MY opinion.
I think you are worried about it because you are gay but that is just MY opinion.
I think you are a false "friend" to the gays you know but that is just MY opinion.
I think you are a total wanker but that is just MY opinion.

Yes just saying "I think blah, blah, blah but that is just MY opinion" is a great innovation.
Guess what LA, homosexuality is normal and as much as it may gall you to understand, is acceptable in society. Sure, there are some arsehats who think that homosexuals should not be recognised as such and we refer to such individuals as bigots and those without any education of note. Please, do not place yourself in such a category.

It isn't acceptable everywhere.

And again, one doesn't have to be tolerant. There are people that are well aware of what homosexuality is and the fact that it is natural and simply, whether for cultural or traditional reasons, choose to be against it.

Quit calling them bigots. That makes you a bigot.
Norsefire said:

It isn't acceptable everywhere.

And why is this? Largely, it is because people have made abstractions such as religion more important than people.

And again, one doesn't have to be tolerant. There are people that are well aware of what homosexuality is and the fact that it is natural and simply, whether for cultural or traditional reasons, choose to be against it.

Nobody says they have to participate in it. But, to the other, that right to disagree with something does not extend, in any practical sense bearing philosophical integrity, to injuring or constricting other people for mere aesthetics.

Quit calling them bigots. That makes you a bigot.

Ah, the lament of the desperate bigot. Don't throw yourself in with that crowd, Norse. It is unbecoming to your anarcho-libertarian phase. Calling gay marriage a "blight"—

Main Entry: [sup]1[/sup]blight
Pronunciation: \ˈblīt\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1578

1 a: a disease or injury of plants marked by the formation of lesions, withering, and death of parts (as leaves and tubers) b: an organism (as an insect or a fungus) that causes blight
2: something that frustrates plans or hopes
3: something that impairs or destroys
4: a deteriorated condition <urban blight>


—is pretty strong language. One would expect such a condemnation to be backed by something more substantial than mere personal aesthetics.

Indeed, with nothing more than personal aesthetics to work with, such a statement pretty clearly labels a person as a ...

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660

: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance



"blight". Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2009. Merriam-Webster Online. 2 August 2009.

"bigot". Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2009. Merriam-Webster Online. 2 August 2009.
And why is this? Largely, it is because people have made abstractions such as religion more important than people.
Correct. It is a mindset of ideology, similar to that of Hitler; this mindset values the "dedication" and persistence to ideology above individualism. Hitler very clearly explained it in 'Triumph des Willens'; he viewed it as beneficial to the German people, and extreme individualism to be damaging

It's simply a point of view.

Nobody says they have to participate in it. But, to the other, that right to disagree with something does not extend, in any practical sense bearing philosophical integrity, to injuring or constricting other people for mere aesthetics.
Take your own argument in regards to 'taxation': you want certain things. You can pay for them without forcing me to. Yet you force everyone to even though you can pay without forcing them to.

Similarly, people that are anti-homosexuality can avoid it without banning it for everyone. However, they ban it for everyone.

It's a contradiction of modern-day liberalism/marxism/communism

Ah, the lament of the desperate bigot. Don't throw yourself in with that crowd, Norse. It is unbecoming to your anarcho-libertarian phase. Calling gay marriage a "blight"—
I did not call gay marriage a blight, that was somebody else. Personally, I do not think marriage ought to be the matter of government in the first place; it is a thing that ought to be left to churches and private institutions.

—is pretty strong language. One would expect such a condemnation to be backed by something more substantial than mere personal aesthetics.
Apparantly you are confusing me with somebody else. I am not the one that said gay marriage was a blight.

I am playing devil's advocate here; in my opinion, 'tolerance' is overrated. Open-mindedness is not accepting every idea, it's being able to fathom it.

Indeed, with nothing more than personal aesthetics to work with, such a statement pretty clearly labels a person as a ...
It is simple human nature, although I've already explained how one can oppose homosexuality and not be a bigot, if they are informed and open-minded.

And you must be unaware of the countless moral arguments against homosexuality; I am not saying they have merit, but they are clearly more than aesthetics.
No one seems able to answer my question. Why am I not surprised?

Here's why. The reason is that opposing someone on the basis of their naturally occuring sexual preference, especially when that person does not harm anyone, is an irrational and bigoted thing to do. It is the same as opposing someone on the basis of their ethnicity or gender. A bigot is someone who dedicates themselves to irrational, negative beliefs about a group of people. Therefore, opposing someone on the basis of sexual orientation is, by definition, bigoted... and that's not up for debate.

Religion isn't an excuse, because religions are based on an irrational belief in a mythical sky daddy. Culture does not make for rational thought, either. The greasy little fucks in China who intentionally torture dogs and cats due to an insane belief that torturing makes the meat taste better for eating, are not acting out of rational thought. They do so because they have become desensitized to cruelty and brutality.

If you oppose a group of people because of an irrational dislike for them, then you are a bigot. If you aren't a bigot, then you have to have a rational reason for thinking that they are bad.

No such reason exists for gays, though. :cool:
Taxes and aesthtetics

Norsefire said:

Correct. It is a mindset of ideology, similar to that of Hitler; this mindset values the "dedication" and persistence to ideology above individualism. Hitler very clearly explained it in 'Triumph des Willens'; he viewed it as beneficial to the German people, and extreme individualism to be damaging

It's simply a point of view.

And thus no reason to deny someone equal protection under the law.

Take your own argument in regards to 'taxation': you want certain things. You can pay for them without forcing me to. Yet you force everyone to even though you can pay without forcing them to.


That's hilarious. There is enough wrong with that comparison that, frankly, I'm not sure where to start. So, to pick one not quite at random, taxation involves a whole society, while marriage involves two people.

Similarly, people that are anti-homosexuality can avoid it without banning it for everyone. However, they ban it for everyone.

It's a contradiction of modern-day liberalism/marxism/communism

You'll have to explain how that contradiction works.

I did not call gay marriage a blight, that was somebody else.

Like I said, don't throw yourself in with that crowd.

Personally, I do not think marriage ought to be the matter of government in the first place; it is a thing that ought to be left to churches and private institutions.

I would certainly accept that outcome.

Apparantly you are confusing me with somebody else. I am not the one that said gay marriage was a blight.

You did, however, defend that person, and admonish that calling such a statement bigotry was in and of itself bigoted.

No, sir, I'm not confusing you with someone else.

I am playing devil's advocate here ...

Always a risky venture. Especially when playing it so clumsily.

... in my opinion, 'tolerance' is overrated. Open-mindedness is not accepting every idea, it's being able to fathom it.

I would say that open-mindedness involves not only the capability to fathom it, but also to give it fair consideration.

It is simple human nature, although I've already explained how one can oppose homosexuality and not be a bigot, if they are informed and open-minded.

An amusing venture, I suppose, but not impossible.

And you must be unaware of the countless moral arguments against homosexuality; I am not saying they have merit, but they are clearly more than aesthetics.

I look forward to your explanation of those moral arguments that are clearly more than aesthetics.
If you oppose a group of people because of an irrational dislike for them, then you are a bigot. ...

What's wrong with being a bigot?

I daresay that most everyone on the planet is a bigot about one group of people or another. So, ....what's wrong with being a bigot?

And if you shun people who ARE bigots, doesn't that make you a bigot, too?

If you aren't a bigot, then you have to have a rational reason for thinking that they are bad.

Why must one have a rational reason? ..just because you say so? You don't think human emotions play any role in the actions and thought of humans and human interaction? People just naturally don't like some people ...they may not even know why. Just as some people fall in love with some people rational reason, they just fall in love. So is that a bad thing?

Baron Max
Nay, max. Not tolerating bigots doesn't make one a bigot. That is because shunning bigots is a rational thing to do. Bigotry is never a good thing; all it does is hurt people. No one is saying that they aren't allowed to entertain those irrational dislikes. Be a bigot if you want... but it is on you to understand that insodoing, you are admitting that deep down inside, you are just a lowdown pile of human garbage. Do you want to be thought of as human garbage, max? No? Then you should try to break free from your own chains, if you can.

However, it is when people act out their irrational dislike of people by seeking to hurt them in some way, that I draw the line. Bigoted thoughts are not a valid excuse for hurting a group of people or denying them rights for no legitimate reason whatsoever. If we operated on that basis still, black people would still be slaves and women wouldn't be able to vote. That's not a step forward. It's a step backward.
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... Bigotry is never a good thing; all it does is hurt people. ...

Hurts people? How? Hurting people is against the law ..bigotry isn't against the law. You're making a connect, a cause and effect, where one might not exist.

... However, it is when people act out their irrational dislike of people by seeking to hurt them in some way, that I draw the line. Bigoted thoughts are not a valid excuse for hurting a group of people or denying them rights for no legitimate reason whatsoever.

Sorta' like those groups in Africa who are killing people in Darfur? ...while you stand by and do nothing to help those people? You just wander around in your normal life and ....dislike... them for hurting those other people? ...and still do nothing to help them?

Bigotry and criminal assault are two different things!

Baron Max
... Be a bigot if you want... but it is on you to understand that insodoing, you are admitting that deep down inside, you are just a lowdown pile of human garbage. ...

So you're bigoted against all bigots? ...LOL!

How did you sneak that little tidbit in without me noticing in the first response?

Baron Max
You're beginning to get stupid here, max.

Bigotry is based on irrational dislike. Lowdown piles of human garbage give everyone a very rational reason for shunning them. :cool:

Bigotry is borne out of ignorance. That is why you still haven't been able to answer my original question in this thread. Doing so would force you to think about yourself in hideous ways, and you couldn't stand thinking about yourself in those terms. Bigoted people, deep down inside, want to live out bigoted actions. Bigoted actions always involved hurting people in some way, whether it's through violence or otherwise. When they get to the point where they act those fantasies out, that is where the I draw the line.

Sorta' like those groups in Africa who are killing people in Darfur? ...while you stand by and do nothing to help those people? You just wander around in your normal life and ....dislike... them for hurting those other people? ...and still do nothing to help them?

What are you babbling about? Is this supposed to be some sort of weird admission that you support ethnic warring in Africa? Kay.
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And thus no reason to deny someone equal protection under the law.
Perhaps not, but perhaps simple whim? Or perhaps on cultural grounds. Or ideological grounds.

Plenty reason, now that you think of it. Humans operate on emotion as well as logic.

That's hilarious. There is enough wrong with that comparison that, frankly, I'm not sure where to start. So, to pick one not quite at random, taxation involves a whole society, while marriage involves two people.
Actually, no.

If taxation is made voluntary, then it involves nobody more than you, and the people you pay.

My buying of bread does not affect you, it's between me and the store. You see? If you value consent and voluntarism so much, then it's rather hypocritical to support taxation since you don't have to force it on everyone. You can pay, without forcing me to. Easy

And plenty of people regard marriage as a matter of society and family instead of just two individuals.

You'll have to explain how that contradiction works.
See above
Like I said, don't throw yourself in with that crowd.
I throw myself in no crowd.

I would certainly accept that outcome.

You did, however, defend that person, and admonish that calling such a statement bigotry was in and of itself bigoted.
No, not really. My point is that you confuse open-mindedness with tolerance. One can be intolerant, but not bigoted.
I would say that open-mindedness involves not only the capability to fathom it, but also to give it fair consideration.
Right, that is what I meant.

However, even then, one does not need to accept the idea. And if they do not, they are not 'bigoted'. It's an unfair card to play; I don't have to be tolerant and you're damn right there are people I do not tolerate. I 'tolerate' gays simply because it is not my place to stop them, it's what the free market is all about.

An amusing venture, I suppose, but not impossible.
Good that you understand.

I look forward to your explanation of those moral arguments that are clearly more than aesthetics.
Read the Bible.

No, don't laugh! Those are moral arguments like any other; morals are relative, after all.

Then there are the moral arguments stemming from the idea that not adhering to tradition is immoral. Etcetera

Here's why. The reason is that opposing someone on the basis of their naturally occuring sexual preference, especially when that person does not harm anyone, is an irrational and bigoted thing to do.
It is the same as opposing someone on the basis of their ethnicity or gender. A bigot is someone who dedicates themselves to irrational, negative beliefs about a group of people. Therefore, opposing someone on the basis of sexual orientation is, by definition, bigoted... and that's not up for debate.
No, opposing them on an uniformed basis is bigoted.

If you are informed and aware and choose to oppose them, for whatever reason, then you are not bigoted.

Religion isn't an excuse, because religions are based on an irrational belief in a mythical sky daddy.
You see it this way, not religious people.
Culture does not make for rational thought, either.
How many times must I repeat this to sciforums?
Human beings operate on more than rationality; we operate on emotion also

If pure rational efficiency is your interest, then you must support eugenics, and many of the elements of fascism.

Intolerance is much more 'rational' than tolerance in that it makes a society arguably more predictable, more controllable, and more efficient.

Freedom is not 'rational'; we want it because of emotion, and desire.

The greasy little fucks in China who intentionally torture dogs and cats due to an insane belief that torturing makes the meat taste better for eating, are not acting out of rational thought. They do so because they have become desensitized to cruelty and brutality.
Really? Let's look at the situation:

The chinese torture them for a specific purpose, to make the meat taste better. I don't know if it does, but this is their reason, and very utilitarian.

You oppose it on emotional grounds, because you think it's 'immoral' and you 'feel bad' for the animal.

Right, you are more rational:rolleyes:
If you oppose a group of people because of an irrational dislike for them, then you are a bigot. If you aren't a bigot, then you have to have a rational reason for thinking that they are bad.
Plenty: culture, ideology, religion, politics

I suppose you are right, though; few might have a rational reason to dislike gays. It's mostly an emotional one, although we must remember the importance of emotion in human society, and we must remember that freedom is likewise based on an emotional need and desire, and not a rational one.