is there evidence for alien abductions etc.?

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Communist Hamster said:
Qorl, I notice that your biography says

What do you mean by this? Also, what does the JC in your user title stand for?

I'm sure JC means Jesus Christ. But I'm just making guesses, throwing darts, etc.
Qorl, science is more than a fiction. Science made your computer possible. It made your clothes possible. It made your lifestyle possible.

EDIT: So, Qorl, you believe yourself to be the Messiah? And an alien Messiah at that?
Qorl said:
For me is Science a fiction, fantasy, imagination. If is something else for you, tell me. That's all.
In short, you have absolutely no grasp of what it is, despite your earlier claim to contrary. I wonder if your grasp on reality is any firmer?
Communist Hamster
I didn't chose to be who I am, God did. I am Alien - Science fiction?

I will, thanks


I think that famous people will satisfy your need.

-Science is the captain, practices the soldiers. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
-The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. ~ Albert Einstein
-The phrase "popular science" has in itself a touch of absurdity. That knowledge which is popular is not scientific. ~ Maria Mitchell
-The latest refinements of science are linked with the cruelties of the Stone Age. ~ Winston Churchill
-The most important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them. ~ William Bragg
Qorl said:
I think that famous people will satisfy your need.
So you only know what other people say about science. You have no concept as to what science is.

Perhaps you can keep that in mind as you contemplate your original admonition:

Before you could speak about science you have to know what Science really is.

I advise against any further response: your foolishness has been adequately demonstrated.
Giambattista said:
Qorl Qillaz! New rap group. Check em' out.


I don't know WHY they're called that. Are they trying to kill you?

Rap has a tendency to use very violent imagery. Maybe there's something to not learn from it?

What kind of music do the Grays enjoy? Or their more slithery, scaly counterparts?
I'm beginning to share phlogs sentiments. You have actually confirmed that you believe yourself to be the alien Messiah. I recommend therapy.
If you're not a ''woman'' then you are a comedian.

It's hard for me to express myself in English.
-Dreams are sent by God. ~ Homer
-It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. ~ Confucius
-All men by nature desire to know. ~ Aristotle
-Philosophy begins in wonder. ~ Plato
-God, of course, is the greatest philosopher of all. ~ Richard Nixon
-"People try to drag you down and shatter your dreams a lot of times. Maybe because their own dreams haven't been fulfilled." ~ Mariah Carey
-They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dreams only by night. ~ Edgar Allan Poe

I didn't find this group.
Gray's listen more than less a trance.
Qorl said:
If you're not a ''woman'' then you are a comedian.
You believe it is impossible to be both? How odd?

We await with interest (still, after many posts) your description or definition of what Science really is.

You made a statement. You have failed to justify it, so far. A statement couched in such philosophical finery, subsequently unsubstantiated, leads one to believe Phlogisitician's assessment: you are a pretentious prick.
Do you not wish to convince us otherwise?
moth eaten, senile old grump
Join Date: 11-19-04 (2,363 posts, 5.53 posts per day)

You are a description or definition of what Science really is.
As I see, you will really like to know.
Qorl said:
moth eaten, senile old grump
Join Date: 11-19-04 (2,363 posts, 5.53 posts per day)
The first factual information you have posted. Congratulations.
Qorl said:
You are a description or definition of what Science really is.
As I see, you will really like to know.
Semantic content: zero.

Over and out.
i must report both phlog and the senile grump for calling qorl the innocent a "pretentious little prick"

it is sad to see old men behaving in such a juvenile manner
of course, given their past conduct, it is not entirely unexpected.

and as i figured, the single explanation ever offered up on this board that sought to explain the motion of ufo's thru conventional science and tech is roundly ignored by all pseudo skeptics/scientists

why do they not embrace it? or provide a critique? could it be that simply bleating "nay" is the path of least resistance?

or could it be that they are illiterate in physics?
i think so

whats my excuse you ask?
i do not speak greek ;)
:) .. As I've often suspected Gustav, not even deep down but right out front where it shows. You're a true gentleman.

And as I was remarking to Giambattista just the other day, actually we only usually come here for the bar fights.

It's what the forums all about..... :)
The following report has been submitted.

Illustrious moderators, before whom we bow with all humility (substitute other greeting to suit your taste). This report is merely for the record. Gustav claims to have reported Phlogistian and myself for describing Qorl as a prententious prick. Gustav is in factual error in this regard. The relevant post for myself contains the following:
A statement couched in such philosophical finery, subsequently unsubstantiated, leads one to believe Phlogisitician's assessment: you are a pretentious prick.
The phrase after the colon is picked out in red and is clearly a quotation of Phlogisitician's words. Therefore, I am not calling Qorl a pretentious prick, merely noting one is led to believe he may be one.
I am disturbed that an established member of the forum (Gustav) should continue to make false accusations because of his inability to comprehend English.
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