Labor party and gay marriage

Being informed that your opposition to someone is irrational does not somehow excuse that irrationality. Emotions are a factor... but there is a reason why someone's emotions toward gays would be negative. What could drive someone's emotions to such a place? THE ANSWER: being raised by shitty parents, in a shitty society. After internalizing that shitty upbringing, you have no choice but to oppose gays, because their being treated as equals would be insulting to your upbringing... and no one wants to think of themselves or their culture as being shitty, because of what it would mean for their quality as a person.

That is exactly what is going on when those slimy idiots in China torture dogs for taste. It doesn't actually make the meat taste any different. They just live in a horrible hellhole where cruelty is a way of life. The same holds true for the undersized limpdicks in the middle east who like to act cruel toward women. There is nothing rational or informed about such things.

Freedom based on emotional needs is acceptable for as long as those emotional needs don't come at the expense of the needs of others, as discriminating someone on the basis of their sexual orientation surely does.

By the way, why do you oppose gays? REASON: the first paragraph in this post.
Being informed that your opposition to someone is irrational does not somehow excuse that irrationality.
Not being informed 'that it is irrational'. Being informed about your opposition, in general; in this case, being informed that homosexuality is natural, and of various stats, etc
THE ANSWER: being raised by shitty parents, in a shitty society.
Could you be more vague!
Explain 'shitty'.

That is exactly what is going on when those slimy idiots in China torture dogs for taste. It doesn't actually make the meat taste any different. They just live in a horrible hellhole where cruelty is a way of life. The same holds true for the undersized limpdicks in the middle east who like to act cruel toward women. There is nothing rational or informed about such things.
And if it did make the meat taste better, then it is rational and perfectly acceptable since it is rational, no?

Freedom based on emotional needs is acceptable for as long as those emotional needs don't come at the expense of the needs of others, as discriminating someone on the basis of their sexual orientation surely does.
The desire for freedom is entirely emotional. Human society is much more built on emotion than it is on logic, and emotions are often illogical.

By the way, why do you oppose gays? REASON: the first paragraph in this post.
I don't oppose gays, for one.

Second, I am really getting tired of you. Tone down your arrogance and show some damn respect.

I was raised in a perfectly good environment: loving family, proper culture, family values, etc

I honestly tire of your elitism and stupidity. Tone it down, or expect yourself on my ignore list.
Being informed that your opposition to someone is irrational does not somehow excuse that irrationality. Emotions are a factor... but there is a reason why someone's emotions toward gays would be negative.

Is it any different to not liking fat people? Or ugly people? Is it irrational to dislike fat people? Why?

And the reason that some people dislike gays is because of what they do sexually some people, those acts are ...distasteful to say the least (even if only a mental image of those acts).

I've known several instances where a person didn't know the other was gay ...and they got along quite well, almost like normal people. Then one day it's revealed that the person is gay ...holy shit, you'd have thought the sky was falling! Well, wait, to the first guy, the sky really was falling! ...LOL!

See? Sometimes, perhaps most of the time, it's not the person himself that's the cause of the dislike, it's what he does. It's also the rationale behind the US military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Once it's known that a guy is gay, the whole unit cohesion comes under "attack" ....even if only through mental imagery.

Look at it this way ....if you had an acquaintance, say a neighbor, who was just a regular ol' guy. You were friendly to him, but not close friends. Then you discover that he spent time in prison for armed robbery and burglary. Or perhaps rape. The person didn't change, did he? No. But what he does/did makes him completely different. Of course some of you will deny that, but..... we all know better, so don't deny it too forcibly! :D

And, WillNever, I agree with Norsefire, ...please keep you emotions in check you claim people can with gays.

Baron Max
Baron I agree with you but don't compare homosexuality to rape or murder; nobody is being harmed by two gays having sex in private.

Speaking of private, private property would solve all of these problems.

However, at any rate, like Baron said we are emotional beings and very fussy. Intolerance is natural, and arguably a society is stronger when it has more cohesion.
Baron I agree with you but don't compare homosexuality to rape or murder; nobody is being harmed by two gays having sex in private.

Where did I do that?? And even my comment about armed robbery and burglary does NOT compare those two things's analogy, not direct comparisons.

Speaking of private, private property would solve all of these problems.

And hence, one of my pet peeves ....the gays rubbing their sexual desires and tendencies and habits in my face all the time. Gay rights, gay parades, gay adoption, gay marriage, gays in the army, gays if the only thing that defines them is their sexual habits and desires.

Baron Max
And hence, one of my pet peeves ....the gays rubbing their sexual desires and tendencies and habits in my face all the time. Gay rights, gay parades, gay adoption, gay marriage, gays in the army, gays if the only thing that defines them is their sexual habits and desires.

Baron Max

I agree, I don't see straight pride parades or straight people wearing ribbons and braces and straight people "celebrating" anything
you also dont see the overt surpression of hetrosexuality (at least not generally, the supression of human sexuality is ripe but i dont think people are going to have parades to fix that). I love the stupidity of your arguments, do you have ANY idea what the mati graz started out as? Seriously do you?

Or do you simply cling to your guns and your bigotry (or should that be buggery)?
you also dont see the overt surpression of hetrosexuality
And you don't see the suppression of homosexuality anymore, in most places.

No more reason to celebrate.

Or do you simply cling to your guns and your bigotry (or should that be buggery)?
I'm a capitalist; if people want to be gay, that's their choice. I am tolerant of homosexuality. I'm merely stating that it is OK to be intolerant. "Guns and bigotry" can create unity and national strength, you see.
And you don't see the suppression of homosexuality anymore, in most places.

No more reason to celebrate.

You don't see gay pride celebrations in most places either. Most cities in the USA do not have such things... so acting as though it's shoved in your face makes no sense.

The desire for freedom is entirely emotional. Human society is much more built on emotion than it is on logic, and emotions are often illogical.

All this is, is a collection of sentences saying that illogic is better than logic. Care to expound?
Is it any different to not liking fat people? Or ugly people? Is it irrational to dislike fat people? Why?

Disliking as is in not being attracted to fat and ugly people, or disliking as in disapproving of and therefore mistreating such people? The first is entirely normal. I don't like fatties either. That's just physical distaste. That's like me not really taking men who are shorter than 5'10 very seriously when they are in my immediate presence. I also don't like glasses on people. But that doesn't affect my judgement of their character, nor does it make me mistreat such people because of their physical disadvantages.

See? Sometimes, perhaps most of the time, it's not the person himself that's the cause of the dislike, it's what he does. It's also the rationale behind the US military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Once it's known that a guy is gay, the whole unit cohesion comes under "attack" ....even if only through mental imagery.

Look at it this way ....if you had an acquaintance, say a neighbor, who was just a regular ol' guy. You were friendly to him, but not close friends. Then you discover that he spent time in prison for armed robbery and burglary. Or perhaps rape. The person didn't change, did he? No. But what he does/did makes him completely different. Of course some of you will deny that, but..... we all know better, so don't deny it too forcibly

You're comparing gayness, something that is naturally occuring, to committing violent crimes. That's retarded, and it's time to pull your mind out of the toilet again.
You don't see gay pride celebrations in most places either. Most cities in the USA do not have such things... so acting as though it's shoved in your face makes no sense.
I'm not acting as though it's shoved in my face; frankly, I don't care, as long as they don't clog up the streets.

However in many places, like fellow Israel, gay pride parades are pretty much forced on the people. The majority, especially the traditionalist Jewish population, don't want them there and yet the government allows it.

All this is, is a collection of sentences saying that illogic is better than logic. Care to expound?
I'm not saying illogic is better, I'm only saying humans operate on emotional equally, if not more, than on "logic".
I think more parades is a good thing. Gay pride, Nude pride, Porn pride, Let's have one a week!

We can even have Bigot pride for BM and AntiSocial pride for NF!
I think you are a blight on humanity but that is just MY opinion.
I think you are worried about it because you are gay but that is just MY opinion.
I think you are a false "friend" to the gays you know but that is just MY opinion.
I think you are a total wanker but that is just MY opinion.

Yes just saying "I think blah, blah, blah but that is just MY opinion" is a great innovation.

i think your a wanker so aint we in good company??

i am not gay i have you know, and if you cannot handle other opinions i think you should fuck off and drop dead some place!!
Lily Tomlin and her girlfriend have been together for 38 years. Are you saying them getting married would be a blight to the swinging marriage you had? That a child raised in their home would be a blight upon the children raised in your home?

I don't understand
I think more parades is a good thing. Gay pride, Nude pride, Porn pride, Let's have one a week!

As long as they are on private property, fine.

Not on the streets blocking everybody's way.

Besides, let's start with racial and national pride before "porn pride", kay?
I'm still waiting for the white pride parade, damnit! But of course that automatically makes me racist, right? lol
And hence, one of my pet peeves ....the gays rubbing their sexual desires and tendencies and habits in my face all the time. Gay rights, gay parades, gay adoption, gay marriage, gays in the army, gays if the only thing that defines them is their sexual habits and desires.

Baron Max

Well you rub your personality and yourself in people's faces all the time. You rub how you don't care in everyone's face, every single day of the year. You rub how we shouldn't care in people's faces, every single moment of every single day of the year. You rub your hateful and bigotted behaviour into people's faces, every single moment of every day. So much so that it is a normal pattern of behaviour for you.

So if you're allowed to rub, so are they. You are living proof that what goes around comes around. You whine and bitch about them as much as they whine and bitch about you and people like you. So as they say, suck it up. You'll stop hearing about "them" when they stop having people like you prevent them from living their lives as they should be free to live.
... So as they say, suck it up. You'll stop hearing about "them" when they stop having people like you prevent them from living their lives as they should be free to live.

I think that's fair enough, Bells. So does this mean that when some hardnosed rednecks start teasing, laughing at, harassing, ridiculing, etc, all the gays, you'll just tell the gays to "suck it up"? Fair enough, huh, Bells??

James R. can ridicule the religious beliefs of some people, then we should be able to ridicule the beliefs of gays, right? ...and you'll tell those gays to "suck it up"?? :D

Baron Max
So if you're allowed to rub, so are they. You are living proof that what goes around comes around. You whine and bitch about them as much as they whine and bitch about you and people like you. So as they say, suck it up. You'll stop hearing about "them" when they stop having people like you prevent them from living their lives as they should be free to live.

Laissez-faire. This doesn't apply only to marriage. The government needs to stick out of my personal affairs AND my wallet.