Islam and human rights

only slaves or those men who are not 100 % men love to be controlled by their women and may be they want women to hit them and practice sadism with them .
to end your sick discussions trying to say Islam is not the rule for the world or for the women

i say : Islam is the best rule for a woman to live in the best and safest way and be happy in her life that suits her feminine nature

These women may disagree.;)
only slaves or those men who are not 100 % men love to be controlled by their women and may be they want women to hit them and practice sadism with them .

to end your sick discussions trying to say Islam is not the rule for the world or for the women

i say : Islam is the best rule for a woman to live in the best and safest way and be happy in her life that suits her feminine nature .. regardless your sick point of view no one care about your low level opinions .

Where in the hell do you get "control" from "equality"? You're insane. And, if that's your system, it's insane too.
Looks like he has a tendency to see the worst in everything; sounds like someone else I know.

Rather, he's seeing the best in what he's preaching. He's uncritical. I - as you indeed may have seen - am not.

Quite a jump there.

Yes, I thought you might harp on this. You'll notice the "your" in there. It refers to his interpretation. Maybe you could criticize that or something too.
if u are talking about social equality ...
No I said LEGAL EQUALITY. Guess what muhammad - no two HUMANS in the world are equal on all levels. Some men are f*cking imbeciles and couldn't count their two favored female goats without the use of their fingers. Some women are brilliant mathematicians. Some men are so pathetically weak they couldn't lift their own body weight while female gymnasts can easily lift their own weight. Some men are fat lazy twits while some women work their arses off and make this world a better place.

i say : Islam is the best rule for a woman to live in the best and safest way and be happy in her life that suits her feminine nature .. regardless your sick point of view no one care about your low level opinions .
Are you an idiot. I said LEGAL EQUALITY. Can you string two words together muhammad? LEGAL ... hold .. hold .... wait for it .... hold ... ... EQUALITY. slow enough for you muhammad? Maybe you can ask your wife to explain the concept to you.

Yeah muhammad polygamy is a woman's nature. No, not a mans - a womens! :bugeye: HOW F*CKING STUPID.
Yeah muhammad the feminine nature is attracted to sharing her husband with 3 other women. Unless you're the Prophet - OH, then it's with many other women. They had more feminine nature huh? Oh, and if you're a pre-teen then it's in your nature to have a sexual relationship with a 55 year old boy friend. We see it all the time.

Yup, explain why polygamy is good for your wife muhammad. I'm sure she'd be sooooo happy to smell the shit running out of your mouth.

Polygamist societies have never given women legal equality.
Polygamist societies can not compete in the modern world with societies where women are legally equal to men.

Better start teaching your children Mandarin muhammad because polygamist-promoting Islam is in for another Chinese ass whooping come 50 years. I hope your daughters like Mao sweat-n-sour pork - yum yum.

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Like Michael, I was also amused by the phrase "low level opinions".

Not dignified ones, like abuse and force, you know. Don't you understand that he's aspiring to a higher creed through brutality, Michael? Shame on you for picking on him.
Saudi women challenge driving ban

The current driving ban applies to all women in Saudi Arabia, whatever their nationality. It was originally unofficial, but became law after an incident in 1990, when 47 women challenged the authorities by taking their families' cars out for a drive. After strong criticism from the Saudi religious authorities, the women were jailed for one day, their passports confiscated and many lost their jobs.

Open Qur'an turn to page x and read bullshit y come to conclusion that "Islam is the best rule for a woman to live in the best and safest way and be happy in her life that suits her feminine nature .. regardless your sick point of view no one care about your low level opinions"

Nope seems to suggest women feminine nature that they should not drive, which is a masculine thing to do. See how happy these women are in Saudi Arabia.

Muslim countries a woman can easily drive to store and to work and so on ... but in Saudi Arabia may be there are good reasons for not doing so.

yeah after years and years of intense studying of all Islamic materials the Saudi Religious Authorities heads are far enough up their arse to think it's best for the feminine nature if they subserve their male masters.

Great Place the Islamic Middle East.
Here's some more human rights: Kite Runner

"Of course I'm worried about it," he says. "My own people from my own tribe will turn against me because of the story. I am so worried they may cut my throat, they may kill me, torture me."

Yes, Islamic Middle East, a synonyme for peace, tolerance and love towards all.

I did like the "good reasons for not doing so" comment too. What reasons? Sandstorms? Bandits? Bahrani slave traders? Dingos? Dinosaurs? Religious fascism permeating every level of society and government?