Is the god of Christ the god of Jews?

The difference with Aton cult version of God and version of God from Bible
lies only in semantics, i.e. other Gods than Aton are Demons/false Gods, there
is only one God, in practice its the same thing, there is just One God and its happen to be ours, your God isnt God.
Sorry, I don't agree. Let me show an example using a very "Moseic" image.
If, we hold to your argument, then when Moses came down from the mountain (irrelevant, if he really came, the dogma is that he did) and saw all those people worshipping the golden bull, if he were from the Aton cult, he would have seen that in reality they are worshipping Aton in the form of a bull, and would have jolly joined with them.

Besides why did Aton represent himself as a storm and thunder, not blinding light atop a mountain, which would have been a better symbol of Aton cult, because it had the Sun at its center?
Besides old jewish texts have too many references to demons to have come from an egyptian origin. Aton cult was more monotheistic than Judaism.

edit: I realise there are some (three to be exact) weak points there and am open to counterarguments. I'm making supper thus I'm too busy to counterargument myself. :D

p.s. What about my Amarna letters argument?
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-Thanks for elaborating, I´m not sure that Moses even existed in flesh in that sense that bible presents him, (but if he did, he was Akhenaton )
he was referred to be the lawgiver, just like Akhenaton did bring the new set of laws, and Misis in Egypt before him, and many other figures starting with M in other religions. Whole bible is an allegro of many things.
Sigh... Akhenaton died as honest pharaohs do. There was a "burrial" ceremony.

If, for the sake of argument, we say that Moses was a scribe or someone other in A..atons court, then I don't see why that person couldn't have emulated him.

But, as I said, I don't think there is a relation between the two cults more than there is a relation between any two other cults of that region.
Destroying the bull was allegro of destroying the old habits i.e going to new age of Ram from age of Bull in astrological map. And the destroying of old habits could be in this case raising Aton to be the one God.
Thanks for taking this theory in a right way, looking forward to investigate this more,
but I´m in little hurry now.
p.s Gotta study more about those Amarna letters before commenting.
of course, there is only one god

christian god

all the same person
I´m not alone with this theory it seems :)

Ahmed Osman

Historian, lecturer, researcher and author, Ahmed Osman is a British Egyptologist born in Cairo

His four in-depth books clarifying the history of the Bible and Egypt are: Stranger in the Valley of the Kings (1987) - Moses: Pharaoh of Egypt (1990) - The House of the Messiah (1992) - Out of Egypt (1998)


The Birth of Moses

Amenhotep, who was later known as Akhenaten and Moses, was born in Year 12 of his father Amenhotep III, 1394 BC, in the summer royal palace in the border city of Zarw in northern Sinai. Zarw, modern Kantara East, was the center of the land of Goshen where the Israelites dwelt, and in the same location where the biblical Moses was born. But contrary to the biblical account, Moses was born inside the royal palace. His mother Queen Tiye had an elder son, Tuthmosis, who died a short time before Amenhotep's birth. Tuthmosis had been educated and trained at the royal residence in Memphis before he mysteriously disappeared—believed to have been kidnapped and assassinated by the Amun priests. Fearing for his safety, Tiye sent her son, the infant Amenhotep, by water to the safekeeping of her father's Israelite family outside the walls of Zarw. (Which was the origin of the biblical baby-in-the-bulrushes story.)


The root of the name Moses is in the Egyptian word Mos which means "child." But this word also had a wider legal meaning—"the rightful son and heir." As it was punishable by death to mention Akhenaten's name after his banishment, a code name was established through which his followers could refer to him. Therefore they called him MOs, the son, to indicate that he was the legitimate son of Amenhotep III and the rightful heir to his father's throne. The ancient Egyptian language had no written vowels, although the vowels were pronounced. The written word meaning a child or son consisted of two consonants, m and s, It is therefore easy to see that the Hebrew word, Moses, was derived from the Egyptian, Mos. The final 's' of Moses derives from the Greek translation of the biblical name.


General Pa-Ramses ascended to the Egyptain throne as Ramses I, the first Pharoah of the 19th dynasty. Left with no choice but to flee from Egypt with his followers—the Israelites and Egyptians who embraced the Atenist faith—Akhenaten/Moses began the Exodus toward the Sinai via the marshy area to the south of Zarw and north of Lake Temsah, as this watery route would hinder the pursuit of Egyptian chariots. After a time Akhenaten/Moses then marched north toward Gaza and attempted to storm the city with his Shasu allies. Seti I, son of Ramses, led an army against Akhenaten/Moses, the Israelites, and the Shasu, and defeated them, with great slaughter, at many locations on the Horus Road as well as central Sinai.

It is likely that Akhenaten/Moses was killed by Seti I himself in the course of these military operations.
Interesting twist, if Moses did reject the old Gods when entering in age of ram then did Jesus reject the old God too when entering in age of piscies, and if there wasnt real person of Jesus still the old Gods were rejected since nowdays in the end of age of piscies majority of Christian people dont know that they are actually worshipping personification of Sun hence the old God from age of ram, the sun, were replaced with ManGod Jesus(Horus) and what will happen in Catholic church when we enter in the age of aquarius around 2150 ? lol :D
I mean if Moses was Akhenaton.
If there was Jesus, was he worshipping same Gods as Jews, I have to say that I´m not so sure anymore, not quite easy question keeping in mind that there is possibility that Jesus wasnt real person.
Some interesting points. I'm good either way.
Some things I don't like:

1. Astrology. What do changing views have to do with some order of stars? No, no.
2. These roots of names are a fine game, but more than once it happens that you can stretch it to such a degree that you can put what you want under it.
3.The monotheism of Moses differed from that of Akh...ton. Yeah, I still think so.

4. Some of those history "facts" I've never heard of. Of course it's well possible that I have been ignorant of them, but it's also possible that there's something fishy going on. I'll have to look into it when have time.

5. I doubt there were any considerable amount of semite slaves in Egypt during the reign of Ak...ton.

These're just my first impressions after reading your post.
Some interesting points. I'm good either way.
Some things I don't like:

1. Astrology. What do changing views have to do with some order of stars? No, no.
-I dont know, such were the psyche of man back then. Everything in their religion were attached to sky, the sun and its movements. Its not just order of some stars, it is the constellation where sun arises in the morning and that changes over time i.e. in 2150 sun will arise from house of aquarius, and keeping mind that the sun = God, so it was something remarkable for them I´m sure. Even the pyramids were constructed by stars, they did posses great knowledge of astrology so I´m sure they did know this cycle of sun within constellations.

Religion Through the Astrological Ages

2. These roots of names are a fine game, but more than once it happens that you can stretch it to such a degree that you can put what you want under it.
-Yes I know, but words always come from something, from what they come from is always debatable but it doesnt weaken this case.

3.The monotheism of Moses differed from that of Akh...ton. Yeah, I still think so.
-In big picture it is the same, one God, maybe all the meanings of that have changed over time. Looking forward to your reasonings for this.

4. Some of those history "facts" I've never heard of. Of course it's well possible that I have been ignorant of them, but it's also possible that there's something fishy going on. I'll have to look into it when have time.
-There is always that possibility :)

5. I doubt there were any considerable amount of semite slaves in Egypt during the reign of Ak...ton.
-If Israelite women marries the King of Egypt and have a son with him, Akhenaton, I cant see why wouldnt there been enough Israelites to follow him. Could slaves mean = expelled people = no rights in Kingdom = slave ?

These're just my first impressions after reading your post.
-Likewise, this is just top of my mind, have to do some more research :)
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of course, there is only one god

christian god

all the same person

Incorrect. They are not the same Person. Christ, the God of the Jews--and the Gentiles--is not 'allah'. 'allah' makes this distinction himself...Arabs, being decended from Abraham but not Isaac are Gentiles like Abraham was. Therefore, as God of Jew and Gentile alike, Christ is their God, not 'allah'.
Incorrect. They are not the same Person. Christ, the God of the Jews--and the Gentiles--is not 'allah'. 'allah' makes this distinction himself...Arabs, being decended from Abraham but not Isaac are Gentiles like Abraham was. Therefore, as God of Jew and Gentile alike, Christ is their God, not 'allah'.

Why do you not capitalise Allah?

Christ is who's God? Christ is my God, Yaveh is my God, Allah is my God, because they are the same Person with different names.
....or what???

Or nothing, but it's disrespectful.

Like to a Jew, if I said something like "Allah is God, and yet your 'yaveh' is shit" that is disrespectful

Also, Yaveh Jesus and Allah are one God.
I just remember this piece :) Hippies were also "destroying old gods ~ reforming humanity"

Age of Aquarius

-One can play with a thought that John Lennon is looked as "Christ" in distant future :D
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Romans 1:20” For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse“

-This could be defination of the sun also. "invisible attribute" ~ sunlight
Sigh... Akhenaton died as honest pharaohs do. There was a "burrial" ceremony.

When modern archaeologists came across the strangely-drawn figure of Akhenaten in the ruins of Tell el-Amarna in the middle of the 19th century, they were not sure what to make of him. Some thought he was a woman disguised as a king. By the early years of the 20th century when the city of Amarna had been excavated and more became known about him and his family, Akhenaten became a focus of interest for Egyptologists, who saw him as a visionary humanitarian as well as the first monotheist.

Its from the same article above, did bring it just in case somebody missed it.
...keeping mind that the sun = God...This could be defination of the sun also. "invisible attribute" ~ sunlight

No...your comment --as written--would "be defination" or rather, example of, Paul's comments here:

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator...
No...your comment --as written--would "be defination" or rather, example of, Paul's comments here:

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator...

-You have taken two sentences of mine out from two different post, and put it together, so I dont quite follow what are you after.
-In wich Pauls post was that, I dont know in what that sentence is relating.

-In sentence one I was referring that sun = God to Egyptians
-In sentence two I said that it COULD mean...
