Isn't time that Humanity was more important than any religion

And yes, economical, political, social motives can be transformative - "If I would be a Catholic, instead of a Protestant, then I'd have a better life - I'd earn more money and have better social status." There are socio-economic contexts in which this is true.

And you do not see any ulterior motive in changing religious affiliation solely for economic, political, or social gain? Such a conversion is not religiously transformative, only transformative in the areas of these ulterior motives. Merely claiming to believe a certain religion is a purely social artifice. There is no actual religious transformation without a religious change that can be distinguished from all other such ulterior motives.

Socio-economic status can be an important factor in a person's wellbeing; for some people, it is the crucial factor for their wellbeing. Without a measure of wellbeing (and this measure can differ from one person to another), a person cannot attend to what they believe to be higher, or spiritual pursuits in life.

Only as an excuse, as any real believer will be so regardless of the vicissitudes of life.

That is probably the most common central theme in many theistic doctrines: the inner struggle of the believer between following what are considered the "lower urges" and "divine urges" - it requires power to resist the lower urges.

So now you are going to conflate willpower with the desire to control others? So willpower leads to war?
You two, bear in mind that you are both in Oz. You actually might end up posting from the same ISP.
That wouldn't be terribly difficult. An ISP, after all, is an Internet Service Provider... you know, like AOL.
It would appear that LG was trying to say that an entire ISP was merely a front for sock-puppets. Or that sock puppets tend to choose one ISP over another.
I don't know about you, but I had a little chuckle.

He might have been trying to say something about my IP address... something he proves he doesn't know, in saying I'm a sock puppet.
Which was also rather amusing.

See? Funny on any level.

Hence, game over. The guy was rattled enough to try to make stuff up.
The veneer of tolerance and civility supposed provided by his faith wasn't enough. All we're left with in the end is a silly little man clinging by his fingertips to something he ardently hopes will make him more than he is.
The answer to this question.

"Yep thats because scientists are so intelligent, and enlightened"
Do you feel the sarcasm.

Scientists virtually know nothing but there self obsessed egos, with there delusions of grandeur.
That wouldn't be terribly difficult. An ISP, after all, is an Internet Service Provider... you know, like AOL.
It would appear that LG was trying to say that an entire ISP was merely a front for sock-puppets. Or that sock puppets tend to choose one ISP over another.
I don't know about you, but I had a little chuckle.

He might have been trying to say something about my IP address... something he proves he doesn't know, in saying I'm a sock puppet.
Which was also rather amusing.

See? Funny on any level.

Hence, game over. The guy was rattled enough to try to make stuff up.
The veneer of tolerance and civility supposed provided by his faith wasn't enough. All we're left with in the end is a silly little man clinging by his fingertips to something he ardently hopes will make him more than he is.
Still haven't got a straight answer whether you think you are capable of still posting from a banned address.

One way to find out is to continue trolling in this manner.

The choice is yours.

That wouldn't be terribly difficult. An ISP, after all, is an Internet Service Provider... you know, like AOL.
It would appear that LG was trying to say that an entire ISP was merely a front for sock-puppets. Or that sock puppets tend to choose one ISP over another.
I don't know about you, but I had a little chuckle.

He might have been trying to say something about my IP address... something he proves he doesn't know, in saying I'm a sock puppet.
Which was also rather amusing.

See? Funny on any level.

Hence, game over. The guy was rattled enough to try to make stuff up.
The veneer of tolerance and civility supposed provided by his faith wasn't enough. All we're left with in the end is a silly little man clinging by his fingertips to something he ardently hopes will make him more than he is.

Right now, the two of you look more like two fighting turkeys.
Or at least your conversation is taking place on a level too lofty for humble intellects such as myself ...

Still haven't got a straight answer whether you think you are capable of still posting from a banned address.

What is this about?
You think Marquis is a sock puppet?
And you're upset about it?
What is this about?
mostly him admitting that he is going out of his way ad homming and trolling and whatnot
You think Marquis is a sock puppet?
he hasn't been around long and the manner of his sliding into a comfortable rhythm of trolling is vaguely reminiscent of one or two now perma-banned members
And you're upset about it?
more trying to accelerate it to its inevitable conclusion
The answer to this question.

"Yep thats because scientists are so intelligent, and enlightened"
Do you feel the sarcasm.

Scientists virtually know nothing but there self obsessed egos, with there delusions of grandeur.

Andy, your ass is on the hot seat, it must.

Natured science is a god man, you know this. You can't just say you science there, people really live like that. General Science. :)

Science, you know.
mostly him admitting that he is going out of his way ad homming and trolling and whatnot
You friggin' clown.

he hasn't been around long....
....... WHAT???!?

I am actually laughing here, LG. seriously. I lol'd and clapped my hands together.
Oh... god. Thank you. It's been such a long hard week and I really, really, needed that.

You know those times you laugh and smile a little bit too much, and you get that ache in your jaw?
That's me. Reading you.

and the manner of his sliding into a comfortable rhythm of trolling is vaguely reminiscent of one or two now perma-banned members...
Well, at least, at least, you're onto something here.
Still funny though, because you don't have the slightest idea of what it is you're actually on to.
You should probably take into account that I only troll morons like you. If I am seen as primarily being a troll, then perhaps that is the best indicator of what this forum has become.

Now go ahead and show me you have no idea what I'm on about.

more trying to accelerate it to its inevitable conclusion
That "inevitable conclusion" Is something I expect. And find extremely amusing. Only because I have to, because if I don't find amusement in it, I'll bloody cry.
Still haven't got a straight answer whether you think you are capable of still posting from a banned address.
Oh, and... of course I couldn't.
And knowing that, if I was banned, I'd get another one... if I ever felt as though I simply had to in order to circumvent authority.
That would make me a good little two thousand and teenies anarchist.

In reality, though, It would probably result in me saying "oh well", not bothering any more, and you thinking you'd won.
Like you always have.
You friggin' clown.

....... WHAT???!?

I am actually laughing here, LG. seriously. I lol'd and clapped my hands together.
Oh... god. Thank you. It's been such a long hard week and I really, really, needed that.

You know those times you laugh and smile a little bit too much, and you get that ache in your jaw?
That's me. Reading you.

Well, at least, at least, you're onto something here.
Still funny though, because you don't have the slightest idea of what it is you're actually on to.
You should probably take into account that I only troll morons like you. If I am seen as primarily being a troll, then perhaps that is the best indicator of what this forum has become.

Now go ahead and show me you have no idea what I'm on about.

That "inevitable conclusion" Is something I expect. And find extremely amusing. Only because I have to, because if I don't find amusement in it, I'll bloody cry.
if you want to find amusement in being perma-banned that pleasure is already easily available to you - just read sciforums and don't post anything (or perhaps try and create another sock puppet)

You probably won't get banned the first time you get reported for bad behavior (this one being the first)
Or the second.

Probably not the forth, fifth or maybe even twelfth.

Keep this up and its only a matter of time though.
Oh, and... of course I couldn't.
And knowing that, if I was banned, I'd get another one... if I ever felt as though I simply had to in order to circumvent authority.
That would make me a good little two thousand and teenies anarchist.

In reality, though, It would probably result in me saying "oh well", not bothering any more, and you thinking you'd won.
Like you always have.
Until you cease projecting your self loathing on others, you will simply be miserable and be a cause of misery to practically everyone you encounter.

Unfortunately being (re?)banned from sciforums will probably not solve your problem ... but then I guess its the nature of a person being banned that its other people who benefit from the action

Here you are, the god-bothering scion of... something or other..... still unable to see how much you are capable of completely draining the energy of everyone around you.

I just replied to something another poster said, and felt happy. Yet here you are, a fucking religious vampiric moron still trying to tell everyone you got all the answers to all the shit, because you're completely incapable of understanding your own.
There are those who are knee deep in shit and wonder how they're going to get out of it. You, of course, think you're meant to be in the shit, and accept it as being what god gave you.
Everybody is knee deep in shit. You think that's ok, because god god sank you in it.
Some try to find a way out. You accept it as your lot in life.

Religion gave that to you... a way out. Acceptance.

Without ever understanding that if everyone was you, we'd be cavemen painting pictures on rock faces wondering when it was our turn to be helped out of the shit.
You just don't get it, do you. You are where you are because those who didn't believe your crap did what they could, in spite of stupid, retarded, non-entities like you.
And I so deeply apologise for disrespecting you in such a manner. I know it isn't kosher to do so.

Look, you know... you win.
Here it is. A gift. Tied up with little pink bow ties, in a brown paper package. A little piece of paper inside, in my own handwriting, saying "you win". Placed at your doorstep.
I'm a sock puppet, I'm only here because I want to make you feel bad, and you're quite right in holding to a belief pattern which some others feel limits you to never being anything more than what you are.
There are, of course, others still who wave little flags and cheer you on as if you're a white knight championing a doomed cause.

I'll carry on doing what I do, and you carry on doing what you do.
Maybe God will help you out someday, because that's all you have, isn't it. Hope. God. Help. Hope. Not me, God, help please.

You hope that that someone, somewhere, will make it all better for you. And if it ain't a man, you, by God, hope it's God.
As long as it doesn't have to be you, you helpless little worm.

I posted such a response in order to make you feel better.
Whether or not you do, is up to you.

I will never address you directly again. You are neither worth my time, nor the effort it would take to do so.
Or continue to post from an ISP branded as belonging to a troll sockpuppet on sci ...... or can you?

Keep scratching.

He isn't a sockpuppet nor is he posting from a banned account and he has been around this forum for about as long as I have been.

So settle petals.
Keep scratching.

He isn't a sockpuppet nor is he posting from a banned account and he has been around this forum for about as long as I have been.

So settle petals.
I wasn't talking about the forum.
I was talking about me.

Practically had no discourses with him and -wham- suddenly he has all the familiarity flaminess of the socky.
Here you are, the god-bothering scion of... something or other..... still unable to see how much you are capable of completely draining the energy of everyone around you.

I just replied to something another poster said, and felt happy. Yet here you are, a fucking religious vampiric moron still trying to tell everyone you got all the answers to all the shit, because you're completely incapable of understanding your own.
There are those who are knee deep in shit and wonder how they're going to get out of it. You, of course, think you're meant to be in the shit, and accept it as being what god gave you.
Everybody is knee deep in shit. You think that's ok, because god god sank you in it.
Some try to find a way out. You accept it as your lot in life.

Religion gave that to you... a way out. Acceptance.

Without ever understanding that if everyone was you, we'd be cavemen painting pictures on rock faces wondering when it was our turn to be helped out of the shit.
You just don't get it, do you. You are where you are because those who didn't believe your crap did what they could, in spite of stupid, retarded, non-entities like you.
And I so deeply apologise for disrespecting you in such a manner. I know it isn't kosher to do so.

Look, you know... you win.
Here it is. A gift. Tied up with little pink bow ties, in a brown paper package. A little piece of paper inside, in my own handwriting, saying "you win". Placed at your doorstep.
I'm a sock puppet, I'm only here because I want to make you feel bad, and you're quite right in holding to a belief pattern which some others feel limits you to never being anything more than what you are.
There are, of course, others still who wave little flags and cheer you on as if you're a white knight championing a doomed cause.

I'll carry on doing what I do, and you carry on doing what you do.
Maybe God will help you out someday, because that's all you have, isn't it. Hope. God. Help. Hope. Not me, God, help please.

You hope that that someone, somewhere, will make it all better for you. And if it ain't a man, you, by God, hope it's God.
As long as it doesn't have to be you, you helpless little worm.

I posted such a response in order to make you feel better.
Whether or not you do, is up to you.

I will never address you directly again. You are neither worth my time, nor the effort it would take to do so.
You seem to be finally getting the message.

Nevertheless this will be the second time you are reported.

You seem sharp enough to make the learning curve ....
Practically had no discourses with him and -wham- suddenly he has all the familiarity flaminess of the socky.

Oh, that is just the style some people have.

Like people who chat you up in a waiting room or on a bus, talking as if the two you knew eachother forever.
Ever consider that sometimes, Wynn, someone does know you?
Devil's in the details.

And as for you, Lg... I'm going to break my promise, and address you again. Far too much fun to keep to a silly little promise.

Go ahead and report me. I might get banned, and disappear... and you're going to tell yourself it hurt me.
You'll enjoy thinking that.

Won't you, you little christian boy, you.
How's them beliefs holding up, sunshine?
Ever consider that sometimes, Wynn, someone does know you?
Devil's in the details.

And as for you, Lg... I'm going to break my promise, and address you again. Far too much fun to keep to a silly little promise.

Go ahead and report me. I might get banned, and disappear... and you're going to tell yourself it hurt me.
You'll enjoy thinking that.

Won't you, you little christian boy, you.
How's them beliefs holding up, sunshine?
3rd time.

Want to try for 4th?

The way I see it I am the only one who stands to benefit the more you continue with these tirades