Jesus will come


It took you to midlife to figure this out?

I figured it out before, but it never affected me the way it does now.
And as I get older, the reality of the situation becomes more vivid.

Last spring I was driving to work, doing my usual way-over the speed limit, and a flying piece of metal, kicked up by a semi, smacked into the windshield right in front of my face.

Because it landed sideways, it did not come through my windshield at 75 miles an hour. Had it done it might have killed me. Dead of a freak accident.
Surprise! I would have looked really weird, sitting there dead in my car with that metal sticking out of my eyesocket or something.
(I suspect I'd just have had to have driven to the hospital-ambulance rides are pricey- and then had another scar.)

Life is passing by faster though.

I'm talking about the reality of death which is sure to come.
The notion that we can die at any time, by any situation, is but a part
of that overall reality.

I figured it out before, but it never affected me the way it does now.
And as I get older, the reality of the situation becomes more vivid.
I think I will find it both sad and relieving.
Like a little child sent to bed at a party...I will fuss, I will feel sad and jealous that I don't get to see any more, but in the end be relieved to go.
Much of what I've seen has been sad and dreadful anyway.
you can choose to die without Jesus,
if life is like a candle and burns off its materials and ceases to exist, then everyone has the same fate, but if there is after life as pronounced by bible, the heathens will head towards Hell and die in regret.
But Christians will enjoy eternal peace in God.

How do you know the Jews are wrong? How do you know the Muslims are wrong?
How do you know the Jews are wrong? How do you know the Muslims are wrong?
When Jesus was around his proof of his message was the signs that followed.
When you meet someone capable of telling the truth I think this is how you will be able to recognise him/her.
Wishful thinking. Faith is belief in the absence of evidence, science is driven by evidence, so they cannot be reconciled.
Scientific faith is what I'm looking for. Total reconciliation between the two.
Truth => miracle confirmation => scientific validation => Faith
as i said, u can choose not to believe,
u and me die as well,
and i have a hope, a hope with foundation,
i have more chances of survival than u.
It's an illusion that you can choose your beliefs. That is called make believe, and the belief that is made is artificial, not real.

People, who have Internet, have access to a lot of real information that refutes faith in old myths. Not using that information amounts to a type of self-deception, a lie, that ironically contradicts the faith they supposedly have: faith that forbids lying.
as i said, u can choose not to believe,
u and me die as well,
and i have a hope, a hope with foundation,
i have more chances of survival than u.

I'm afraid not. There is a new guy from Jesus, and he told me that some of the Bible is a test. It is a test of morality. By telling everyone that they are going to hell you are breaking God's hidden rules. God didn't put all of the rules in the Bible because then it would not be clear who was a moral person, and who was just pretending to be a moral person to please God. But the hidden rules are many.. and people who break the hidden rules are in fact ruining their own chances of getting to Heaven.
Sorry to tell you, internet is full of incorrect information,
bull shit,
and misleading.

Of course only dusty old bronze age myth collection books of shepherds are 'correct'.

Stop cherrypicking. Wikipedia, nature, nat geo - there are a lot of trustworthy sources.
as i said, u can choose not to believe,
u and me die as well,
and i have a hope, a hope with foundation,
i have more chances of survival than u.

So, it only works if you belive it?
Hm... Lets see::itold:
Something that is effective only as long as you have a belief in it.

That's the definition of:
A PLACEBO. :mufc:
So, it only works if you belive it?
Hm... Lets see::itold:
Something that is effective only as long as you have a belief in it.

That's the definition of:
A PLACEBO. :mufc:
You might think medicine only works if you believe in it.
The Lord Jesus was a master healer, his words were life. Better than any medicine, but you need to clean out your ears first, because faith comes by hearing and you can't hear if your ears are blocked with wax. :)