Is there anything wrong to marry your cousin?

Saint said:
As long as it is true love, we can marry anyone.
So if you took a sudden liking to a child and saw it as true love, you'd think it was perfectly ok to marry them? How about if you felt true love to a dog, cat, pig, baboon? She's your niece you twit. You aren't allowed to marry your niece. It is not only illegal... it's just wrong on so many levels.

What is it with you? I mean honestly, what's wrong with you? Can't you find women outside of your own family?

I hope her parents find out and castrate you like you rightly deserve.
mountainhare said:

'Incest is always wrong' is merely your crocodile tear opinion. His niece is an adult, he is an adult, so there is no imbalance of power. Nobody is being harmed by them having sex. So who are you to say that it is 'wrong'?
Are you for real?

She's his niece. He's her uncle. You don't think that's wrong? So you think incest is ok so long as both are adults? How would you like it if your adult daughter started sleeping with.. say your brother? You wouldn't think that was wrong? What? You'd pat her on the head and say 'go right ahead dear, you're both adults'? What in the hell is wrong with you people?
She's his niece. He's her uncle. You don't think that's wrong?
If they are both adults? Weird, yes. Morally wrong, no. It harms no-one, and both are mature adults. Merely because it feels 'yucky' does not make it morally wrong. I find acts of homosexuality 'yucky', but I'm not about to brand homosexuals as deviants.

So you think incest is ok so long as both are adults?
So you think that homosexuality is ok so long as both are adults?

How would you like it if your adult daughter started sleeping with.. say your brother?
I don't have a brother or a daughter, so I can't say.

What in the hell is wrong with you people?
Hehe, do you feel like you've just woken up in 'The Twilight Zone'?
You're comparing the little pervert bonking his niece to homosexuality? :bugeye: I don't have a problem with homosexuals. I would, however, have a problem with a homosexual who started a relationship with a nephey or niece.

It is way beyond 'yucky' when a person starts having sex with the child of a sibling and not only that, he comes online and describes how 'tight' she is like he's proud of it? You seriously don't think it's morally wrong to sleep with the child of a sibling? What's wrong with the little turd? Is there a severe shortage of women where he lives? Is he trying to keep it in the family? Is he that desperate?

He refers to it as true love but why does he hide it from her parents?
Bells said:
She's his niece. He's her uncle. You don't think that's wrong?
So you think incest is ok so long as both are adults?
Hey, we're all the same the species here.
How would you like it if your adult daughter started sleeping with.. say your brother?
I don't have a daughter, but supposing I did...maybe a bit ticked at first, but I'd be more angry that they would be going behind my back and lying rather than being upfront and honest, than thier actions. As long as they were responsible enough about it, I wouldn't care.
You wouldn't think that was wrong?
No. Didn't you hear me the first time?
What're you, deaf, motherfucka?
You'd pat her on the head and say 'go right ahead dear, you're both adults'?
Sure. Why not? I'm a forgiving person.
What in the hell is wrong with you people?
You're a prude, trying to enforce your morals on everyone else, and it's pissin' me off.
snake river rufus said:
Have you heard of, or traveled through the south east United States?
Children of inter-family marrages often have long term reprocusssions
That's through several generations of incest, and that's usually sister-brother. Uncle-niece is father apart, and thus not as close, and thus has a slightly lessened chance of severe sanguinary upfuckery. Also, one pairing won't produce lines of retarded children, that takes many inter-breed crosses over a longer period of time.
Yes but assortative mating in the long term is not good, at least for humans. Even if it's only a little. And once one person does it, others inevitably follow.

Did you know that the ancient egyptians and romans consistently practiced incest? So, judging by your modern, western views, you're judging them as immoral? Who are you to judge the morality of people, not to mention whole civilizations? Think about it. I mean, THINK...
Damn, this is the funniest thread i have read in my entire life

First it is wrong by our standards today to marry your cousin. Unless she is twice removed

Now seeing as how ancient civilizations did used to practice incest, but that was 1500+ years ago. They where a little more ignorant to the damage incest cause's.

Third, if it's not wrong in your own view's, and you are taking all precautions to prevent any birth deffects the child can have, and your family is not upset by it.
Then it is a victomless crime....... If it like that, and your not in my family, then I dont care

But lets be honest incest is wrong by today's standard's if you want to have sex with your family members, move to a country where it is legal, like a 3rd world country.
Hapsburg said:
You're a prude, trying to enforce your morals on everyone else, and it's pissin' me off.
And you're what? A 15 or 16 year old twit who appears to be so obsessed with sex that the thought of anyone getting some turns you on.. hell you'd probably be saying 'go for it' if he was bonking his sister.

Am I pissing you off? Oh gee.. my bad. I'm really one to care that I'm upsetting a gormless teenager on the internet who does nothing but buzz around like a fly stuck in a window... :rolleyes:

Saint said:
we marry, but we will not have children, we will adopt children.
Right.. you'll adopt.. Okay then, lets see... The courts and the legal system tend to place children in homes that are stable both financially and economically. Imagine their surprise when you tell them that you're a strong family in every sense of the word.

Are you so blind and so hot for your niece that you fail to realise that no court would allow you and your niece to adopt a child as a couple since she's your niece and you're her uncle? Do you seriously think that any court on this planet would place a child in a home where the parents are involved in an incestious relationship with each other? You really do take the cake in the stupidity stakes.

purple_hairstreak said:
Did you know that the ancient egyptians and romans consistently practiced incest? So, judging by your modern, western views, you're judging them as immoral? Who are you to judge the morality of people, not to mention whole civilizations? Think about it. I mean, THINK...
Many ancient and primitive tribes and civilisations practiced incest. The ancient egyptians and romans did so to well.. keep it all in the family... There was one pharaoh (whose name escapes me) who regularly had sex with his own daughter. Hey! Maybe if the little pervert adopted or as a daughter, he can have sex with her as well seeing that they are not biologically related.

You wouldn't breed a pig with a close relation because you'd know of the possible disastrous effects but you think it's fine for saint to procreate with his niece?

Our modern western views and I'd have to say that even the most primitive people on this planet know what happens when you breed two things that share a close blood relation.. how can I put it so that you understand it.. well it's seen as being bad, hence why the practice started to be frowned upon and started to stop since the Romans and the Ancient Egyptians.. it still continues within the really primitive and uneducated.. but in general society seemed to have come to the point of knowing that incest is not only morally wrong but also genetically dangerous.

Now unless Saint and his little supporters, like yourself, are some sort of backward hicks... how can you even consider it? Just because she's an adult you think that's fine? How did this relationship even start? At what point did he start to become attracted and aroused by his brother's or sister's child? Why did he become aroused by the child of his sibling? Were there no other women around? Is he that desperate? I wonder when the relationship even started? Because you are aware that if it started before she reached the age of maturity, he could face charges.. hell.. I'm betting that he could face charges now for incest.. Anywho.. I'm willing to bet he was going for her when she was still in her teens.. He brings forth the image of a short man hiding in the bushes with his pants down while his niece played with her dollies... If this relationship is so wonderful and so good, why has he hidden it from her parents and I'm guessing from the rest of his family?
hell you'd probably be saying 'go for it' if he was bonking his sister.
I know that you were addressing Hapsburg, but I'm just going to say 'So fucking what?!'

You've failed to provide ANY supporting argument to explain why incest = bad. You're just saying "Oh, it's WRONG WRONG WRONG because I say so!".

What's so 'wrong' about having a sexual relationship with a sister? Oh wait, I forgot. It's far more sensible to have a relationship with some whore you meet in a bar, than with someone you've known your entire life, and have a strong friendship with.

Hell yeah! Every sane person would rather be fucked by an uncaring stranger who probably has AIDS and Hep. B, than their sister.

because she's an adult you think that's fine?
Yes. Since when do you moralists have the right to determine what two adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom? I must say, I'm rather disappointed in you, Bells. You're such a strong advocate for homosexuality, but then you turn around and slam another group who are engaging activities that are essentially similar to homosexuals.

1. No one is hurt.
2. It's consensual.
3. There is no power imbalance. Both are mature adults, who know exactly what they want, and the consequences of their actions.

You might not agree with what they do. You might not never ever want to engage in sexual relations with your siblings. But that still isn't an argument for you to brand the act of incest 'morally wrong'.
There is no method of birth control, except abstaining from sex in it's entirety, that is 100% effective.

Given that, I would think that I wouldn't take the chance. Two people with very alike genes will be more likely to have a regressive gene that may not be noticed now be a dominant gene that would propogate to a child. They are sleeping together, pregnancy is not out of the question no matter how hard you try, unless you remove the testes or the ovaries completely.

My suggestion to you Saint, as the older and supposedly wiser adult of the pairing, is to be to let the poor girl get on with her life and fall in love and have children with a man of her choosing. She's saying she doesn't want children because that is what you want to hear. You, being an authortative figure that has been present throughout her life, should understand that she loves and respects you not because she is romantically in love with you, but out of safety and because you have a power over her that neither of you understand. She also may feel trapped, as getting out of a relationship with you will be painful for the entire family and may leave her lonely and parentless.

Incestuous relationships are not healthy. It's a dynamic that is difficult to understand but is awful for the people involved. There is a power dynamic, regardless of the coupling that will always be present and leaves one or both people feeling trapped and otherwise not free. It's not just a moral issue, we are talking about the mental health of the individuals involved. This is an awful thing you have done to your neice, Saint. And I can only hope that her father and mother find out.
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Mountainhare: incest = bad because inbreeding = bad.

In a day when we consider a 1% risk of death just too much risk for any individual, why would anyone knowingly burden their offspring with this kid of genetic load in only <i>one</i> generation, let alone dozens?

The outcome of cousin marriage is plain to see.

But again, if you don't <i>want</i> your offspring to be very smart, and would prefer that mine ascend over them to rule as cunning and feared despots - then by all means, go ahead. I'm sure it won't bother my descendants. But no breeding with us. Sorry.

Incest is more emotionally damaging than it is genetically damaging. Especially when it is from a person in the position of power (older, head of family or authortative) and the other is from someone that has always looked up to, or been the charge of said person.

There is a reason why there are over a hundred psycology books on the matter, and none of them that are doctorate qualified endorse incest. A scientist would be more likely to endorse it than someone who has studied the human psyche. What you guys don't seem to get, is that he is preying on someone who he's been in charge of and possibly had a hand in upbringing. You could raise any child to love you and think that sex with you is good and that they loved you... that doesn't make it right and it doesn't make it healthy.

You also have to consider what might be going on in her head.
mountainhare said:
I know that you were addressing Hapsburg, but I'm just going to say 'So fucking what?!'
You have GOT to be kidding me! How about his own child and mother.. Hell, he could start his own inbred tribe... but they'd be the ones to ride on the 'special' bus..

You've failed to provide ANY supporting argument to explain why incest = bad. You're just saying "Oh, it's WRONG WRONG WRONG because I say so!".
You can't think of why it is wrong? Are you frigging kidding me? Where in the hell are you people from?

It is not only bad on a genetic standpoint, it is also bad because they are related.. and their relationship could result in lasting damage to the family to whom they belong to. How do you think the rest of this family are going to cope knowing that the two little ingrates are doing? He's already said that he is scared that her parents will find out as they will kill him and her as well... both will probably be disowned and shunned by the community and probably by everyone sane who happens to know them. And while he may only be 33 while she 24, but he is still the older of the two.. probably someone who may have been an authority figure in her childhood and teenage years. I mean you'd have to ask yourself when this relationship started and when in particular the little pervert started to have feelings for this girl. What if the relationship started when she was much younger say 12 or 13 or so? But who am I asking.. you'd probably find no fault in that either..

Now I still cannot believe that the little deviant can be so naive as to think that they will not only be able to get away with this relationship, but that the courts will also reward them by granting them the right to adopt a child... if all this and most of you people weren't so sad.. his stupidity would be highly amusing..

What's so 'wrong' about having a sexual relationship with a sister? Oh wait, I forgot. It's far more sensible to have a relationship with some whore you meet in a bar, than with someone you've known your entire life, and have a strong friendship with.
You actually asked what's so wrong about having a sexual relationship with a sister? The mind boggles. What's so wrong? She's a fucking sister.. that's what's wrong. If any children come out as a result of the sexual relationship, you have an enormously high chance that the child will come out with some severe genetic malfunctions (for lack of a better term). You'd be putting your future offspring a better chance if you pick up some 'whore' in a bar rather than someone who is your sister.

Hell yeah! Every sane person would rather be fucked by an uncaring stranger who probably has AIDS and Hep. B, than their sister.
Yes.. I really think that most sane people would rather have sex with an uncaring stranger than with their own sibling.. do you know why? Because for most sane people, the thought of sex with their sibling disgusts them. And what's to say that if a sister is willing to sleep with her own brother, that she was not a whore in a bar and has AIDS and Hep. B? And what are you saying? That only a sibling or close relative can truly love someone in that 'spesh' way? :rolleyes:

But hey.. if you want to start bonking your sister.. go right ahead.. But just keep in mind that for the rest of your lives you'll have to hide what you do when mom and dad aren't home..

Yes. Since when do you moralists have the right to determine what two adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom? I must say, I'm rather disappointed in you, Bells. You're such a strong advocate for homosexuality, but then you turn around and slam another group who are engaging activities that are essentially similar to homosexuals.
The fact that a person like saint is having sex with his niece, cousin or whatever the hell relation she may be scares me half to death. Not only do I find that to be 'kinda' sick.. but the thought that they may have a child who will not only share his genes but the very similar genes of the mother who was stupid enough to get involved with him in the first place.. well scary thought..

How you can even view homosexuality in the same line as incest or even compare them and then say that you think homosexuality is worse than incest kind of says a lot about you. But hey.. to each their own.. If saint wants to have sex with his niece, then he will do so.. but it is not only to her detriment and to the extreme detriment of any children that might result.. it is also detrimental to himself.

1. No one is hurt.
2. It's consensual.
3. There is no power imbalance. Both are mature adults, who know exactly what they want, and the consequences of their actions.
Have you read through this thread? Saint boasts of his conquest... And then boasts even more that he's doing it without her parents finding out because they would kill him if they did. Now, she may have been pulled in by someone who is in effect older than herself and she may have been in a weaker position when this relationship started because of the age gap and the role he may have played in her childhood years and her upbringing.. and that to me does not equal a balanced relationship.

The little deviant may be aware of the fact that their children could be severely retarded (and that's if their lucky) as birth defects could also play a part... but he is stupid enough to believe that the courts would grant them custody of children they wish to adopt. Do you actually think that sounds like they are aware of the consequences of their actions. He knows that one consequence will be that the girl's family will kill him but he's blind and foolish enough to think that a court will allow a couple involved in an incestious relationship to adopt.

You might not agree with what they do. You might not never ever want to engage in sexual relations with your siblings. But that still isn't an argument for you to brand the act of incest 'morally wrong'.
So if a father starts having sex with his daughter or mother with her son or father with son and mother with daughter.. you wouldn't view that as wrong? I mean hey.. if a brother and sister should start having sex as you've pointed out that you think it is better than to have sex with an 'uncaring stranger'.. why not the parents and even grandparents as well? Now most normal and sane people would view that as being perverted.. but not you and friends.

Not only can the result of incest be birth defects and mental retardation, but it will also adversely affect the parties involved both emotionally and psychologically.