Is the god of Christ the god of Jews?

Well it's not really that much like Siva...Siva is considered benevolent, and war-like also...but it's not really that much like Siva...Siva is a lot more benevolent than the OT God and Allah...

Thanks, that makes it so much clearer.:rolleyes:
Without reading the posts above..

I always thought the 'Christians' split from the Jews because they believed Jesus had come to earth while the Jews believed (and still do) that Jesus still hasnt arrived. This would mean that the God of both religions is one and the same. I never knew otherwise.
Well, maybe you should read the posts above.

Hmm. Taking all other posts into account i conclude that my original view is the correct one in my opinion.
I think noone is going to prove either way any time soon, so opinions is all we have.
Heh yeah :)
I had a Christian upbringing untill the age of about 10 and have been to Christian schools all my life. So i know a little something about the bible, not too much anymore though.
Strangely i never believed despite my upbringing, not even as a little kid. I always found that the bible was full of contradictions and stories that obviously couldnt be true. Even though i later learned i wasnt supposed to take a lot of the stories literally the 'damage' was already done.
In fact, as a kid, i always compared the bible with a book of fairytales. Much to the dismay of my parents ofcourse :D
This is my alternative history of Abrahamic religion.
Akhenaton in Egypt made Sun to be the only God.
Akhenaton = Moses, this is the connection that I´m not sure yet. Now we have come to monotheist religion where Sun transformed to personification of God = Jahve, this did happen during religion shifted from using symbols to using letters, and then comes the bible. Bible is astrological opus. It was the shifting from Rams-house to house of pisces which developed the new messiah, Jesus, was the prophet when entering in the new era of astrolical age, the era of piscies. In times of Ram it was Joseph, similarities between the two are striking.Thats why early Christians used pisces as their symbol and Jews still blow the horn of ram in some of their rituals. If Jesus was a real person and not just manifestion of the sun, we know awful little about him, there is hardly any references to him in that time in history texts.
But if we focus what he had supposedly said it would appear that he was heavily influenced by eastern religions. Did he share the same God as Jews, I think he did, I think hes motive was clean up the house and bring the set of new rules to age of piscies. Then he was sold out by those whom wanted to keep the old ways and the Romans did the dirty job. Later Rome hijacked and corrupted Christianity to the point how it is now establishing it self, utterly rich and filthy, just read the history of the popes, some of them where sinful to the point being Lucifers themselves.
All this highly speculative and should be taken as such, but still, what is history but speculation.
I have come to this conclusion gathering millions of bits information from hundreds of books, but yes, I know, its kinda far out :)
Yes, but now your original view is right for the right reasons. ;)

I'm not convinced. The bible was written by 'men' trying to convince the masses of their position.
The god to which Jesus refers behaves a lot differently than Jehovah.
Akhenaton = Moses
Can't be. Akhenaton died in Egypt, was mummified and entombed.

And if you propose that Moses was a scribe in Akhenatons court (has been proposed by quite a few),
it also can't really hold ground (imo), because there is one fundamental difference between Akhenatons monotheism and that of Moses and Jews.

Akhenatons monotheism proclaims that all the gods of other tribes and other people are aspects of Aton, all gods are localisations of the solar disc. Aton appears as god so and so there, and Aton appears as god so and so there.

While the Jahvist monotheism proclaims that there is no other god in the world.
That all the other gods are demons, devils.

That is one fundamental difference that imo couldn't have arisen so quickly from Aton cult.

And besides we have written evidence (Amarna letters) that during Akhenatons reign there were invasions of the "jewical semites" (Habiru) in the territory of Egypt. During Akhenatons reign Egypt was fighting their invasions on the borders, they weren't enslaved or anything. That happened later.

So I think your speculation is not likely to be true.
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I'm not convinced. The bible was written by 'men' trying to convince the masses of their position.
The god to which Jesus refers behaves a lot differently than Jehovah.

Yes, I agree, catholicism is not christianity, it's a made up version of it some 300 years after the death of Jesus by destroying and not including many texts in the bible,
however here the argument is whether Jesus was referring to the old god of Jews - the argument is towards the past beliefs, not the future.
So is it your position that the Jew's god of conquest and retribution the same as Jesus' god of love and acceptance???

Also, what about the references in the 'older testament' to other 'gods'
No, you didn't read my first post. Of course you didn't.

But during the discussion, presented with supported arguments and through evaluating them I'm now swayed more towards the other opinion.

At any case you totally misunderstood my text you quoted. I was pointing out that only through evaluating all arguments one is capable of doing a more or less valid conclusion.
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Yes, I agree, catholicism is not christianity, it's a made up version of it some 300 years after the death of Jesus by destroying and not including many texts in the bible,
however here the argument is whether Jesus was referring to the old god of Jews - the argument is towards the past beliefs, not the future.

Yet you use the bible to support your position.
While I'm not catholic, to say they are not christians is the hight of protestant arrogance.

The word "catholic" means all inclusive.
No, you didn't read my first post. Of course you didn't.

But during the discussion, presented with supported arguments and through evaluating them I'm now swayed more towards the other opinion.

Yes I did. I didn't ask you what your original position was; I asked what your current position is.
Yet you use the bible to support your position.
While I'm not catholic, to say they are not christians is the hight of protestant arrogance.

The word "catholic" means all inclusive.

Bible in it has many texts, many sources. It's a compilation.

Catholics and all other derivatives (like protestamts, 7th day adventists, etc) are not christians because they do not follow also the teachings of Jesus as they are written in the texts not inculded in the bible in the 4th century.
So there hasn't been a true christian organisation since that time.
Can't be. Akhenaton died in Egypt, was mummified and entombed.

And if you propose that Moses was a scribe in Akhenatons court (has been proposed by quite a few),
it also can't really hold ground (imo), because there is one fundamental difference between Akhenatons monotheism and that of Moses and Jews.

Akhenatons monotheism proclaims that all the gods of other tribes and other people are aspects of Aton, all gods are localisations of the solar disc. Aton appears as god so and so there, and Aton appears as god so and so there.

While the Jahvist monotheism proclaims that there is no other god in the world.
That all the other gods are demons, devils.

That is one fundamental difference that imo couldn't have arisen so quickly from Aton cult.

And besides we have written evidence (Amarna letters) that during Akhenatons reign there were invasions of the "jewical semites" (Habiru) in the territory of Egypt. During Akhenatons reign Egypt was fighting their invasions on the borders, they weren't enslaved or anything. That happened later.

So I think your speculation is not likely to be true.

-Thanks for elaborating, I´m not sure that Moses even existed in flesh in that sense that bible presents him, (but if he did, he was Akhenaton ;) )
he was referred to be the lawgiver, just like Akhenaton did bring the new set of laws, and Misis in Egypt before him, and many other figures starting with M in other religions. Whole bible is an allegro of many things.
Remember how in the end Akhenatons cult vanished and cities build for it slowly filled with sand, my guess is that the sun cult stayed alive and reforms itself in a new area with some wondering tribe.
The difference with Aton cult version of God and version of God from Bible
lies only in semantics, i.e. other Gods than Aton are Demons/false Gods, there
is only one God, in practice its the same thing, there is just One God and its happen to be ours, your God isnt God.

Interesting possibility at least :)