Jesus Without The Bible...?

how do you know they're worshipping other gods? just because we call them by different names, or depict them differently in art?

the key is intent and the spirit. it's not a trick. there's no catch. you either want to know god or you don't, for the right reasons or not. if you don't believe you can know god, then that's a problem. i don't know that so many other religions would explain to you that you can.

i don't care what religion you are, you can do yoga, or meditate, or practice rituals, or bow, or recite, or sing, or whatever all day long, and it won't get you to god.

Yes, different names, different attributes, multiple Gods, no gods, all are forbidden by the ten commandments. You can't just usurp traditional gods from other cultures and call them your god.
There is a difference between hell described in the Bible and the saying “hell on earth”. They are not the same. You may think so, but they aren't. Read your Bible and see.

I’m not here to solve everyone’s problems regarding their own “personal hell”. I’m just saying that a God who would purposely create such a horrible violent f’d up place and set up rules that if people didn’t believe the way he wants etc… are to be tortured for eternity- has really got some mental issues!

If you wouldn’t do this to your child, if you couldn’t even comprehend doing one little thing to ever harm him/her in this same precise manner…whyyyyyyyyyy is it okay for the Biblical God to do it? Why?

i'm not talking about some metaphorical "personal hell" heart. perhaps i'll check back with you in the midst of the nuclear holocaust.

now listen to me. i want to live in a world where there is NO SUFFERING. NONE. that is what god has promised me, and i am taking him up on it. i don't care what i have to give up, or you have to give up to see to it that happens. i want sin abolished, communion restored, and the greater good achieved, and i don't care what has to happen to see to it. and if there is anyone who does not want that, and isn't willing to give up anything and everything to achieve that, then they can go to hell where they belong, and i will not shed one tear for them ever.
Life is suffering. You want death. Death is the only thing free from suffering. When nuclear holocaust comes to us, it will be at the hands of religious people who think this life isn't the important one.
Yes, different names, different attributes, multiple Gods, no gods, all are forbidden by the ten commandments. You can't just usurp traditional gods from other cultures and call them your god.

that's not what i'm trying to do. i'm not talking about religion. i don't believe that religion can thwart god, or thwart man's intentions regarding god. i believe that i could very well have experienced what i have (with god) regardless of any religion.

regardless of religion, there is a spirit, and there are your own intentions. that's it.
Life is suffering. You want death. Death is the only thing free from suffering. When nuclear holocaust comes to us, it will be at the hands of religious people who think this life isn't the important one.

you're wrong.
that's not what i'm trying to do. i'm not talking about religion. i don't believe that religion can thwart god, or thwart man's intentions regarding god. i believe that i could very well have experienced what i have (with god) regardless of any religion.

regardless of religion, there is a spirit, and there are your own intentions. that's it.

Without religion there is no heaven or hell either.
i'm not talking about some metaphorical "personal hell" heart. perhaps i'll check back with you in the midst of the nuclear holocaust.

Lori, here is what I mean by the difference in the hell you speak of and the difference in the hell that the Bible speaks of. For an individual hell on earth (however you would like to describe it) lasts ONLY momentarily.

Hell as the Bible describes it is EVERLASTING. The Bible doesn't state that God burns the sin our of people in hell and then returns them to the land/heaven free of pain and suffering. Forever means just that. There is no end. It states that a worm can't even die there in hell.

Your description of how you don't care what it takes to get there (the world God promised you) reminds me of the description some use when climbing the corporate ladder.

Anyway, the Biblical God is capable of lying and has lied in the Bible. (now don't get mad...I'm not trying to ruffle your feathers- I come in peace :m: ) So I'm being reallyyyyyyyy sincere in asking how can you trust that going on the written contents of the Bible which you believe is 100% factual/truthful.
Would you ever create THE ultimate place of torture, where there is agonizing pain, where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth all for your child if they do not obey,
yes, it is called No-T.V...just turn of your TV when the kids are into it and see how much wailing and gnashing of teeth they do..

God's design/threat of hell is nothing but psychological control in a sense,
that wording tells me it is mans doing not Gods..i do not believe that God says OBEY or be sent to hell, i think that is Mans Interpretation..

now i would believe God telling us if we don't listen to him we will go to hell, not because God is the one making the decision to send us to hell, but as a result of our own actions, its like God is there whispering in our ear, giving us advice as to the best ways to go, it is our failure if we do not listen to him and end up in hell,not Gods.
we make our own decisions and suffer the consequences of those decisions,
God gave us the ability to choose,and he offers us a choice,(listen to him or not) he knows that he does not have to punish us if we don't listen to him, because we do a much better job of punishing ourselves..

all the while trying to hide behind, "but you have a choice". What is a choice for you may be completely different for someone else. Some might be okay with God being a bully and a God who can make Saddam look like Cinderella- but I'll just say if there ever was a God, this would be the world's worse picture of a loving God ever.
so why is it when a description of God comes up that does not line up with that idea of God, it gets argued with and dismissed cause it doesn't line up with a 'bullying God'?

my own spin..
Man makes it about 'be afraid' in an attempt to control others,
I believe God does not want you to believe because you are afraid..would you want to stay with someone who beats on you all the time?

i also can see in real life how many ppl mistake fear as respect, (if i can make him afraid of me he will show me respect) this is the wrong kind of respect, I do not want ppl to respect me if they are afraid of me, i would never be able to trust them knowing that they were just kissing my butt..

You could just open any ole book and let the Holy Spirit do its magic work and reveal what it chooses to show you. Be it a comic book, newspaper, The Three Little Pigs, etc...

Then God spake unto the religions of the world and said "Behave or I will huff, and I will puff,and I will blow your house down."

There is no way in hell I'd ever believe this Christian God to be anything but a true jerk.
your source being just the bible?
and i often correlate a teenagers relationship with their fathers as basically the same as ours is to God..we often blame him and call him names when it is our own decisions that we are fighting..

Then why the heck would you desire that and be okay with that in the Biblical God?
because the biblical God is not all there is to God.
Luke 12:4-5 "I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him."
Luke 12:4-5 "I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him."

so you are quoting scripture as proof of 'this is what God wants' as a definitive source? like God cannot work outside the bibles definitions?

MW(and others) could tell you more than I about the bible's inaccuracies..
i believe this is a point where i think the canonization process definitely emphasized the 'obey or die' part..
Lori, here is what I mean by the difference in the hell you speak of and the difference in the hell that the Bible speaks of. For an individual hell on earth (however you would like to describe it) lasts ONLY momentarily.

Hell as the Bible describes it is EVERLASTING. The Bible doesn't state that God burns the sin our of people in hell and then returns them to the land/heaven free of pain and suffering. Forever means just that. There is no end. It states that a worm can't even die there in hell.

Your description of how you don't care what it takes to get there (the world God promised you) reminds me of the description some use when climbing the corporate ladder.

Anyway, the Biblical God is capable of lying and has lied in the Bible. (now don't get mad...I'm not trying to ruffle your feathers- I come in peace :m: ) So I'm being reallyyyyyyyy sincere in asking how can you trust that going on the written contents of the Bible which you believe is 100% factual/truthful.

The corp ladder comparison is really inappropriate heart.

Remember that guy I told you about (like 10 times) who died and went to hell and jesus came and took him out? It was one of those near death experiences. Remember what god told me when I asked him why the other beings there didn't go with them?

Also, do you think I understand what it means that I am the chosen lady, the woman in revelations, and the tree of life?
These are religious details, quite apart from the simple notion of a creator. They don't exist, for instance, in Judaism. They are aspects of some religious sects.

Heaven and hell are labels for states of existence which occur regardless of whether or not they're described in any particular religion.
so you are quoting scripture as proof of 'this is what God wants' as a definitive source? like God cannot work outside the bibles definitions?

MW(and others) could tell you more than I about the bible's inaccuracies..
i believe this is a point where i think the canonization process definitely emphasized the 'obey or die' part..
Alledgedly the words of Jesus... You know, as in Christ, as in Christian... Supposedly his words are what Christians follow...

I'm willing to accept that it's all bullshit, but others apparently believe otherwise.
yes, it is called No-T.V...just turn of your TV when the kids are into it and see how much wailing and gnashing of teeth they do..

:confused: You equate hell as described in the Bible with removing tv priviledges from a child? :confused: Really? *scratching head* I mean really??? If that's the case you've lived a sheltered life or something if you think the two should be considered the same. That's like handing a kid a lollipop or dynamite and saying they are the same.

that wording tells me it is mans doing not Gods..i do not believe that God says OBEY or be sent to hell, i think that is Mans Interpretation..

Well, I gave a handful of scriptures in this thread that sheds light on how God is a bully who cannot control his emotions. He killed a man because he got pissed at him. If you killed someone because you got pissed they'd arrest you. Anyway... I can see where you don't get this since you seem to think restricting tv is the same thing as being painfully tortured for eternity...God killed a married couple because they withheld money they received from selling THEIR land. Yes, they lied and kept some of their own the f what? God killed the husband and then the wife. Little dramatic if you ask me. There are loads of stories like that. I mean, you know, they asked neighbors of serial killers what they thought of these men, most say how nice they are/were. Gonna let that serial killer babysit your child just because they have some nice qualities that you'd like us also to focus on (regarding your comment "so why is it when a description of God comes up that does not line up with that idea of God, it gets argued with and dismissed cause it doesn't line up with a 'bullying God'?).
my own spin..
Man makes it about 'be afraid' in an attempt to control others,
I believe God does not want you to believe because you are afraid..would you want to stay with someone who beats on you all the time?
Yeah, like God has done nothing violent whatsoever in the Bible *bullshitcough*
i would never be able to trust them knowing that they were just kissing my butt..

Does kissing butt count as demanding that people praise you (just like the biblical god does)?

Then God spake unto the religions of the world and said "Behave or I will huff, and I will puff,and I will blow your house down."

lol yep!

your source being just the bible?

I've forgotten- are you a Christian or ...?
and i often correlate a teenagers relationship with their fathers as basically the same as ours is to God..we often blame him and call him names when it is our own decisions that we are fighting..

Yeah...tell that one to Job! ;) He never cursed him and still God abused & used him as a playing piece to prove to Satan that Job would never curse him. Do you get how big a dic* this God portrayed in the Bible is?

because the biblical God is not all there is to God.

Holy crap. I really need to log in more often. It's going to take me a while to read all this.