More on Palestine and Israel
Somehow, it got to be that suddenly I can be labelled a "racist" because I used the term "jungle bunny" to try to wake people up. You creeps are so hopelessly retarded these days that you don't know what real racism is.
Real racism is refusing to give a guy a ride somewhere because he is a black guy. I'm so dense and unobservant, it takes me fifteen minutes to notice if someone I have in the car is a black guy if he has an oversized t-shirt with images of Snoop Dogg on it and baseball cap on his head turned off to the side like he was too stoned to figure out how to put it on right. To me, that is superficial. I don't believe in judging people based on their appearances. I am the least racist person that you will ever meet, so I will have my sphincter ripped out through a hole in my trachea before I will take you blithering fools trying to label ME a "racist." Take your labels, and choke on them until you froth at the mouth and die. "Racist" is just another useless label, and calling someone a "racist" isn't even remotely better than trying to label a black person over the color of his epidermis or the style of his clothing, you useless, pathetic waste of skin.
I know what is going on here. You don't like my political views, and you don't like hearing what I have to say. So you have to find some way to smear my name and make me out to be some kind of ogre whom you somehow have a right to abuse, so you can just dismiss anything I have to say and not have to feel guilty about treating me like dirt. That's why you create labels for people, so you can excuse yourself for not treating them like human beings or being the least bit fair. Do you even realize how dishonest that is, or are your priorities really that fail? Put my name on ignore or something if you don't like hearing me trying my best to give a fair assessment of the affairs of the Middle East, which is more than anyone else around here is bent on doing. Putting some kind of vicious label on me, though, makes you look like a miserable, dishonest piece of worthless, self-righteous crap that crawled out a garbage can and grew up thinking itself to be human.
I am a minority here in that I at least try to investigate my opinions, beyond some hopeless propaganda, before spouting my views about it. Oh, and I'm not like those pretentious idiots who are trying to play the middle or something. They are arrogant fools who think they are the voices of stoical wisdom, even though they are just as lost and screwed-up as anyone else who doesn't bother to do a minute's research before spouting on about something. The last time I met one of those guys on here, he turned out to be hopelessly ignorant. He lacked the slightest inclination to do five minutes of research. He was just an arrogant cock.
You know, I am uniformly against any party involved who is a religious extremist BECAUSE THEY'RE CRAZY!!!! What am I supposed to think of a person who kneels there and talks to thin air, and he thinks that the invisible person he is talking to orders him to do things? Usually, when people do that, we lock them up to protect other people! Somehow, if you call being a lunatic a "religion," for some reason then we are still obligated to treat you like you are an intelligent person. Call it whatever you want to, but religion is a mental illness!!! I don't trust religious people not to eviscerate my internal organs when I am not looking! Do you understand me?? It's hard to make any mistake about what my views on this are. It's not like I'm being unclear. As far as I'm concerned, if this point of view is applicable anywhere, it's in the Middle East, where religious fundamentalists are building bomb belts and blowing themselves up on school buses. When religion makes people blow themselves into a million globs of idiot spray, it is a mental illness, even if you can't say it's a mental illness anywhere else.
If religion even enters the discussion, then, to start with, I think that the hardcore Zionists in Israel are just continuing the BS that was started in Deuteronomy. If you go by the events that happened in the Bible, the Jews deserve to be blown off the face of the Earth and for all of their children's rotting corpses to be used to feed the rats under Jerusalem, you fools. Jerusalem was FOUNDED on ethnic cleansing. We should have the whole city bulldozed and replaced by a bunch of memorials for every innocent human being who has been murdered over it, whether they were Hebrew or any other freaking ethnicity.
Now, what are you going to say? "Well, now you sound just like Ahmadinejad. You must be building a nuclear bomb! OMG!" It just proves how much people have lost touch with the fact that actions and the language that comes out of a person's face are two different things. Ahmadinejad can run his XXL mouth about Israel until he turns blue in the face, but you don't have evidence that he is building a bomb because he stood up in front of a crowd of people who hate Israel and Jewish people who live in Israel and talked crap about them. When did your mind turn into complete mush? Believe it or not, but they have elections in Iran. If the people in Iran who were not complete idiots didn't say things to appeal to base voters who are complete idiots, to try to win their votes, we just might have a problem. Ahmadinejad is not a threat. He is just an arrogant fool. He could be something a thousand times worse because at least he's somewhat educated. A lot of his constituents don't even know how to read.
I don't go by the events in the Bible, though. Modern Israel has a flourishing, hi-tech economy. If you people are talking about replacing that with a bunch of miserable, starving religious zealots, scratching their arses with one hand and holding a copy of the Quran in the other, consider yourself marked for destruction. Your blood will be used to feed the maggots that colonize the garbage cans that line the streets of Bethlehem, you failures. At least you can use a maggot's secretions as a natural antiseptic. A human being who thinks that a bunch of Palestinian rednecks are going to make a better government than the Jews have created in Israel is only good for maggot fertilizer. The heebs who live in Irael have no more obligation to make West Bank a part of their country than the US has to take in Mexico, and we actually did steal a bunch of their land! We robbed them BLIND.
But then we took a lot of that land and gave it back to the Indians. The government of Mexico treats their Indian population like complete dirt. The brown-colored people who come across the border into the US are running TOWARD a bunch of people who are holding up signs that say, "Go back to Mexico," in three different languages, because the people holding up the signs look relatively friendly. I would take a cross burning in my front yard over a bullet in my head any day. By the same token, I would bet that the Israelis probably give the non-Jews who live in Israel a better quality of life than they would ever have in West Bank. Israel stays. When Fatah has actually created a real system of government, which it is THEIR responsibility to do, I might change my mind. They seem fairly inclined to work on doing that, but you punks here seem to be a bunch of Hamas partisans. Hamas are a bunch of violent criminals who ought to be rounded up, not a government.
Suddenly, it's okay to be a complete antisemite, though. The only people I see standing up for the Jews are complete retards who think that Jewish people are some kind of supreme race that is predestined to form a world government. AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! It's more freaking religion, and I find it so revolting I am remembering that time that I was on my father's john boat in the middle of the ocean after eating a bunch of twinkies! I can't begin to tell you how much I want religion to just go away. Religion, go sit in a corner somewhere because religion is the ONE thing in this discussion that is most guaranteed to make things a thousand times worse. Read a newspaper or a magazine or something while the adults are discussing how not to screw the world up more than it already is!
I know the government of Israel isn't perfect, and I don't think they are always in the right. However, I see the people out there who want us all to swoon over the "plight of the Palestinians" trying to make them out to be complete ogres without even bothering to take into account people in Israel who want to make things better. Way to go, ingrates. Wake up, you idiots: Gaza is controlled by Hamas, okay? Hamas is a bunch of lunatics who are so retarded that they agree to a ceasefire, and they are still launching freaking rockets! I have seen people in Bladenboro, NC, who have a better sense of priorities, and half of them are either on probation or have outstanding warrents for their arrest in other states! Hamas is a bunch of uncoordinated, violent and dangerous criminal lunatics. Gaza deserves everything that happens to it as long as Hamas is running things there, kay?
I don't have anything against Fatah because they seem to be at least halfway inclined to run a REAL government. And yet somehow I am still a "racist" if I support Fatah instead of Hamas? You sound just like those Jewish people who think that I am an antisemite because I favor Kadima and think that the Likud party and Yisrael Beiteinu are a bunch of parasitic slimebuckets. Sorry, fool, but you don't have a right to label someone a racist if they don't agree with your crap pile politics. You may think you do, but this is because you are worthless bottom-feeders.
I don't see any discussion here between sensible, logical people. I see one giant disagreement between Hamas and Benjamin Netanyahu, both of which are among the worst things that ever happened in the region. I think that Benjamin Netanyahu ranks up there with Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush for being among the worst leaders that any country has ever had.
As far as I am concerned, the Likud party and Hamas should all be chained together and thrown into the deepest pit in the ocean. They deserve each other. They are blithering idiots.