Jesus will come

@Rob --

Regardless of what the offspring would think there would be no reason to attach any supernatural claims to such a birth as science is well prepared to explain it. Such a child would be female and apparently the result of the only recorded natural instance of human parthenogenesis, which is very likely what the OB/GYN would tell the expectant mother.

If I found out that I didn't have a biological father I would, indeed, be quite confused(infinitely more confused as I'm male, and thus human parthenogenesis would be out of the question as an explanation) but I still wouldn't go jumping the gun and saying that I was the son of a god(or the god), that takes a hell of a lot of arrogance and I'm just not capable of that much arrogance.
In farming they use techniques of artificial insemination, which is vastly different from parthenogenesis. So there might be other possible pathways for a non-sexual conception to occur. :)
the reason it persists is that the wisdom that it imparts is still valid,the methods to impart such wisdom is what gets scrutinized and argued with,the author of the books use methods to establish authority to enforce the wisdom, you see how much some ppl can get sidetracked by such means,so much so that any wisdom gets lost in the translation, but even so,the wisdom still survives,there are those who just accept the means and by so doing understand the wisdom,

now there are the 'religico's' that tend to focus on the means also and exacerbate the non believers (hopefully used that word in the right context),
by playing into the argument, with all due respect, these are the stupid religious ppl, they also get sidetracked into focusing on what is not important.
There are a lot of writers like Mark Twain we remember and whose knowledge we keep and pass down. I think it's better to pass down the wisdom without the religion, and that does away with all that trouble.
@NM --

There's an awful lot of things in the bible that were considered wisdom at the time(burning witches, stoning unbelievers, and whatnot) that we know to be false now, and what has remained valuable is just as easily, if not more easily, found elsewhere(preferably without all of that damaging "eternal condemnation" business). That it has a large consumer base does not mean that religion is the best platform for what little wisdom it teaches.
@NM --

There's an awful lot of things in the bible that were considered wisdom at the time(burning witches, stoning unbelievers, and whatnot) that we know to be false now, and what has remained valuable is just as easily, if not more easily, found elsewhere(preferably without all of that damaging "eternal condemnation" business). That it has a large consumer base does not mean that religion is the best platform for what little wisdom it teaches.
Personally I can't recall the reason the church adopted burning witches as the best cure for their ailment.
There was punishment in the OT for various immorality. I would not be around if that was the case today! :confused:
There are a lot of writers like Mark Twain we remember and whose knowledge we keep and pass down. I think it's better to pass down the wisdom without the religion, and that does away with all that trouble.

. . . . ever read Mark Twain's "Letters from the Earth"?
When you meet Jesus but not saved, you will say: "Lord, please give me one more chance."
I meet Jesus everyday at work. He's in the IT dept. He's not my boss, so I haven't had to ask for any more chances from Jesus. He's fluent in Spanish, his native tongue, so we get to make rude comments and private jokes in Spanish and people don't usually have a clue what's being said. He's always making me crack up in serious situations.

That Jesus. He's a joker.
And being the superior and loving being that he supposedly is, he will say "No way"?:confused:

That's what is says in bold print on the front of the holy card. On back, in 4-point it says "not applicable in all states, subject to revocation without notice, batteries not included" and some other stuff in Aramaic I can't understand.
@Saint --

When you meet Jesus but not saved, you will say: "Lord, please give me one more chance."

Oh I imagine that I would say a good number of things, but that certainly wouldn't be one of them. My first response would be something along the lines of "You really fucked this place up, and all for your selfish desires, go fuck yourself." Perhaps with a bit more profanity and maybe even a slap across his face.
@Saint --

Oh I imagine that I would say a good number of things, but that certainly wouldn't be one of them. My first response would be something along the lines of "You really fucked this place up, and all for your selfish desires, go fuck yourself." Perhaps with a bit more profanity and maybe even a slap across his face.
If I was Jesus, and you approached me like that, I would point my finger at you and say "Send him to the nearest and deepest Black Hole" And my hoard of angels would just obey my every wish and command.
You don't mess with me!
@Rob --

If I was Jesus, and you approached me like that, I would point my finger at you and say "Send him to the nearest and deepest Black Hole"

Which is where I was going anyways as a denier of Christ, thus I would lose nothing and gain everything in self-respect. At least I would have told the unreasonable sycophant what I really thought.
@Rob --

Which is where I was going anyways as a denier of Christ, thus I would lose nothing and gain everything in self-respect. At least I would have told the unreasonable sycophant what I really thought.
Have you ever headed for a banning and been banned? Or deserved a sacking and got sacked? You still don't appreciate the feeling. Permanently banned, when can you return. Never!
They aren't good words, I know, I have had them said to me.

Same with Jesus, if he was to return, and approached to banish you, what do you do? First and foremost, you never thought that would ever happen in the first place. So immediately you are on the back foot. And as he approaches you, well you can see the myriad of angels backing him up, its clearly not the time to argue.