Jesus will come

COD - Is that cash on delivery?

Well I'm taking bets that Jesus will come back. I'll give you bank account details where you can put your money down.:)

No. Call of Duty 4 -Modern Warfare
Surely you cant be serious.
I am serious and stop calling me shirley.
[Attacks plane with a bomb and hostage on it, dives moments before it explodes].
No. Call of Duty 4 -Modern Warfare
Surely you cant be serious.
I am serious and stop calling me shirley.
[Attacks plane with a bomb and hostage on it, dives moments before it explodes].
Ive never played Computer games sorry.
I am a bit curious why you seem so interested in religious matters. :)
I am a student of animation, so I watch movies and play games + animate and read and have lots of free time to cycle, do parkour, etc.

I am interested because:
I'd be into parkour too if I was young, amazing agility.
I was tempted to share something with you, but I'll reserve it to the right thread.
Thanks for explaining your background. Is you username meaningful. In NZ we don't see words like that so I have no idea of how to pronounce it. What's that about?:)
Could you elaborate on that?
What is your argument?
Possibly that the end of the world is repeatedly predicted.
You have shown that, but perhaps you had some other point.
The point that i'm trying to get across is that idiots throughout history have been trying to predict the end of the world and have always been dead wrong. I'm sorry did i say idiots i ment to say belivers in cosmic jewish zombie. Merry Commmercialism Day everybody! With a side of Captalism and Advertisment on the side.:D
Today is the day Jesus is due to come. I am almost certain that he will. Labor rooms all over the world are no doubt ushering in many new Jesuses, perhaps more today than on any other day.
Today is the day Jesus is due to come. I am almost certain that he will. Labor rooms all over the world are no doubt ushering in many new Jesuses, perhaps more today than on any other day.

you really think jesus was born on dec 25? yur bible.he was born in the summer..
you really think jesus was born on dec 25? yur bible.he was born in the summer..

I tried reading the bible, but it is so full of superstitious myths and legends, convolutions on history, pathos, mistakes, unknown authorship, xenophobic diatribe, magic, anachronism, fallacy, and sins against history, science and truth, that I gave up and decided to start counting how many new Jesuses are born on X-mass day.

As to your question, the Jesus of the bible was not born on Dec. 25, or any other day. This character is an invention, there is a back story to how and why the Jesus story came into existence, and that back story is where I go looking for information, not in the bible. That would be insane.

Thanks for the input, I'm sure you were trying to be helpful and didn't expect this kind of answer.
If you do not believe in Jesus, you are like a helpless baby being abandoned by his parents.
Tells us what you found out about the "back story"?

Not what I found really, just what anyone might find. Start with mythology:


Some folks picked the god behind door #1, some got door #3, but the OP chooses door #2. That’s how religion goes. A Forrest Gump bowl-of-cherries twist of fate, based on when and where you are born. But the story is universal. And these are just a few of the dozens of myths the early Christians had to choose from. By the way, that’s Osiris with Horus on the left, and Lord Krishna and his virgin mother on the right.

East of Palestine, in the land of the Magi, there was the myth about the mangod Mithra, which morphed in Rome just as the first Christians were beginning to dip their toes in holy water: Mithra the son of God, born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, had a last supper with them, was crucified, rose from the dead on the third day, atoned for the sins of mankind, and returned to heaven. They even had a ritual meal, like the mass of which Justin Martyr complained:

Wherefore also the evil demons in mimicry have handed down that the same thing should be done in the Mysteries of Mithras. For that bread and a cup of water are in these mysteries set before the initiate with certain speeches you either know or can learn.

The Jesus story arises during the crisis of Jewish rebellion against their Roman overlords. John the Baptist is the legend of an Essene, the desert dwellers who left the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were the folks who probably started the idea of baptism. They had exiled themselves in the desert for religious perfection, sort of like David Koresh, except without the guns and ammo.
Flavius Josephus speaks of their ritual bathing in the bathhouses they made at quarries:

...and when they have clothed themselves in white veils, they then bathe their bodies in cold water

The Jews were in crisis. Remember the Emperors were becoming gods. The Romans were putting statues of their leaders in the Temple, the worst insult imaginable. The Jews rebelled and there were bloody reprisals. Remember also, the Jews were supposed to enjoy Divine protection after faithfully restoring the Temple, but God wasn’t carrying his end of the bargain, leaving them to the brutality of tyrants like Nero.

Imagine organizing against Rome. This is like Luke Skywalker organizing against the Empire. The resistance were folks called Zealots. Jesus probably begins as a legend of a Zealot, cast as a wise teacher who could guide the Jews to their freedom from Roman oppression. But of course, real freedom was impossible. The best recourse was some philosophical rendering of a virtual freedom, and eventually the Jesus story grew into that of a magician who not only summoned the powers of God, but even became the Son of God. It smirks of borrowed lore, straight from the same elements that cast the legend of Mithra--just as the Bible story moves the film set from the ancient stomping grounds of Palestine to the contemporary headquarters--in Rome, where Christianity and its legacy began to take shape, and the Roman convolution of Mithraism emerged.

These are just a few random facts in a nutshell. But it gives you an idea of what I meant about my reason for learning the backstory instead of just regurgitating the myth itself. Better this than to be left handing out Bible citations like parking tickets.
@NM --

so why does it persist?

Simple, it persists for the exact same reason that all other religions persist, simply because people believe. There are currently thousands of religions in existence across the world, the mere fact that yours is bigger(or smaller) than others says nothing about whether or not it's right.
It can even be considered that there are billions of religions because everyone believes differently and the name of the religion doesn't change that.
Not what I found really, just what anyone might find. Start with mythology:
These are just a few random facts in a nutshell. But it gives you an idea of what I meant about my reason for learning the backstory instead of just regurgitating the myth itself. Better this than to be left handing out Bible citations like parking tickets.
I had heard and read of these too previously. I imagined a "What if". What if Jesus found he was living a legend and made sure he kept on that line?

Imagine if the son ever did marry his mother.
Imagine if someone did conceive without intercourse, and what the offspring would make of that. (If they were ever told?).
Thanks for answering. :)
@Rob --

Imagine if someone did conceive without intercourse, and what the offspring would make of that.

Regardless of what the offspring would think there would be no reason to attach any supernatural claims to such a birth as science is well prepared to explain it. Such a child would be female and apparently the result of the only recorded natural instance of human parthenogenesis, which is very likely what the OB/GYN would tell the expectant mother.

If I found out that I didn't have a biological father I would, indeed, be quite confused(infinitely more confused as I'm male, and thus human parthenogenesis would be out of the question as an explanation) but I still wouldn't go jumping the gun and saying that I was the son of a god(or the god), that takes a hell of a lot of arrogance and I'm just not capable of that much arrogance.