Islam and human rights

I don't know if you actually looking for a real answer based on how your questions are phrased, so I won't bother trying to respond completely but just take the last one.

3. Why is Islam so intolerant? What's with the jihads, programs, and campaigns of terror in the name of God? Any scripture to back up their intolerance?

Up until about the 15th century the Muslim world was much more tolerant the Christian world. Both tolerant of other religions as well as of secular (or pagan) knowledge. How tolerant were the Christians then with Galileo or Bruno? Or with the Jews lived in Christian territories? Or with Muslims?

So if you're really concerned with intolerance in parts of the Islamic world today you should look at the historical and social conditions that have lead some Muslims to act intolerant or violently.
Up until about the 15th century the Muslim world was much more tolerant the Christian world. Both tolerant of other religions as well as of secular (or pagan) knowledge. How tolerant were the Christians then with Galileo or Bruno? Or with the Jews lived in Christian territories? Or with Muslims?.

I am not going to jump on the bash islam wagon but this is simply not true.
The victors write the history and up until the 15th century it was the armies of islam that were usually the victors. nuff said.
I am not going to jump on the bash islam wagon but this is simply not true.
The victors write the history and up until the 15th century it was the armies of islam that were usually the victors. nuff said.

So who had a more tolerant society in Spain? The Muslims (when they were in power) or the Christians? Who were more tolerant of other religions when they occupied Jerusalem? I don't see it as a matter of the winners writing the histories since in at least one of those situations the Christians were the ultimate winner.

If you're arguing that Muslims were capable of atrocities, fine. I didn't say otherwise. But as a Jew (albeit an agnostic one) I would much rather have lived in the Muslim world than the Christian one during the middle ages.
But as a Jew (albeit an agnostic one) I would much rather have lived in the Muslim world than the Christian one during the middle ages.

How does the behaviour of Muslims in the middle ages...(more than 6 centuries ago?) excuse the current violent trends? It does not matter if they were all Mother Teresas in 1308...the fact is that in the here and now, and even in the recent past, Islam has had violent connections, activities and persons associated with the religion.
So who had a more tolerant society in Spain? The Muslims (when they were in power) or the Christians?
It depends on which period and which regime you are talking about. The almohads were pretty good as far as foreign occupiers go, the almovirids were pretty frikkin awful.

Who were more tolerant of other religions when they occupied Jerusalem? I don't see it as a matter of the winners writing the histories since in at least one of those situations the Christians were the ultimate winner.
again it depends on which crusader ruler you talk about but again they were foreigners. The muslim took with them the history they wanted.

If you're arguing that Muslims were capable of atrocities, fine. I didn't say otherwise. But as a Jew (albeit an agnostic one) I would much rather have lived in the Muslim world than the Christian one during the middle ages.

Some of your co religionists of the time felt differently.
Yeah I have to admit I fail to see the relevance of Spain in the modern context.

"Iran oppresses women's rights and hangs teenage girls!"

"Yeah, but
medieval Spain was a paradise."

"Oh, well, that's all right then."
Yeah I have to admit I fail to see the relevance of Spain in the modern context.[/I]

The relevance is that it is false to make an absolute statement about a religion when the practice of that religion changes from period to period and place to place. That was my original point. And what Sock puppet path said actually helps make that point. I probably shouldn't have even made a claim about the Islam vs. Christianity in general even during the middle ages. Suffice it to say that some Islamic regimes were more tolerant than some Christian regimes. It's still however false to draw a general conclusion about either religion based on that.
I appreciate that things change and all, but so far I've only lived in the last two centuries, and I'd like to maintain that outlook. Ultimately, from reading the Quran and hadiths I think islam is a more violent religion than Christianity at the least, but I'm still more concerned with just today, really.
I appreciate that things change and all, but so far I've only lived in the last two centuries, and I'd like to maintain that outlook. Ultimately, from reading the Quran and hadiths I think islam is a more violent religion than Christianity at the least, but I'm still more concerned with just today, really.

Someone should tell the Muslims then, because historically it is the so-called followers of Jesus who apparently feel the need to liberate everyone at great cost to the liberated.
Fine, right after I stop seeing Islamic terrorist or Islamofascist.
Fine, right after there stop being islamic terrorists or islamofascists.