Is Muslim Mentality Psychologically Disordered?

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I would ask the same to (Q). But christians are educated in deluded, violent myths and lies

Q is not religious, and how can you say christians are violent and deluded when you are muslim?.

why is your faith right and christians wrong?. in my personal opinion they are both equaly as bad.

Q is not religious, and how can you say christians are violent and deluded when you are muslim?.

why is your faith right and christians wrong?. in my personal opinion they are both equaly as bad.


Because christianity advocates and encourages the killing of inocent people and children and non-christians
Praying five times a day accounts for a very minute portion of your time. The prayers are short and displaced at different times of the day so that they pose very little disturbance. Overall, prayer can take up fifteen-twenty minutes of your whole twenty-four hour day. To spend fifteen minutes in prayer, as opposed to six hours watching television as many obese Westerners do, does not seem very bad, does it?
We had a babysitter who was a muslim, for instance. She was very obcessive. If we wouldn't bring exactly what she asked with exact precision she would just flip out at us. We also had to come at an exact time (not 2 minutes early or late) and we had to let her know when we would come about a week before (she got paied full time regardless of when we brought him, btw). She also continually judged us. For example, in the beginning of the fall, if he didn't have a heavy coat she would complain saying he was too cold. She seemed normal at first, but her behaviour was strange once we got to know her.

What is wrong with you people?
You are so stereotypical, just because she was weird you have no right to make your own assumptions and critisize and say that all Muslims are psychologically disordered.
How about this...
YOU are mentally deranged and sick for putting something up like this.
I have met the weirdest people from many other religions and cultures and i don't hold a big head walking around assuming that every bloody else is just as weird.
There is nothing wrong with Islam. Has it sunk in?
I know your little dirty plan, you are indirectly trying to start a heated and controversial debate and make Muslims look even worse after the stupid 9/11 attacks.
But thanks anyway, make my life more miserable, it's as if i don't get pushed around enough because of my religion. AND NO, do not, and i mean DO NOT pity me or Islam because i don't want to be felt sorry for, i want to be equated as much as a human being as you are.
You probably keep Mein Kampf as bedtime material.
Islam must be the centre of your little disordered well.

Your very welcome.

By the way...obcessive is spelt's obsessive.
Why are you letting strangers baby sit your child or whatever?? Haven't you heard of kidnapping, WHATEVER RELIGION THE PERSON MAY BE...?
"So, you're saying prayer is a fad diet?" - Skinrunner, whoever you may be.

HAHAHAHA, You are absolutely hilarious, HAHAHAHA- NO. NOT FUNNY.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour. You're not funny, seriously. Oh, by the way, i apparantley 'insulted' a member by your standards. I call what is. If you happen to be "something"... I won't write it before you complain again, which by the way is very time consuming. You must have a lot of time on your hands and be organised to fit me in your complaint period.
You hate it when others are right.
"So, you're saying prayer is a fad diet?" - Skinrunner, whoever you may be.

HAHAHAHA, You are absolutely hilarious, HAHAHAHA- NO. NOT FUNNY.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour. You're not funny, seriously. Oh, by the way, i apparantley 'insulted' a member by your standards. I call what is. If you happen to be "something"... I won't write it before you complain again, which by the way is very time consuming. You must have a lot of time on your hands and be organised to fit me in your complaint period.
You hate it when others are right.

Salam brother,

While we are happy to have you here in our forum, by the grace of Allah, we request you to realise that grace, courtesy and civility will be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, please depart post haste and spare us your ignorant bleatings.
Thank you.:crazy:

Ma'as Salaam.
Who do you think the next generation of Iraqis will hold responsible for their country's mess?

Just look at what the next generation of Iranians (following the overthrow of the democratically elected Mossadegh government in 1953) have elected now.

I am not disputing that, all im saying is that terrorism is wrong.
Because christianity advocates and encourages the killing of inocent people and children and non-christians

Is that so !? Proof to me where it says so in the bible.
Also, Islam and Christianity are not much different from eachother, as has been pointed out to you before. Actually, they are pretty much the same thing.
Praying five times a day accounts for a very minute portion of your time. The prayers are short and displaced at different times of the day so that they pose very little disturbance. Overall, prayer can take up fifteen-twenty minutes of your whole twenty-four hour day. To spend fifteen minutes in prayer, as opposed to six hours watching television as many obese Westerners do, does not seem very bad, does it?
It's not that simple. I read an article once about the problems emplyers face when muslims request time for prayer. Some jobs are harder for adaptation on this issue (see a little bit of that here: But I agree with you thatthe habits of obese americans are much worse... :D
What is wrong with you people?
You are so stereotypical, just because she was weird you have no right to make your own assumptions and critisize and say that all Muslims are psychologically disordered.
She is ONE example of what we have experienced. :bugeye:

How about this...
YOU are mentally deranged and sick for putting something up like this.
That kind of response is an example of what I am talking about.

I have met the weirdest people from many other religions and cultures and i don't hold a big head walking around assuming that every bloody else is just as weird.
I haven't made such assumption. My inference is based on the religious practices- not on simple limited experiences. The experiences only reinforce the hypothesis.

There is nothing wrong with Islam. Has it sunk in?
Well, it depends. If you say it is a religion of peace, then count me in. But if you do things like cut the scalps of children, then there is in fact something wrong with it. It depends on the perspective you are looking from.

I know your little dirty plan, you are indirectly trying to start a heated and controversial debate and make Muslims look even worse after the stupid 9/11 attacks.
Again, that only serves to prove what I stated in this thread. It's very clear from my posts that I'm trying to get some positive discussion going on here.

But thanks anyway, make my life more miserable, it's as if i don't get pushed around enough because of my religion.
I know a few modern muslims. I work with them. There's nothing wrong with them and, obviously, I'm friends with them. There's nothing wrong with the religion. What is wrong is that some people use it for their own self-interest and use it as a tool to abuse others. Take some countries in the middle east for instance. They abuse women all the time. What do you think about them? Do you agree with them or disagree?

AND NO, do not, and i mean DO NOT pity me or Islam because i don't want to be felt sorry for, i want to be equated as much as a human being as you are.
Why would I pity the "religion of peace"?

You probably keep Mein Kampf as bedtime material.
HAHA! And you said I make assumptions? I suggest you to read one of my threads about world peace, sustainability and promotion of universal understanding. Mind you, I'm a brasilian living in Canada (married with a canadian) and living in one of the most diverse places in Canada (lots of muslims here).

Islam must be the centre of your little disordered well.
I rarely think of it, as a matter of fact.

Your very welcome.
Isn't "salam" "peace"? Did you really say all that in peace? I suggest you read what S.A.M. writes and come back to me on this one...
Altough... I do understand where you come from, why you are upset. Specially after all the 9/11 crap...

She was a muslim and justified her behaviour with it.

Why are you letting strangers baby sit your child or whatever?? Haven't you heard of kidnapping, WHATEVER RELIGION THE PERSON MAY BE...?
That's a gross assumption. She was even approved by the government of Canada.

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Because christianity advocates and encourages the killing of inocent people and children and non-christians

Nose Fire, Christianity does not advocate killing of innocenents or anyone else for that matter. However, there are some Christian leaders, Pat Roberson who have a rather bizzare view of the world...and in my opinion are corrupt...using to Christianitiy to advance there own agendas.
Because christianity advocates and encourages the killing of inocent people and children and non-christians

norse, i have read the quran and both bibles. you cant tell me that the bible teaches killing and the quran does not. you are just putting an opposing religion down.

if you want we can start quoting bible and quran verses, and see how many evil violent texts are written in both. they are both as bad as each other, muslims are just as evil as christians.

you complain about how evil christians are, but defend muslims saying moderates exist seperate to extreamists, well have you ever applied that knowledge to christians? they have moderates and extreamists aswell. and whats the difference between muslim and christian extreamists?. and muslim and christian moderates?


And reading Melville or even a good novel is better than both. So is going for a 15 minute walk or a run. Playing with my daughter for 15 a day (or more!) is far, far better than either television *or* praying. Lucky for me that I'm not into either of those silly pastimes (praying or t.v.).
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