Labor party and gay marriage

do a servey of those who think homosexuality should be banned. In the west you will find that as age goes down the number who surport equality goes up

Now if we look at numbers 10% of the population of more are homosexual and are suffering psycological abuses mainly perpitrated by the older age groups. Once these age groups die off hopefully we can start to actually implement the nessary changes just like we were waiting for howard to get out of goverment so we could actually start fixing the relationship with the aborigional people. Seems its always the case of waiting for the older generation to die (or at least stop voting) so that there problems can be fixed. I wonder what the bigotry of our generation will be, its sad to think there will be one but im not supid and i know there will be. As to what it will be however i have no idea but when that time comes i HOPE we do a better job of overruling it than previous generations have
mike (if you still rember what you asked me) yes i was being serious

the biggoty in this thread is sad, especially from people i respected. i am begining to think that the best thing that could happen in this world is the deaths of everyone above gen x

maybe im wrong, maybe in years to come people here will actually read this thread and see there own bigotry. its most sadning to see it comming from LA, i wonder what your son thinks of you. i hope he can forgive you


" if you don't agree with me you're a bigot"

What did I say? I knew this would be the response.

The best thing that could happen to this world is getting rid of liberals/communists
norse a bigot is defined as:

"bigoted - blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others; "a bigoted person"; "an outrageously bigoted point of view"

bigoted - Being a bigot; biased; strongly prejudiced; forming opinions without just cause

bigotry - intolerance toward those of different creeds or religious affiliations

bigotry - The rigid intolerance of ideas or persons seen as different."

ie someone whos predjuces arnt informed by reason and evidence
do a servey of those who think homosexuality should be banned. In the west you will find that as age goes down the number who surport equality goes up
So you're still lumping people into groups?
Because someone is a certain age they automatically conform to the "group think" for that demographic?

Maybe we should have survey on the number of people in any generation that think statistics tell the whole story...
Then one can be a bigot if they oppose homosexuality

IF they are uninformed

However if they are informed and well aware of what it is, and still oppose it, that's simply their choice.

I know it's natural, I know blah blah blah..........and I can still oppose it. And I'm not a bigot for that.

However, of course, I don't oppose it, or support it, it shouldn't be the matter of government in the first place.
norse a bigot is defined as:

"bigoted - blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others; "a bigoted person"; "an outrageously bigoted point of view"

bigoted - Being a bigot; biased; strongly prejudiced; forming opinions without just cause

bigotry - intolerance toward those of different creeds or religious affiliations

bigotry - The rigid intolerance of ideas or persons seen as different."

ie someone whos predjuces arnt informed by reason and evidence

are you going to answer why you wished death on me asguard?
We know what these things mean. If you look at the definition, it says "before the facts are known"

LA is well aware of the facts and has made an informed decision. Thus, you cannot call her a bigot.
We know what these things mean. If you look at the definition, it says "before the facts are known"

LA is well aware of the facts and has made an informed decision. Thus, you cannot call her a bigot.

yes he can but he would be wrong, therefore making him a bigout for judging before the facts

A judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known. In most cases, these opinions are founded on suspicion, intolerance, and the irrational hatred of other races, religions, creeds, or nationalities.

FFS i do NOT HATE homosexuals, jeez how many more times do i need to re hash what i have said let me do it again just in case you didnt understand me I DO NOT HATE HOMOSEXUALS
I'm also tired of people confusing open-mindedness with automatically tolerating everything.

Being open-minded is not the same as being tolerant. Being open-minded means being receptive of new ideas, being able to have empathy and understand and think about different points of view; it doesn't mean accepting them.
really norse, then why has she refused to post any evidence of those facts which surposedly surport her case?

Why have you?

I wonder how many judges would accept evidence as:

procution "we know he did it"

Defence " he was in another country at the time, here is his passport showing that, here are photo with date time stamps showing he was in country x, here is an ATM slip from the time of the crime ect ect"

Jury "well the procution says hes guilty so hes guilty"

Judges responce?

Thats basically what you expect us to swollow norse, your predjuced so thats your evidence. It just doesnt work that way, this is a science site for starters, not a right wing christan site. Further more that isnt how our sociaty was set up. We live in liberal democracy and i have posted innumerble times what that means.
really norse, then why has she refused to post any evidence of those facts which surposedly surport her case?

Why have you?

I wonder how many judges would accept evidence as:

procution "we know he did it"

Defence " he was in another country at the time, here is his passport showing that, here are photo with date time stamps showing he was in country x, here is an ATM slip from the time of the crime ect ect"

Jury "well the procution says hes guilty so hes guilty"

Judges responce?

Thats basically what you expect us to swollow norse, your predjuced so thats your evidence. It just doesnt work that way, this is a science site for starters, not a right wing christan site. Further more that isnt how our sociaty was set up. We live in liberal democracy and i have posted innumerble times what that means.

if this is science then what the chuff is it doing in ethics, morality and justice???
What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with 'evidence'. This is opinion. Nobody has 'evidence' for anything, not you or her.
really norse, then why has she refused to post any evidence of those facts which surposedly surport her case?

Why have you?

I wonder how many judges would accept evidence as:

procution "we know he did it"

Defence " he was in another country at the time, here is his passport showing that, here are photo with date time stamps showing he was in country x, here is an ATM slip from the time of the crime ect ect"

Jury "well the procution says hes guilty so hes guilty"

Judges responce?

Thats basically what you expect us to swollow norse, your predjuced so thats your evidence. It just doesnt work that way, this is a science site for starters, not a right wing christan site. Further more that isnt how our sociaty was set up. We live in liberal democracy and i have posted innumerble times what that means.

the why did you wish death on me? i want to know
What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with 'evidence'. This is opinion. Nobody has 'evidence' for anything, not you or her.

this goes back to the fact that he cannot handle anyone having a differant opinion to his! its sad really