Jesus will come

Originally Posted by Robittybob1
The Lord Jesus was a master healer
No he wasn't.

actually in my opinion you are both right and wrong..

jesus said 'if you have faith,you will be healed'
which tells me it wasn't jesus who had healed, it was the person who was healed who had healed themselves,
jesus was only the catalyst for the believer to believe that they could be healed,kinda like a placebo,the actual healing was done by the person who needed the healing,not by jesus.
So did Americo Vespuzio is there any evidence beside the name America
There are contemporary records.
Please don't introduce specious arguments (again).
Didn't you learn anything the last time you started down this nonsensical path?
There are contemporary records.
Please don't introduce specious arguments (again).
Didn't you learn anything the last time you started down this nonsensical path?
Do you really believe that the man Jesus of Nazareth never ever existed? You obviously have never looked for him, for if you looked you would find him. :)
There is NO evidence that he did so.
See here. Or here.

Let me guess: he's hiding under the bed. :rolleyes:
You don't believe in giving me a short concise answer.
If he is under your bed you are OK, For Jesus said "I stand at the door, and if you hear me knock. Open the door and I'll come in and sup with you ... and sleep under your bed."
You don't believe in giving me a short concise answer.
Er, "There is NO evidence that he did so" isn't short and concise?

If he is under your bed you are OK
If he's under my bed he's very flat. There's only about 3-4 inches between the bottom of the under-bed drawers and the floor.
Er, "There is NO evidence that he did so" isn't short and concise?

If he's under my bed he's very flat. There's only about 3-4 inches between the bottom of the under-bed drawers and the floor.
I believe the story in Luke is fairly accurate historically, so I might have to read those threads to see where you guys have come to the wrong conclusion.

Jesus can organise 10,000 angels to stand on the head of a pin so 4" under your bed would be like being in an enormous mansion.
I hope you keep your bedroom clean for the Lord? :)
So you're claiming that a fictional person appeared to someone as a fictional entity?
Or just that you believe the claims that this happened?
You can tell when I'm joking I hope. But Jesus survived death and he was turned into a type of incorruptible matter. A type of Light, maybe Tachyon matter. Who knows but it did happen.
And it was the strangeness of this event that spawned the Christian movement.
Even Jesus wasn't sure it would work. It was like he ran this experiment on himself. And when it worked even his own followers couldn't really believe it.:)