is there evidence for alien abductions etc.?

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Qorl said:
Is it a delusion that I know what will going to happened before it does?

No, it's a delusion that you think you do. But, please, feel free to demonstrate your precognisance to us. Pick a subject, major news headlines, share prices, whatever, and make specific predictions. Jesus gained followers by demostrating miracles, allegedly, I'm just asking for you to do the same, if you are the same. Should be easy.

How I know that? God is giving me signs or thoughts that are to hard to explain to you or anyone else in this planet.

So you have voices in your head. It's not uncommon. It's often god too.

Why post here?
Because 95% that I discovered and post it here will be true after God will show himself.

Sorry, can you list the specific things you have posted that will come true? Oh,. and when the revelation will take place please.

I ask God to many times if I am a false Christ and he's keep telling me I am the one.

But you haven't had your 'three wise men' validation though huh? Seems when god sends a messiah, he tips off a few others too.

If you look at this world you will see that all human life is based on faith.

I think human life is no different to other life, and that life is based on carbon.
-Torino 2006 Olympic games, some mayor event will happened a tragedy.
-Voices are of course thinking I'm sure you have them.
-I wrote a lot about politics, conspiracies, science... to much to talk about. You know that God promise immortality and the firs one will be his son, me. I will have artificial or electronic brains and a body similar to terminator that's why I'm witting about crystal skulls. I know unrealizable. Only God knows when Revelation will take place (not Angels or his son), as is written in The Bible.
-How do you know he didn't tip you and some others?
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In regards to Qorl:

If you hear any voices in your head be they supposedly your consciousness or not, Don't listen to them. Although I'm open to ridicule, I state that any internal voices are quiet un-natural by nature, your mind should be completely blank of anything audible even when thinking.

Any references of immortality purely are based on the sum of a persons life, for instance when people write biographies that people buy and read (fame) or have their name etched on a Tombstone, thats immortalisation. (Some pursuit Immortalisation so much they even take to immoral values, like murder which is obviously something that should never be glamourised)

As for the what will be perceived as "Delusion" that you've mentioned, imagine this, Your brain to someone is a nest of wires. To someone somewhere, that nest to them is an enigma, so they cut and slice these wires about trying to workout either how you tick or just how messed up they can make you. Your brain is somewhat different from a machine though, it has the ability to Adapt, to overcome and conquer adversity like delusional thinking.

You just have to make the first step to identify what is a delusion and realise that allowing yourself to be deluded by this "joke" is what fuels them to continue harassing you. I strongly suggest fighting what you "hear" told to you, you won't be the only one to deal with this and those that do fight it will obviously eventually gain "Immortalisation" through the truth eventually being told.

With Fox Mulder's "Trust No One" from X-Files, the very real quote should be:

"Believe nothing"
Qorl said:
-Torino 2006 Olympic games, some mayor event will happened a tragedy.

That's a bit too vague. Natural, or man made, for a start, please. What counts as a tragedy? A terrorist bombing like Munich in '72, or does some nutter grabbing the race leader and ruining his chances for gold, as happened to Vanderlei de Lima count as a 'tragedy'.

-Voices are of course thinking I'm sure you have them.

Yes I think. I just don't think those thoughts are coming from god!

-I wrote a lot about politics, conspiracies, science... to much to talk about.

Not at all, please repeat some specific predictions that can be verified.

You know that God promise immortality and the firs one will be his son, me. I will have artificial or electronic brains and a body similar to terminator

Er, yeah, right, 'Terminator'.

. Only God knows when Revelation will take place (not Angels or his son), as is written in The Bible.

Ask him. For us. Tell us when it will happen, we need to make plans.
I weak up this morning and turn on TV, I saw a story of Casper Houser. To much to speak about his faith. I think that truth should be heard, maybe one day some smart people will make a movie on my story. And yes I'm better than whole universe.
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Oh, wonderful. Better than the whole universe you say? They're going to make a movie about you? I must go and see it.
Stryder said:
In regards to Qorl:
With Fox Mulder's "Trust No One" from X-Files, the very real quote should be:

"Believe nothing"

I know you will like to help, thanks. I could not stop listening because my thoughts are right in every single way. Lets say I could predict my own future from one minute to 2 days. I have a choice to do the best thing and this is the whole thing of God working with me, right choices.
-I know I was abducted while I was 10 years old. I could not interpret that time but I did it now. I was walking around 8 o'clock at down and I walk and walk then I sense somebody is watching me. I look back and I saw lights in the air following me, I start running, the time stops, I was frozen. I was actually moving but I couldn't go anywhere. Next thing I remember I look back again, nobody was behind and I start running again until I hit the next road, everything was normal after that. I know I was abducted many more times and I know for sure, I am implanted.
phlogistician said:
That's a bit too vague. Natural, or man made, for a start, please. What counts as a tragedy? A terrorist bombing like Munich in '72, or does some nutter grabbing the race leader and ruining his chances for gold, as happened to Vanderlei de Lima count as a 'tragedy'. .
This is what he told me.

phlogistician said:
Yes I think. I just don't think those thoughts are coming from god.
I'm not forcing you in anything.

phlogistician said:
Not at all, please repeat some specific predictions that can be verified.
I don't fell like writing everything all over again.

phlogistician said:
Er, yeah, right, 'Terminator'.
Isn't obvious that a human bones will be from a non growing material in the future.

phlogistician said:
Ask him. For us. Tell us when it will happen, we need to make plans.
He will not tell me what I'm not suppose to know. He speaks the same with prophets or people who speaks with death or others. How will you fell if you will know that your wife, child or any who you love will be killed by a bugler or rapist tomorrow? You go mad today and after that. You will try to kill a prophet who told you that. This world will go crazy if we will know.
Maybe 2007.
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Qorl: I was walking around 8 o'clock at down and I walk and walk then I sense somebody is watching me. I look back and I saw lights in the air following me, I start running, the time stops, I was frozen.

No no no. That's not quite how it goes. You freeze before time "stops", and you only notice it afterwards, during the "return", while it's wearing off -- after having been "frozen" on board.

You're full of shit.
Wow. You're right. It must be the mothership.

Or just dirt on the lens.

Or a bug 6 inches in front of the lens.

Wow, a small black dot! This changes my belief in aliens, and also my ratings of Qorls severely-diminished credibility.
Qorl said:

What a pretty picture. But, what are you trying to say? Air-headed balloons, albeit colourful and dainty, but symbolizing innocence and quaintness? Personally, I wouldn't want to get stuck in one of those circus-parade orgies. Just as I don't care much about posting details of my "experiences" here on this board -- unless I seek to invite confusion and to cheapen my experiences.
Qorl said:
This is what he told me.

Does he speak with a voice? In words? In what language if so? Or are these just general impressions, a 'gut feeling'? Ca't you ask for more detail?

I'm not forcing you in anything.

I didn't say you were. I think I asked if god forcing you threatened the concept that god gives us free will.

I don't fell like writing everything all over again.

Then at least provide links to the salient prophesies.

Isn't obvious that a human bones will be from a non growing material in the future.

Er, no. quite the opposite. I'd expect human bone to still be human bone, maybe repaired using gene therapy, or some kind of nano-device. But it will still be 'grown',

He will not tell me what I'm not suppose to know.

How convenient. For your story, that is.
I don't need to ask for details. I will explain and you will not believe me. You said to me that you are one of three wise man, prove you are.
God could speak with your voice. I know you will say it's thinking, it is, but not always. Did you watch Aviator? This man seen things or hear that are not actually here and he make every single dream come true. How is God able to speak with my voice. He created us so he knows everything about our brains and everything there is on this planet. He could easily upload thoughts in you. like in a living machine. He could also speak with me telepathically. Let's say I need answer, he will make you or any who do things like a trained dog. If I'm doing something wrong or right I'm getting waves in my brains, I could fell them. Lets say I am very focused so he could work with me easily. He does the same with pope and all people in this world. The difference is that scientist think they come up with this technology. Do you know that Einstein was speaking with himself like somebody is with him. With who do you think he speak? He was talking a lot about God but schools and science doesn't speak about that. It's a crime to think in science about somebody smarter than they are. From where do you think I'm getting this thoughts? From up loader and from signs. To much to speak about it, it's unbelievable for you and everybody in this planet.
You have a free will but not me, almost nothing. I'm living by faith and I'm not allowed to know what's next. I'll be released after my mission is completed. That's why I'm not allowed to know when a big event will happened. Soon he said.
I didn't do prophesies but I figure out God's creation and things that are unrealizable before God will let you know.
We use plastic bones already.
This is not mine but God's story.

Epistle to Henry II Written by Nostradamus for me, only I could understand.

This Alien massage arrived in 2003
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Qorl said:
I don't need to ask for details. I will explain and you will not believe me. You said to me that you are one of three wise man, prove you are.

No, I didn't. Go and re-read what I said. I was't self aggrandising like you are prone to. I said that YOU hadn't had your divinity proven by three wise men.

What have you said I can believe in? You are vague.

God could speak with your voice. I know you will say it's thinking, it is, but not always. Did you watch Aviator?

'Terminator', 'Aviator', you really are lost in a fantasy world of film, aren't you?
Btw, The Aviator Film was based upon H. Hughes, who suffered notibly from an accute disorder. Albeit if you were to apply Causality to Hughe's role in the world, multiple films have been made about him (the Aviator was one, however Tommy Lee Jones played Hughes in another varient) also Hughes owned the controlling shares to RKO and TWO. I believe he was also the first businessman to have Commercial Satellites launched.

If you haven't of guessed at that time people with Satellites would obviously have power, or have those watching them closely that had power because of all the cloak and dagger occurances during the cold war period.

However all these points only prove that the man made a mark on society. As to taking anything literal from a film, remember that films are made for entertainment value, this means that such stories are "Dramatised" to pad out the length the film lasts or make it more interesting to the audience. Thats why such films usually carry disclaimers like:

"This story is based on actual events. In certain cases incidents, characters and timelines have been changed for dramatic purposes. Certain characters may be composites, or entirely fictitious."
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