Islam & Science


The Solar Apex and Antapex

This motion of the Sun with respect to the local field of stars is in the direction of an imaginary point in the constellation Hercules, near the bright star Vega. This point is called the solar apex, and the Sun is moving toward it (relative to the nearby stars) at a net speed of about 19.7 km/s. The point on the opposite side of the sky from which the Sun appears to be moving away is called the {\em solar antapex}.
Thus, every second we move about 20 km closer to the star Vega. However, there is plenty of time before we get there: Vega is 26.5 light years away! As an exercise, calculate how long it will take the Sun (and therefore the Earth) to travel 26.5 LY at a speed of 20 km/s.

The Solar Apex and Antapex

This motion of the Sun with respect to the local field of stars is in the direction of an imaginary point in the constellation Hercules, near the bright star Vega. This point is called the solar apex, and the Sun is moving toward it (relative to the nearby stars) at a net speed of about 19.7 km/s. The point on the opposite side of the sky from which the Sun appears to be moving away is called the {\em solar antapex}.
Thus, every second we move about 20 km closer to the star Vega. However, there is plenty of time before we get there: Vega is 26.5 light years away! As an exercise, calculate how long it will take the Sun (and therefore the Earth) to travel 26.5 LY at a speed of 20 km/s.
7x7. Just what do you think will happen when we get to this imaginary point? Do you think the sun will stop?

Problem the solar apex is a line not a point and it doesn’t stop at Vega (which we will reach in 450,000 years time). It just keeps on going.

Remember you are trying to prove that this verse has something to do with the solar apex.

sura 36, verse 38:
"The Sun runs its course to a settled place. This is the decree of the All Mighty, the Full of Knowledge."
Igor Trip said:
7x7. Just what do you think will happen when we get to this imaginary point? Do you think the sun will stop?

Problem the solar apex is a line not a point and it doesn’t stop at Vega (which we will reach in 450,000 years time). It just keeps on going.

Remember you are trying to prove that this verse has something to do with the solar apex.

sura 36, verse 38:
"The Sun runs its course to a settled place. This is the decree of the All Mighty, the Full of Knowledge."

I didn't read that the sun will keep going, or it is not going to settle (at least for a while) ???

beside i didn't make the relation it is from the book by DR Maurice Bucaille.

anyway a definition for solar apex:the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars

it seems all the solar system is moving....i have serached alot, no site mentioed that we are going back.

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Cassie Calibre said:
Hi.. I'm New to this Forum... just asking what's the signs of the ressurection day ?

First In Islam there are religious signs for the Judgment day.

anyway, Some could be classified as scientific (the subject of this thread)

Among them:

There will be a day equals to week (sunset sunrise very slow) and other day equals to month and other day equals to year.

But the most important sign, is the sunset from west (not east). That day is considered as the deadline for all the human.
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7x7 said:
I didn't read that the sun will keep going, or it is not going to settle (at least for a while) ???
We are not going to stop until the universe itself ends, and nobody knows when that will be. But as it’s 13.7 billion years old and still going strong it will probably continue for billions of years more (unless you know better).
beside i didn't make the relation it is from the book by DR Maurice Bucaille.
Dr. Bucaille was the family physician of the late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. While there he wrote his book "The Bible, The Qur’an and Science" praising the science in the qur’an. Strangely though he never converted to Islam, but he did make a great deal of money.
anyway a definition for solar apex:the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars
Note the word “appear”. Nothing about stopping when we get there.
As we travel round the milkyway where we appear to be going will change.

The solar apex is like the headlights of a car. As you go round a corner they illuminate where you would be going if you continued in a straight line but not where you are going.

Also the fixed stars are not fixed. They’re moving as well.
7x7 said:
Path. from where you bring these translation.

Can you tell me what is the meaning of "Mostakar" in english or arabic?

I'm not responsible for any bad transaltion....

Just tell me what Mostakar means...........?

Sorry these are from the University of southern Californias website but the translations have been around for years they took the trouble of providing 3 of the best translations available in the english language, established and respected.

7x7 said:
Can you tell me what is the meaning of "Mostakar" in english or arabic?

I'm not responsible for any bad transaltion....

Just tell me what Mostakar means...........?

I don't do arabic but if that is the word the "scientific miracle" hangs upon then he seems to make it mean whatever he needs to :D . By the way is he a scientist or a quranic scholar?
7x7 said:
The Brian, isn't a general word?

there are parts of the brain that (as far i know) are responsible for thinking and understanding?

is it cerebrum? I don't know.

So can you tell me if the part that is responsible for understanding? and if it develops before of hearing and seeing?

Make is simple, no pure physist

I don't know......
7x7 Hello,

Initially, you were talking about the structures that will develop into the hearing and seeing organ. From the first post page 1.

When you posted this you were refering to a slight invagination (making a pocket) and the hardening outside of a few cells. THIS is what you posted as referring to “hearing”. What I posted is that if you take the same approach to the words “feeling/understanding” then you must recognize that the brain begins to develop first because developmentally what is to become the brain begins before the ear and eye (yes what is to become the “feeling/understanding” organ).

Second, if you are going to diverge to a new meaning – that of actual “hearing”. Then you must define what it means to “hear”. After all hearing is just nerve impulses from one organ (the ear) to another (the brain). In this case to “hear”, you’d have to have a functioning brain there first – out of necessity – it is the brain after all that “hears” not the ear.

So either way the list you provided is out of order by virtue of fact that the brain begins to develop before the ear and eye and by the necessity of a brain to be there to “hear” – that is to receive the nerve impulses as sounds (ears don’t “hear”).

Either way the passage is incorrect.
Igor Trip said:
We are not going to stop until the universe itself ends, and nobody knows when that will be. But as it’s 13.7 billion years old and still going strong it will probably continue for billions of years more (unless you know better).
show some scientific data, not you opnion. show me that after raching solar apex the sun or the solar system is going back.

Dr. Bucaille was the family physician of the late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. While there he wrote his book "The Bible, The Qur’an and Science" praising the science in the qur’an. Strangely though he never converted to Islam, but he did make a great deal of money.
this is the bullshit (sorry but it is ) of the poorest anti-islamic site. The main thing that the article there is really funny. A friend from tunisa told him or based at something happened at Morooco...this is ridicules.

anyone would luagh at this, they couldn't find better than Suad Kings? :eek:
I would write many articles about them, but this is not the subject...

Many Islamic/arabic site say he has converted to islam af 1982 and he started another book and now working of a film.

who should i believe? I not going to believe anti-islamic sites....

Also the fixed stars are not fixed. They’re moving as well.

in quarn , everything is moving according to one phrase..
path said:
Sorry these are from the University of southern Californias website but the translations have been around for years they took the trouble of providing 3 of the best translations available in the english language, established and respected.


but who made the translation? (mother language what? Ordu, English, arabic, eastren ...)

who decided that they are the best?
I need to know what Mostakar means?

Honestly, i'm Arabic and i know ONLY one meaning to it.
7x7 said:
but who made the translation? (mother language what? Ordu, English, arabic, eastren ...)

who decided that they are the best?
I need to know what Mostakar means?

Honestly, i'm Arabic and i know ONLY one meaning to it.

These translations have been chosen by muslims as the best official translations. As to their mother toungues I have no idea.

7x7 you still don't get it whatever that 1 word means
"settled place"
is NOT the same as
"Modern astronomy has been able to locate it exactly and has even given it a name, the Solar. Apex: the solar. system is indeed evolving in space towards a point situated in the Constellation of Hercules (alpha lyrae) whose exact location is firmly established; it is moving at a speed already ascertained at something in the region of 12 miles per. second"

Can you not see the difference? look at the 2 again. Where in the world does the quran mention the Solar. Apex? Constellation of Hercules ? it is moving at a speed already ascertained at something in the region of 12 miles per. second? Quite simply it doesn't so it is all wishful thinking.

One more thing did Dr. Bucaille convert to islam?

you didn't answer my question? what part of brain controls the understanding and thinking?

is it forebrain?

The fore brain is divided into 2 halves - the right and left cerebral hemispheres. The cerebral hemispheres control your movement, thinking, memory, emotions, senses and speech.

so what this statement means? I don't understand it ...

The primorida of the ears are present. Day 23 after fertilization Moorek p 5

The primordia of the eyes are present. Day 23 after fertilization Moore, p. 5

The forebrain is developing. Day 26 after fertilization Moore, p 95

are these in order?

1- By nine weeks, a developing fetus can hiccup and react to loud noises. By the end of the second trimester it can hear.

2- Just as adults do, the fetus experiences the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep of dreams.

3- The fetus savors its mother's meals, first picking up the food tastes of a culture in the womb.

4-Among other mental feats, the fetus can distinguish between the voice of Mom and that of a stranger, and respond to a familiar story read to it.
Even a premature baby is aware, feels, responds, and adapts to its environment.

source: link

so the fetus hear first? then see , then understand?

Fair enough for me.

if the thinking nervous develop first , that dose not mean it works first?
path said:
These translations have been chosen by muslims as the best official translations. As to their mother toungues I have no idea.

7x7 you still don't get it whatever that 1 word means
"settled place"
is NOT the same as
"Modern astronomy has been able to locate it exactly and has even given it a name, the Solar. Apex: the solar. system is indeed evolving in space towards a point situated in the Constellation of Hercules (alpha lyrae) whose exact location is firmly established; it is moving at a speed already ascertained at something in the region of 12 miles per. second"

Can you not see the difference? look at the 2 again. Where in the world does the quran mention the Solar. Apex? Constellation of Hercules ? it is moving at a speed already ascertained at something in the region of 12 miles per. second? Quite simply it doesn't so it is all wishful thinking.

One more thing did Dr. Bucaille convert to islam?

So the question now , is the solar apex a settle place for the sun or not?

Quran dose not need to give names , let the human discover them and name them.

did Dr. Bucaille convert to islam? according to arabic/islamic magazines, sites, he did at 1982.

he don't need to announce it. There is famous football (soccer) player who has converted to Islam and never declare it.
He was hosted this year at Mecca and prayed there. ONLY Muslims can go to Mecca and pray at Kaaba. He was hosted by football club in Mecca and they took fotos for him…

But when he came back to Europe he refused to announce it. (and gave impression like he has not converted)
7x7 said:
So the question now , is the solar apex a settle place for the sun or not?

Oh for heavens sake 7x7 that is not the question the solar apex is NOT MENTIONED I could just as easily say that "settled place" means, a field, a swamp, a village, a hill, a mountain all of those could be described as settled places. :rolleyes: Ambiguity is the Bucaille's strongest weapon because the quran DOESN'T MENTION A SINGLE CONCRETE THING THAT HE IS CLAIMING if it does FIND IT.
7x7 said:
show some scientific data, not you opnion. show me that after raching solar apex the sun or the solar system is going back.
From the link you provided.

“First, the Sun and the other stars in its vicinity partake of the general rotation of the galaxy (the Milky Way Galaxy rotates once about every 225 million years).”

The sun is going Round the milkyway!! It never reaches some end point!

“This motion of the Sun with respect to the local field of stars is in the direction of an imaginary point in the constellation Hercules, near the bright star Vega.”

Vegas is just the general direction we are travelling in at the moment.
did Dr. Bucaille convert to islam? according to arabic/islamic magazines, sites, he did at 1982.

he don't need to announce it.
I’ll believe him when he does, but not rumours from websites. Anyway, why would he write a book saying that the Quran must be from God but then not be prepared to say he has converted?
in quarn , everything is moving according to one phrase..
Which verse?
Everybody who has ever looked up to the night sky knows everything in the heavens moves. They can see it.
The sun crosses the sky, the moon crosses the sky and all the stars cross the sky every night.
It’s all down to the earths rotation.
If you wish to prove this verse has any other meaning then you have to explain why it cannot simply be referring to this. Does it say the earth also moves?

Lets look at this verse properly.

YUSUFALI: And a Sign for them is the Night: We withdraw therefrom the Day, and behold they are plunged in darkness;
PICKTHAL: A token unto them is night. We strip it of the day, and lo! they are in darkness.
SHAKIR: And a sign to them is the night: We draw forth from it the day, then lo! they are in the dark;

How can the night be a sign? If you have a spherical world and one sun then you have to have night and day.
How can you withdraw the night from the day?
YUSUFALI: And the sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing.
PICKTHAL: And the sun runneth on unto a resting-place for him. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise.
SHAKIR: And the sun runs on to a term appointed for it; that is the ordinance of the Mighty, the Knowing.

This could mean the sun goes to bed at night or it could mean that the sun will only travel for a set time and then stop. It certainly gives the impression that he is referring to the sun going round the earth and I see no reason not to believe that.
YUSUFALI: And the Moon,- We have measured for her mansions (to traverse) till she returns like the old (and withered) lower part of a date-stalk.
PICKTHAL: And for the moon We have appointed mansions till she return like an old shrivelled palm-leaf.
SHAKIR: And (as for) the moon, We have ordained for it stages till it becomes again as an old dry palm branch.

The moon lives in mansions when not in the sky?
YUSUFALI: It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).
PICKTHAL: It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor doth the night outstrip the day. They float each in an orbit.
SHAKIR: Neither is it allowable to the sun that it should overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; and all float on in a sphere.

How could the sun catch the moon or the night to outstrip the day?
You can see all the heavenly bodies orbit the earth any clear night.

There is nothing here which a desert arab of the seventh century could not have seen or believed.
As science it has some major flaws.
7x7 said:
you didn't answer my question? what part of brain controls the understanding and thinking?
Yes that’s correct, in general, the forebrain is responsible for understanding and thinking.

7x7 said:
The primorida of the ears are present. Day 23 after fertilization Moorek p 5

The primordia of the eyes are present. Day 23 after fertilization Moore, p. 5

The forebrain is developing. Day 26 after fertilization Moore, p 95

are these in order?

YES They are in “an” order! ;)

Yes the forebrain is developing after Day 26! As a matter of fact is developing after day 18 too and after day 10765as well ! You’ll notice the first two start with “The primorida of the” and the third starts with “The forebrain is developing”.

They’re sneaky again huh?

Again if the third sentence was to remain consistent it should start: The primordia of the brain are present at day 18 after fertilization.

so the fetus hear first? then see , then understand?
No for the reasons I laid out in the first series of rebuttals.
Quran dosen't a single mantion that the sun going round the earth but state...

By the Sun and its brightness
And by the moon when it imitates it (i.e. reflects that brightness)
And by the day which reveals it.
By the night which conceals it." (Koran 91:1-4)

The koran not only mantion that the moon light is reflected light from the sun but it also mantion that the day that reveals the sun and the night that conceals the sun not that the sun revels it self by the day and etc...
Mal said:
Quran dosen't a single mantion that the sun going round the earth but state...

By the Sun and its brightness
And by the moon when it imitates it (i.e. reflects that brightness)
And by the day which reveals it.
By the night which conceals it." (Koran 91:1-4)

The koran not only mantion that the moon light is reflected light from the sun but it also mantion that the day that reveals the sun and the night that conceals the sun not that the sun revels it self by the day and etc...

I really don’t have a problem with the Quran using everyday speech to describe the sun as rising or setting as in The Cave (18:17). But when people try to reinterpret a verse to conform to modern science and thus prove the Quran is the word of God, it had better say what they claim.

The verse (91:1-4) does have some flaws. These might be accepted as poetic license as everybody can understand the real meaning of the verse, but a scientist would not accept it.

“imitates” does not mean reflect it means copy.
The day is not revealed by the sun but caused by the sun.
The night does not conceal the sun but is its absence.
7x7 said:
There will be a day equals to week (sunset sunrise very slow) and other day equals to month and other day equals to year.

But the most important sign, is the sunset from west (not east). That day is considered as the deadline for all the human.

and is it true that el nino and la nina is slowing earth's rotation ? if it's true then.. could it be one day.. earth's rotation will be very slow and day equals to week.. month.. even year.. and after that.. maybe earth will be turning backward.. from east to west.. so sunrise will be from west.. not east *sorry bad english :D *