Islam & Science

7x7 said:
why nobody answer this one. This is speachless for everybody where ever i post it...


page one,,,,

Probably because it is not worth the effort to even address it. Look at the verse

The Roman Empire has been defeated – In the lowest land (even) after (This) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious – Within a few years

In otherwords this is talking about something that had already happened. Surprise, surprise, someone actually heard about it :eek: 2 things on the second part of the quote
1:No matter what you say it has a 50% chance of being true, if you know more details you can make a more accurate guess.
2:I know you won't like it but, the quran was compiled years later by Uthman Prove it wasn't edited. (don't tell me it wasn't edited because islam says so prove it)
path said:
Probably because it is not worth the effort to even address it. Look at the verse

In otherwords this is talking about something that had already happened. Surprise, surprise, someone actually heard about it :eek: 2 things on the second part of the quote
1:No matter what you say it has a 50% chance of being true, if you know more details you can make a more accurate guess.
2:I know you won't like it but, the quran was compiled years later by Uthman Prove it wasn't edited. (don't tell me it wasn't edited because islam says so prove it)

Yes it had already occured. But that is not the miracle the miracle is the Lowest area on earth. This was not known, was it? You need satalites to confirm that it really is the lowest area of the earth.
786 said:
Yes it had already occured. But that is not the miracle the miracle is the Lowest area on earth. This was not known, was it? You need satalites to confirm that it really is the lowest area of the earth.

It was known by the people of the area as the lowest, therefore they would call it the lowest their lowest and the earths lowest just happened to be the same. No miracle, simply happy coincidence. The quran doesn't even claim "the lowest land on earth" so it is not even specific enough to call a miracle of any sort.
By the way here is what 3 of the most respected translators translate that verse as

YUSUFALI: In a land close by; but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious-
PICKTHAL: In the nearer land, and they, after their defeat will be victorious
SHAKIR: In a near land, and they, after being vanquished, shall overcome,

No mention of lowest at all :eek:
7x7 said:
There is, honestly, no chance that we have copied (as human) stories from past because of we did, then you could find all stories similar, which is not correct.
Hi 7x7 I don’t think I’m being clear enough. I’ll give it another go, a simple yes or no is good enough.

1) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a flood and a man who is pre warned by god so he builds a boat and he and his family are saved – whereas other people, not warned by god, drown? Maybe there is a character similar to Noah in it?

2) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a character (maybe like Mosses) leading his people to freedom from servitude with the Pharaoh? (Does it include the parting of some waters?)

3) Does the Qur’an have a story in it about a Prophet from god being crucified on a cross by some Romans?

4) Does the Qur’an have a story about the Great Mother Earth and of a mythical time where, animals, plants, and humans understand each others' languages in which Spirit beings walk the earth openly and interact with human beings freely, sometimes helping, sometimes harming, sometimes mating with them?

5) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a cosmic egg containing chaos, where all opposites were intermixed – (hot and cold, man and woman, night and day . . . etcertra) . . . ?

6) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a time when the heavens and the earths were mixed together in a great cloud in which the lighter parts of the cloud rose up and became heaven while the heavier parts of the cloud descended and became an ocean of muddy water. Suddenly, between the heavens and the earth, a pale green sprout began to grow, it grew swiftly and was extremely strong. When the plant’s flower burst open, the First God emerged? Does the Qur’an tell that story?


PS: Thanks for suggesting the Book about science, I will try and make time to read it. Right now I’m reading the history of Feudal Japan.
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7x7 said:
Opssss , what are you saying???

We don't say that MARY is mother of GOD. Mary is just a human and so is Jesus.
Mary here for Mariam in Quran


Another misunderstanding
I’m saying that babies naturally make the sound “ma” as one of their first sounds and that “ma” is the root of the word “mother” as well as female names (like Mary or Mariam).

7x7 said:
If someone , told you 4 things
- That you will marry a blond girl, green eyes, from that town, and her name Jenny
- That will move to France and work there
- That you will have 3 kids (2 boys and a girl)
- That you will win 1 million $

after that, the first three happened in order and as the same details that man told you but without he mentions any dates…Just as part of future…

1)WILL you believe that the forth is going to happen?
2)Will you hold the faith until the end, even it was delayed?

Please answer me like I did answer your questions before.
1) No and 2) No.

I would be surprised at how lucky the person’s guesses were. And I also would be inclined to think I was somehow influenced by the person (power of suggestion). That’s just my nature.

People win the Lotto everyday. And the chances are 1 in millions. Some pray to 1 God some Pray to God(s) some pray to Buddha. Regardless of what they pray to – their actual winning (or predicting the correct numbers) is just by chance and does not validate the reality of God or God(s) or Buddha.

786 said:
"We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still they turn away from Our Signs.."
(The Qur'an, 21:32
I think that the notion of the “sky” acting as protection is just an observation.

How did you interpret the passage of the stars or comets as missiles?

786 said:
And we have made the sky a roof withheld (from them)
What does the "withheld from them” mean?
7x7, I know you’re inundated with a million responces so I’ll just ask couple of quick yes or no questions that I’m still curious as to you thoughts on.

7x7 said:
The primordia of the internal ears appear before the beginning of the eyes, and the brain (the site of understanding) differentiates last.

(A) Does the sensation of "feeling" develop after hearing and sight?

(B) Are there any root words in the Qur'an whose origin was Greek or another language (whose origin was not Arabic)?

(C) Big Bang:

(i) Doe the Qur'an state explicitly that the Big Bang theory is the only correct explanation for the origin of the universe?

(ii) And as such, all other theories (of which there are hundreds) are incorrect?

(iii) The Qur’an says the universe originated in one singular location NOT many?

(iv) Does the Qur’an say the universe started from nothingness or was something else in existence before becoming this universe?
786, There is a problem with your interpretation of this verse.

"It is He Who created everything on the earth for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things."
(The Qur'an, 2:29)

You are presuming that this refers to the atmosphere (I believe the first heaven can be translated as sky) but the Quran refers to the sky as a canopy.

[al-Mu'min 40:64] It is God Who has made for you the earth as a resting place, and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape- and made your shapes beautiful,- and has provided for you Sustenance, of things pure and good;- such is God your Lord. So Glory to God, the Lord of the Worlds!

So the heavens must be above the sky, and the first heaven contains the stars.

[Ha Mim Sajdah 41:12] So He completed them as seven firmaments in two Days, and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (provided it) with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full of Knowledge.

So this cannot be refering to the atmosphere.
I must say i'm amazed by the number of scientists in this forum. Mnay of you guys claim that they know everything, about science, religion and Arabic language….While most of the texts you posted here were from anti-islamic sites.

Anyway, I'm totally impressed by the number of people talking about human development like it is Opera show. How easy to guess them and how easy to figure the facts…

Anyway, YOU all are not better than DR Keith Moore, not even closer to him.

It is time to check this video clips, and admit you were wrong… ;)

realplayer is required.
7x7 - Hi.

Would you agree that human development is continuous?


PS: I know it's a bit soap operaish but I'd still like to know your thoughts on those few questions above I posted - if you have time anyway.

7x7 said:
I must say i'm amazed by the number of scientists in this forum. Mnay of you guys claim that they know everything, about science, religion and Arabic language….While most of the texts you posted here were from anti-islamic sites.

Anyway, I'm totally impressed by the number of people talking about human development like it is Opera show. How easy to guess them and how easy to figure the facts…

Anyway, YOU all are not better than DR Keith Moore, not even closer to him.

It is time to check this video clips, and admit you were wrong… ;)

realplayer is required.

7x7 It is time you look at the questions I just asked about those verses and admit you are wrong (unless you can answer them, which we know you can't). It is as simple as that SHOW us where it says what is being claimed.

Those video clips are actually funny. He played to the audience(knowing they would eat up every word) that paid, surprise suprise this is not the first time in history someone says what you want to hear if you reward him financially :D He was evidently well paid for basically adding some lines to a work he had done earlier.
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7x7 said:
I must say i'm amazed by the number of scientists in this forum. Mnay of you guys claim that they know everything, about science, religion and Arabic language….While most of the texts you posted here were from anti-islamic sites.

Anyway, I'm totally impressed by the number of people talking about human development like it is Opera show. How easy to guess them and how easy to figure the facts…

I don't need to look at some films. I have seen it with my own eyes, being a developmental biologist. Done the research myself.
by the way here I am at work

I've read this thread and would like to make some comments.

It has been stated that the original religion was Islam and thus the Qu'ran was not influenced by prior religions such as Judaism and Christianity. This appears to be an unprovable claim. Unless one has already accepted the Qur'an as from God, why would anyone believe that Islam was the original religion of mankind? Looking at it from a neutral viewpoint, in my opinion, it is seen that Judaism (at least in its Old Testament form), and Christianity existed hundreds of years before Islam. Similarities between older books and the Qu'ran, could imply a borrowing by the Qur'an, unless one accepts already the claim that Islam was the original religion and the Qu'ran is eternal. But, these are not provable claims. These are religious claims.

Also, it was stated that the statement about the Pharaoh's body is a prophecy since supposedly this Pharaoh's body is preserved in Egypt. From what I have read, the Qur'an has a peculiar wording, at least when translated in English, saying about the Pharaoh that God would "preserve you in your body as a sign for those who come after you." Why this wording "preserve you in your body", as if it's implying that God would keep Pharaoh alive? Perhaps it meant Pharaoh could tell his people later that God saved him, and that this would be the "sign" mentioned.

Regardless, wasn't it known in the time of Muhammad that Pharaohs were embalmed and preserved? If that knowledge was commonplace, how is it much of a prophecy to say that it would be preserved for the future?

Also, can it be absolutely proven that the Pharaoh of the Exodus was Merneptah? Sure, one could point to Bucaille's book, but remember, Bucaille is not a Muslim, if he truly believed what he writes in his book about this prophecy and Qur'anic science, why didn't he convert? I think it's merely a theory that the Pharaoh of the Exodus was Merneptah.

Pharaoh Merneptah's body, presumably, was preserved for around two thousand years before Muhammad. Wouldn't that preservation, which could have been known to Muhammad, lessen the force of this alleged prophecy? Perhaps Merneptah's body was preserved for many hundreds of years in Egypt, and that this verse was referring to that prior preservation, not anything that happened after the time of Muhammad (such as in 1898 when the Merneptah's body was supposedly found). By the way, when was
Merneptah's body lost in the first place?

Also, how did Muslim scholars interpret this passage before the alleged discovery of Pharaoh Merneptah's body in 1898? Did they believe that the Pharaoh referred to in this Qur'anic verse was Merneptah or someone else?

Anyway, this prophecy, to me, does not seem very convincing, although I would say it is, to me, one of the better ones in support of the Qur'an.

It has been stated on this forum that Muhammad did not write the Qu'ran. Why is this believed? Because of Islamic tradition? Mormons claim that Joseph Smith did not write the Book of Mormon. Should we simply accept these Islamic and Mormon claims because the supporters of those religions claim Muhammad and Joseph Smith didn't write the respective books? The problem, as I see it, is once you accept as fact the early traditions regarding a religion (at least the ones written by those who are in favor of it), then it becomes very difficult to be neutral and objective concerning them.

Thank you for your time.
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i'm sorry i was busy printing some papers...

i will respond to you all (hope) after while...

thank you..
Michael sorry for late, but was busy…

Prophet stories suits a religion book, nothing wrong with that. BUT

1) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a flood and a man who is pre warned by god so he builds a boat and he and his family are saved – whereas other people, not warned by god, drown? Maybe there is a character similar to Noah in it?

Not similar, but Noah himself. But……………. (Not warned by God) is totally wrong in Quran. He warned his people for about 1000 years, but they did not listen to him (with the exception of few).
Again BUT…(his family are saved)…………….. although not correct is Quran. Quran mentions the story of Noah's son who was drawn also.

2) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a character (maybe like Mosses) leading his people to freedom from servitude with the Pharaoh? (Does it include the parting of some waters?)

not maybe, but Mosses. And his story is mentioned in Quran and it includes the parting of sea, and more

3) Does the Qur’an have a story in it about a Prophet from god being crucified on a cross by some Romans?

No prophet was crucified on cross In quran. But another man was crossed. (betrayed Jesus) god made him look like Jesus.

4) Does the Qur’an have a story about the Great Mother Earth and of a mythical time where, animals, plants, and humans understand each others' languages in which Spirit beings walk the earth openly and interact with human beings freely, sometimes helping, sometimes harming, sometimes mating with them?

No mythical stories in Quran.
But there is the story of prophet Salomon who had the ability to understand animals languages.

5) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a cosmic egg containing chaos, where all opposites were intermixed – (hot and cold, man and woman, night and day . . . etcertra) . . . ?

Honestly I don't know what are you talking about. Nothing about that….

) Does the Qur’an tell a story of a time when the heavens and the earths were mixed together in a great cloud in which the lighter parts of the cloud rose up and became heaven while the heavier parts of the cloud descended and became an ocean of muddy water. Suddenly, between the heavens and the earth, a pale green sprout began to grow, it grew swiftly and was extremely strong. When the plant’s flower burst open, the First God emerged? Does the Qur’an tell that story?

Well just (heavens and earth were joined before they split) and (heavens is created from clouds)

(A) Does the sensation of "feeling" develop after hearing and sight?

I don't understand you very well. I posted the development stage of hearing and sight before but you said, Not that….
What do you mean exactly?

(B) Are there any root words in the Qur'an whose origin was Greek or another language (whose origin was not Arabic)?

I have answered that before. I said I'm not sure but probably there aren't. I don't have Greek dictionary to figure out. Quran dose not even mention the Greek nations and their myths and the 12 gods and so.

(C) Big Bang:

(i) Doe the Qur'an state explicitly that the Big Bang theory is the only correct explanation for the origin of the universe?

Quran mention that our heavens (earth sun, moon, etc) created from clouds /or smoke. If any theory is based on Smoke.or clouds then it could be true. Nothing special about the bigbang but the state of could/smoke as origin of our heavens.

(ii) And as such, all other theories (of which there are hundreds) are incorrect?

If any use the base of coulds/somke as origin of universe, then they could be true.

(iii) The Qur’an says the universe originated in one singular location NOT many?

In quran, and in islam , there are 7 heavens after those, there are the hell and paradise.
So One, Or many? It depends on you. Do you look at one heaven as one location or at the 7 heavens as one location (or many locations).

(iv) Does the Qur’an say the universe started from nothingness or was something else in existence before becoming this universe?

There are nothing exist before God. From this statement you can know that it started from nothing.
Universe is just another creature of God.
It has been stated that the original religion was Islam and thus the Qu'ran was not influenced by prior religions such as Judaism and Christianity

No you can't look at it like that way.
Let me simplifies it you

God rules = the original Religion*
God rules = Judaism (same original rules) then Judaism rules = changed (no more original)
God Rules = Christianity (started Original) Christianity rules = changed (no more original)
God rules = Islam (started original) Islam rules = not changed (same original).

Also, it was stated that the statement about the Pharaoh's body is a prophecy since supposedly this Pharaoh's body is preserved in Egypt

about his body. God said he will keep his body. The sign here is for anyone claim that he is a god. That a sign for arrogance men…etc…..

Regardless, wasn't it known in the time of Muhammad that Pharaohs were embalmed and preserved? If that knowledge was commonplace, how is it much of a prophecy to say that it would be preserved for the future?

I hope you have read the entire chapter in the book. Dr. Bucaille wrote how the body was kept. Due to environmental aspects not due to "embalmed body".

Also, can it be absolutely proven that the Pharaoh of the Exodus was Merneptah? Sure, one could point to Bucaille's book, but remember, Bucaille is not a Muslim, if he truly believed what he writes in his book about this prophecy and Qur'anic science, why didn't he convert? I think it's merely a theory that the Pharaoh of the Exodus was Merneptah.
Again Dr Bucaille describes this Conflict. But why he didn't convert? That what I can not answer. Through our history many people believed in Muhammad and Islam but never converted for several reasons. One man refused to convert because his friend told him that you would loose my friendship. Other for the honor of Idols and ….soooo

I don't say those reasons apply for the doctor but they could be personal reasons for it.

It has been stated on this forum that Muhammad did not write the Qu'ran. Why is this believed?
that the point of this thread. I'm trying to prove to you that Muhammad did not write it. It is up to you to believe or disbelieve.