Jesus will come

Focus on Jesus. What evil did he do? Make him your Lord. Forget the rest.

He committed suicide. He gave up his brother by demanding he turn him in so it didn't look like suicide . There is 2 sins by the almighty Jesus right there for ya .
Trader on his brother Judas and suicide
Jesus was sinner . Sorry. No ones perfect not even one . Bible says that . Then Jesus goes on to say " Why do you call Me good " No one is good except the father .

Whose your big Daddy in the big sky now ?
many people prefer to listen to prejudice about christianity,
they just want to deny God, and make themselves cleverer than God.
@Saint --

Nope. I deny the christian god because the christian god is internally inconsistent and supposedly has traits that are logically impossible, they simply can't exist.

And I don't have to "make myself cleverer than god" because I've already proven many times over that I'm much more clever than god. I could easily stop an army of iron chariots, given the proper resources obviously, and god couldn't despite the fact that he would supposedly have instant access to unlimited resources. I can also write an engaging narrative too, something else that god seems to be unable to do.
@Saint --

Nope. I deny the christian god because the christian god is internally inconsistent and supposedly has traits that are logically impossible, they simply can't exist.

And I don't have to "make myself cleverer than god" because I've already proven many times over that I'm much more clever than god. I could easily stop an army of iron chariots, given the proper resources obviously, and god couldn't despite the fact that he would supposedly have instant access to unlimited resources. I can also write an engaging narrative too, something else that god seems to be unable to do.
What's this army of iron chariots you keep referring to? :)
@Rob --

What's this army of iron chariots you keep referring to?

Judges 1:19

"And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron."
@Rob --

Judges 1:19

"And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron."
The "he" is Judah, so that sounds fair enough. Even today we pick and choose our fights. Libyia yes, Syria no. :)
Of course we do, but that has nothing to do with the fact that the bible says that god couldn't drive out those who had iron chariots.
@Rob --

It was Judah that had to tackle the chariots not God.

That's not what the bible says.

The bible says that God was with Judah and that he drove out the people of the mountains but that he couldn't drive out the people of the people of the plains because they had iron chariots.

In the bible, when it says that god was "with" someone(whether it was a person or a kingdom) they were supposedly guaranteed success because of that. So even if the distinction you make is valid(though Judah was usually referred to with a female pronoun) then apparently god was not powerful enough to give them the help they needed after he promised his full support(he was "with" them, after all). Either way god was incapable of achieving something that I could have done, and fairly easily too.
One explanation I've seen is that the battle with the mountain people and with the plains people occurred at different times, and sometime between Judah's people pissed off God so lost his graces, and thus lost the second battle.

Yes, it's very contrived. If you have to insert that much between the lines reading to make things work, then something is seriously wrong. If that was the true meaning, why not just say so? Maybe the original did, and it was badly translated throughout the various copies.

But then you have to question why this manipulation of the Word of God is allowed, whether it be accidental or purposeful? Understandable if it's just a work of man, of course...
@Rob --

That's not what the bible says.

The bible says that God was with Judah and that he drove out the people of the mountains but that he couldn't drive out the people of the people of the plains because they had iron chariots.

In the bible, when it says that god was "with" someone(whether it was a person or a kingdom) they were supposedly guaranteed success because of that. So even if the distinction you make is valid(though Judah was usually referred to with a female pronoun) then apparently god was not powerful enough to give them the help they needed after he promised his full support(he was "with" them, after all). Either way god was incapable of achieving something that I could have done, and fairly easily too.
We'll see,when and if the US takes on Iran over the Straits of Humuz.
I = USA in this case.
@Rob --

Judges 1:19

"And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron."

That us Jewish history, Look who is writing , The German during the WWii said Gott mit unz, does that means God was with the Germans ?
@NM --

Well then what you believe goes against at least some(but perhaps not all) of what Jesus taught. Again, odd positions for a christian to take considering just how unbiblical they are.

i don't view the bible as a rule is a guide book,nothing more..not to be taken literally,but to be used to find God and learn how to listen for him,it is then that God will find a way to speak truth to your heart.

IOW, the bible is from man..if man tells you to do something and God tells you to do something else,who are you going to listen to?

the bible tells us we are all sinners..that we are ALL doomed to hell..this does not mean we are to give up.

repent in my opinion is the same as 'Its not how bad you screw up,but how well you fix it.'
That us Jewish history, Look who is writing , The German during the WWii said Gott mit unz, does that means God was with the Germans ?

He was up to 1709 then the seed came to America . Pennsylvania to be exact . German Town . St. Michaels Church in German Town Pennsylvania. Hitler was living off the past Glory believing the greathouse was still in Germany and well there is still to this day remnants of the seed in Germany .

The Double EE in the modern song didn't really manifest in America until the seed moved to Baltimore. See how Baltimore means LordGreathouse . So the final leg of the seed was cast into Harmon and Harmon cast the seed into Mary Magdalene while living in Baltimore. That was 3rd generation in America when that happened .
So Germany was doomed to fail even with strong faith of ruling the world cause the fate of the seed lived in America already. Course this was already written as the east flashes to the west carrying the seed as it flashed westward.
Now the seed is marked as a banner on a hill in Montana . This happened after the seed hit the west coast in San Francisco. We call it the circle inside the circle , or the point in the center of a circle . The Mountain of God would be another way of saying it
i don't view the bible as a rule is a guide book,nothing more..not to be taken literally,but to be used to find God and learn how to listen for him,it is then that God will find a way to speak truth to your heart.

IOW, the bible is from man..if man tells you to do something and God tells you to do something else,who are you going to listen to?

the bible tells us we are all sinners..that we are ALL doomed to hell..this does not mean we are to give up.

repent in my opinion is the same as 'Its not how bad you screw up,but how well you fix it.'

Spoken like a true builder . Do something even if its wrong . If you are not fucking up you are not trying hard enough
I will come instead . I come a lot . I empty the pond of Christ. I wonder if Mary Madelene would say Jesus never came . My guess is she said Jesus came and then went
How about going to a Muslim country and saying something like that about their guy? Could be an interesting holiday?