7x7 said:
There is, honestly, no chance that we have copied (as human) stories from past because of we did, then you could find all stories similar, which is not correct.
Hi 7x7 I don’t think I’m being clear enough. I’ll give it another go, a simple yes or no is good enough.
1) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a flood and a man who is pre warned by god so he builds a boat and he and his family are saved – whereas other people, not warned by god, drown? Maybe there is a character similar to Noah in it?
2) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a character (maybe like Mosses) leading his people to freedom from servitude with the Pharaoh? (Does it include the parting of some waters?)
3) Does the Qur’an have a story in it about a Prophet from god being crucified on a cross by some Romans?
4) Does the Qur’an have a story about the Great Mother Earth and of a mythical time where, animals, plants, and humans understand each others' languages in which Spirit beings walk the earth openly and interact with human beings freely, sometimes helping, sometimes harming, sometimes mating with them?
5) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a cosmic egg containing chaos, where all opposites were intermixed – (hot and cold, man and woman, night and day . . . etcertra) . . . ?
6) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a time when the heavens and the earths were mixed together in a great cloud in which the lighter parts of the cloud rose up and became heaven while the heavier parts of the cloud descended and became an ocean of muddy water. Suddenly, between the heavens and the earth, a pale green sprout began to grow, it grew swiftly and was extremely strong. When the plant’s flower burst open, the First God emerged? Does the Qur’an tell that story?
PS: Thanks for suggesting the Book about science, I will try and make time to read it. Right now I’m reading the history of Feudal Japan.