is there evidence for alien abductions etc.?

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Gustav said:
and as i figured, the single explanation ever offered up on this board that sought to explain the motion of ufo's thru conventional science and tech is roundly ignored by all pseudo skeptics/scientists

why do they not embrace it? or provide a critique? could it be that simply bleating "nay" is the path of least resistance?

or could it be that they are illiterate in physics?
i think so

whats my excuse you ask?
i do not speak greek ;)

For those kind of people is seeing believing. What is between not seeing and seeing is thinking. This people have limited imagination. Why? Because they didn't see :eek:

-I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. ~ Albert Einstein
-Microsoft is a company that manages imagination. ~ Bill Gates
-Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere. ~ Carl Sagan

Truth hurts more than a lie - Qorl
Peace to all.
Gustav said:
i must report both phlog and the senile grump for calling qorl the innocent a "pretentious little prick"

it is sad to see old men behaving in such a juvenile manner
of course, given their past conduct, it is not entirely unexpected.


Well done Gustav, to make that one stick you're going to have to come up with some support that Qorl talks to god, and the rest of his ridiculous claims, and he's not just some self aggrandising little prick, or pulling your leg.
Ophiolite said:
Who is worried? Not I. But thank you for your concern. Are you yet ready to define or describe science properly?

You're worried that's why you playing cat and mouse with me. I already give you right explanation, but your imagination is limited so it's impossible for you to understand what I mean.
Science is; The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. But all this words have no MEANING if you don't have IMAGINATION

Before you could win you have to learn how to lose - Qorl
Cat and mouse: kettle, pot, black.
I have asked repeatedly for a definition or description of science.
You have repeatedly, until the last post, refused to give one.
Your definition is acceptable.
Thank you.

When I require guidance on the use and development of imagination, you would be the last person I would contact. Again, you confuse imprecision with imagination. I trust you are yet young: you may have time to learn.
-I'm studying spelling and grammar while I'm witting, not really trying hard.
-God wont me to be as I am. Why? So nobody will believe me.
-In my 32 years of age I went thru harder and more painful faith than people who are 100 years old.
-When imagination is in question I live on the level of God, not on a level of young kids like this planet is.

-I know you already;
You hardly waiting to speak about me with your neighbor, a friend or whoever you know. Or should I said, about a stupid young man who need a help from psychiatrist. Than you people laugh to me and you playing smart so that your friends could give you a comfort and right...
phlogistician said:
Well done Gustav, to make that one stick you're going to have to come up with some support that Qorl talks to god, and the rest of his ridiculous claims, and he's not just some self aggrandising little prick, or pulling your leg.

oh cmon
i had no intention of reporting anyone
just slinging some mud
thats all

i suggest you guys be polite to qorl just in case he actually does speak to god. it will be fire, brimstone and a gnashing of teeth if that were indeed the case. i urge caution

all hail qorl
Ophiolite said:
Do you feel the juices flowing freely Phlog?

hmm :)
seeking allies once again in your pathological quest to crush the demon, gustav?
any other successful recruits? if memory serves well, i believe you have the kid, jdawg on your team, ja?

ahh yes.....

Ophiolite said:
I deduce from your response JDawg that A Vast Gut is posting nonsense again. I have found the Ignore function to be effective for dealing with the non-entity. I recommend it.

strange that you can communicate. perhaps you do so...telepathically?
so entice the kid and he.....

JDawg said:
Good call, bro. Commencing

follows obediently only to have you betray him
how could you?
have you no morals?
a sense of decency?

Ophiolite the Commoner, you are sorely lacking in class and breeding. i would be ashamed
Ophiolite said:
Therefore, I am not calling Qorl a pretentious prick, merely noting one is led to believe he may be one.


senile old grump indeed.
watch in awe.....

Ophiolite said:
You made a statement. You have failed to justify it, so far. A statement couched in such philosophical finery, subsequently unsubstantiated, leads one to believe Phlogisitician's assessment: you are a pretentious prick.
Do you not wish to convince us otherwise?

you are directly addressing qorl. you tell him that you believe he is a pretentious prick. it is irrelevant who authored the assesment. all that is noteworthy here is that you indicate to qorl that you agree with a very insulting and mean and bad and horrid and disgusting and whatnot assessment of his character

how could you!
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Qorl said:
For those kind of people is seeing believing. What is between not seeing and seeing is thinking. This people have limited imagination. Why? Because they didn't see :eek:

-I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. ~ Albert Einstein
-Microsoft is a company that manages imagination. ~ Bill Gates
-Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere. ~ Carl Sagan

Truth hurts more than a lie - Qorl
Peace to all.

Nikola Tesla once said that he often would get very strong images of an invention or design before he actually set out to do it, almost like having a vision. You could call that imagination, I suppose.
Qorl said:
-When imagination is in question I live on the level of God, not on a level of young kids like this planet is.

That's a pretty steep mountain you've claimed to have conquered. Is that an accurate statement?
And to Mr. Anonymous: I will try dutifully to get my response written.

Like I said, I had been typing, and had to go away from the computer for awhile, and it had logged me out (I was using a different browser than normal, so I had a different setting) and thus I lost what I was typing.

When things like that happen, and I lose something I've been working on (much worse has happened) I tend to be slow to rebuild.

Much worse: hard drive disaster!
Qorl said:
-I'm studying spelling and grammar while I'm witting, not really trying hard.
I have no problem with the structure of your writing - I am sympathetic to the difficulties of working in another language. It is the vagueness of your thoughts that could infuriate.
Qorl said:
-God wont me to be as I am. Why? So nobody will believe me.
Believe what you will. From another perspective this is self indulgent nonsense.
Qorl said:
-In my 32 years of age I went thru harder and more painful faith than people who are 100 years old.
Believe what you will. From another perspective this is self indulgent nonsense.
Qorl said:
-When imagination is in question I live on the level of God, not on a level of young kids like this planet is.
Believe what you will. From another perspective this is self indulgent nonsense.
Qorl said:
I know you already;
You hardly waiting to speak about me with your neighbor, a friend or whoever you know. Or should I said, about a stupid young man who need a help from psychiatrist. Than you people laugh to me and you playing smart so that your friends could give you a comfort and right...
I apologise for breaking your bubble, but you are a long way from being interesting enough for me to have even thought of mentioning you to anyone under any circumstances.
-Similar as Nikola Tesla, he had a visions send from God, I don't have those, he's sending me only thoughts. Sometimes clear answers.
-Knowing him for 3 years accurate statement may be.
Don't worry about anything. Skepticism that I call non thinking is a common phenomena all over the globe.
Gustav & Giambattista
Thanks for your suport. Ironic - Alanis Morissette
-Fear is the lord - Slovenian Quatation
-When you're not affraid to die or live, you are a winner - Qorl
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