is there evidence for alien abductions etc.?

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Giambattista said:
And to Mr. Anonymous: I will try dutifully to get my response written.

Like I said, I had been typing, and had to go away from the computer for awhile, and it had logged me out (I was using a different browser than normal, so I had a different setting) and thus I lost what I was typing.

When things like that happen, and I lose something I've been working on (much worse has happened) I tend to be slow to rebuild.

Much worse: hard drive disaster!

Oh, hello. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems, but really, there's absolutely no need to feel at all obliged to respond to anything, especially written by me - I write enough for a party of three anyway.

Horrible when that happens, writing a reply, browser crashes, the lot gets wiped - happens to everyone. I find using notepad helps immeasurably - have to remember to extra double space between paragraphs for some reason, but I'd be buggered without out it.

Sorry I didn't get round to acknowledging your original reply though, that was unconscionable of me. The conversation seemed to have moved on and I neglected to check further back.

Apparently the topic is now Quorl bashing and Sticking-The-Boot-In, frightfully good sport by the look, can't wait to see how it all works out.
Mr Anonymous said:
Apparently the topic is now Quorl bashing and Sticking-The-Boot-In, frightfully good sport by the look, can't wait to see how it all works out. /QUOTE]

Ah, ell, that's predestination for you! Qorl, being 'JC' and in touch with God, needs to be a martyr. So we're just helping him along his way. The pretentious little fuckstick.
:) ... Well quite, and I of course perfectly understand, your position is one of religious continuity and I of course utterly understand implicitly. Equally, Quorl (or whatever) being the chap he is undoubtable his role is one of forgiveness without reservation, so certainly they'll be no possibility of offence being taken on the part of his Wonderfulness for any form of insult issued either now or at anytime in the future -

However, we do have a thing called a PM system and we do have more than enough otherwise perfectly descent little pot-boilers of a-thread locked and unceremoniously tossed for reasons no less than "discussion" degenerated into nothing more than a name-calling/dick-waving contest.

Qerl (or whatever) alone knows, I've been party to exactly the same m'self over the course and cognisant, only lamentably in retrospect I'm ashamed to say, of what a pain in the butt that can be for the other, by-in-large, non-combatants who did actually take the time to contribute something positive only to find the effort pitched in the wastebasket by avoidable circumstances caused by others.

I don't know what's bugging you concerning Quoala (or whatever), but your a far smarter fellow than me, certainly far, far smarter than this.

Please, as a personal favour, enough with the Qwvarl Barshing...

There's only so many suppressed giggles a chap can take.
Mr Anonymous, your comic stylings of the speeling of Qorl's name have opened up a question in my mind. 'Qorl', say each letter phonetically. 'q', 'o', 'r', 'l'. Quarrel. It's more pre-destination that he's going to get into arguments!
Mr Anonymous said:

I don't know what's bugging you concerning Quoala (or whatever), but your a far smarter fellow than me, certainly far, far smarter than this.

I doubt it.

People that use such language as "pretentious little f**kstick" are usually not the brightest or greatest that the world has to offer.

I'm pretty sure it's a law, somewhere.

Ciao, Leonardo!
Mr Anonymous said:
Oh, hello. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems, but really, there's absolutely no need to feel at all obliged to respond to anything, especially written by me - I write enough for a party of three anyway.

And I don't? La la la!!!

Horrible when that happens, writing a reply, browser crashes, the lot gets wiped - happens to everyone. I find using notepad helps immeasurably - have to remember to extra double space between paragraphs for some reason, but I'd be buggered without out it.

Sorry I didn't get round to acknowledging your original reply though, that was unconscionable of me. The conversation seemed to have moved on and I neglected to check further back.

Hardly. There is no evidence for alien abduction in anything we're writing, so, we have all moved on, and a few of us have NOT neglected to check further back, and see that what we are discussing only has a token resemblance to what the original topic actually dealt with: alien abduction. :p

Apparently the topic is now Quorl bashing and Sticking-The-Boot-In, frightfully good sport by the look, can't wait to see how it all works out.

Just GREAT, in'it?
Qorl: weird.
Completely idiotic: couldn't say "yes" to that.
Especially not with the way people like Phlogistician act. Pathological skepticism? Well, if there's a case to be made, I'd use HIM as exhibit A. Or B. Nonetheless, this name-calling is very much characteristic of the lower entities. :D

Well, anyway, about my experience: I think maybe, when I re-type all that mumbo-jumbo, I'll take it to a different topic. Yes, it sucks when computers erase things. I tried to post it, and then it told me I had been logged out. I tried to go back on the browser (sometimes they store what you had been working on) but it just went back to the original thread, and wouldn't give me all that I had written.

I've had that happen before, and I lost some things that I had been working on. And when I work long and hard and something gets erased, my will to redo what I already spent hours and hours on is diminished completely!
It's happened before. I didn't spend hours on that particular post, but the concept is quite the same. You work for something, and then it gets lost, inappropriately. And your drive to rebuild whatever it was just isn't there like it was when you first had the idea.
phlogistician said:
Gustav, do you really give this pretentious little prick any credence, or are you just stirring the shit?

i have not read any of qorl's posts, nor do i intend to.
of course, i have a general idea of what the content is (the eye takes an involuntary snapshot of a chunk of words that tend to get this case, unfortunately) and find it rather uninteresting.

phlogistician said:
It's more pre-destination that he's going to get into arguments!

what would motivate someone to argue with qorl and his ilk? now i do have my own ideas but am interested in yours. i can understand a single rebuttal but why a dialogue?

in anycase, i think the first question could be best answered by this......i hunt the hunters ;)
I admire the chosen ones. Every one of you had to pay the price or should I said a ticket to speak with me. A ticket is in your faith! I know, it just happened... I give to all of you, a one (1) wish! Chose wisely. This is not a jock. Amen
Qorl said:
I give to all of you, a one (1) wish!
Open the above for a delightful piano accompaniment

When You Wish Upon A Star
Writer: Leigh Harline; Lyrics: Ned Washington

When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do

(Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing)

Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true
phlogistician said:
Mr Anonymous, your comic stylings of the speeling of Qorl's name have opened up a question in my mind. 'Qorl', say each letter phonetically. 'q', 'o', 'r', 'l'. Quarrel. It's more pre-destination that he's going to get into arguments!

:) .... Mmmmm, now let me think - Qorl, a chap who logs into an internet discussion forum under the assertion that, not only is he an alien messiah in communion with God (whom presumably is alien also) but the messiah in the Judo Christian sense - not the next Allah, Buddha, Herpes (the Judo Greek God of scabby lips) - but Christ.

On a board with how many practising Christians on it of course the man is going to get on many, many peoples tits. It's reminiscent of that sketch from Kentucky Fried Movie where a scrawny little chap dressed in a helmet and brightly coloured jump suit strolls into Harlem and declares "Niggers!" at the top of his lungs - Granted, you're observation regarding the phonetic meaning of his given name certainly warrants merit, but I think it safe to assume anyone logging in anywhere and claiming to be the Son of God is going to stir a fair few people up and this is simply pandering to attention sought.

At any point Qorl wants to drop the BS act and contribute something sensible to a discussion I'm sure it'll be singular, but no less entertaining - in the interim there rages an ongoing debate concerning the implied accusation of Pathological Scepticism - the blank, unreasonable refusal to even consider certain idea's and concepts.

Going at a chap only to call him a "fuckstick", not only are there conduct rules about it, it's putting the P in pathological.

Now, given the oft times asinine level of debate a discussion concerning the sorts of topics that crop up down here can go, I'm not surprised a chap of your sensibilities and degree of logic can occasionally get thoroughly PO'd with some of the turns an otherwise perfectly sound, perfectly well reasoned explanation can get met with - can kind of make a person question, really, what is the point.

But consider, the base line reasoning behind most advocation's for certain aspects of Ufology hang exclusively on the question - "Well, why would someone lie? Why would someone go to such extremes in making things up?" etc, etc an oft used refrain which has changed the course of a debate time and time again in the favour of the sorts of proponents you yourself have precious little time for.

With Qorl around, how can anyone make this assertion again?

Just leave him to it, let him do his thing and he will speak far more eloquently and with far more qualification about the subject of delusion than a dozen reasoned, painstakingly thought out submissions on the fact that it happens ever could.

From the point of view of a person such as yourself who adopts a stance of rationalism in debate, Qorl is the best thing that ever walked into the forum and no one can ever accuse you of making him up...

Plus, the really, really cool thing - you can continually keep deliberately mispronouncing his name as Quorn and it never stops being funny!

How cool is that? :cool:

Giambattista said:
Well, anyway, about my experience: I think maybe, when I re-type all that mumbo-jumbo, I'll take it to a different topic. Yes, it sucks when computers erase things. I tried to post it, and then it told me I had been logged out. I tried to go back on the browser (sometimes they store what you had been working on) but it just went back to the original thread, and wouldn't give me all that I had written.

I've had that happen before, and I lost some things that I had been working on. And when I work long and hard and something gets erased, my will to redo what I already spent hours and hours on is diminished completely!
It's happened before. I didn't spend hours on that particular post, but the concept is quite the same. You work for something, and then it gets lost, inappropriately. And your drive to rebuild whatever it was just isn't there like it was when you first had the idea.

Well, indeed. Speaking to the converted. Know exactly how that goes, we've all been there. Just sorry we missed out on more is all, perhaps you're idea of running a fresh thread about your experience wouldn't be a bad thing, you've got at least one reader guaranteed and, y'never know, many eyes and all that, might throw up something actually interesting.

Regards to y'both,

A ;)
Mr Anonymous
You are right, why would I lie.
My mission is not to convince anyone here, but to leave evidence that will come alive and right after God will show himself to the people. In Revelation is written that Christ will reveled all things. I'm not forcing anyone to believe me, claims that I made are unbelievable and ridiculous in some way. I'm totally aware of that, it is sick for me to write sometimes, but God is forcing me strongly.
With TV antenna I mean that every one of us could get thoughts from God easily.
Qorl said:
Mr Anonymous
You are right, why would I lie.

Why? I can think of several reasons;

1 You might be delusional, and have some psychological condition. You believe in god, that means you aren't rational from the outset.

2 You might like stirring up trouble on internet forums, and do this for a laugh.

3 You might know it's all BS but have a humdrum existence, and need to self aggrandise, by placing yourself in the middle of a grandiose plot.

My mission is not to convince anyone here, but to leave evidence that will come alive and right after God will show himself to the people.

Then why post here? This is why I think you are one of the above. If you aren't trying to convince anybody, what is the point going to the effort of posting? If God wants to show himself, he can do that, personally. Why would he employ some middle man? If he wants me to believe, he knows what he's got to do, and come and leave some evidence for me to discover personally.

I'm totally aware of that, it is sick for me to write sometimes, but God is forcing me strongly.

God forces you? I thought god gives people free will? Can you try and be consistent with theological philosophy!
Qorl said:
I'm not forcing anyone to believe me....

Qorl old man, let me be the first to inform you - you're succeeding marvellously. If God has something to say to me, undoubtable She will. Hard to shut the bladdy woman up.

In the interim I do trust The Lord is chipping in for the internet and utilities. Nothing worse than being Gods Own and out of pocket with it.

I trust you're condition leaves you as well as can be expected.

Have a nice one,

A ;)
1 Is it a delusion that I know what will going to happened before it does? How I know that? God is giving me signs or thoughts that are to hard to explain to you or anyone else in this planet.
2 I'm totally aware of laughs.
3 I know that to.

Why post here?
Because 95% that I discovered and post it here will be true after God will show himself. I ask God to many times if I am a false Christ and he's keep telling me I am the one. If you look at this world you will see that all human life is based on faith. Faith is believing, not in God but in yourself. Believe what you do, if you do, you will find a way. Knock and will be given to you, you know this story. If you will only know who you are or should I said, who are people living in this planet? You will stay without a word.
I could said I have a free will, but not everybody could be a Hercule Poirot (not my words). That's why I have to tasted a pain.
I could not be consistent with theological philosophy as I would like to be. Maybe I could tell you that I die couple of times but I'm still alive. If you just take a ''fact'' that maybe in your case, Christ really lived and everything happened as is written. Don't you think he will go true the similar faith than before. Maybe on a emotional level.
If I will be you, I will have the same thinking, the same question, but I'm not, I am here you are there. I understand you, I'm not trying to force you. But believe me one thing, this world is written like a book. That's why we live by a word.
I'm not crazy or anything else. I have friends but nobody knows what's happening behind me. I could not talk to them about who I am, they will accuse me as this forum did. I'm not trying to be Christ, famous people have no freedom. I'm not striving for money and power, just for a freedom or happiness. I am not a free man and I don't believe I will be even like a king. Now I'm speaking of one of the seals...
Believe what you wish. Peace.

Mr Anonymous
Thank's for your support. I'm born in Slovenia even God is telling me he is my father but my sister is Slovenian, Serbian and Russian. I saw a Cyrillic.
Take care.
Qorl said:
Mr Anonymous
Thank's for your support. I'm born in Slovenia even God is telling me he is my father but my sister is Slovenian, Serbian and Russian. I saw a Cyrillic.
Take care.

Ваш английский язык намного лучше чем мой русский язык. Поздравления! :)

Take care your self old man, I hope you don't need to, but the thought is there nevertheless.


A ;)
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